EP125 The One About Depression And Anxiety

Transcript Of Today's Episode

Dr. Martin, Jr.: Hello. I'm Dr. Martin, Jr.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: And I'm Dr. Martin, Sr.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: And this is The Doctor is In podcast and this is episode 125.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: Woo.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: Yeah, unbelievable, really. [00:00:30] We want to thank everyone who listens to this thing every week.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: Made it so successful for us.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: We had a lot of tremendous feedback and we get a great chance to interact with so many of you so we greatly appreciate it. We're sitting here in a studio recording these, and it's just awesome to know that there's a lot of people that have benefited from the information that we're sharing and we love doing this stuff. We love sharing whatever kind of information that somebody can actually take practically [00:01:00] and help themselves get better. Again, we want to thank you for listening.

On today's episode, we're going to tackle a little bit more of a difficult subject, especially today, the latest statistics. We're going to talk specifically about anxiety and depression. We're going to devote this episode to that. The latest statistics for example, in North America, adults, over 16 million, we're not talking mild depression, we're talking about ...

Dr. Martin, Sr.: [00:01:30] Severe clinical depression.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: Severe clinical depression, over 16 million adults in North America. That wasn't around 40 years ago. Now, diagnostic capabilities are a lot better. But there's definite stuff going on today that hasn't been going on for a while and then anxiety as well. Depression is really big. Anxiety has really exploded as well. In a lot of ways, [00:02:00] anxiety is one of those things that some people, you hear when it comes to anxiety, it's like, "Ah, you just learn how to deal with it." It's a tough subject for a lot of people to talk about because somebody ... We know people that are crippled by anxiety. Obviously depression is ... Every family is touched one way or the other by somebody with significant depression, who suffers from depression. It's always interesting as well when you look at even some of these big [00:02:30] sports guys and you hear about some of these guys that you used to watch, it comes out after that they just battle through significant depression even as pro athletes. It can hit anybody at any walk of life basically.

That's what we're going to talk about today. We're going to talk about ... We're going to come at it from a wholistic point of view. We're going to come at it from a functional healthcare point of view. We're going to look at foods. We're going to look at stuff like that because, again, [00:03:00] make no mistake, that's a massive component of anxiety and depression.

Now, before we get going on that, I know that you have a take on depression and anxiety.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: Well, first of all, yeah, you're absolutely right. It's an epidemic today. It's so common. It's something that I treat in the office so much. It's [00:03:30] almost like a revolutionary change in the practice because of the amount of anxiety, depression. But I always say this, and I'm convinced I'm right on this, that anxiety and depression are not separate. They're a two-headed coin because some people might suffer more with depression than anxiety in the sense their moods, it's gloom. They're in a fog. They [00:04:00] can't get out of it. They are lethargic. They are exhausted and there's often suicidal. It's amazing. Often I see that.

Almost invariably, I would say 90% of the time, if not even higher than that, they also suffer from symptoms of anxiety. They can't sleep. They suffer with insomnia. They have brain fog, all these cognitive symptoms, [00:04:30] and their cortisol levels are through the roof and almost without exception to that. If cortisol and their adrenals have become exhausted with that, but they suffer from a lot of anxiety and cravings, and a lot of symptoms of those type of things. I'm convinced that they're ... Again, just the anxiety [00:05:00] is common with depression. I like to tackle it together because I believe that you can really see the two things that happen at the same time and the cause comes back to the same thing.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: Let's do what we do a lot of times when we talk about a condition which is let's reverse engineer, let's work our way backwards a little bit. Somebody who has even a severe depression or somebody who has anxiety and, as you mentioned, it's [00:05:30] a two-headed monster in a lot of ways. One head maybe bigger than the other, but they're both there to a certain extent. It would be very hard to find somebody who isn't severely anxiety and not have a depression as well, right?

