Dr. Martin looks at several studies in today’s episode. From low vitamin D causing migraines to high hematocrit levels putting you at risk of diabetes.
Dr. Martin also shares a study on vitamin W, water. It turns out staying well hydrated is important in reducing the risk of developing heart failure!
Join Dr. Martin as he brings you the news behind the news!
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning, everyone. Welcome to another week of The Doctor Is In podcast and live Facebook. Guys, we appreciate you. Thanks for coming on this morning. Now, can I ask you a question? Is there anything negative about vitamin D, the superstar of vitamins? The sun, and when you don't get enough, the supplement of vitamin D, the superstar of vitamin D, every article you read there's a few negative. Because big pharma hates vitamin D. But folks here if you look at the bottom line, if you have low levels of vitamin D, and the only way to really know is to get your blood tests done, I know doctors don't like to do it. They really need to be taught, instructed on the importance of vitamin D.
Because again, vitamin D to most doctors has to do with bones. And when they're not concerned about bones, they're not concerned about your vitamin D levels. And that is a huge mistake in medicine, a huge mistake. Vitamin D is essential. Now here's the new study, circulating vitamin D levels associated with migraines. So here's what they found in observation looking at blood levels of vitamin D. Now guys, there's sweet spots of vitamin D levels in the blood. Okay? They're measured differently in Canada and the USA. In the USA, I like between 60 and 80 is my sweet spot for vitamin D. And as a matter of fact, when it comes to cancer, I like it to be almost at a hundred. Okay?
Now, translating that into Canadian numbers you're looking at, ah, I find the sweet spot for Canadian numbers in vitamin D to be around 150. I like 150 to 200. If it's above that, that's all right. That's all right. The higher your vitamin D serum levels are, now not extremely high, but higher it is the better it is. Vitamin D, Viderma, the sun and ocular migraine, somebody asked me about ocular migraines today.
Look, most migraines have a couple of things in common. One, vitamin D we're talking about it. They have low levels. That's what this study is saying. Two, too much estrogen in women, too much estrogen, you get migraines. I used to see it hundreds and hundreds of times a year. Women who had headaches very much related to their estrogen dominance, too much estrogen too much of a woman. Okay? And in men, a lot of times it was low levels of testosterone, in men, low levels of testosterone. Now, there are other factors. One of the big ones, and you should always check this off first, whenever there's a headache involved, dehydration, not enough water.
Speaking of which, this is a study that came out that I read on the weekend. And it was "High Hematocrit." Do you know what that is? High hematocrit. Don't you love medicine to give you big names? Hematocrit is the fraction of red blood cells. Okay? In the blood serum. Look, you never want to be low in red blood cells. Okay? You don't want to be low. That can be anemia, B12, anemia. The production of red blood cells and the oxygenation of red blood cells have to do mainly with two things, one, heme iron hematocrit, heme iron and vitamin B12. They often go together. Okay?
But what happens when you have too many red blood cells in the blood? Well now you have blood as thick as molasses. And what they're saying in this study is when hematocrit goes high, the thicker the blood the more you are at risk for diabetes. But I wouldn't stop there. Okay? I wouldn't stop there more. More you're at risk, when you thicken up your blood, think of it, clots. When you thicken up your blood, think of it, heart disease.
Now, when you get high hematocrit, and it's not because your B12 goes too high and it can be that your iron is high. Okay? It's one of the things we're seeing. We call it hemochromatosis. But you don't have to be diagnosed with hemochromatosis to have thick blood. And there I bring you back. I bring you back to H20, water. It's amazing to me how we have missed the boat on water, and only water's water. And I've been preaching that for so long. Because I'll tell you why, I looked at blood for 40 something years.
Every doctor's office, in my opinion, should have a microscope. Why? Take a little drop of blood and look at it. You don't have to spend hours. Just look at it. Look at its thickness. Look to see how many red blood cells are in there. You don't have to wait for a lab. You can get a lab done. You're going to do a lot more testing with laboratory blood tests. But it would be such a good idea just to look at it. See if you can see some yeast in the blood. Then you know you got leaky gut.
Leaky gut, leaky blood that has a pile of fungus in it and undigested food. I used to see that every day I used to look at blood and I used to turn around. When I'd be looking at the blood, the patient'd be looking at the big screen. And of course they didn't know what they were looking at. I said, "You see? Your blood's like molasses. You dehydrate very quickly. You need water." It'll thin your blood out. It's the river of life. You've got 60,000 miles of blood vessels. Your heart is working extra hard for nothing. Add water.
You know even high blood pressure, guys, you know how they always blame salt? Salt is never the problem with high blood pressure unless you're dehydrated. It has to do with the viscosity of blood, the thickness of it. And it's good to have thick blood. If someone stabs you, you're going to clot. You won't bleed out as fast. But it's not good to have thick blood for your heart. It's another reason to drink water. Okay.
