Join Dr. Martin on Vitamin D Day as he continues his discussion on how to prevent memory loss in today’s episode!
The study from last episode showed how 1 in 8 people over the age of 65 will get Alzheimer’s. It also showed how having low levels of vitamin D resulted in profound and rapid decline in cognitive function.
Dr. Martin says for your brain to operate properly, it needs vitamin D!
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by martin clinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. Welcome to another live this morning. I'm sitting in my rocking chair. Okay, you're seeing the raving upside down or backwards. This is our Good for you. Good for you. Well, it's good for you, but It's called Good For Me Coffee, Good for me. Coffee. Coming to a theatre near you. The real Vitamin C man. We have hooked up with the best coffee in the world and just about ready to be launched. Okay? And Tony Junior actually gave me a cup. Good for me coffee on there.
Okay, now guess what it is. Today is Vitamin D Day. Never heard of it. Vitamin D day today, November 2nd is Vitamin D Day. They gave it a day. I don't know who did it, but I'm glad they did. It's not like every day is in Vitamin D Day, but it's a special day.
And we're going to continue on in our little discussion yesterday about Alzheimer's, one in eight after the age of 65, the number three killer in North America and the number one killer in the United Kingdom. Unbelievable. How could that take over heart disease or cancer? But it's number three in that hit parade of what we're going to die from in that list. I can tell you something, folks in the 1970s, the 1980s, the 1990s, whatever, it wasn't anywhere near the top 100 on the hip parade, but today it's number three in North America.
We're talking today and yesterday about preventing Alzheimer's. But let me go back to vitamin D cuz we spent a fair amount of time on it yesterday. But because it is vitamin D day, I want to read you a new study that has come up on vitamin D. Here's the study from the journal cell. If you have low levels of vitamin D, here's what this study is saying. The profound and rapid decline in cognitive function, low levels of vitamin D, profound and rapid decline in cognitive function. Folks, you need vitamin D for your brain to operate properly. Isn't there something, I guess the brain has solar panels too. Your brain cells need vitamin D to operate Unreal.
Imagine a vitamin that is so essential. And of course, there's a war going on vitamin D. There's a war. I always tell people that when they see negative things about vitamin D, understand behind the scenes there's a war going on. It's too simple for people. A vitamin can help you in that way. Yep, it can. The immune system, the brain. Now this study went on to say, here's what happens when you have low levels of vitamin D, your endothelial layers of your blood vessels. Think of Teflon slippery. Remember when they invented Teflon pans? You remember that? Okay. And its slippery and nothing sticks to the Teflon, right? And that's what your blood vessels are supposed to be like. Nothing sticks. You want blood to flow without any kind of hindrance. And this is why triglycerides are so dangerous left in the bloodstream.
What we talked about yesterday is sugar rapidly starts to destroy that layer, the endothelial layer. Okay? Understand that. That's the slippery Teflon. Vitamin D is anti-inflammatory. It really is. When you look at vitamin D in terms of a marker, and this is what frustrates me big time, is that most people don't even know what their vitamin D levels are. It's so hard to convince physicians to test it, okay, to test vitamin D, but they don't test it. It should be routine twice a year, if doctors understood the importance of vitamin D, they would test it. Say, Hey, I haven't seen your vitamin D levels for six months. Let's look at them again. But when they don't understand the significance of it, if they're not reading, if they're not studying these journals, and vitamin D is only for bones you miss out, my friend, you miss out.
Vitamin D testing is essential because when your vitamin D levels are at a certain level, number one, your inflammation markers go down. When your vitamin D levels are optimized, it protects your blood vessels. How does it do it? It elevates nitric oxide. Now, remember, okay, remember what nitric oxide is. It's not hard to remember. If you think of nitrol, glycerin, nitroglycerin, that's dynamite. Men that makes things explode. Yep. Well, you have little molecules within your blood vessels called nitric oxide. Those little molecules whoop, they explode. Not to damage, but open your blood vessels.
When I was in school in the seventies, we didn't even know nitric oxide existed. We didn't, It wasn't until the 1980s where they discovered nitric oxide. And actually the people that did it, they won Nobel Prize in medicine for the discovery of nitric oxide. And then guess what? They put it to bed and they don't even talk about it. But nitric oxide, my friend, is worth talking about because nitric oxide opens up your blood vessels, it really decreases your blood pressure. If you have good levels of nitric oxide. Now bring it back. Even another step. What opens, what makes more nitric oxide? The sun.
Thus sun, vitamin D, viderma on your skin, your body's nitric oxide levels go up and that helps your blood vessels. That helps circulation. It's the reason when you read in the journal cell, when vitamin D levels are not optimised, here's what they say, A profound and rapid decline in cognitive function. Well, what makes vitamin D help the brain? It elevates nitric oxide.
