EP181 Insulin Resistance And Heart Disease

Transcript Of Today's Episode

Dr.Martin Jr: You're listening to the doctors in podcast from Martin Clinic.com although we share a lot of practical and in our opinion, awesome information, what you hear on this podcast is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes. So enjoy.

Dr.Martin Jr.: Hi, I'm Dr. Martin Junior.

Dr.Martin Sr: I'm Dr. Martin Senior.

Dr.Martin Jr: And this is the doctors in podcast [00:00:30] and this episode 181. And today we want to talk about the connection between insulin resistance and heart disease. Specifically, we're going to cross some studies, and it's an older study. And I'll just kind of read that headline, and the week we'll talk about this, and we'll go through, today we really want to talk about is how you become insulin resistant and why that is one of the most important factors when it comes to heart disease specifically heart attacks, [00:01:00] high blood pressure, all those kind of things. We'll talk about that. But the study was done in Colombian patients. And it was interesting because they found that hyperinsulinemia, which is just high circulating insulin, like you and I call it is a predictor of new cardiovascular events and Colombian patients with a first myocardial infarction. And the conclusion of the study was that hyperinsulinemia is too much insulin, high circulating insulin was the most important factor associated to the occurrence of new cardiovascular events. [00:01:30] So again-

Dr.Martin Sr: You mean beating cholesterol?

Dr.Martin Jr: ... Oh, yeah, and that's the thing, right, which is funny. I saw somebody had put this little kind of post out, and I found it funny, I'll just read what somebody else has said. They said, “It's so weird. You can be an obese insomniac riddled with anxiety and IBS, but your GP will only really be concerned and actually get a whole you have your total cholesterol increases regardless of ratios or other health,” whatever, it's a funny-

Dr.Martin Sr: It is a [00:02:00] programming, right? That really is the programming into. And you know what I must admit I've never seen programming as good as that. I mean to think I get it every day at the office. I still get it everyday people like talk, “You mean, you're asking me that you have eggs, meat, and cheese, isn't going to elevate my cholesterol?” “Yeah, it will.” That's good. You want good cholesterol. But anyway, here every day, [00:02:30] it's so hard to deprogram people when it comes to cardiovascular disease, right? And that's the thing, right? If people back and still to this day, heart disease, the number one killer, I hope things are climbing that list, but they're all symptoms of the same problem, which is too much insulin, high circling insulin.

Dr.Martin Sr: But it's interesting because heart disease is still that top killer, and you think about it. How many trillions of dollars have been spent on statin drugs, which are [00:03:00] cholesterol lowering medication? How much money has been spent on high blood pressure medication? If those things were the root cause, then you would naturally-

Dr.Martin Jr: Be cured.

Dr.Martin Sr: ... where you would see a significant decrease in that number.

Dr.Martin Jr: Maybe 90% gone.

Dr.Martin Sr: Because I don't think there's ... it has to be one of the top treated, right, they call it ... some people jokingly refer to somebody having the doctors think that you have a statin deficiency, right? So we better get some statin in you quickly because you have a deficiency, [00:03:30] but cholesterol is definitely one of the most checked biomarkers of a person after a certain age. Once they kind of hit that 30 year old mark, there's no question that every blood profile they ever get done. They check their cholesterol. I even remember, I really haven't seen my family doctor a long time. That's the kind of relationship I like. And I remember going in there [inaudible 00:03:56] such a long time ago. And he's like, “Oh, we should probably run this profiles [00:04:00] on you and get these things done which ...” that's fine. I mean, but I know they're looking for cholesterol [crosstalk 00:04:06]. I'm in that age where they are like, “We going to make sure your cholesterol-”

Dr.Martin Jr: It's a boogeyman for them. And it's been drummed into them. And if you talk to a cardiologist or whatever, and if they, because to some extent, their program, but if you ask them well because I've had people come into the office after they've had a heart attack, and they said, “What was your ...,” [00:04:30] I'm just asking them I'm curious, “What was your cholesterol numbers? Because I see you're on statin drugs,” Right? Because they ... if they've had a heart attack there on statin drugs is simple as that [crosstalk 00:04:39].

Dr.Martin Sr: That is guaranteed regardless of Cholesterol levels [inaudible 00:04:40].

