One of the most prescribed medications in the world is Metformin. It’s the go-to drug given to diabetics and pre diabetics to regulate their blood sugar. The drug may help control blood sugar but it doesn’t fix the root problem of insulin resistance.
With all medications, there are side effects, and with Metformin it destroys your vitamin B12 levels. You need optimized levels of B12 to help regenerate your brain. In fact, there are many different organs that benefit from B12.
Join Dr. Martin as he discusses Metformin and why he thinks it’s a band-aid solution to the real problem for diabetics.
Announcer: You're listening to the doctor is in podcast, brought to you by Martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information as awesome as the info may be. It is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning, everyone. And once again, welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great start to your day. Now let me make a statement. It wasn't that we just got it wrong, but that data was actually manipulated. What am I talking about? Alzheimer's for the last 25 years, we'd been sent down a path and the world of medicine, all of it, plus research went down one path. It was a rat hole. It's worse than we thought because the amyloid better amyloid. You know what that is? That is a protein in the brain, apparently causing plaque in the brain that caused Alzheimer's. We were then told that for 20, 25 years. And guess what we found out last week. It wasn't true. Now. I knew that, but what I didn't know is they actually manipulated the debt and not billions of dollars, but trillions of dollars over the last period of time had been spent on research drugs.
Another example of being duped, unreal. We got a problem, Houston. We got a problem because what's happened is Alzheimer's has creeped up to the number three killer in north America. Number one in the United Kingdom guys, this is a scourge on our society. Memory dementia Alzheimer's as I've reported to you in the past, it's happening at a younger and younger and younger age. And guess what guys? It's not better amyloid. That was a rat hole that they went down years and years ago. And look what's happened. I think I brought this to you, man. I don't know how many months ago the FDA approved a drug for Alzheimer's that works on better amyloid. It costs $56,000 a dose and they expect it at least in the United States and Canada, to some extent, I guess, to pay for the medication, the government $56,000 a dose, the research I read it that they gave to the FDA for approval. Well, it wasn't working still approved it. You know why they approved it because they had nothing else.
It's been a colossal failure. The treatment of Alzheimer's is a colossal failure. Hello? Wanna know why? Because the hypothesis is wrong. It was never true. It was never true, guys that is terrible. Now, if you want, you can go back podcasts after podcasts that we've done on the brain, how to protect your brain. I think you've been download that right on our website. How do you protect your brain? The idea is not to get Alzheimer's and let say it to you. The number one cause of Alzheimer's the number one cause is insulin resistance. It's at the root of it. As a matter of fact in Alzheimer's it used to be a comment when it first started talking about it, they sort of coined the name type three diabetes, and don't take my word for it. You can Google it type three diabetes. That's what they were calling Alzheimer's. They were right when they talked about that, not about amyloid plaque, it's insulin, it's insulin resistance at the root of it.
Well, insulin resistance at the brain level. When you have insulin resistance, if you send me your blood work, I can tell you whether you have it or not. I look at A1C. If it's anything, 5.4 or up you're in do do you got insulin resistance and that's creating a silent inflammation. Yesterday We talked about pain. That's not silent. Pain is inflammation thats not silent. There's a silent inflammation. The body's response to insulin resistance. And you know what inflammation does. It's like the fog of war cells can communicate with each other, including brain cells. And when you have insulin resistance, it's very difficult for insulin to get across the blood brain barrier and get in to mop up insulin, mops up sugar in the brain. You know what sugar does to your hippocampus, the area in the brain for your memory. You know what sugar does it saturates it. It destroys those brain cells. It saturates, especially the Highcamp of your brain.
And when you have insulin resistance, your insulin has difficulty going across. Remember what insulin is? It's the traffic cop. It's trying to get sugar. Hey, you get over here. Get out. You don't, you can't park them sugar. You can't park in the brain. Come out here. That's what insulin does insulin. My friend is your friend until you use it too much. And then it becomes the pesky neighbour. And the more you secrete insulin, the more inflammation you create. Okay? So one sugar destroys your memory cells, two sugar and bad fires increases insulin. Eventually you get insulin resistance. And when you have insulin resistance, you have inflammation. And guess what that does. Inflammation starts to destroy your blood vessels and especially what they call the small vessel. Okay? Alzheimer's is often called and dementia, small vessel disease. What's that? Well you have little blood vessels in your brain and they get destroyed by inflammation and the presence of sugar.
The big elephant in the room, GU the big elephant in the room when it comes to your brain and your memory and Alzheimer's and dementia is food. Food. Now, big pharma don't want that. They don't want it to be food. Big food. Don't want it to be food. They don't want that. So they went down a, a rabbit trail based on again, theory, plaque, amyloids proteins in the brain. They said, ah, that's the baby right there. Nah, it never was. And when they had to, they doubled down and they manipulated the data. Now I wanna ask you a question guys, and you gotta answer this personally. Did you guys hear this story or not that Alzheimer's and the treatment of Alzheimer's was fudged. Did you hear that? Did you hear it? It let me know if you heard it. Okay. And if you did, where did you see it? Cause I didn't find this in the mainstream media fudged manipulated. I don't like that guys. I don't look, if you are a researcher or whatever, and you're looking, you know, you work for a pharmaceutical company or you work for the government or you work for a private researcher and you're doing research well, good for you.
