Did you know that the number one reason why people are hospitalized in North America is because of iatrogenics? It’s a big word to describe people being hospitalized for side effects from taking pain pills!
If you have pain anywhere in your body, it’s because you have inflammation. This is always the case, no exceptions. It’s the inflammation that causes the pain… and if you’re always in pain, you know how disabling it can be.
Join Dr. Martin as he teaches about pain and inflammation in today’s episode. There are two types of inflammation… with cause, and without. Dr. Martin explains the difference.
Announcer: You're listening to the doctor is in podcast, brought to you by Martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information as awesome as the info may be. It is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning, everyone. Welcome again to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great start to your day. Okay, here we go. If you get our emails, you should have got it this morning in your mailbox. We talked about pain and I want to elaborate a little bit this morning and based on a new study, that chemo. Okay, so let's talk about pain. Not that it's any fun pain can be very, very disabling. Okay? Very disabling. Now, if you have pain anywhere in your body, anywhere understand this. Always no exceptions. If you have pain, you have inflammation. It's the inflammation that causes the pain. Okay? Now there are two types of inflammation. We always say it. Inflammation is not Houdini. Just doesn't show up. There's always a cause to inflammation. Now your body's ability. You got an infection. Okay? Think of it. You got a cold, you have an infection.
A virus has hit you and you gotta hit it. You gotta sore throat. You got sinus pain, right? All of that is from inflammation. That is a response to your body's ambulance system. Remember your body has an immune system. Eh, we've forgotten that over the last couple of years. I can't handle that. Now. We haven't talked about the body's immune system, your body's ability to fight and we're being conditioned. Okay? Just gotta see this. We're being conditioned. Not to accept a virus ever again. You got a virus at bad news. Bad is it's not bad news. People that tell me they never, never, never get sick. Eh, when kids get sick, kids get a cold kids, got a running nose. It's part of their immune system.
It's part of their immune system building up. It's not bad for them. It's actually good for them. But the pain part of it comes from inflammation. Now let me give you an example. You kicked me in the knee. Okay? Maybe you didn't mean it, but let's say you did mean it. You kicked me what happens? Well, I start rubbing my knee. First response of the human body. It's like reflex, you start rubbing the area of injury, right? You hurt yourself. What do you do? You bang your elbow. You rub it. And rubbing. That helps in a way, because your're bringing more blood supply. Your body's gonna do it anyway. You're just accelerating the process. And your body is starting to send in the ambulance more blood, more enzymes, more protein, all in your blood. They're all going to the site of the injury.
So when you get a virus and especially like a cold or whatever, it loves that upper respiratory area, your throat, your sinuses, your head, and the body's not stupid. It's bringing the immune system to the area of injury, the area of infection. Okay. That's all really good news. Yeah. You got inflammation and yeah, it hurts. But you don't wanna negate the response of your immune system because that is really important. Okay. It's how your body operates. Now, the problem with inflammation is if it becomes chronic inflammation, your body's response to infection or injury and that's all right, but you don't want it to become chronic. Now let me give you a new study that has come out of the university of Boston school of medicine. This is hot off the press guys, hot off the press. And it's not good news because what they've done is that they have studied the human beings, modern response to infection or injury. So what do we do? You got a headache. What do you do? You take a pain killer. Most of them are over the counter nonsteroidal, and a set of ibuprofen. Okay. Naproxen, aspirin. These are nonsteroidal antiinflammatories they sort of snip the wire so that you will have less pain.
I don't know if you knew this statistic, but the number one reason, people are hospitalized in north America. You know what? The number one reason is iatrogenic. You know what that means? Big word. You know what it means? People are hospitalized more than any other reason are for side effects, from taking pain pills. Yep. Number one reason. They're over the counter. A lot of them, you don't need even need a prescription to go get Tylenol. You don't need a prescription to get a leave. You don't need a prescription to get aspirin. You don't need a prescription to get Advil. The four biggest sellers, you don't need a prescription for that. But the number one reason for hospitalization is not heart attacks. It's not cancer. It's the side effect of those medications. We knew that by the way, that's not a new statistic. I'm gonna tell you what's new in a minute.
Stay with me here. Okay. So what happens in these anti-inflammatories? We don't think about it. Cuz when we got pain, we just wanna have relief. Do you think, I don't understand that. Of course I understand that. But it's a double edged sword. It's like an antibiotic. Antibiotics are great except they kill the infection, but they kill all your good guys too. And I've done hundreds of podcasts on the side effects of antibiotics. But let's talk about anti-inflammatories today and here's one I'm on a little rabbit trail. So let me bring you one. Do you know there was a medication, this guy's brought steam coming up my ears. There was a medication that was brought out Viox you guys might not remember that name, but it's not all that long ago about, eh, I think they took it off the market. About 15 years ago. They wanna bring it back by the way, listen to what I'm going to tell you. They settled in court. 50,000 people, 50,000 people died from Viox 50,000 people that they admitted to. They had heart attacks from a drug.