Dr.Martin Jr: It's part of the cocktail that they get the drugs on the way out. And they said, “Well, do you know what your cholesterol levels were?” You have no idea how many times I've asked that. And I'm telling you almost in very ... “Oh, my cholesterol was normal.” And I say "Well, why are you taking the statin drugs [crosstalk 00:05:00]."

Dr.Martin Sr: Why [00:05:00] especially if you just had a heart attack and they come with a bunch of pills you're taking them.

Dr.Martin Jr: You're taking them [crosstalk 00:05:04] you're scared skinny, right. But they just ... they don't ask the question. They don't ask that question. I asked the question, but I'm just trying to I'm interested with your cholesterol lie. “Oh, you know what, my cholesterol was normal.” “Oh, I wonder what caused your heart attack then.” But they still thought it was cholesterol you see? And-

Dr.Martin Sr: Regardless of the studies showing that elders with higher cholesterol levels, had healthier [00:05:30] brains, they live longer. It doesn't matter. I mean, cholesterol, is ... it's the cause it's the patsy no question. And but it hasn't put a dent into the mortality rates in a sense for ... and somebody's going to say, “Oh, that's not true, it's been decreasing,” but it's still the number one killer. It's been the number one killer-

Dr.Martin Jr: It's way to high.

Dr.Martin Sr: ... for a long time, and it's still the number one killer today.

Dr.Martin Jr: And I always say it's because they're looking for love in all the wrong places. And we're talking about that today, when you look at this [00:06:00] study. Why is ... and this is just ... this study got us talking about it again, there's there's enough information out there that you could draw your own conclusions pretty easily. Because again, they tried to blame cholesterol and make ... I mean, listen, you have to ... in order to treat it if you were a pharmaceutical company, and you want it to treat heart disease, you have to have something to treat. So you go in, and you look, and you're like, “Oh, cholesterol.” Again, they've done a great job because [00:06:30] I can't stand the word saturated fat. And I know why it's name that way, because I got background about chemistry. I don't know why it's named that way. But if they've done such a good job of every time you hear the word saturated, it's loaded with saturated fat. You're thinking of artery clogging fat, right?

Dr.Martin Jr: Whoever the PR rep for saturated fat was, was no good. They ... right? There's been a narrative written about it. And they just didn't defend themselves in any way whatsoever. And so now when you hear the word saturated fat, [00:07:00] and you still get that Harvard it's funny because there's another researcher that I like to read this stuff and he's like, whenever he sees a study from Harvard he doesn't even read it because especially if it's like a nutritional thing, they're looking for headlines, right? Some of the worst study on eggs and coconut oil, and they all come from even that push up study, you know it's so funny. I don't know if you saw that push up study that was done, right? And it's like, "Oh, if you could do this many pushups, you're less likely to die. Right?

Dr.Martin Jr: But again, [00:07:30] who could do more push ups? Well, the younger you are, the more push ups you can generally do. So who gets ... who dies, older people? It's like saying there's a direct correlation between balding and heart disease.

Dr.Martin Sr: Yeah. Well, I think they did do a study on that years ago.

Dr.Martin Jr: Well, they did because generally as you get older, you lose your hair. And as you get older, you also get heart disease. So it's like all one, so it's [crosstalk 00:07:52] yeah, it's this kind of associations that are funny. But when it comes to cholesterol, [00:08:00] and comes to these. That's what they try to do, right? You try to find something that you can attack something that you can treat, then you have ... so you have that from a medical standpoint, then in the dietary world, when it comes to nutrition, you have a massive battle going on still to this day between high fat between low fat, and then you have protein on the side, just kind of like in the middle between the two, right?

Dr.Martin Jr: And so you have like for the longest time, grains, [00:08:30] whole grains, all these things were pushed, right low fat, whole grain stuff, and they were pushed on people. And it didn't matter if I still remember [licorice 00:08:40] used to advertise on their bag low in fat, right? Like you'd say [inaudible 00:08:47] it's low in fat. So it's funny and so you have all that out there. So you have people that are scared of fat-

Dr.Martin Sr: Low fat yogurt, low fat, everything.

Dr.Martin Jr: ... saturated fat, and they like, "You can eat sausage because it's loaded with saturated [00:09:00] fat," Well, it's not the sausage, that's the problem. It's the hotdog bun that they put it in. Right? It's like, it's a funny thing. But so you have a lot of confusion in the dietary world. And what ended up happening was this marriage between crappy carbs and fat, which is ... you and I've said before, that's the absolute worst combination, especially sugary fats, right, a combination of high fat, high carb.