But they're showing that big pharma. They manipulated the data. Can I tell you another thing? Nobody's gonna go to jail over it. I mean, trillions of dollars, how many millions of lives, millions of lives have been destroyed by this brain eating disease? It's a sad thing to watch. Look, we don't live in a perfect world and I understand all that, but boy, I don't like being duped, but I've always said you can't control everything in life, but you can certainly control what you put in your mouth every day. And my job is to speak to you about that your brain and especially your memory center. Now you've got a hormonal center, okay? The hypoaldo really important. And that is affected by food too, but nothing like your memory center, nothing like your memory center. So the primary number UNO cause of Alzheimer is insulin resistance.
And my friend. You cannot get insulin resistance. Let me say it. You're not getting insulin resistance on eating eggs, meat, gluten, fish, and cheese. It's impossible to get insulin resistance. As a matter of fact, the reset has been proven to fix insulin resistance. It's meant to put insulin resistance on the back burner, a 30 day treatment. Over the years, I saw thousands of patients and I would get people in that were starting their brains. Weren't operating properly. One of the things we teach on the brain and we've taught this consistently at the Martin clinic is what happens in your forties. In your fifties, even in your sixties has a major impact on your brain, a major impact. So what am I saying guys? And gals. Okay. Take care of yourself. Get into prevention. Don't worry about treatment. As much as prevention, you see big pharma into treatment, you got Alzheimer's, you got amyloid plaque. According to them, it was never true, but that's what they said. And here's a draw. Okay? What's that gonna do?
You don't even wanna get it. And I'm telling you something. My friend I'm telling you something, your brain has an amazing capacity to regenerate. It's not too late. Get started. Get started. Now let me give you a little recipe, cuz I'm not gonna be just Debbie downer today. Okay? I'm not gonna be Debbie downer and any deputies out there, don't take it personally. Okay? Let me give you some good news. What can you do? You take responsibility for yourself. Okay? You got a pen. You got a piece of paper. Write these down. What can you do? Well, you start with food, right? You start with food, negative, lay off the sugar, lay off the sugar. If you don't do anything else for your bringing disable health, believe me. Lay off the sugar, lay off the crappy carbs because we've taught you this. Your brain is headquarters. It's the federal government. It takes taxes off the top or any of you on a payroll. Hey geez. I was making this much an hour and look at how much tax they took. Well, I went to the governments, right? You understand taxation, right? And that's what your brain is like. Your brain is whatever you eat, it doesn't matter what you eat. Your brain will take 25% of it. It's like the federal government.
It wants taxes in the forms of food because whatever you eat, you see that's headquarters up there that runs the rest of your body. And it needs a lot of energy. So what does it do? Whatever you eat. Okay? Give me 25%. You guys share the rest. All the rest of the organs, whatever you get 75%. But I get the first 25. So when you eat sugar, your brain says, okay, if that's what you're giving me, I'm taking it. You eat crappy carbs. Your brain says, okay, I take 25%. What an effect that has on the brain. So number one, cut out. Number two, add good foods. Because if you send to your brain high potency nutrition, if you send to your brain vitamins, amino acids, minerals that are especially in the animal kingdom, but you can eat plants too. Your brain will help you again, you have to decide what your brain's going to get.
And when you eat eggs, your brain says, thank you. That's a much better fuel than sugar is. Thank you. And the cells inside your brain, especially in the HyperC area will thank you because you gave it the right fuel eggs and meat. And the reason I say that is because when you look at eggs and you look at meat and you look at dairy, good dairy, not grocery store milk. When you eat from that trough, eggs, meat, and cheese, all the vitamins are there. Your B vitamins, vitamin D vitamin, your brain loves vitamin E. Your brain loves the B vitamins, especially B12 your brain won't operate properly without B12. It's not like you're gonna drop dead. Oh, you don't have any B12. You drop dead. No, but you're not gonna be at the top of your game, especially your memory. Because B12 out of all, the B vitamins is a neurological vitamin.
Your brain cells communicate with each other. And when you don't have enough B12, they ain't talking. They're not communicating properly. Why do you think I emphasized red meat all the time. When people talk to my red meat, I'm confused. Well, you're only confused because all of the nonsense out there wants to get all these fanatics. I mean, it they're fanatics. They wanna get rid of animals. They want you to have an animal, but they don't want you to eat animal food. They're fanatics. It's craziness. It was never based on science. It's science fiction, red meat, my word, your brain thrives on red meat. It's got saturated fat.
