People often ask Dr. Martin how many cups of coffee he drinks daily. The answer is 4 and according to a new study on coffee, that’s the sweet spot.
If you’ve followed Dr. Martin for some time, you know that one of his favourite topics is coffee – or as he calls it, the real vitamin C.
Join Dr. Martin as he looks at two new studies on the benefits of regularly drinking coffee.
Announcer: You're listening to the doctor is in podcast, brought to you by Martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information as awesome as the info may be. It is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning, everyone. How you doing? Hope you're having a great start to your day. Hope you had your vitamin C. We're gonna talk about that this morning. Now I'm calling this two to four. You'll in a minute, two to talk to you about three studies that came out that I saw on the weekend and I flagged them so that we could talk about them. Interesting. And I gotta start with my favorite one. Okay. Why am I saying two to four? Because in this particular study about vitamin C the real vitamin C I double down on that, the more they study coffee, the more you realize how good it is for you. Vitamin C the real vitamin C, the other vitamin C ascorbic acid is good. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying it's no good, but it's not near as good as the real vitamin C. And that is coffee.
Here's a new study just came up incredible. Actually two studies on coffee, but let me talk about it. This is according to a study over a period of three months. If you drink two and a half cups a day, now people ask me every day, okay, doc, how much coffee do you drink? I am going to give you the sweet spot. Okay? I'm a big guy on that. Here's my clinical experience over many, many years. Here's the sweet spot on coffee. Four cups a day. There's the sweet spot. Now, if you drink less than that, that's all right. If you drink more than that, that's all right. This sweet spot is four cups. Okay? In my clinical experience. Now what happens when you drink two and a half cups for three months? And if you have high blood pressure, you know what it does, it decreases blood pressure, just like a man, every bit as effective as a men.
Now I'm not telling you to get rid of your medication. Okay? You got high blood pressure and the doctors got you on meds. I'm not telling you to get off of that. I'll never do that. You won't hear it here. All I'm telling you is the research says two and a half cups of coffee a day works like blood pressure medication to lower your blood pressure. And here's what they found. They actually were able to measure the endothelial layer of your blood vessels. They measured it for inflammation damage, and you know what they found coffee did. It helps repair your blood vessels. Isn't that incredible guys. Now, if you have been following me for any length of time, what have I been saying about coffee? True fault. You have to admit it I've been consistent. Can you imagine when I was saying stuff like this 40 years ago, people thought I was crazy.
I had my colleagues gurus, eh, coffee. It's an acidic it dehydrates. It'll take all the minerals out of your body. And the pushback I used to get was incredible. And even today I get some, but not near as much because they can read these studies like I do. What do you say about that? It actually decreases blood pressure. So the opposite of what they used to say, because if a product dehydrates you and has an effect on your minerals and takes minerals out of your body, if that's what they're saying, well, that can really elevate your blood pressure. It's the opposite, right? I've often told you the story of Linus Pauly. Who was he? Well, he won a Nobel prize in medicine. He was a smart guy. He did a lot of research on the other vitamin C ascorbic acid. He won a Nobel prize on it.
I used to say way back when, Hey, you only missed by one letter in the alphabet Linus, miss vitamin D. But at the Martin clinic, I literally have replaced AIC acid and put it on the shelf to take the real vitamin C that acts like AIC acid as an antioxidant, but gives you all the other benefits. And I'm sure if Linus polling was alive today, he might even be doing research on coffee. That's how good it is for you. There's study after study.
I read another study on coffee, how it is so good for your liver. It's so good for your liver. And again, if you're looking at the importance of organs, boy, the liver is important in this day and age, the liver is so important because the liver has a direct attachment to your brain. It has a direct attachment to your heart and brain. Go back to the liver because if you're making triglycerides from eating crappy carbohydrates and sugar, you're in trouble. If you don't have enough cholesterol, you're in trouble. Coffee helps your blood pressure. Wow. I love that.