Dr.Martin Sr: Like you mean a donut?

Dr.Martin Jr: Or potato chips, or [00:09:30] just like combination of carbs, and fat and then potato chips are usually like a crappy vegetable oil, so it's highly inflammatory. And basically what ends up happening when you eat that as you consuming way too much energy you burn the carb aspect of it off and the fat has nothing to do. People say fat can't get stored as fat and we've said that in the past, but that's not what we meant. So what we got to clarify that if you eat a lot of fat and carbs, fat will be stored as fat. Right tell me [inaudible 00:09:57].

Dr.Martin Sr: Well, it's because it's in the presence of [00:10:00] insulin.

Dr.Martin Jr: Why and that it's that excess energy intake in a sense so you can-

Dr.Martin Sr: And insulin is got a [practitionist 00:10:06], it's got to send it somewhere, they'll just stored as fat. Right?

Dr.Martin Jr: So now back to this heart disease thing. So you look at ... Okay, so you have a lot of people having variations of heart disease. This study was done specifically on new cardiovascular events, specifically acute myocardial infarction, so AMI they call them. And so these little events, new cardiovascular events, and they found again, that [00:10:30] too much insulin, high circulating insulin was the most important factor. So the higher right, that was the most consistent factor when it came to these AMI's and it's interesting again, so like, it wasn't cholesterol. You can't predict a heart attack based off of cholesterol levels. It's funny, but they would tell you that they can. And one of the things that happens when I find funny is that when people go low carb, their cholesterol levels tend to go up a little bit. I mean, you can look at that easily.

Dr.Martin Jr: [00:11:00] But that's what happens, right? And, again, a lot of people, a lot of studies show this when you're older if you have higher cholesterol levels, and I'm not talking about like, again, LDL and HDL and very low rate, there's a whole bunch of different aspects to that. But at the end of the day, insulin was the biggest factor. So let's talk about that. Let's talk about how, because we're running circles here, which is good, because it's something that I think needs to be talked about it enough. Because for every so many listeners out there, [00:11:30] they're going to heart is going to get them, right? It's going to be the heart ... I like the analogy you used to use in a sense where you have a revolver pointing at you. It's got like five barrels in it and you pull the trigger, and one of those things are going to get you in your lifetime, right? It's going to be-

Dr.Martin Sr: You have elevated insulin?

Dr.Martin Jr: ... yeah, one of those things are going to get you, right and for most people, it's going to be hard that's going to get them. And so what can you do from a natural standpoint, what can you do from every day standpoint? [00:12:00] Well, and here's the thing, if hyperinsulinemia, if too much insulin was the most important factor associated with acute myocardial infarction, then what makes sense that you want to not have hyperinsulinemia, you want to bring down your insulin. Well, how do you bring down your insulin? How do you attack that? How do you make that your number one priority in lifestyle? So let's talk about that. Well, you and I, over the past, we've done a lot of talking about how you [00:12:30] get elevated insulin, but let's just summarize that very quickly. Again, insulin is vital for your health. It's a growth hormone. It partitions as you mentioned, it tells the [inaudible 00:12:42] where to go, it's crucial, right? It does a whole bunch of things. But it also is secreted in response to food. So when you eat food, you secrete insulin. And the higher-

Dr.Martin Sr: And no other time.

Dr.Martin Jr: ... that's right, the higher blood sugar levels goes, [00:13:00] the more insulin you need, and of course, you do that for a long period of time. Insulin is working all the time. But at the end of day, when you get to a point where your insulin levels, and you're fasting insulin levels, where you're not even eating food, and your insulin levels are high, you are insulin resistant, right, you got insulin is messed up. So how does that happen? Well, there's a lot of ways that happens. But you and I, we've kind of broken it down into three main causes of hyperinsulinemia. Great.

Dr.Martin Jr: So the first one [00:13:30] is, again, they're eating above their individual carb tolerance, or in a sense, like, everybody's different. Some people can do well on more carbs, some people don't do well and more carbs. And a lot of times it has to do with a few factors. Like, “Can they metabolize carbs?” Everybody's different. Some people have more muscle mass, which means they can generally handle more carbs and there's a whole bunch of factors that [crosstalk 00:13:56].

Dr.Martin Sr: Yeah, you have metabolic like any kind of metabolic [00:14:00] disorder, you don't do well with your carb [crosstalk 00:14:04].

