Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners.
Some of today’s topics include:
- Eye floaters
- Krill oil vs. DHA
- Splitting skin on fingers
- Mushroom powders
- Effect of stress on diet
- Cause of hernias
- Thyroid Balance Formula
- Lowering of A1C
- Lyme disease
- Colloidal silver
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another live this morning. Question and answer Friday. Always fun. How do you like my little Christmas tree in the back? Well let's get to these questions guys, or we'll never get done. Paula, “Are floaters,” okay… “eye floaters caused by candida?” Possibly. The biggest thing, and I always say this, repeat, repeat, repeat, Paula, at the end of the day, anything in your eyes is usually circulation. I always, always attribute like, look, you know, make sure if you get a floater, make sure you don't have a detached retina. I mean, that's possible, but even when that happens, you know what? Circulation. Circulation. What makes the eyes healthy? Healthy circulation. I guess candida to some extent. I don't know the connection. I've been trying to… Leaky gut, leaky eyes, possibly. But again, I, I'm big on circulation, micro circulation your eyes. That's why diabetics always have so much trouble with their eyes. Insulin is a big problem with micro circulation and oxidation. Aging of those blood vessels. Cut the sugar out. Big, big factor there. Okay?
Now Linda, and actually Linda and Carol, I'm gonna answer the two questions together. Linda, I don't know if this is the real Linda or not. “Would you kindly explain the difference between Antarctic krill oil versus DHA Upgraded? Does the krill oil reduce triglycerides more effectively and thin the blood?” Okay, and then Carol is asking, “hearing a lot of Facebook chatter about problems with interaction between DHA and diabetes or blood thinners. I have both. Is this true?” Okay, very good questions. Let's compare krill to fish oil. Look, at the end of the day, Linda, here's what I look for. Okay? Krill oil, fish oil. Both have DHA, both have EPA. What I look for is how much DHA they have. Okay? So oil is good. It's an omega-3. I like what I like, okay? I'm a DHA junkie, okay? Because I have seen clinically the results of high DHA and there's reasons for it. Okay? First of all, DHA, your brain is made up of DHA. There's nothing better. It's the longer chain fatty acid, DHA. EPA is good. DHA is better, okay? Doesn't mean you don't need both. So krill oil, look at the bottle, how much DHA, because then you're going to see, or at least will experience the benefits. The higher the DHA, the better it is. That's what is the important thing. Read your label, okay? Read your labels. It's all fish oil is fish oil, you know? Okay, so that's what I look for.
Now the second question is, Carol was asking about, and so was Linda, “Does krill oil reduce triglycerides more effectively?” No, it all depends on how much DHA is there, okay? That's really the key in my opinion. Now, EPA too, I like EPA. There's actually a medication out there made from fish oil called Vascepa, okay? And it's a pharmaceutical grade. High, high EPA. Do I like it? Yeah, but it's $400 a month, <laugh> okay? So it's an expensive prescription, but I like the idea of it because it's a fish oil, you know? How do you get a high DHA by the way? Okay, very high DHA, it's pharmaceutical grade. It's the way they have to filter the product in order to get that very high DHA. Now, the second question is about side effects.
Look, you have to understand that, and I, I really went into detail I think last Friday about this, okay? Because it's going to be asked again and again and again. It's even on the vitamin D label. I don’t know why, I really don't know. I understand what the FDA, but even more what Health Canada says. And whenever you get an oil, they always talk about, well, be careful because it can thin your blood. That's not how it operates, okay? Like DHA, okay? Does it thin your blood? No, it don't thin your blood. You know what it does? It lubricates your blood vessels. And if you are worried about clotting, the thing you should do for your blood vessels is lubricate. There's not a better oil than DHA to lubricate. You know what happens to blood vessels? They get sticky. That's how you develop plaque. You lose the Teflon layer. Fish oil, especially high DHA lubricates.
I used to tell my patients, make sure you're taking enough oil that you slide out of rooms, okay? Be slippery. You want your blood vessels to be slippery, so I get it. Health Canada, FDA, whatever. What do they do? They're always cautious. Look, I get it. Okay, I get it. If they would ask me, I would tell 'em, eh, what are you so worried about? That's really helping. The fish oil helps in a different way. It's like Navitol, you know, people are, I'm on medication, can I take that? Well, it doesn't interfere with your medication. It just opens up your blood vessels even more. That's called nitric oxide. So when you don't understand how nitric oxide works… and look, you know, you have to put it on labels. If you wanna sell a product in Canada, you gotta put your warnings on there.