Dr. Martin, Sr.: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. Martin, Jr.: Like we mentioned, it's so much more common today than it was before. Let's reverse engineer that a little bit. Let's go back even one step. One of the major consistent factors that show up in depression [00:06:00] or show up in anxiety is really a systemic but especially like a neural type of inflammation.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: Yeah.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: Right? Which makes sense. Inflammation, as we've mentioned before is present in anything like that.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: I like your analogy of the accelerant, right?

Dr. Martin, Jr.: Yes.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: That inflammation is really an accelerant.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: Yeah, because for a long time, especially in the alternative healthcare, they blame inflammation [00:06:30] for everything which makes sense because inflammation is,

Dr. Martin, Sr.: It's there.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: ... It's involved in everything. But inflammation just doesn't,

Dr. Martin, Sr.: Come other than-

Dr. Martin, Jr.: ... Show up by itself. It's an accelerant. Absolutely. Once it does start to show up, things tend to get a lot worse a lot faster. Then the more inflammation you have, the worse things get. I was just looking at a study this week talking about the implications of inflammation and Alzheimer's. [00:07:00] It's there but inflammation can cause Alzheimer's, can cause depression, can cause anxiety but the question is what causes that inflammation?

You know what's interesting? We see this with everything. We talk about this when it comes to leaky gut. We talk about this when it comes to insulin resistance. It's going to affect everybody different. Everybody that has leaky gut can have different symptoms, some kind of joint pain, some kind of digestive issues. High insulin, same thing. Some people can have type two diabetes. Other people can have joint [00:07:30] pain or heart disease. Same problem but it shows itself differently. Inflammation is the same way. Somebody who has high circulating inflammation levels or even neurological inflammation, they may not get depression, anxiety. Some people do. Some people are affected mentally when they have high inflammation levels, which is why a protocol that helps deal with those inflammation issues generally helps a lot of people with depression and anxiety. But the key is [00:08:00] to identify why there is that inflammation there in the first place.

We're going to talk about deficiencies in a second and we're going to talk about nutrients that have been clinically shown to help with depression and anxiety. We'll talk about that. But we want to tackle first is the presence of inflammation and, again, we talked about this a while ago I think right around episode 100 about the three real [00:08:30] causes that are found in all disease. We basically took the top killers. We went one step back and it was inflammation that's involved in all those and then we looked at the top three causes of inflammation that causes these six things.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: High circulating insulin.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: High circulating insulin is a big cause.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: That's a food hormone.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: Then obviously leaky gut, which we'll talk about. Then free radical damage, big aspect as well. Let's talk about those three aspects [00:09:00] and how they affect the inflammation of the brain because again we're going to come at it from a slightly different perspective. Let's reverse engineer this a little bit because I find that it'll be helpful for people to understand why ... Aside from an actual chemical deficiency in the brain, which not a lot of people have, otherwise a lot of the medications will work for a lot of people, but that's not the case.

Let's go back a little bit now. We got inflammation. [00:09:30] You got inflammation in the brain or you got inflammation at the mitochondrial level, right down at the cellular level. Their mitochondria is not working as well. Their brain synapses, everything is just inflamed. What causes that? Well, let's talk about the first one and how that affects the brain. Let's talk about high circulating insulin first, why having chronically high levels of insulin can lead to inflammation can hurt your brain. There are a lot of people who get improvement [00:10:00] in their depression, anxiety symptoms by lowering their insulin but not everybody who lowers their insulin will get improvements in depression and anxiety because that's not necessary what's causing the inflammation that's causing the depression and anxiety. For some people it is. They have high circulating insulin.