Dr.Martin Jr: Your ability to and then you start combining, as we mentioned carbs, you started combining that with crappy fats, crappy carbs, sugar, all those kind of things. Right? So that's one way you do that consistently, you're going to end up with too much insulin.

Dr.Martin Sr: For sure.

Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah, I mean, that's the most obvious thing, right? In terms of if we were to put an order of insulinogenic [00:14:30] food, so food that produce the most amount of insulin, that it's that sugar, fat, right? Crappy sugary fats, which high fructose corn syrup thrown in with some process fact that'd be the worst. High carb would be ... again, there's so many ways you can get a high [inaudible 00:14:48] but the ... in the Western world, it's that combination of carbs, in fact that it's killed people. It really is. Throw sugar in the mix, and that's it, right? So that's the first thing and everybody knows that by now. [00:15:00] That's not new to people. But there are two other factors that have led to the high level of insulin that we see today.

Dr.Martin Jr: Another one is eating frequency, right? The amount of times that we eat. If insulin is a food hormone, it's produced or released in the presence of food, then, if you have any kind of metabolic disorder whatsoever, does it seem to make sense to eat six [00:15:30] times a day?

Dr.Martin Sr: No.

Dr.Martin Jr: Seven times? Of course not.

Dr.Martin Sr: No.

Dr.Martin Jr: Right? If you're putting food in your mouth every two hours, that's not good news for your ... I mean, again, if you're metabolically healthy, and you got a lot of muscle mass, and you're fairly active, you could probably get away with that for quite a while and maybe never have a problem if you just never combine those crappy stuff together, right? But the average person, the average person who's sitting at a desk, the average person who [00:16:00] has hyperinsulinemia, they probably eat way too many times in a day. They're constantly spiking their blood sugar levels. They're constantly releasing insulin. Insulin is just always there, right. So eating frequency, and they've shown even diabetics that eat three meals a day versus a diabetic that eat six times a day because that's a lot of people they tell diabetics to just always eat. They found more controllable blood sugar, right, it kind of make sense. [00:16:30] It makes sense.

Dr.Martin Jr: So that's the second way and then the third way of course is the eating window. Right so the first one was the carb tolerance we call it, are you eating too many carbohydrates for yourself? Are you especially those carbohydrates a loaded with fat that [inaudible 00:16:46] right? That's the first one. The second one how many times a day you eating. And the third one is how many hours in a day you eating because again, if insulin is a food hormone, and you're eating all day long, not only are you ... you're eating six [00:17:00] times a day, but you started eating at seven in the morning. And then your last one-

Dr.Martin Sr: Well, insulin never gets turned off.

Dr.Martin Jr: ... never gets turned off. It just you never get that break. And we talk a lot about intermittent fasting. Again, even for the average person who doesn't want to do intermittent fasting, well, you can still fast for 13 hours, which is like ... and then eat for 11, stop eating earlier at night. That's it. And then you know, get up in the morning and eat. It's not [00:17:30] if in my opinion. It's we're not meant to be a 50 a well balanced like you fast for 12 hours, you eat for 12 hours, right? So that would mean, you start eating at eight in the morning, you stop eating at eight at night, and then you fast from eight at night, and eat in the morning. Well, that's 12 and 12. And most people it's actually 13 hours, right? They track the data and most people eat roughly 13 hours in a day. That's not good. If you're supposed to be in that rest and digest stage. It's not good for your digestive system, but again, it's not good for your hormones.

Dr.Martin Jr: [00:18:00] I don't think our hormones do well, when a person is eating consistently for more hours in a day time, than they're fasting. So if you look at a 24 hour day, I would suggest the minimum is ... it's not fasting. But people talk about fasting because you got eight hours of sleep in their six hours of sleep, shorten your eating window down even to 11 hours a day [inaudible 00:18:23] fast for 13 hours. Right? And it's funny because if we live in a society now that if we [00:18:30] just say eat less, people are like all you're talking about an eating disorder, right? I saw this thing the guy who started Twitter, right. And it's interesting because he calls it biohacking, he eat one meal a day, which is kind of that warrior style diet, right? That one big meal a day, and then he'll fast over the weekend. So he doesn't eat a lot of food. And somebody pointed out, he calls it biohacking and then teenage girls call that an eating disorder. And I agree, right?

