896. Losing the War on Cancer


Cancer rates are skyrocketing. So much so that it’s now being reported that 1 out of every 2 people will get a diagnosis of cancer in their lifetime!

Join Dr. Martin as he talks about why we’re losing the war on cancer. Back in the 1970s, the chances of getting breast cancer was 1 in 20. Now it’s 1 in 6. For prostate cancer it was also 1 in 20, but now it’s 1 in 4!

Cancer research has largely focused on genetics, but it turns out that genetics only plays a 5% role in whether or not you’ll get cancer. Dr. Martin says you can override your genetics and explains how in today’s episode.


Announcer: You're listening to the doctor is in podcast, brought to you by Martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information as awesome as the info may be. It is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. Once again, welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great day. A great start to your day. Now, let me give you the headline. And then we'll break this down a little wee bit. This was an article that I read on the weekend. Remember, this is the news behind the news. This is stuff you don't see, maybe so much. It's not necessarily on mainstream media. Cancer rates are skyrocketing. One out of two people in their lifetime will get the diagnosis of cancer. I mean, that is depressing. Isn't it? You and I, between the two of us, by speaking to individuals here, 50% will get cancer will get that diagnosis. The C word. And when I read the article, they're not even saying why. They're just saying like how that's changed. You know, they look into the history of cancer and they were saying like 60, 70 years ago was one out of 50. I remember in my days in school, in the early seventies, I'm gonna talk to you about two specific cancers. One of them is breast cancer. It was one outta 20. You know what it is today? It's one outta six, one outta seven breast cancer, prostate cancer. It was one outta 20, just like breast cancer in the 1970s. Know what it is today? One outta four men will get prostate cancer. 

And the question is why now, if you follow the trends, medicine has been focused in on, and it started back in the seventies. Genetics treatments were based on genetics, and they've been really wrong about that. Now there's genetics involved, but really it's less than 5%, meaning that if you have breast cancer in your family, you know, mother or whatever, you're more likely to get it. But it's a very small percentage. And you know me at the Martin clinic, I've been saying this for years, you can override your genetics. You can override your genetics. I use the example of how I have diabetes coming out my both ears in terms of family history. I know that I gotta be extra careful, but you can override genetics. And thus far three score in 10 with the grace of God added in. And there are no guarantees in life. 

You can override genetics. And this is why I do this program prevention, not detection prevention. You know, people came to me in my clinic years, they already had cancer. And sometimes I would see it right at the end late stage. And they come and you know what, Hey, you do everything you can. I agree with that. But now you're asking for a miracle man. The best thing we can do is prevent it. And the best way to prevent it is to understand why are we seeing so much cancer today? Why I did write a book about it? Are you built for cancer? 

And it was a big seller. Are you built for cancer? And I talked about how you get built for cancer. If you are a sitting duck for it. And it wasn't genetics, wasn't genetics. So let me reiterate what I wrote there. And I'm actually gonna double down. Now that book was written, how many years ago? 15 close to it. And I was right. We're losing the war on cancer. Remember president Nixon in the seventies let's have a war on cancer. Yeah, but they were looking for love in all the wrong places. It was all pharmaceutical. It was all based on detection. You will never win the war on cancer with detection. I'm not against detection of cancer, but that's not gonna win any war. And the proof in the pudding is, you know, 60, 70 years ago was one out of 50. And now it's one out of two. And maybe we'd make a little bit of dent in life expectancy, morbidity, but we're not winning the war on cancer because we're never talking about preventing cancer. And let me give you the unholy Trinity of cancer. Let me give you the unholy Trinity so that you understand this cancer. I've always said, this is a perfect storm. It's a perfect storm. Doesn't happen by chance. It's a perfect storm. It is primarily hormonal cancer is hormonal. What do I mean by that? Well, there's three main S involved in cancer. 

You guys are probably guessing them already. One of them is insulin. It's very involved in cancer. Insulin is a food hormone. It drives energy and it drives storage and it drives growth of cancer. Insulin is of growth hormone in a negative fashion. It will build fat cells like nobody's business. Nothing will build fat cells more than insulin will. And let me say it again. Fat don't make you fat. Insulin makes you fat and insulin when you overuse it. When you get insulin resistance, you are setting yourself up. Yes, for metabolic syndrome, but it's at the root of cancer and the cancer industry. There's a whole industry. It's worth billions and billions of dollars a year. And I'm not saying their motives are not good. I'm just danger their operation the way they think hasn't worked, you would think it would change. You know, the Canadian cancer society, the American cancer society, breast cancer societies, and wear pink and do this and wear a ribbon and run around the world. And in Canada here, Terry Fox, and it was all wonderful, but it didn't work. People I know who doesn't wanna win the war on cancer. We all do, but it's almost like you can't speak on what causes it. You know, because it's almost like the world looks at it. Like it's like a roll of the dice and you lose. And we lose, eh, there's hormones involved. The unholy Trinity, the other one is estrogen. 