Now, we talk a ton, a lot about insulin and for good reason because what we see [00:10:30] clinically, we're dealing with people clinically that have health issues and a lot of them are caused by high circulating insulin. As a result of that, a lot of people think that we're anti-carbs, which we're not. We're not at all. We're anti-processed crappy carbs, high vegetable oil carb, stuff like that, especially when people aren't well. But when it comes to high insulin, what I find is this and this is I guess the point I want to make. People can [00:11:00] get scared of insulin in a sense. They're worried every time they eat it's going to affect their insulin levels. Well, I got news for you. Every time you eat, your insulin levels are going to be affected. That's-

Dr. Martin, Sr.: It's a food hormone.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: Yeah, every time you eat food, insulin is a food hormone, you're going to secrete insulin. That's just the reality of it. You cannot have no insulin secreting foods. The scary thing today is there are zero calorie foods that actually stimulate insulin but that's a whole other podcast for another time. However, you're going to eat foods, [00:11:30] you're going to have somewhat of an insulin effect. The problem occurs when it's chronically spiking way too high all the time. Insulin resistance requires constant stimulation of insulin. That's what it needs. A person is constantly having high levels of insulin. That's the issue. A lot of the advice over the years, eat all day, graze. Not good for you because if you're eating all day, your insulin is high all day. [00:12:00] That's a stepping stone to insulin resistance.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: Yeah.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: Right?

Dr. Martin, Sr.: Even if you're eating good foods.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: That's right. Absolutely. Also if you eat high carbohydrate, crappy, processed vegetable oil foods, that will really spike your insulin and if you keep on doing that over a period of time, you're going to end up with high circulating insulin. That high circulating insulin, through a whole bunch of different processes, can cause inflammation a whole bunch of different ways and some people, like we [00:12:30] mentioned, may end up with high blood pressure, heart disease, joint pain, skin issues. Some people, it's going to affect their brain. It's going to have a negative effect on their brain. One of those negative effects can be depression and anxiety which is why some people when they start cutting out all these inflammatory foods that cause high inflammation, they feel better. To a large degree, it actually fixes [00:13:00] their depression, anxiety. But, again, not everybody.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: Not everybody.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: Because that's not necessary their cause. It's important that if somebody has depression and anxiety, that they get their insulin under ... If that's a problem, controlling their insulin is a massive effect.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: Sometimes what happens, too, with depression, anxiety, think about it, the high circulating insulin might not have been the cause of it. But when people are depressed or they have anxiety, they have a tendency [00:13:30] to eat a lot more of those what we call comfort foods because they don't feel good. They can't even think. I've known many of my patients that they can't even think of preparing proper food because sometimes to even eat well, a lot of times there's preparation involved.

When you're depressed, you're thinking of a packaged something you can eat quickly, something that gives you a quick fix. Guess what? Maybe they were depressed already [00:14:00] but now their insulin is very high and of course that creates even more inflammation because now they're eating crappy foods only because they want comfort foods. Sugar gives them a quick fix and they're gaining weight. They don't feel good. They're lethargic and all they want to do is eat those crappy foods. I've seen that. Now it becomes a vicious cycle because it might have not been the cause but now it's accentuating, [00:14:30] it is aggravating, it is making things a lot worse. No matter what, part of the treatment that I give ...

I'll tell you, when it comes to anxiety and depression, it's amazing how much better people feel when they do eat well. We really emphasize, I know you're not well but you've got to understand that insulin will absolutely ... If you have insulin resistance, you [00:15:00] have got to clean up your diet. You've got to look at what we're talking about because food is medicine. Even in depression, anxiety, it's a huge factor.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: Yeah, and it's overlooked.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: It's overlooked. They don't talk about it.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: No, rarely will they talk about ... How in the world can food not be a part of that conversation because the effect it has on hormones? It's amazing. Yeah, you're right. That's a starting point for a lot of people is eating [00:15:30] less crappy carbohydrates, bringing their insulin down, going from there. That's the high circulating insulin aspect that could create an inflammation that can lead to neural inflammation, that can give off the symptoms of depression. It is a depression but the cause of it is high circulating insulin.

Now, for some other people, their depression and their anxiety, and as funny as this sounds, is directly tied to the gut, [00:16:00] as funny as that sounds. But the gut is the second brain. It's the ...

Dr. Martin, Sr.: It's got more hormones than your brain has.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: It does-

Dr. Martin, Sr.: You got more serotonin in your gut.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: Yes, and that's-

Dr. Martin, Sr.: Your feel good hormone.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: You have 90% or more of your feel good hormone is made and contained in your gut.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: Who ever treats the gut for depression?