Do I agree with it? No, not really. Okay, so when you see stuff on Facebook or whatever, look, it's difficult for me to talk individually to people because I have such a wide audience, but all I'm doing is giving you general information so that you can make decisions. Eh, you know, like it's just being overly cautious in my opinion, okay? Because they don't understand how really fish oil operates. It's different than they think. Yeah, that's gonna, you know, you're not gonna clock properly, eh, that's not how it operates. Anyway, thanks for the questions. We really appreciate it. Thanks Linda.
Colleen, “Why my fingers get splits? They're really painful. Am I missing something in my diet?” Well, a couple of things. Usually with nails or even your skin. One of the biggest things is protein collagen. That's why I love bone broth. I love bone broth for that because it really helps. There's not a better protein in the world than bone broth protein. It's full of collagen and collagen's good for skin, nails, hair, collagen, protein. I love it. Okay, so I'm a big, big guy on collagen protein, and that's usually with skin. One of the things that can happen, leaky gut, leaky skin, okay? Make sure that your gut, the microbiome is healthy. That's really important too. Okay, thanks for the question, Colleen. Very good.
And Gail, mushroom blend powders. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look, I like mushrooms. Okay? And there's some anti-cancer activities in, uh, mushrooms, okay? And I hear about it all the time, but, uh, like for me, I'm a repetition guy because I always come back to some basics, okay? There's nothing better for your immune system. Nothing better than vitamin D. So when you talk to me about mushrooms and mushroom powders, am I against it? Nope. But never, never put it on the top of the food chain compared to vitamin D. Because you are a human solar panel and your immune system, your T-cells have solar panels, T-cells are your navy seals of your immune system, and they only work with vitamin D. Okay? So anything put vitamin D on top. Here's another thing that I'm really big on when it comes to the immune system. Vitamin A, vitamin A, that is tremendous. And look, I, I don't even tell you to take a supplement of vitamin A, in my opinion. I would rather you eat your vitamin A and you get lots of vitamin A when you eat eggs, meat and cheese. Vitamin S steak. Okay? So mushroom powders. Yep. Okay, chaga. Yep. I like it. I got no problem with it. I just think some things are superior to that. Okay? So thanks for the question, Gail, I really appreciate the question.
Suzanne, “If you eat a very low carb, low sugar diet or, or the reset, but you are under a lot of stress, would the stress be equivalent to eating a high carb and sugar diet?” No. No. Look, you can never, ever, ever go wrong eating right? It can't go wrong by eating right? Okay. And you can never, ever out supplement out anything a bad diet. So I'm always big on starting in the kitchen. You wanna get healthy, start in the kitchen because what you eat is the most important thing. Okay? Now you're asking a very, very good question, Suzanne, because stress is a huge, huge factor. Stress is a huge factor in your health. I call stress the perfect storm. Okay? So if you look at the Martin clinic disease process, how do you go from health to disease?
We talk about three main seeds of disease, okay? One, leaky gut, two, high circulating insulin or insulin resistance. And that's food. Leaky gut is partly food. It's your gut health. And third, we talk about oxidation, aging. The apple cut it in half. What do you see rapidly? Oxidation. The apple gets brown, the apple starts to shrink, it loses its good looks. <laugh> That's what… that's what aging is, okay? But premature aging, oxidation, we are all aging, but rapid oxidation is very serious. Okay? So those are the three seeds of disease. Then you add high circulating insulin, leaky gut, and oxidation causes inflammation, okay? And then what really pours gasoline on the fire is cortisol. It's stress.
So for example, let me give you a couple of examples. A woman gets breast cancer, saw thousands over the years cases of that breast cancer. And I'm a history guy, I'm a history guy. And when we saw breast cancer, I used to test for two big things, eh, three big things when it came to cancer. Insulin, food, estrogen hormone. Well, so is insulin and cortisol hormone. I tested three hormones. And when you had that in perfect combination, insulin high, estrogen high compared to progesterone and cortisol. Now you have a perfect storm. Breast cancer. And unfortunately we have a society, we have a medical system, what we call a healthcare system. It's not healthcare at all. It's disease care. And they wait till you get cancer. They like to talk about early detection, not prevention. So when you ask the question, okay, when you ask the question about stress, it is a huge factor. It's a huge factor, but it doesn't destroy everything you're doing. You know, if you are stressed, you better eat right, you better eat right. And I'm a big guy on vitamin E exercise to help reduce stress, to help reduce inflammation. But it's all of the above.