Now, let me give you another one. If you drink coffee, let's say you're having carbs. Okay? Now, you know what I think about carbs? I don't think much about, but let's be honest. That's a big problem in our society today, cuz we're carbaholics. But here's what this study says. If, and I have been saying this for a long, long, long, long time, the best time to have a coffee is with your meal. Especially if you are eating carbohydrates, it will lower. Listen to what it says. It will lower your insulin response and lower your blood sugar, coffee. How many years have I been telling you? Coffee acts like Metformin. Metformin is a diabetic medication. You don't need Metformin. You need coffee. Now look, if again, if you're on Metformin, don't tell the world that Martin told you to get off. I didn't tell you to do that. Okay? I'm not in practice anymore. I'm giving educational advice for education purposes. Only coffee lowers your blood pressure. Coffee lowers your blood sugar. Wow. What? Wow. Wow.
But I'm doubling down guys. I'm doubling down. So if you wanna decrease your blood pressure, then drink your coffee. Okay. Now a study on God's can remember I said two to four. That's why we're calling this two to four, two to four cups of coffee a day two to four. Okay. Now listen to this study on God's candy. What's God's candy fruit. This is a study on fruit with 80 participants. And let me just see where I got it. I think I put it down here. Oh yes. Harbor study on God's candy fruit. Now do I like fruit? I love fruit, but it's God's candy. What do I mean by that? Don't live on it. Don't live on it. I used to tell my patients in my weight loss clinic, when I put 'em on the program, the reset, even for weight loss, I'd say, you know how bears fatten up for winter? They eat blueberries. That's how they fatten up for winter. They're getting ready for winter. So they put on an enormous amount of weight.
They're not stupid bears. Aren't stupid in their DNA. It's telling them to prepare for winter. You're not a bear. You don't have to prepare for winter fruit God's candies. Okay. Now I haven't even told you the results of this study, but I'm going to bring that to you right now. Here it is two to four. They followed 80 people. They made them probably didn't have to twist their arm because who doesn't like fruit, but they got people to participate in a study. Harvard did two to four servings of fruit a day for six months, 80 people, two to four servings of fruit followed them for six months. And guess what? Wasn't good. Here's the results. After six months, 80 people, higher levels of fat in the liver.
Cause guys, listen, you know this and I know this. It's why I preach it all the time. Fructose is different than glucose. In what respect, not in this respect. Fructose makes a V line for your liver. That's why I have been screaming for so many years. Since the 1980s about fructose high fructose corn syrup, the Frankenstein of sugars. I've been screaming, screaming, screaming. They change the sugar. It's fructose, it's terrible on the liver. It creates fat in the liver and then fat everywhere else. That's why I always tell my patients. I used to tell them and I'll tell you today, never ever, ever drink fruit. Don't drink orange juice or apple juice or whatever. Cuz it's fructose. It goes directly to the liver. It fattens up the liver and even eating. This is where people that were eating fruit for six months. They measured their livers before and after they had more fat in their liver. Two to four servings a day. I not that much. Well maybe four is God's candy.
It's a treat. Don't live on it. I remember reading about Steve jobs. Remember him, apple, right? He had pancreatic cancer. That's what he died of. When I found out what he was doing, I didn't know. But he was a fruit, crazy person. He didn't eat meat. He didn't eat eggs. He didn't eat cheese. He lived on plants and especially fruit. And he had pancreatic cancer. No kidding. And then he figured he'd treat his cancer by doubling down on the fruit. Why didn't he call me? Why didn't he call me? I would've told him. Don't do that. You're feeding the bears here. It is two to four servings, six months observation doing before and after testing on liver, they actually measured. And fatty liver went up in all 80 participants. Didn't go down, went up Harvard. You should have called me. I would've saved you the trouble I could have told you that. Cause that's what fructose does right to your liver. And it packs fat. Ask a bear.