Dr. Martin, Jr.: Well, you do.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: Except the Martin Clinic, right?

Dr. Martin, Jr.: You do. That's the thing. Let's talk about that. [00:16:30] One of the aspects of a gut issue ... When we talk about a gut issue, we're talking leaky gut. When we're talking about leaky gut, we're talking about really increased permeability, meaning that the barrier in your intestinal or your gut lining is not doing its job anymore and junk is able to get through that into your bloodstream and research has shown this, that your blood-brain barrier, which is very similar in a lot of ways to [00:17:00] your gut lining ...

Dr. Martin, Sr.: Yeah, connected through the vagus nerve.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: Is also relying on your microbiome. The very same stuff that can give you problems in your gut can give you problems in your brain.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: You got leaky gut, you got leaky brain.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: Absolutely. If somebody has a chronic leaky gut issue for whatever reason, they end up with leaky brain. They end up with fungus, mold, junk getting into their brain.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: Heavy metals.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: Heavy metals, big aspect of depression for some people, not everybody. [00:17:30] That's the thing. One of the negative things about alternative medicine when it comes to stuff like this is they say, "Oh, heavy metal or magnesium deficiency causes all depression." No, it doesn't. For some people, it does. We'll never say that heavy metals cause all depression. But there are some people that are depressed because they have heavy metals and once those heavy metals are removed or chelated out of their system, they feel better. [00:18:00] The next time that person comes into contact with somebody with depression, they're like, "You got heavy metals." They go get tested and they don't have heavy metals or they try chelating these heavy metals and it doesn't help their depression because everybody is different. That's why we like to reverse engineer these diseases, find out the root cause and then work our way from that.

Leaky gut is a massive aspect for a lot of people with depression but not everybody, not everybody. There is a ton of research on probiotics [00:18:30] and depression. There's a lot of studies showing that simply taking probiotics alleviated depression for people. Now, will it do that for everybody? No, because not everybody, that's not their cause.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: It will be helpful.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: Sure because everybody who has depression has leaky gut but leaky gut may not be the cause. That's why it's important to understand that. We're not saying that if you fix leaky gut, you're going to fix depression in everybody. We're saying, for some people, it [00:19:00] absolutely will. For other people, no, but they'll feel better but it won't necessarily fix their depression because they have something else that's causing it. If you have depression and anxiety, it's pretty safe to say you have also leaky gut. Now, either it's caused it or it's an effect of it. Anyways, that's another aspect which is why the gut plays a massive role in anxiety and depression.

The third is free radical damage. I love the analogy you use with free radical damage all the time. People say, "Well, what's [00:19:30] free radical damage?" Well, you cut an apple, leave it on the counter for a little while.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: It don't take long.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: No. That's a visual demonstration of what oxygen and free radicals can do to something. Well, that's happening to us all the time.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: It rust you out.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: We have the opposite of free radicals. We have antioxidants that fight that stuff off.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: Sure. Put a little bit of lemon juice on one side of the apple and cut it in half and the side with the lemon juice, it coats it. [00:20:00] It's an antioxidant. Lemon is an antioxidant.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: It protects it.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: It coats it. It protects it. It doesn't get browned very rapidly like the other side.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: We have this natural kind of yin and yang when it comes to antioxidants and free radicals. They're constantly fighting each other all day and for the most part it works itself out. However, there are a lot of reasons why we come into contact with more free radicals than we have antioxidants that counteract that. What [00:20:30] happens is these free radicals, they're looking for something to steal. They're looking for an electron. They're very unstable. If they start to attack your brain, they start to steal electrons from your brain cells and then it creates all these issues. Then that will lead to inflammation. That will lead to a lot of brain issues as well. It's implicated in Alzheimer's, dementia. Not everybody with dementia is caused by free radical damage but it [00:21:00] does occur after so you need that to ... You get the point.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: We live in an environment, you look at the environment, you look at all the things, you look at-

Dr. Martin, Jr.: Oh, processed vegetable oils increases free radical damage internally. Look at the oxygen that we breathe. It's full of plastics like we mentioned. There are a lot of reasons why we increase-

Dr. Martin, Sr.: Glycation end products from these foods, sugars and the crappy carbohydrates, vegetable oils.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: Here's another big [00:21:30] one, stress. Stress.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: Oh, huge. That's where with the anxiety comes in, right?

