You're Drinking Plastic...
Hey, It's Dr. Martin Jr here.
I wanna talk to you about the results of a study that was just published a few days ago.
Now, if you look at the title of the study, it doesn't say too much. But what actually they found inside the study was actually quite interesting. This is what, basically, they discovered.
They looked at 250 bottles of water from 11 different countries and they found microplastics in 95% of them. Think about that for a second. They [00:00:30] took bottles of water from all around the world and they found, essentially, that every one of them had plastics in them.
Now, what's interesting, as well, is that they took bottles specifically from major brands. We're talking Aquafina, Dasani, Evian, even Nestle Pure Life, etc..
They used bottles that you would buy at a grocery store or convenience store, corner store, or wherever you buy your bottled water from. If you're drinking bottled water, you are drinking [00:01:00] plastics. Since you are drinking bottled water, you are literally drinking plastics.
Now, this is consistent with something that was published earlier, actually late last year. They found that plastic pollution is so widespread that the fibers are even found in our household dust and the air we breathe.
The point that myself and my dad always make is that we live in a plastic world and we're already contaminated with plastic, [00:01:30] and there's really nothing that you can do to prevent that infestation of plastic.
You're full of it.
There's nothing you can do to prevent that. However, I'm gonna talk about it in just a couple minutes what you can do knowing that fact. But there's a few interesting things that I want to talk about with the effect of having these plastics in our body, in our drinking water, in the food that we eat.
Well, first of all, you may not realize this but [00:02:00] BPA causes a vitamin D deficiency.
Now, vitamin D deficiency is so widespread, a majority of the population has low blood levels of D3.
There are different reasons. We've already taught in the past how even insulin resistance can lead to vitamin D deficiency but it's also interesting to note that BPA can do the same thing. Here's one study that found exposure to phthalates or BPA may alter [circling 00:02:31] [00:02:30] levels of total vitamin D in adults.
There's a definite relationship between exposure to BPA and phthalates, which are everywhere, and your vitamin D levels.
That tells us that you've gotta make sure that you're continually trying to optimize your vitamin D intake. You should be taking, especially in the winter months, you should be taking vitamin D every day because you're full of plastic and that plastic [00:03:00] is affecting your vitamin D3 levels.
It's also interesting, and it's actually kind of sad that BPA specifically can mess with your metabolism and cause metabolic issues.
For example, this is a study that was done looking specifically at children. Now, remember, the problem with plastics and BPA specifically is that it mimics estrogen. Your body think it's estrogen. It can cause a whole lot of issues just because your body [00:03:30] thinks it's dealing with more estrogen. It creates an estrogen dominance.
What they found in school-aged children is that there was a dose relationship between increased urinary BPA levels and the increased risk for being overweight. It messes the metabolism in children.
What's interesting, this study here specifically found that the same association was not observed in boys. It seems that pre-puberty that boys aren't affected [00:04:00] in terms of this when it comes to BPA, the estrogen metabolism. But however, there are studies showing that it affects adults equally. But this study showed a difference between boy and girls. But the point is it can affect your metabolism.
One of the biggest issues with BPA and plastics that we consume has to do with our male and female reproductive systems.
There are studies showing again, for example, this study here showed that there's a definite endocrine-disrupting [00:04:30] effect that affects male reproductive function. Studies are showing that more and more men now are sterile.
This could be one of the contributing factors to that. What's also interesting to note and one of the things that we always recommend nowadays is Navitol 00:04:48] because it's a powerful antioxidant and this study showed that when you take antioxidants, they call it a promising strategy to relieve BPA-induced disturbances.
We really like [Navitol 00:05:00] [00:05:00] for that reason.
Here's a study showing the effect that it has on female reproductive organs. Again, long-term exposure led to endocrine disorders. It caused change in the functional aspects of the ovaries, uterus, vagina, and ova ducts. It's definitely not good for your reproductive systems, as well, and of course BPA kills your good bacteria.
There was a lot of studies on this.
Here's one showing that BPA outright changes the content of your microbiome, which is your gut bacteria. [00:05:30] It's not good for you on a whole bunch of different aspects, which just recapping quickly you would wanna make sure you're taking a probiotic every day.
You wanna make sure you're optimizing your blood levels of D3, and you would also wanna make sure that you're taking a very good antioxidant, like a [navitol 00:05:45].