Estrogen is a growth hormone. It makes things grow, grow, grow. Cancer needs fuel insulin from sugars, mostly crappy carbs estrogen. Now I brought to you in the last few weeks, what did they find in 80% of those tested? What did they find in their urine? Roundup? 80% of us have Roundup in our urine. Holy moly. What do you think that does in the body? One thing it does. It elevates estrogen. It's a mimicker of estrogen. 99% of us. According to the recent studies have plastic in our urine. If it's in your urine, my friend, it's in your tissue. 

So when we look at this, I made some notes the other day, 91 to 99%. That's what it was in our urine. 91 to 99. It's not 99%. All of us at 91 to 99. Well, you get 91 in the test. That's almost perfect. This is a perfect storm. My friend aluminum plastic. I was reading this the other day. Never even thought of it. Cash register, receipts, plastic. What? I thought that was paper there's plastic in it, microwave popcorn. I just jot some of these down. Triclosan, deodorant, toothpaste, antibacterial, soaps. Ooh. You know what I think of those, those antibacterial. When you, Ooh, body washes, you can't get away from it. 

Perfumes SCED candles, air fresheners, laundry products, nail Polish sunscreens. Did you hear which one came off the market in the last few days? They recalled it. Now I'm gonna tell you something about the FDA. They don't pull anything quickly. And if they pull sunscreens off the market because of cancer causing chemicals, my word, my friend, it's worse than we thought because the FDA don't do that. So you see when you eat wrong, you got insulin. It's at the top of that. Trinity, that triangle, you have insulin. It's food. Keep it down. You got estrogen, mimickers, Xeno, estrogens. They're called. And I gave you the list. It's in our year end, it's in the environment everywhere. The world has gone crazy on carbon and has forgotten the craziness of estrogen mimics. The world is worried about the climate. When we ought to be worrying about our health and cancer guys, the statistics don't like one outta two people will get the cancer diagnosis. 

So you have insulin, which is food. You have estrogen, which is another growth hormone, which is mainly the environment can be food too. Of course, I don't like soy. I don't like these seed oils that elevate your omega six compared to omega three. Now that's a whole other discussion. And not necessarily that's involved in cancer because of inflammation, but insulin, estrogen. And the third one is the little test someone. Tell me what other hormone is involved. I'm gonna wink five seconds. And if not, I'll tell you, okay. You know me? I like to test cause my stroll is slow. So you're probably giving me a what's that third one. What is the third one? What's the third hormone that's involved in cancer. Rose. You're absolutely right. It's cortisol. It's cortisol. It's the stress hormone. That's why Dr. Martin here has constantly, constantly told you about in Janus. You're right. It's cortisol. 

It's the stress hormone. Paula. Here's why for me. Okay. And Veronica, you had it, right? I'm a history guy. I love history of all kinds. World history. Okay. Hi. Hi. I love history and I was a big, big, big practitioner on your history, your medical history, Carol, you got cortisol. And here's what I found whenever I did a case history on anyone with cancer. Okay. Again, what did I tell you? It's a perfect storm. Perfect storm. And the problem. And I'm telling you almost no exception to it. No exception to it was what stress stressful event, long period of time, family finances, separation, divorce, kids in trouble. Kids are sick. Life.

It's a big part of the perfect storm because cortisol, it affects everything that drip, drip, drip of cortisol was never meant to be. It was never meant to be. And what happens, cortisol is a growth hormone and it is detrimental. Over a period of time. Cortisol is detrimental to how well it messes up your hormones messes up your thyroid. It robs progesterone. It has a major effect on your gut. Think about it. You can get a bad gut. You get a bad gut. You start changing the microbiome, your immune system, T cells, cortisol, suppresses immunity. Your T cells are your Navy seals of your immune system. Your lymphatic system is suppressed when your under stress. Now you're made for stress, but not prolonged. 