Someone sent me an article on the importance of eating red meat. And I said, "Boy, that's rare. That's rare." But let me tell you four things. And they all start with a C, when it comes to red meat that you will not find in the plant kingdom. It's not there. Don't look for it, it's not there. Start with a C, give me a C, red meat, L-carnitine, the first C. You know how good L-carnitine is for your heart and your blood pressure? L-carnitine, it's found in red meat.
Creatine. Why is creatine so good? Well you hear it, bodybuilders like creatine. It's good for your muscles. It's found in steak. You don't have to have a protein powder with creatine in it if you're eating steak, red meat. Because it's got a highest source of creatine. You can't beat it. Creatine's good for your heart.
You should see the studies on creatine and fighting cancer. That's why I say steak. Okay, here's a saying Martin Clinic, "Cancer hates steak and loves sugar." Hate steak. [inaudible 00:11:01] red meat. Yeah. L-carnitine, creatine, muscles. Your heart is a... Fill in the blank. Your heart is a... I know some of you are saying pump. It's a pump, all right. But your heart is a muscle. You need strong muscles, even your heart.
Choline. I love choline is good for you, red meat, eggs too, by the way. Choline. Choline is in amino acid, so important for your brain. Choline, think of a settle, choline for your neurotransmitters in your brain. So your heart and brain needs steak and the Omega-3 found in steak.
Fish, too, very good for you. Somebody asked me the other day, a friend, "Can I send you fish?" Don't worry about me and fish. I eat fish every day in a capsule. I had it this morning already. I want you to call me "fathead." Your brain's made up a fat. And all those fat-free diets, oh, how silly.
And here's another one, another C. Okay? Carnitine, creatine, choline, CoQ10. Now almost everybody's heard of CoQ10. Why is CoQ10 famous? Because of statin drugs, CoQ10 is famous. Nobody ever heard of CoQ10 until they came out with statin drugs like Lipitor and Crestor and Zocor to lower cholesterol.
And you know what they found? We're going to lower your cholesterol. Let's give each other high fives because I got low cholesterol. Oh yeah, but we're going to lower your CoQ10. So maybe you should think about taking CoQ10. You don't have to take CoQ10, eat it. Steak, it gives you CoQ10. Your body produces CoQ10 when you eat steak. And CoQ10 everybody knows this because of what statin drugs do. The side effects of statin drugs destroy your CoQ10. What is CoQ10 important for? Oh, the heart in your mitochondria... You know what?
Your heart muscle has 5,000 battery packs. They're called mitochondria. Your heart muscle has 5,000 battery packs. And your battery packs will not work in your muscle of your heart without CoQ10. 40 years I've been screaming like John the Baptist in the wilderness. "Hello? You out there. Yes, you. I'm calling you. Don't get into the nonsense about cholesterol and heart disease. It's not true. It wasn't true 40 years ago and it's not true today."
I don't care how much they double down on it. It's not true. You don't die of a heart attack because your cholesterol is high. You die of a heart attack, well, there's several reasons, but number one, because your triglycerides are high. And your cholesterol's not high enough. It's the opposite. So they've created a condition. It's so unbelievable. They get away with it. Statin drugs create a condition of low CoQ10. The 5,000 battery packs in your heart muscle they don't have CoQ10 to make them work properly.
Oh, take your statins and then take Co Q 10. Oh, I get a headache. What did it say about migraines? Dr. Martin, check your vitamin D levels. I get a headache. When I think of cholesterol, how they have duped the world. It's unbelievable how ingrained that is into people's thinking. You say a lie long enough and people just take it hook, line, and sinker.
And I don't blame the lay population. I don't blame lay people. I don't blame people that ask me every day about their cholesterol. My doctor's worried about my cholesterol. I'm not blaming the lay people. But doc you're the doctor.
Oh, I'm so happy. We don't live like we lived 40, 50 years ago, my parents' generation especially and even my generation to some. Well, my doctor said nobody questioned doctors more than my dad. But you know what I'm saying. "Well, my doctor's worried about my cholesterol. I guess I should be worried too." Yeah. Worry that it's too low. That's what you should worry about.
And you guys, my highly educated audience who's interested in their own health, you know better. You know better than to avoid red meat because it gives you CoQ10. It gives you carnitine, it gives you creatine all for your heart. Besides that your brain and choline and all these things, guys, the C's. The C's of nutrition, your body needs it. Don't be duped.
Oh, CoQ10 I remember the first time, I'm not kidding you. The first time I saw a commercial for CoQ10 I just about fell over. Ubiquinol or ubiquinone and readily absorbed CoQ10, and I just about fell over. I did. I said, "Well, can I give you a course in Nutrition 101? You get CoQ10 when you eat steak. Only the animal kingdom produces it.