Dr. Martin, Jr.: Absolutely. Now, you have a percentage of people with anxiety, depression that have way too much free radical damage going on. Part of the healing process is fixing that aspect of things. Now, we have the possibility of high insulin. We have the possibility of leaky gut. We have the possibility of free radical damage. Now, you've said this [00:22:00] before, but for a lot of people with severe depression, anxiety, they got all three. Now, one of them started it but it doesn't matter at that point because all three are involved. They got high circulating insulin. They got leaky gut and they got a ton of free radical damage going on. It's almost like this brainstorm that's occurring inside of depression and anxiety. We have a great course called the Metabolic Storm for Hormones. But there's really this brainstorm that's going on for depression and anxiety. For a lot of people that's not chemical related, [00:22:30] they got a storm going on in their brain caused by inflammation, caused by those three things that we mentioned also. Those are the root causes.

Now, let's talk about a couple of the deficiencies that kind of make that even worse, a big one, B12. You talk about this. Research [crosstalk 00:22:52].

Dr. Martin, Sr.: [crosstalk 00:22:52] Your brain does not work properly without B12. Think of nerves, think of B12 because B12 is [00:23:00] a vitamin that is essential for nerve function, brain function, cognitive function, mood. B12 is an essential vitamin. Today, people are chronically low. They get blood test done and the routine blood test, which is about a hundred years old, by the way. They should put it to bed because you can have fairly high circulating B12 but it's not inside your cells. It's doing you any good.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: It's not doing its job.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: It's not doing its job.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: That's [00:23:30] one of my frustrations with a lot of the blood testing. Your numbers are good. So what? Are they doing their job?

Dr. Martin, Sr.: You got every symptom of low B12.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: It's like thyroid. How often is that? People have every symptom of thyroid. Their thyroid levels are normal. So what?

Dr. Martin, Sr.: You know what? B12 is an essential vitamin.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: That's a big one.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: People don't eat red meat today. They avoid it. Then a lot of people don't absorb B12 because they ... Any, any medication, you're going to be low in B12. Any digestive [00:24:00] issue, you're going to be low in B12 because B12 is a finicky vitamin to start off with. It's large, molecularly. It's got a big structure. If you don't have the intrinsic factor, which is an enzyme, you don't even take it up. A lot of people, they don't know, but they're low in B12, consistent, consistent, consistent.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: B12 is a big one. Magnesium is another big one.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: Magnesium. Yup. We talked about that on our podcast the last week.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: If you have more questions, [00:24:30] you want to know more about magnesium, just go back to episode 124.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: Unreal.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: Where we talk a ton-

Dr. Martin, Sr.: Consistently we see it in the office. You're low in B12, low in magnesium.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: Then a third one again would be vitamin D.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: Yeah, vitamin D. Again, think about this for a minute. It's just common sense. When do you feel better?

Dr. Martin, Jr.: Yeah, absolutely.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: The sun is out. We live in Sudbury. We haven't seen the sun in two months. No, I'm just kidding. Think about it, right?

Dr. Martin, Jr.: Absolutely.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: You went on a cruise. You [00:25:00] get up in the morning and it's-

Dr. Martin, Jr.: I feel better.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: There's a light that is different. Oh, it's called the sun. Without any hindrance as it's so blue and-

Dr. Martin, Jr.: It just feels like your whole circadian rhythm is operating better.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: When you sleep better, your melatonin levels get up better. A lot of people, when they're depressed, they oversleep in a way because they got no energy so they're always sleeping but they're not resting.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: No, they're not resting.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: They're not resting because their B12 ... [00:25:30] You don't even get a good sleep without B12, without magnesium. I know I get excited. It's just because to me there's so much common sense in stuff that medicine generally ... Look, I don't want to be negative. It's just that people don't even think common sense. Well, if you feel better when the sun is out ... How many people get seasonal depression?