And I hate to tell you this Pfizer paid billions of dollars in settlement. Look it up. And no one, not one per 50,000 people died and not one person went to jail. Okay. That's on an anti-inflammatory cuz you know what bio was for arthritis pain. Anyway, let's come back the study outta the university of Boston school of medicine. They're looking at the effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatories the over the counter ones. You go to the grocery store, you can get this stuff. You go to your pharmacy, you don't need a prescription. And here's what they're saying because this is new. This is new. Okay. In the long run, here's what they're saying. I'm gonna quote them in the long run.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories actually make pain worse. And here's why they said when you suppress your body's natural response to temporary pain, this is a major problem. Okay? When you suppress the body's natural response to temporary pain. So you've got a sore back, okay? You twisted it or whatever, or you hurt your knee or you hurt your ankle or you hurt your elbow. You hurt your shoulder, right? Well it hurts. And I'm taking Advil, a leave, Tylenol aspirin, one of them or a combination. And you can understand it. You're sort of sniping the wires. So you, you get less pain. But what they said, studying this, not only the major side effects of increasing your risk of heart attack, increasing your risk of liver disease, but really hard on your liver, really hard on your GI, especially aspirin. But you know the studies, I brought this to you on these podcasts.
I was one of the first guys to say it years and years and years ago, don't take aspirin every day. What you should have seen the blow back. I got on that. I said, well, look, I understand aspirin. They're out advertising. And they're telling you, you know, an aspirin will prevent a heart attack. Uh, maybe, but the side effects of it are worse than a heart attack. Believe it or not. Hey, listen. I said it, but research has proven me, right? I used to tell people, look, if you're having a heart attack, let somebody shove a bottle of aspirin down your throat. I'm not against that, but you don't want to be taking that every day. Cuz millions of people, my generation and especially my parents' generation, they grew up and were weed on aspirin. Like man, take an aspirin. Like it was like a jelly bean.
Like it was no problem. And doctors, they get, you know, we talked about it yesterday, you know, cholesterol, cholesterol, cholesterol, you can't get that outta their head. Well, you couldn't get doctors because who did it to the bear. Yeah. But you know, take a little mild. They called it mild 81 milligram aspirin. And they said, nah, don't do that. Research came out. And actually, even in Canada here, the college of physicians and surgeons, they got a little notice. Eh, don't do that to your patients because the research is showing in the long run. It's not good for you.
Now back to the study, outta the University of Boston school of medicine, they looked at this over the years, taking these over the counter medication. You know what they said, this is fascinating. It actually makes your pain worse, short term fix long term pain. That pain becomes more chronic because what they're saying is if you don't allow the natural process of extra blood supply, going to the area, either in infection or in injury, you're making it worse in the long run. Now again, I didn't say that. And just bringing you the studies look, I mean you take it for a day or so. You know like pain, like you got pain, you just had surgery for having sakes. Okay. And you're taking medication. Of course, come on. I understand that. But the university of Boston school of medicine has said, don't stay on that because it actually makes your pain in the long run, worse. You're gonna have more inflammation. It's going to become chronic. Yeah.
And that chronic inflammation again, your body has the ability you gotta sore joint, it sends extra blood supply, sore, back, extra blood supply. But it's starting the healing process. Your body is unbelievably fearfully and wonderfully made. And this is why for me in my practice for years and years and years, I used to tell my patients look short term. Yes, very short. And then you get to a point, you gotta do this naturally with things that will build your body, not damage your cartilages or whatever, they will actually help to heal. That's why, you know, in my practice I was big on natural anti-inflammatories I was big on that. You look at our inflammation formula. I had put that together over years of putting eight natural anti-inflammatories in there. One of them is vitamin D. Do you know that? Vitamin D Viderma is a natural anti-inflammatory nature's way. Go sit in the sun. And if you can't, you take some vitamin D really big on it, Curcumin ashwaganda.
I like the mixture, putting things together and naturally healing. It's not as quick as taking Tylenol or whatever. I get that. I understand that. But they're showing, like I said, the number one reason of hospitalization is iatrogenic. Meaning medicines have put you in there, the double edge sword of medicines and the new study showing it actually now turns your pain. Chronic. If you snip the little wires so that you don't get pain, you are delaying healing and it'll become chronic. And in the long run, you're gonna be on those pain meds for it. Now I wanna talk about chronic inflammation for a minute. How you get it from injury? What happens from infection? Well, we know what autoimmune is, right? Those inflammation markers never get turned off and the body is turning on itself. Autoimmune. When the immune system don't turn off, it's going after what it shouldn't go after guys, your immune system is for injury and infection, injury and infection knows exactly what to do. So I'm big on building the immune system. And again, vitamin D is one of the best most of your immune system is found in your lymphatic system. Most of your immune system is found in your gut. That's why I'm so big on probiotics. I'm so big on vitamin D cuz vitamin D your T cells outta your lymphatic system. They got a solar panel on top of them. They're looking for the sun.