This whole fat free craze. What a terrible experiment on the human race and people bought it. Fat, it can't be good. Fat. That's clogs up my arteries. Fat. That's what puts weight on the scale. Fat. I used to have people come in the office and they'd boast. Hey doc, I'm eating fat free yogurt. I used to look at like your brain thrives on fat, thrives on it. Your vitamins are in there. Your fat soluble vitamins, you need that. You need amino. The most bio available are the ones in the animal kingdom. Your brain will thrive. Okay? So positive and negative, negative. Get rid of sugar, get rid of crappy carbs. Do it. Now start, start best. If you would do the reset for 30 days, it's not an easy thing. If you're a carbaholic, I understand it's not easy, but is it ever worthwhile? Your brain will thank you. I mean, the rest of your body will do, but your brain positive, you know, it's not a diet where you're eliminating. That's one sign, but it's what you're putting into your system.
The most power packed foods are eggs, meat and cheese folks. I'm telling you nothing on the planet is as good as those three. Nothing, not even ladies, your avocados. They're good, but they're not as good as an egg. They're just not don't fool yourself. Okay. And the number one food on the planet is a steak while it's really liver. But I don't like liver but they're nothing like it. It's the super food. It's the anti-depressant it's the anti Alzheimer's medication I'm telling you. If they would just have said 25 years ago, whatever, you know how to get rid of Alzheimer's eat a steak. A steak a day will keep the doctor away. If they had just said that they would've done a lot more results on Alzheimer's than they get today. Cuz they didn't get none. It got worse. Didn't get better. Cause they were looking for love in all the wrong places.
Food fact, if you or any of your loved ones are worried about Alzheimer's then you need to be on omega three high DHA. Look at your labels. You go to Costco, you go to Walmart or whatever. Look at the label. See how much DHA you wanna know if omega3 is good. Here's a very simple way to look at omega3. But what about my brain doc? Your brain needs DHA. Now why do you think I created high DHA because that's what your brain's made up of your HyperC what's in there. Fat what kind of fat? DHA fat. Here's what it means. Longer chain fatty acid. The long, the better for your brain DHA. So you guys as individuals read labels. Oh it's omega three. Yeah, but how much DHA does it have in it? I like EPA two. Don't get me wrong. I do. But there's nothing like DHA for your brain and your memory. Nothing like it. You need the right food. Eliminate the negative. You need high fat, especially the omega3 DHA. It really protects against inflammation. It helps to regenerate the brain. And here's another one. And you knew I was coming with this vitamin D the sun, your brain, like the rest of your body is a solar panel. Get in the sun when you can 20 minutes, 10,000. Please don't use sunscreens, please, please. I beg you get in the sun, but when you can't get in the sun, take vitamin D three, preferably with K2.
But you need vitamin D your brain don't operate properly without it. Vitamin D is a hormone guys. It's a hormone. I know they classify it as a vitamin, but really it's a hormone. Your body needs it. You were meant to be in the sun. God put the sun in the sky for you. Use it. Okay. Use it. I see the seniors. Okay. Now I've told you this. Before I read a statistic. The other day it was frightening. Really was, you know, when you put mom and dad in the home, you know what? Their average time in there is one year, one year.
Why? Yeah. They're old. Yeah, I know that. But my, my, my, especially my generation and my parents' generation, we bought all those lies. The sun's no good. The sun's the boogeyman and don't eat fat and that's cholesterol and all the things that your brain needs, guess what they did with it. And you go into home. And I mean, I don't go into sun and you know, whatever. Ooh, drives me crazy. You need vitamin D. You need the outdoors. You need the sun, sun and brain go together, sun and your memory go together. Here's another one. Vitamin E exercise. The best exercise for your brain is your legs.
How do you exercise your brain? Not a crossword puzzle. If you wanna do that, go ahead. I'm not against it, but that doesn't exercise your brain. Like your legs, exercise your brain, strong legs, strong brain. If someone calls you, musclehead take it as a compliment. Not only Fathead, but musclehead yeah, guys, this has been proven. The stronger you are, the stronger your brain is. There's a direct correlation. Hey, muscle head. No, seriously. Especially your legs, especially your legs. Keep them strong. You know what the problem is today, we sit too much. We sit too much.
That's what's happened in the last hundred years. A lot of ways, isn't it. We sit too much strong legs, strong brain. So vitamin E any exercise is good. The best is strengthening exercises. And this study on grip strength. Maybe I'll bring that to you. The strength of your grip has a major connotation to your health. You lose your strength, you lose your brain. Okay? Can I give you another one? An ending, one more. You want a healthy brain? See what I got in my hand here, for those who are listening on a podcast, I got the real vitamins, safe coffee. You know why I'll tell you why coffee with all its polyphenols. Over a thousand of them. One of the things that does is it helps your blood vessels, especially those little arteries in your brain, more blood supply, the better your brain, the better the memory center, coughing. And I mean it, and I'm doubling down on it seriously. Okay. Some people think I'm joking. When I talk about my coffee. No, I'm not. I'm not joking. Okay. You guys have a great day. It takes willpower takes discipline. It takes determination, but you can do it. Okay. Love you guys. Talk to soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another doctor's end podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin, junior and senior. Be sure to catch our next episode. And thanks for listening.