The other thing that I used to see a lot was stress. And this is why I talked about adrenal exhaustion. I was one of the first guys wrote a book a long time ago about chronic fatigue syndrome, stress related, because I call it the modern woman's curse. Chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia. Not that it couldn't happen to men, but it was almost 95% women. And I'm a why guy. Why? New world, environmental stress, food, stress and stress, stress. <laugh> I told a story in my first book, I think of my mother, 11 kids, holy jumping <laugh>. But my mother didn't live in the world that we live today where the modern woman today… It's much different. Now, that doesn't mean there was no stress. Of course there was, but it wasn't like today. And where you have so much stress, the world, it's almost like it's going around faster than ever, right? And news cycles, 24 hours news. And look what we went through as a society in the last couple of years. It's unbelievable the amount of stress that went through. So stress pours gasoline on the fire of inflammation, which is terrible for cancer, terrible for heart disease, terrible for autoimmune, terrible for all these things. But it's not just stress, okay? And stress will not undo a good diet. Take care of yourself, Suzanne, eat well, start there and then work on your stress to lower it. Okay? Good question. Thank you.
And Tammy, “Can a hernia be in relation to anemia?” Again, look, when I look at hernias, I mean they're usually old injuries or a hiatus. Hernia can be, it could be an injury, it can be just bad digestion for a long time. Uh, you know, I don't really look at anemia as, look, anemia can be part of it, I guess, but I wouldn't say it as the cause. Anemia is low B12. Anemia or low iron anemia. And usually that's hormonal more than anything else. And I don't see hernias necessarily as being hormonal. Okay, thanks for the question, Tammy.
Wade, “How can we evaluate whether the Thyroid Balance pills are working?” Well, that's a good question, but listen, I'm big on thyroid, you guys know this, okay? I'm really, really emphasized with thyroid symptoms, okay? So remember what your thyroid does, it's your metabolism, it's your energy, it's your skin. It does a lot of things, right? Your eyebrows, your hair. Thyroid, gaining weight without even thinking about food. So what I would say, Wade, and this, I get this almost every day cuz people send me a note and they say, doc, my doctor says my thyroid numbers are not that good, but I feel better. Well, I always say about thyroid because numbers are not everything with thyroid. As a matter of fact, symptoms when it comes to your thyroid are much more important than those numbers. Numbers can be very deceiving when it comes to the thyroid.
Now I have a little secret formula about TSH numbers that I've found over the years for me. But at the end of the day, I used to tell my staff, I used to tell patients I would tell anyone that listened to me. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it's a duck. If it walks like a thyroid and talks like a thyroid symptoms, it's the thyroid. And I don't care what the numbers are showing high or low, I don't care. I really don't look at numbers. Ah, a little bit I do. But I wanna know your symptoms. How are you feeling? Wade, that is the best way to find out because again, go online and look at the reviews on the thyroid formula. People had said, holy moly, I feel good. Okay. And if you're not feeling better, it's not working. As simple as that. I think to me it's symptoms, Wade, okay? It's symptoms over numbers. Not that I don't look at numbers, but it's symptom over numbers. Very good question. We appreciate it, Wade.
Okay, Ruth Ann, “If your triglycerides and HDL are excellent, how does one work on A1C if it's too high?” Well, look, they're very similar in metabolic syndrome. Okay? So high triglycerides and low HDL mean you have metabolic syndrome means that it's insulin, it's food, okay? Now, when you have metabolic syndrome, 93% of the population do. One of the signs are two of them is high triglycerides and low HDL. Why do you think I love looking at those numbers? Now the other one is A1C. So if your triglycerides have improved and your HDL has improved and your A1C is still too high, you still have insulin resistance. It doesn't mean you're not getting better. It means you gotta keep trucking that you're not there. You and some of us have more trouble with insulin and it takes longer.