You know when they talk about dementia, Okay, remember, Alzheimer's is in the category of dementia. Dementia is the overarching disease. Dementia, the iCampus, it shrinks brain strengths. Dementia. Alzheimer's is a form of that. The more serious form of dementia. Okay? Now we talked about it yesterday. Type three diabetes, you gotta follow with me here. What happens in diabetes? Sugar left in the bloodstream, damages blood vessels. It starts with capillaries. What are capillaries? The attachment between your arteries and your veins. They're micro, they're small, but it starts right away.
If sugar's not controlled, you damage blood vessels. And one of the things in dementia that they mention, small vessel disease, small vessel, you got little small blood vessels in the brain. I know you got big ones. Your carotid artery. So those are big comparatively. But in the brain, you got small little, but there's a lot of circulation in the brain. But small blood vessels, they get damaged with low levels of vitamin D. They get damaged when sugar stays in the bloodstream. For two long friend, it's vitamin D day. Let's celebrate. Okay? And I mean this. Let's celebrate vitamin D day because my audience knows the significance of vitamin D. You know it, and you probably get tired of me talking about it, but that's all right. I'm sorry. I'm a one track mind. I am into prevention. We're talking about preventing Alzheimer's.
And so I just had to go back to vitamin D and this new study that came out right in time for vitamin D, the profound and rapid decline when you do not have good levels of vitamin D, cognitive decline. And I'm trying to show you how that happens, why it happens. Okay, so that's vitamin D.
Now let's get to a few other things. What do you and I do to prevent Alzheimer's? Okay, what do you and I do? We talked about vitamin D, we talked yesterday about b12. It's unbelievable the amount of people that are low in b12. And the main reason is because they bought the lie. They bought the lie that red meat is no good for you. Don't buy the lie, my friend. It's an absolute lie. There's nothing true about the story about red meat. It is craziness on steroids.
But again, what does the world out there do, they lie and people die. You've got major industries, big pharma, big food, and big media. Media runs on advertising. My friend, 80% of their advertising dollar comes in from big pharma. 80%. You think that doesn't influence the news? Sure it does. It doesn't mean there's nothing good in the pharmaceutical companies. I'm not saying that. But boy, they sure influence.
They've influenced medicine big time. And doctors, my little expression, doctors today have become firefighters. They only react when you have a fire going on within the body. You have an emergency. And that's all right. Doctors are good at that. I got no problem with that. As a matter of fact, that's what they're really good at. You got a fire going on within your body you need a doctor. Okay? The problem is they're not into prevention.
They might be into detection, but not prevention. So when it comes to preventing Alzheimer's, they're looking for drugs. And they have been for the last 20, 30 years to treat Alzheimer's. They want to treat it. You've been diagnosed with some form of dementia. They wanna put you on medications. My friend so far that has been, I'll call loss failure, a colossal failure. They got FDA approval on some of their drugs that do nothing. It's a tragedy. And if they would look at the studies on vitamin D, just vitamin D and the brain. But that's not the narrative. And so look, you see my face. I'm an optimistic guy. I'm very positive. Do you know why? Because I have a good outlook on life. But I also have a realistic outlook. And I realize we're in the minority guys. But that's all right. As long as we have the truth, the truth will set us free.
And so look, again, I don't dismiss medications. You got a fire going on, Go see a firefighter. Call in the firefighters. But before that happens, let's try and prevent, Okay? So vitamin D, b12, eliminate sugar, eliminate crappy carbs that become sugar in nanoseconds. The liver in the brain are big time connected. The Costco parking lot in your brain are big time connected. So you got it empty out your liver. And the worst thing for your liver is high fructose corn syrup, which is the sugar of choice in everything in the middle aisles of grocery store. Go through from cookies to soup to crackers, to whatever's in the middle aisles of the grocery store. Go in there and look. Take out a label, read it, and then look at added sugars. When they're added, it's high fructose corn syrup. They don't have to tell you that, but that is what they use.
Why? It's cheap, it's addictive. It's very sweet. But it's the Frankenstein of sugars because it clogs up your liver in rapid time. Very quickly. It clogs up the liver with fat because fructose goes to the liver fast, faster than glucose. Fructose goes to the liver, just like alcohol. It goes to the liver rapidly. And what happens? The liver doesn't stay in the liver. Your liver is not Las Vegas. Okay? There's metabolic syndrome. It will increase your triglycerides, it will decrease your hdl. It will create elevated blood sugars. It will create insulin resistance. At the end of the day, that's what the liver does. That's what happens at the liver level.
So prevention is the key my friend. Prevention is the key. What you eat in the kitchen is going to have a profound effect on future promos. Alzheimer's important to start today. If you haven't started, if you haven't got the memo on cutting back on those crappy carbs and the sugars to learn how to read labels.