Dr.Martin Jr: [00:19:00] It's two different things. It's completed to [inaudible 00:19:04] does somebody only have to eat one meal a day. I don't think they need to go to that extreme myself. But we're not talking about that. That's a different beast altogether. That's a whole different conversation that you can, we can go down that path, but that's a different conversation. We're not talking about that. We're talking even as simple as saying, “I'm going to stop eating at seven o'clock at night. And I won't eat again the next day till eight or nine,” [00:19:30] that's not the end of the other world.

Dr.Martin Sr: Not the end of the world. And you can do it right and then the idea is you're turning that insulin off, and the other factor, there's a big factor too and I think I always sort of use, it's like a disclaimer to this extent, because I always tell people, “Look, the world's changed, right?” So if I was talking in the 1950s, it would be a different thing. But we live in a world today where there's so much insulin [00:20:00] resistance.

Dr.Martin Sr: It's an epidemic in our society today. And the reason is because we're carboholics, we don't even realize it, where we eat so much more carbohydrate and fat, like the bad fat, again, I always specified because it's always the bad fat. But we eat so much of that with the vegetable oils and with the sugars, just stuff that gets processed quickly. Your body has to ... insulin [00:20:30] has to go crazy because it has to take that sugar out of your bloodstream. And you've made so much of it because we're consuming so much of it. What are they saying like, “The average American is consuming 50 gallons of soda a year,” 50 gallons of it. That's the average American, people don't realize that, you know they like, “Oh, dawg, I don't have that much sugar,” or what did you have? “Well, I drink orange juice.” You had a lot of sugar.

Dr.Martin Sr: And it's just because in the world that we live in today [00:21:00] people if they're not reading their labels, and they don't understand that, well, you have a lot of ... you have major elevated insulin. And they don't know it because they never, “Oh, I have a pretty good diet. I don't have that much.” But when you're consuming so we live in a world now today, sugar is the new smoking. Because it's in everything, just read labels. It's amazing what ... so we live ... the world's changed in that sense. That's why we talked so much about [00:21:30] they're looking for love in all the wrong places when they talk about correcting heart disease. What you can control is food. Its food, it's amazing what happens. It's food.

Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah. And so and-

Dr.Martin Sr: How much food and when to eat it and all this enough, right.

Dr.Martin Jr: Well, and let's just kind of wrap this up by talking about the three ways in a sense that the best ways to lower insulin so if hyperinsulinemia you have too much insulin is a very [00:22:00] good indicator of heart disease then-

Dr.Martin Sr: High blood pressure.

Dr.Martin Jr: ... yeah and okay, that's another thing as well right like high blood pressure if we-

Dr.Martin Sr: And we know that from practice, right?

Dr.Martin Jr: ... the two biggest causes of high blood pressure, dietary wise would be high insulin and high uric acid. Which high uric acid-

Dr.Martin Sr: It's a byproduct.

Dr.Martin Jr: It's a byproduct of having high insulin but also like it, but that's it, right? Again, there's a lot of causes, and they all come back [00:22:30] to insulin. So if insulin is that thing, well, how do you lower insulin? Well, as you mentioned, food first of all, right, so you can eat less carbs, especially sugary, fatty carbs, right? That's the covers the first thing, you can eat less frequently in the daytime, eat a little bit more meals and eat less frequently throughout the day snacking. You know who loves snacking, snacking is fun.

Dr.Martin Sr: But sure it is.

Dr.Martin Jr: But think about it if your food company and it used to be people [00:23:00] ate three square meals a day. It's like, "Well, I got all these things I got to sell. So like, we got to sell snacks, right? People got a snack." Now snacks are have become, mid morning snack, mid afternoon snack, mid evening snack, so people need six ... the average person needs six times a day minimum. And that's not even including the stuff they put their mouth in between those things. Right? So that's one. So eat less frequently as one, eat more like they say three square meals a day in a sense, eat [00:23:30] more.

Dr.Martin Sr: Don't eat in between.

Dr.Martin Jr: No, and you know eat more protein because protein fills you up, right? And then the other one is shortened reading window down so that's one that's when it comes to food. So people say how do I take insulin via food? Will you take it insulin via food by cutting old crappy carbs, cutting out the amount of times you eat it at a time and shorter window that's one way also hyperinsulinemia others a few things that can raise that as well, right and there's ways to lower that. [00:24:00] You want to high intensity interval exercising weightlifting, fantastic for insulin, blood sugar control, no question, right.