It affects everything from your head to your toes. It will elevate your insulin even. That's why metabolically cortisol is a very important metabolic factor because it elevates insulin. Think about what does that do? Well, that's gonna elevate your blood sugar because you're in the fight or flight. You wouldn't believe how many times I would unpack a person's history. I said, okay, tell me about your stress. You know? And they go, how do you know? Well, you got cancer. Tell me about it. What? Well, I was taking care of my mother's sick years. I became the primary caregiver and it was difficult. Or I lost my father. You know, stuff like that, guys, I'm telling you, how do you escape that? 

But it's the perfect storm. And by the way, let me just say something about kids when they get cancer, because we see a lot more of that today than we ever did. And I believe kids are the canaries. The kids that get cancer terror. Is there anything worse? There are canaries in the coal mine, but there's involvement there of the microbiome. I'm convinced of it. Anyway. I don't want to even get into it too much. The overuse of antibiotics. Plus I just named you all the chemicals from BPA to ground up fallates and I mean, we live in a modern world and there's a lot of modern conveniences, including chemicals. I often called it the DuPont disease. 

I mean, DuPont did a lot of good things, but chemicals and they mimic estrogen and estrogen is a growth hormone. And cortisol is a growth hormone. And insulin is a growth hormone and cancer needs fuel. So when you look at you don't wanna be a statistic as much as you can, you are in control of food. That's for sure. Okay. You're in control of food. So it's really important. I try and simplify it because I think it's so significant. You wanna lower your insulin. You want a lower insulin resistance that is fundamental in the fight for cancer. 

You wanna lower your estrogen ladies. I know you're thinking, Hey, my estrogen is low. That's what my doctor said. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. It's lower than it used to be, but that's not the primary problem. The problem is you still got more estrogen than your progesterone and you wanna dim your estrogen out and get it balanced. Ladies. Your health depends on balance hormones in balance. You know why? I love the reset guys because the reset and it's spelled out, the reset will lower your insulin. It'll lower and fix insulin resistance. That's what I'm aiming for. Not your weight. And even when you lose weight, that helps for prevention of cancer. For sure it does. But the key is to get your insulin resistance down, cuz you can be skinny as a rink and get cancer. Let me tell you that. That doesn't mean you're hormonally balanced. 

If you're thin don't fool yourself. Food. I double down on meat does not cause cancer okay, don't drink that Koolaid. It is propaganda a hundred percent. Oh that bacon bacon is cancer. No, it's not. No it's not. Sugar is cancer. If you don't believe me, get a pet scan. I always tell people that look, get a per scan. What? Not for your pet for you. It's a cancer imaging. It doesn't even work until you get glucose. Either shot up your veins or you drink a cup of sugar. Yuck. They give you a slurpy before they put you in the machine seriously. And what happens if you got cancer from your head to your toes, you'll light up like a Christmas tree. That's a pet scan. I rest my case. I rest my case. 

True story. I remember talking to an oncologist, God bless her nice woman. And she said seriously to me, what does food got to do with cancer? And she was a breast cancer oncologist. Mostly I said, you're kidding me, right? No. What food got the, I said, well, what do you got in your hospital? What imaging can you use? Oh, we, we just got a new one. It's called the pet scan. Uh, how does it work? I don't know what you gotta take. It even works. No sugar, no pet scan that ought to tell you something. It's simple deduction. 

Why would a pet scan work with glucose? Because cancer is looking for fuel cancer, not looking for steak. It hates steak. Cancer hates steak, cancer hates eggs, cancer hates cheese. Hates it. Why you're not feeding me? What are you giving me that for that doesn't feed me. Cancer hates it. You gotta be able to differentiate science from science fiction. Ooh. I just got excited. I know you're gonna hear the opposite guys. You'll hear the opposite, but I don't care. It's not science. It's science fiction. Anywho. Did you have fun? Well, it's not really that much fun talking about cancer is it? But let's not be ostrich and bury our head in the sand and let's be real. 

Let's be real. Okay. Cause it's right in front of us. We gotta do something about it. I'm into prevention. My friend prevention, prevention, prevention, not detection prevention. Okay. Share this. My friend with your friends. Share this, my friend with your family. Let him hear the side of it. I think I simplified it enough for people to understand it, share it, get people to listen to it on a podcast on the doctors is in podcast. I think it's important information and it's meant for the average person out there. What we can do, what to be careful about. Okay. We love you guys. And I mean that. And we'll talk to you soon. 

Announcer: You've reached the end of another. Doctor is in podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin, Jr. And senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.

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