Now let me bring to you my continuing education on Alzheimer's. What else do you need to do? Fathead. Hey, you Fathead. Don't take that as an insult. It's a compliment. Hey, you fat head. What? Yeah, I want you to have a fat head. The fatter your head, your brain, who knew anybody ever told you that before Your bain is made up of fat. And specifically, specifically dha, your brain is made up of a long, long chain fatty acid. Omega three. Now you can get omega in plants, but the Beth the best, Omega three, the long chain fatty acid, the longest in the change molecularly, okay?
Biochemistry wise is called D H A. Isn't that interesting that your brain is made up of that fat? And guess what happens when you get Alzheimer's? You're brain shrinks, Shrinks, shrinks. It shrinks. The craziest thing in nutrition. One of them. The craziest thing in nutrition is the D. We decided to go fat free. Oh, that fat makes me fat. Fat gives me cholesterol. That's not good for you. Yes, it is the fat, saturated fat. Yes, it's good for you. You need fat. Pretend you're an Inuit eating fat and blubber. Cause it's good for you. I'm so big on prevention. If you think of your brain, if you say to yourself, hello in the morning when you get up and look at yourself in the mirror and go, Hello, fat head. Don't do that to other people. Okay? They're gonna get insult, but they don't understand. But you can do it to yourself. Hello fat head guys. I've been talking about fat for as long as I've been around fat and the best fat. What is the best fat? Well, it's that DHA fat. It's the dha. Your brains made up of it. So what do I do? Well, I take DHA every day. I eat fish every day in the capsule.
And by the way, the best DHA isn't even in fish. It's in steak. Yep, it's in steak. And when you go to the grocery store, let me give you a little tip and think of this as taking a vitamin and think of your brain and look for the fattiest cut. They're usually the cheapest, by the way. Cause people you know, Oh, I'm looking for lean dog. You got any lean meat? You know what the Inuit, Okay, they used to feed the lean meat to their dogs. They wanted the fat meat. They wanted fat. They searched for fat. Well, they were smarter than the average bear, my friend. Okay? And that's what DHA does. It regenerates the brain. You're got an electrical grid in the brain and you are mile in sheets on those neurotransmitters. They need fat. They need B12 too. And they need vitamin D too.
And remember this about vitamin D, It's a fat soluble vitamin. If you insist on eating fat free, you're not gonna get enough vitamin D even from the sun. You'll have trouble. You need fat. You need to be eating it. You need to be eating fat. That's why dairy is good for you. Don't ditch dairy. Switch dairy when they made milk fat free. How stupid was that? That's denaturing milk. Why would you do that? That's why Dr. Martin loves cream full fat milk. That's what's good for you. That's why I love cheese. Full-fat cheese. You get your DHA levels up.
Preventing Alzheimer's. Should we do a couple of more about sleep? Sleep, Guys, you gotta do everything you can to sleep properly. Why? Because when you are sleeping, your lymphatics, your brain's drainage system, the lymphatics, the brain has its own self-cleaning oven. But it only works when you sleep. And if you're sedating yourself to go to sleep, okay, that's not sleep, that's sedation. There's a big difference. I talk to you about that all the time. This is one of the reasons I'm not huge on melatonin as a supplement, okay? Rarely does it work after a while. And to some extent, if you don't do it naturally, melatonin sedate you in a supplement, never naturally, because your body already makes melatonin. Do you know that when you eat eggs, meat, and cheese, your body actually makes melatonin from that.
When you go out in the sun, even if it's 40 below, your body makes melatonin through your third eye, your pineal gland, just by seeing the sun, just by looking, not looking directly in the sun, but that bright sunshine, especially in the morning. So you prepare for sleep in the morning. What? Yeah. Get ready for sleep in the morning. How do you do that, doc? Well, when it's sunny, you get outside. Why? Or even if you got a sun room, you're not gonna get vitamin D, but you're going get the sun raise, which is going to increase your melatonin. You prepare for sleep in the morning. Geez, that sounds like a book. I talked about that in my new book. You prepare for sleep. People that work indoors all the time and they don't see the sun and whatever, they don't sleep well.
You need melatonin. Let your body produce it. Vitamin D produces melatonin too. A good diet of eggs, meat and cheese produces melatonin. Supplement wise, I've never been big on melatonin. Okay? Haven't. I'm always telling people, be careful with melatonin as a supplement. Take it natural. Okay, guys, you know what Friday is, It's question and answer Friday. So get your questions in. We love that. Hey guys, you guys are smart. You know that. We appreciate it so much. Okay guys, we love you dearly.
Announcer: You've reached the end of Another Doctor is in podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.