Dr.Martin Sr: Vitamin E, the true vitamin E.

Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah. And here's another issue as well. In a daytime we just don't move as much. So it's not even the exercise aspect.

Dr.Martin Sr: What were you showing you eat and I know we're getting near the end. But you said I remember this a while back on a podcast way back. But you talked about if you just walked how [00:24:30] far after [crosstalk 00:24:31] 90 seconds.

Dr.Martin Jr: 90 seconds of walking every hour? I don't want to get this quote wrong, but it literally cut your blood sugar levels in half. Right? So just-

Dr.Martin Sr: Just moving?

Dr.Martin Jr: ... just moving. We don't move enough. And if you look at your metabolism, how the metabolism works, right, the exercise portion of your metabolism, people always say, “Can I? How do I burn more calories in a day?” Well, even if you go run hard on a treadmill, you're going [00:25:00] burn a couple hundred calories so that's not what does the difference. I mean, that's important because that depleted glycogen levels that's good for a lot of things. It's great for your brain. It fantastic, right like-

Dr.Martin Sr: Lowers your cortisol.

Dr.Martin Jr: We talked about leg day, and it's good for your brain. So there's so many aspects of that. And it's fantastic for, like I said, depleting glycogen. It's very good for you. But even that movement throughout the day is so important because that's where ... that's the stuff that gets you going all day.

Dr.Martin Jr: But not only [00:25:30] again, we don't move as much in the day. Right. So we talked about food, we talked about weightlifting, we talked about exercise, and you just said it as well. I become more of a believer in this over time. And the more studies I read is controlling cortisol stress.

Dr.Martin Sr: Yeah, big time.

Dr.Martin Jr: Stress.

Dr.Martin Sr: The accelerator.

Dr.Martin Jr: Cortisol increases inflammation. Cortisol raises blood sugar levels, right. I mean, it's a hormone that literally [00:26:00] will raise your blood sugar levels. So we're fighting this. You can have elevated insulin and not eat, because your blood sugar levels were elevated because you had cortisol going through your body like crazy. So you could see why heart disease is still a big issue. And you know-

Dr.Martin Sr: It sounds like you read my book, our book Serial Killers to [inaudible 00:26:23] want you dead. Did you ever read that?

Dr.Martin Jr: Years and years ago.

Dr.Martin Sr: But it's so true, isn't it?

Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah, unfortunately-

Dr.Martin Sr: [00:26:30] Isn't true? It's unbelievable, the more they show it now [crosstalk 00:26:33].

Dr.Martin Jr: So again if you're worried about heart disease, right, you want to control insulin. And you do that through your food. You do that by ... we call them insulin roadblocks, right. You want to find your carb tolerance you want to find your right eating frequency you want to fight find your right eating window, you want to lift weights, you want to move around, you want to walk and you want to de-stress.

Dr.Martin Sr: You want to de-stress.

Dr.Martin Jr: Big aspects of that.

Dr.Martin Sr: Really want to get your cortisol down.

Dr.Martin Jr: And [00:27:00] they want to attack heart disease that's what they have to do. They have to start, this low fat, low this or this and cholesterol status and all that kind of stuff. It's all to sell drugs. It's all to sell food, right? Whole grains and all it's all.

Dr.Martin Sr: So they put a hard on the box [crosstalk 00:27:20].

Dr.Martin Jr: It's propaganda, it is.

Dr.Martin Sr: It's propaganda .

Dr.Martin Jr: It is propaganda.

Dr.Martin Sr: It's fake news.

Dr.Martin Jr: It's all to get you to do something. You can head down that path, but you know [00:27:30] where that path goes, because we see it all the time. Or you can say, “I'm going to deviate just a little bit from that path, and go at it a little bit differently,” right. And that's really the what we're trying to tell you is that again, if you're worried about heart, control your insulin. Well, listen, we've gone over a little bit today. And I know we kind of talked about a lot of different things. So you know, we went through a lot of information, but again, we want to thank you for listening, and have a great day.

Dr.Martin Sr: Thanks for listening to the doctors in podcast from Martin Clinic.com. [00:28:00] If you have any questions, you can reach us at info at Martin clinic.com. If you're not a newsletter subscriber, you can hit to our website and sign up for free. We also have a private Facebook group that you could join. It's a community of awesome people. Finally, I do a Facebook Live every Thursday morning at 8:30. Join us again next week for a new episode.

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