Now look, the reset was meant to fix insulin resistance, okay? And generally 30 days, generally 30 days is what's needed. But for some Ruth Ann, takes longer, Rome wasn't built in a day for some people, okay? It just takes longer. Stick to it, stick to the plan. You have no idea, Ruth Ann, you have no idea how good that program is for you because doctors don't look at that A1C. Has gotta be in high 60s and whatever before they even warn you. No, anything over 5.4 or up means that you're, you got trouble with insulin resistance. That's why I love looking at A1C. I love looking at that. But if you're, you got half the battle defeated, if your triglycerides in HDL are in good position, cause that really, really helps with your cardio. Big time, big time with your heart and stroke and lowering those numbers.
You don't want low cholesterol, you want high cholesterol, but you want low triglycerides. You want three fat balls to go down and you make triglycerides when you're a junk eater. It's like a teeter-totter almost for everybody. If your triglycerides are high, your HDL will be low. Your HDLs, I, your triglycerides will be low just about guarantee. And that is manufactured in the liver. What happens in the liver doesn't stay in the liver. It messes you up metabolically. That's why I talk about the poison of fructose. It's a toxic poison. High fructose corn syrup. Okay? So thanks Ruth Ann for the question. Really appreciate it.
Okay, few more. Cherry, “Is silver and magnesium and zinc good for your detox?” Magnesium. I love zinc. I love silver. Be careful. Be very careful. I like oil of oregano better than I like colloidal silver. Okay? I mean that. I'm not saying silver is no good, colloidal silver is no good. I'm just saying oil of oregano is better and it's much safer. And I love zinc. Eat it. Eat your zinc by eating vitamin S steak. You got a lot of zinc in the animal kingdom, not in the plants, in the animal kingdom. Zinc, okay? But that's more for your immune system and not that zinc's not important. The best detox by the way, keep your liver clean. We talked about it. Get your triglycerides down, get your HDL up. That means you got a clean liver. And when you got a clean liver, you don't have fatty liver. Your liver will do its job in detox. Nothing better. And then I love probiotics for detoxing better than magnesium, better than zinc for a detox and certainly better than colloidal silver. Okay? Okay, good question. We appreciate it, Cherry.
Sharon, “What do I think of Lyme disease and CIRS chronic or recurring inflammation?” Okay, now Lyme disease. Yeah, I used to have a protocol for Lyme disease. By the way, Lyme disease, when you get really sick from it was a perfect storm. It was never just a bug bite. Okay? It was never just a tick that, you know, you got a bite and then you started, uh, the Lyme disease. I often equated Lyme disease with chronic fatigue syndrome. You see, usually there's underlying condition because if you just get a bite and your immune system is at the top of its game, you're going to do well, you're going to do well.
Okay? But if your immune system is compromised, sometimes by mold, sometimes by yeast, a fungal infection, already you have leaky gut with a yeast traveling through your body, compromising your immune system. It's almost like an autoimmune disease. So what happens is now you are really susceptible to Lyme’s and to get really sick from Lyme’s. My protocol to help with Lyme's disease are chronic inflammatory recurring condition. It started with leaky gut. It usually started with a yeast infection too, you know, and they wanna treat Lyme’s with antibiotics. But that's just a bandaid in my opinion. That's not gonna fix it. You gotta do all of the above and change your diet. And of course if you're being exposed to mold, you better get out of there. Okay, I'm gonna do a program on mold. Okay? I, I've done a few, I'll do it again because a lot of people suffer from that. They have no idea how damaging mold can be. Okay. And people mold can be deadly. Okay? Good question Sharon. Thank you.
And Jessica, I think I answered this already. “Is stress the worst thing for the body?” No, I wouldn't say it's the worst thing, but it sure don't help. Okay. I think the worst thing for your body really is insulin. Insulin resistance. I really do. And stress adds fuel to the fire. Okay, thanks for those questions. Okay.
Now Debbie wanted to know about cacao butter. I don't know if I pronounce it right. It's a seed. They make powder from it. They make cacao butter. Do I like it? Yeah, that's all right. I like coffee butter. <laugh> Okay, I like the coffee bean. Much better. Much better for you. The real vitamin C, okay? <laugh>. Okay, thanks for the question, Debbie. Okay, we appreciate it.
So guys, thanks for having a great week with me. We appreciate that very, very much. And we love you guys very dearly. We sure appreciate all your questions and we appreciate all of you guys in our private Facebook group and following us on live Facebook every day. And those who listen to our podcast, The Doctor Is In podcast. We love you guys. And I don't say, yeah, I do say it, but I mean it. <laugh> Okay guys, love you. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!