Let's do the fourth one. And there's another one here. There's two on kids. Maybe I'll save that. Let me just see if I have another one. There's two of these on kids. Maybe we'll do that tomorrow. SSRIs and kids and antibiotics, another study on antibiotics.
Oh yeah. Here's one that you'll find interesting. Yeah. Let me come back to the vitamin W. A recent study published in European Heart Journal. Okay? In a European Heart Journal found that by staying well hydrated, it reduced the risk of developing heart failure. Well, there's another one for vitamin W, water and your heart. Think of the blood flow, water and your heart. Not just hematocrit, water in your heart.
Okay. Here's one, maybe two, we'll talk about oxalates. Oxalates in breast tissue. What? How do you get oxalates? Oxalates come from... I'm waiting. You guys know it. Oxalates, it's ladies when you're eating your salad. Salad gives you oxalates. What are oxalates? They're going to damage your kidneys. 75% of all kidney stones are oxalates, a byproduct of your salad and your green drinks. Don't drink green drinks. You're going to increase your oxalates. And oxalates. Okay? Well-established what it does to your kidney stones, 75% of them.
75% of kidney stones are oxalates. Oxalates are very hard for your kidneys to get rid of. But here's a study "Oxalates in breast tissue." They're finding that connection between oxalates and calcified breast tissue and heart disease.
Now, ladies, I'm not telling you to never have a salad. Okay? I am telling you though. You're not a rabbit. Okay? You're not a rabbit. So eases up on the oxalates.
"Oh doc, I like my almond. I like almond milk." That's all oxalates. Why do you like almond milk? I was talking to a young lady yesterday at church. I had her laughing because I said to her... Because she's asking me about weight loss. What woman doesn't want to know about weight loss? And she's saying, "Doc, what can I do?" "Well," I said, "quit eating nuts."
You know how squirrels fatten up? Squirrels can have oxalates, not you. That's how they fatten up for winter. They hide the nuts. They're going to get real fat.
She looks at me like I had two heads. "What? I thought that was a great snack." I said, "Quit snacking. Why do you want to snack?" If you eat the right fuels you no need to snack. Okay. How did I get off on that? Oh yeah, oxalates.
Oxalates and heart, oxalates breast cancer, they love breast tissue. And they calcify and it's not good for women. And yet they're the ones that love their sailing, [inaudible 00:23:41] and sailing. And I love these studies. They're fun.
Okay. Last one, vitamin E the real one, exercise. Listen to this study in the Journal of American Medical Association, JAMA, published recently. If you increase, especially as you get older, your exercise from 3 minutes to 11 minutes, okay? I don't know how they came about that. If you increase from 3 minutes of exercise to 11 minutes of exercise, you can cut your stroke risk by 43%. Guys, is there anything negative about moving, exercise?
And once again, I'll reinforce a couple of points about exercise. Any exercise you do is wonderful. Okay? Any exercise you do is wonderful. From your brain to your toes, from your brain to your heart, it all helps. It helps everything even cortisol it decreases.
But here's the sweet spot. I just tell you because of my experience. And you know what? When you saw patient for 46 years, real patients for 46 years in a live setting, clinical setting... Somebody was after me the other day because "You're not Dr. Madden. You're not a researcher." Eh, you're right, per se. I wrote over, I think it's 21, 22 books. You know what? It's my personal experience with people, real people having to get real results and real observation. And a lot of times I documented it, especially when I was preparing for a book. Vitamin E, the sweet spot. And research is bearing this out. It's catching up to what I've been telling you for years. 15 to 20 minutes, three to four times a week, and especially muscle building exercises, resistant exercises in a gym or at your home, get strong. Walking, is it good? You better believe. Bet your bottom dollar walking is good. Absolutely. But the best is 15 to 20 minutes.
And see these puppies here? Get strong, guys, strong. Vitamin E, 15 to 20 minutes. I don't care if you're 80 years old, you can get a band and stretch it out and make yourself stronger, vitamin E exercise really important. Okay.
That was our hodgepodge this morning, guys. I brought you from A to Z. Okay. Guys, we got a great week lined up. Friday I always get you ready because people like to ask questions. So if I don't answer it during the week, you want to get it into our question and answer Friday. Little bit of housekeeping right now, tell your friends and family about "The Doctor Is In" podcast. Okay? Very popular, you can download it on your smartphone. If you're not a member of the Martin Clinic Facebook group, we want you to join our private group. We love you. You're part of our family. Become part of the family. Okay. We really appreciate that. Okay. If you don't get our emails, our teaching emails, Martinclinic.com Martinclinic.com. Okay? Talk to you soon. We love you dearly.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!