Dr. Martin, Jr.: That's very common.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: I just know thousands of my patients, [00:26:00] they don't do well in the winter. They just don't. Doc, I feel so much better in the summer. Well, move to Florida.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: We're pretty much out of time. Let's just wrap this up by talking about a few things that they can do. If you got a high insulin, lower it.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: Food.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: If you got leaky gut, fix leaky gut.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: Probiotic.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: Probiotics. There's a few things there, digestive enzymes. There's a few things there for that. If you have free radical damage, [00:26:30] take an antioxidant.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: Navitol.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: Our Navitol pine bark extract.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: There's nothing like it.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: Awesome. That's definitely what we recommend for that. If you are deficient ...

Dr. Martin, Sr.: B12.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: Take B12. If you got depression and anxiety, you should be taking B12, magnesium.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: B complex is not B12, folks.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: No.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: You know what? I hear this everyday.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: Yeah, yeah. I know.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: This is why I've got to say it. B12 is separate.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: It is.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: You take a sublingual B12.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: Because B12 you swallow it. As soon as you swallow it, you're not getting B12.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: I'm not saying it's not good for you. [crosstalk 00:26:57]

Dr. Martin, Jr.: [crosstalk 00:26:57] No, no. But you just don't take it for B12.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: No.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: Take [00:27:00] it for the B6 and stuff like that. Take a B12. Then if you have a deficiency, correct that deficiency. Now, when it comes to inflammation in the brain, you got to fix the underlying issue. You got to take the probiotics. You got to get your insulin down. You got to take a Navitol or an antioxidant. Now, when it comes to that inflammation, this is what we like when it comes to inflammation. We love DHA.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: High DHA.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: High, high DHA. We're coming out with a brand new, we've been working on this for a while, we're weeks away, a brand [00:27:30] new type of curcumin, highly absorbable. Now, there are a ton of research showing the synergetic effect on the brain of curcumin and DHA. They have-

Dr. Martin, Sr.: We will do a podcast on that.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: They absolutely are ... They help each other out. It's like a tag team for your brain. DHA, curcumin both tremendous anti-inflammatories. Taken together is like a super ... It's like a superman type of synergistic effect on your brain. [00:28:00] We like DHA. We like curcumin. High levels of both of those are really for brain inflammation and then the other stuff for fixing the underlying things and it's amazing how often that helps people feel better.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: Yeah, incredible.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: Tackling depression and anxiety, getting to the root cause ...

Dr. Martin, Sr.: Lower your cortisol, too,

Dr. Martin, Jr.: Yeah, that's it.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: ... Which we didn't talk that as much. Magnesium helps with that, so does B12.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: It does. You're right.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: We really focus in on getting that cortisol levels [00:28:30] regulated.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: Yeah, the adrenal stress. Well, if you have anxiety, you should be on some kind of cortisol lowering supplement.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: We have a great one in the course. But those are things we test for in the biomarkers and we're looking at all that. Incredible.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: All right. We want to thank you for listening to this episode. I know we gave a ton of information. If you have any questions, you can email us at info@martinclinic.com. We have tremendous staff. We get back to everybody. You can email us there. You can also jump on ... On Thursday mornings, you do a live Facebook Live. You can ask your questions [00:29:00] there. I also encourage you to go to our website martinclinic.com and sign up for our newsletters. We talk about a lot of these things in our newsletters as well.

Dr. Martin, Sr.: Look at that new website. You're going to love it.

Dr. Martin, Jr.: Yeah. Hopefully by the time this episode comes out that the website is up and running. I've been working on that quite a bit so it looks really good. Again, thank you for listening and have a great day.

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