Now here's what else they found. This is in six months it increased their blood sugar. All of the participants, blood sugar went up, their fasting, blood sugar went up. That's why I call it God's candies. And you know what? I actually tell you. You wanna put a few berries in Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie. Go for it. I mean it let the kids have berries. I got no problem with that. And I'd rather them have a banana than have a chocolate bar, a hundred percent for sure. But guys don't live on it. And if you got any trouble, if you're part of the, I used to say 88% now after what day was it? Last week I brought to you. It's now 93% of the population is metabolically unwell. 93%. What a tragedy that is. If you're in that group and you got trouble, then don't eat bananas at any time, once a month. How's that have a treat? Don't eat banana and apple a day. Doesn't keep the doctor away a coffee a day, keeps the doctor away and preferably up to four. We learned that as kids, right? Apple a day keeps the doctor away. I love apples. I don't live on them guys. I practice what I preach. I love cherries. I don't live on them. I can't. And neither can you. That's what this study is showing.
People don't want to hear that kind of stuff. The general population doesn't like to hear stuff like that. Everything doc in moderation. Ooh, that gives me a migraine. No, we live in a different world today. Go back, watch a movie in the 1950s of the 1960s. And you're gonna see small people compared to what we are today. What happened? We changed the sugar from glucose to fructose. What an experiment on mankind. Ooh, not good. The results haven't been good. Crappy carbs, crappy oils, crappy sugar. How do you like that? Crappy carbs, crappy oils and crappy sugar. And I have no optimism that I'm gonna change it. But again, I may mean at my audience. I aim at you guys so that you know, better. Third thing they found their insulin resistance went up. Yep. Even with God's candies fruit, their insulin went up. Yep. Cause that's at the root of everything. Isn't it? When it comes to metabolic syndrome, it's the root it's insulin. My friend insulin is a food hormone and we use way too much, way too much. If you know someone that has cancer, a few berries, but nothing else, no foot insulin resistance goes up and fatty livers up blood sugar is up interesting studies. I find them interesting, confirming, but interesting. I'm glad. It's not just me saying it.
Now last one again, because this acts on the liver. And what did I tell you? The liver is connected, especially to the brain and especially to the heart. What happens in the liver? Doesn't stay in the liver. It's not Las Vegas. It has ramifications brain, heart over and over again. Brain, heart. Here's another one. Okay. Again the two to four, two to four, two to four, two to four, two to three beers. Okay. This is, the study came up two to three beers a week. Cause cognitive decline, two to three beers a week. Cause cognitive decline. Well what is it? Alcohol goes to the liver. Just like fructose alcohol goes to the liver almost immediately.
And look, I'm not telling you not to have a beer. Okay? I'm not telling you that. I'm just telling you what they're showing two to four, two to four, two to three beers, two to four coffees. The good two to four servings of fruit. Two to four, two to four, two of them. Aren't good. Don't eat too much fruit and don't drink too much. Alcohol. My friend, it's hard on the liver. People think the cirrhosis of the liver. Yeah. That's not good, but you know, that's heavy drinking, but this is just talking about cognitive decline, the brain. And that's only two to three beers a week. My word be careful. I'm just reporting these studies. Be careful. Okay. What's our takeaways for today. Is there anything better than coffee?
Coffee? The sun they're really close coffee. The sun wow. They're two best vitamins on the planet. Coffee and the sun. Incredible. Don't eat too much fruit again. In my weight loss clinic, we didn't allow you any fruit. Nope. You can't have fruit. What bears we learned from them? It'll pack on fat. So if you're trying to lose weight, you're gonna have to cut back on God's candy. As simple as that. And again, it's not that we don't like fruit, who doesn't like fruit. I love fruit, but it don't love me. And they don't love you either.
Okay. So be careful guys. That's all I'm saying from fatty liver to blood sugar, to insulin resistance. Hey studies have shown it. Okay. We got a great week coming up. Lots of good stuff. Interesting study articles. And my job is to flag that stuff for you and to bring it to you and educate love, educating. Really do. Okay guys, until the next time. Love you. And I mean it talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another doctor's end podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin junior and senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.