They're looking for they're green energy was way ahead of what we're trying to do with electric cars or whatever. You know like they're looking for solar. You are, by the way, you and me are solar panels. And guess what they did? I was reading the history of sunscreens. I get a migraine because the sun is the boogeyman like cholesterol is the boogeyman. And actually what's happened is they may pain. The boogeyman. Look again. In case you misunderstand what I'm saying, pain killers over the counter, or even by prescription are meant to be very, very temporary. The rest you do it yourself. Let your body do it.
And let me give you a little bit of physiology. Like how does this happen? Pain? How does it become chronic? Why is it destructive to joints? And that if it doesn't lead the site of injury, couple of ways we explain it in the emails. So again, our emails are very educational. Okay? So if you get a chance and if you don't receive them, sign up martinclinic.com for the emails, they'll go into your inbox. Okay? If you're not getting them sign up for it. Okay? Not advertising. Now when your inflammation is high, over a period of time, almost invariably, guys, this has been my experience and this is why we wrote about it today. Almost invariably. There's a metabolic factor involved. Okay? What do you mean by that? Well, listen to this.
I am a root cause guy, right? A root cause guy. When you have chronic pain, it's chronic. Your body's not healing. Well, one reason is because you were taking anti-inflammatories non-steroidal anti-inflammatories for too long. Okay? That can be a cause. That is well established by the university of Boston medical school. One, two metabolically. Here's what I found over the years, people were metabolically unwell and that always comes back to food. When people insist on being carboholics, a process starts in the body. They develop insulin resistance, insulin resistance does a couple of things. One, it creates inflammation. You already have inflammation. You have insulin resistance. You are going to have more. And when you have more inflammation, you are going to have more pain.
Insulin is not your friend, friend. It's not your friend. Insulin is your friend. When it only gets secreted in a small proportion because you're eating good. But when you don't eat good, when you're eating crappy carbs, everything. Now, today has got sugar added to it. Just above. When people eat like that, they're creating a response in their body. It's called insulin resistance. Your cells are so sick of insulin. They say, get outta here. I'm sick of you. But insulin insulin. Remember that? We'll always do what it has to do until it doesn't work anymore. But the first part of that process is it's called insulin resistance. The bad neighbour coming to your house all the time. They're driving you crazy.
If you're a carbo, you've got insulin resistance. If you have insulin resistance, you're creating inflammation on top of inflammation. It will worsen your pain. Yep. It'll worsen. Your pain. Food will worsen your pain. Bad food will worsen your pain. Here's one of the ways it does it. When you have insulin resistance, conversion of T4 to T3, okay? Stay with me. It affects your thyroid. Especially in ladies. You're not converting enough. T4 to T3. You know what happens? Your thyroid slows down. You know what happens? It does not create as many Contra your thyroid as your gas pedal. Your thyroid is the orchestra leader, your metabolism. So insulin affects your thyroid and your thyroid, when it slows down your repair slows down your injuries, which are really important for bone and cartilage. That's one way. Insulin resistance creates inflammation on top of inflammation. And you get another way.
I explain this in the that's why the resets so good. A lot of people, thousands have found out. They have much less pain on the reset. Ah, why headaches better joint pain, better. They don't fully understand it, but they like it. I say, yeah, because there's a process that goes on in your body. It's called gly. It's a G E apostrophe S advanced gly and cells. Leave it to medicine to confuse you. They love using big words, but me I'm a simple person. So I like to break that down. What's that mean? It means your joints age more quicker. It means your skin ages more quicker. It means your cartilage, your ligaments, your holding elements, they age quicker. That's what glycation is. And guess what? Glycation comes from sugar.
It causes gly. Don't let anybody tell you. Don't let anybody tell you. Don't be confused this week. We're gonna call it. Don't be confused yesterday. I gave you some real history on these fake foods like margarine and all that. Why did it come out? On cholesterol, cholesterol, cholesterol, fake fake news. So here we are today, talking about pain and pain is actually the body's response to infection or injury because it creates inflammation. And that's all right. As long as it doesn't last and you can use painkillers if you want. Very, very temporarily. Just remember that very temporarily because the research is showing down the rope. It's not good taking these non-steroidal anti-inflammatories over the counter medication. It's not good.
It actually makes pain worse in the long run. It makes pain worse in the long run because you short-circuited what your body was willing to do on its own. Give it the tools guys. And the best way to give it tools is to eat properly. You know, what's a natural anti-inflammatory steak. You know, what's a natural anti-inflammatory? Eggs. Do you know what's a natural anti-inflammatory? Cheese. Good dairy. Yep. See God gave that to us found in vitamin D the sun. My friend is good for y'all. Don't hide from the sun. It's an antiinflammatory, natural that doesn't short circuit, the healing process.
Now I hope I wasn't too much of a pain today for you. I hope we got a little bit of good teaching there. Here's the moral of the story. If you've gotta take a pain killer, keep it short term, clean up your diet, take the right supplements for injury and chronic pain. Do it naturally as much as you possibly can. That's the takeaway today. Oh, okay. I can breathe again. Okay, guys, we love you dearly. And we'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another. Doctor is in podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin, junior and senior. Be sure to catch our next episode. And thanks for listening.