Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are used for acid reflux and conditions such as GERD and Barrett's esophagus. Many people have trouble with their stomachs with acid coming up. It can be a very unpleasant condition and literally so painful at times, it mimics a heart attack.
A new study is showing that people who take PPIs are much more susceptible to diabetes. Join Dr. Martin as he breaks down the study and looks at insulin resistance as a possible cause.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning, everyone, once again, welcome to another live here this morning, and hope you're having a great start to your day. Let's go through a few studies that came out, and we'll pontificate a little bit on them. Study came out on proton pump inhibitors for acid reflux or GERD, Barrett's esophagus. Why do people take proton pump inhibitors? Because they got trouble with their stomachs, big time, and they got acid coming up, and I'll tell you, for people that know what acid reflux is, it can be very, very unpleasant and can literally be so painful it mimics a heart attack. A lot of people who get acid reflux think, "I'm having a heart attack," so they take proton pump inhibitors like Nexium. What do they do?
Well, they decrease your acid, and acid, guys, you know me. I always mention this. If you got trouble with acid reflux, it's not because you have too much acid. You literally have acid in the wrong place, but it's not because you have too much. It's actually your body overreacting to your lack of acidity, lack of acidity. You want your stomach, and you got a little mucus wall there. If you're not amazed by the human body, I don't know what will impress you. No, really, because when you start studying these things and look at how acidic stomach acid is, you want to talk about acid? In your stomach, you got a little mucosal layer. It is so thin, okay?
I'm showing you a little business card that I have here. Okay? That layer of your mucosa in your stomach, that separates the acidity from the other side of that mucosal layer, that protects you from that acid, is this thin. But it keeps it away from the rest of your body. It's amazing, just a little mucous layer, and on the one side you have acidity that's 100,000 times more acidic than the other side of that little business card mucosal wall. That's how smart your body is. Unbelievable. The Bible says it's fearfully and wonderfully made. You better believe it. There's a designer behind that.
Anyway, what happens? Doc, I got acid reflux. It's bad. Yeah, and it's no fun, and you better fix it, but you won't fix it with a proton pump inhibitor. You're not going to fix it. You're putting a Band-Aid on it. The more they study these proton pump inhibitors... Hear this new study. Okay? So, I just wanted to give you a little bit of how your stomach works. Now, when you don't have enough acidity, your proton... You got little pumps in your stomach. They produce acid. So, when you don't have enough, they produce more. Problem with that is oftentimes that will escape and start traveling up the esophagus, and that's not good. It's just not good for you, obviously, but it feels terrible, and you try and diminish that by getting on TUMS or Rolaids or Tagamet and Nexium, the little purple pill, eat what you want, and take a little purple pill.
I can't stand that, guys. I can't stand it because when you have acid reflux, your body is screaming at you. It's saying, "Hello. Suzie, listen. Linda, listen to me. I'm talking to you." Yeah, you don't have enough acidity, so your body's making more, but there's a reason that you don't have enough acidity in your stomach. The number one reason is you have a condition called insulin resistance, and your body is screaming. It's screaming. It's not because you're eating acidic foods. It's not that. Your body's made to eat... You eat a tomato, your body knows what to do with that. Guys, I'm telling you, it's your body screaming. Number one reason, screaming, you're eating too much sugar and crappy carbohydrates. That's what your body is screaming. That's why the vast majority of people, not everybody, but the vast majority of people, when they get on the reset, it fixes their acid reflux without proton pump inhibitors.
Now, here's the study. Okay? Long introduction to the study. PPIs, proton pump inhibitors, people who take them are much more susceptible to what? Diabetes. They're connected. Is it the proton pump inhibitors that give you diabetes, or is it the insulin resistance that gives you the diabetes? Well, I believe, because this study didn't get into that, and some people online have pontificated, they've given their opinion, "Well, Doc..." They didn't say it to me. They just said, "Well, the reason that people that take proton pump inhibitors are much more susceptible to diabetes is because you can't absorb your magnesium properly." I think that's a good answer. It's a good answer, but I don't think it's the answer.
You got to go a layer below that, and that's that insulin resistance. See? Now, I've been saying that for 50 years. Acid reflux is a sign that your insulin is high. You have insulin resistance, and 99% of the time, that's the problem. Now, they're saying in this study, of course, when you take PPIs, so if you're on Nexium or you're on some form, [inaudible 00:08:08] or whatever it is that you're taking, or someone you know is taking it, just remember they're not absorbing now because that drug is made to lower acidity. You don't even have enough acidity. It's lowering more, and the problem with that, it's a Band-Aid. Yeah. You know what? As long as I take that, I don't have any acid reflux. But they're showing you're not absorbing magnesium. You're not absorbing B-12. That is essential.
As a matter of fact, I'm going to bring you another study in a minute about B-12. Guys, without B-12, you're into a downward trend for almost everything in your body. If you know someone that's on it, they are low in B-12, and I don't really care what their B-12 numbers are. Remember what I always say about the B-12 blood test. It's highly inaccurate. Well, it's not that it's that inaccurate. It's just that what they decided years ago, it was B-12 for a mouse, not for you. So, "Oh, 200 is normal." 200 is for a mouse, okay? It's for a mouse. That's not enough for you. You got to be in the 800s to the 1,200s at least. I always shoot high for B-12 because when you understand the function of B-12, it's like, guys, vitamin D, and I've got to talk about that this morning in a minute.
Why are people scared of vitamin D? Well, you say something long enough and, "Vitamin D, my vitamin D is high. I'm going to drop dead on the spot." No, and I'll prove it to you in a minute. I'm introducing the second study. So, let me finish on the PPIs, proton pump inhibitors. Look, guys. Try and fix the problem because you're just putting a Band-Aid on it, and no one wants acid reflux. I'm on your side. I understand that. It's not fun, and I'm telling you it can be extremely painful, but the world needs to understand this. When you're on those things, it is slow death. You are not absorbing what you need to absorb. You automatically have what we call a malabsorption syndrome because your stomach's not going to work properly, and boy, oh, boy, you need that acidity to break your food down. Otherwise, what happens? That good goes undigested.
You know what I say about leaky gut, right? Leaky gut, autoimmune. Leaky gut, leaky skin. Leaky guy, leaky lungs. Leaky gut, leaky brain. Leaky gut, leaky liver, leaky everything. But there's two ways and a way you can get leaky gut. One of them, you take antibiotics or whatever, and you wipe out all your friendly bacteria, and your little mesh that is tight-knit between your gut and your blood barriers is compromised, and then you get stuff going into your bloodstream that had no business being there, including poop that belongs in the toilet. Now, the other way, and this is how you can get yeast or whatever, if you don't have enough acidity in your stomach, you get bacteria even. That comes across because there's not enough acidity to kill it.
You're not even digesting your food properly, and you need that acidity to do that, and now your body goes, "What is that? What is that? I don't recognize that. Is that a protein?" Your immune system starts attacking foods that you're eating because they're not being digested properly, and a lot of people don't realize that, that even autoimmune and allergies, food intolerances have a lot to do with the stomach. The body goes, "What is that?" It's not digested properly. They see it as a foreign invader when it's food. You need acidity. You need your stomach to function properly. Got it? Okay. So, that's with the proton pump inhibitors. Okay? You're going to have a malabsorption syndrome, 100%, for sure. You can't get away from it if you're on those medications, or even over-the-counter ones, and they're showing now that it's a big factor in osteoporosis down the road because you're not absorbing your calcium properly.
I don't want you to take a calcium supplement. I want you to eat your calcium in eggs, meat, and [inaudible 00:13:37], but you need a good stomach. You need that acidity to be working. Okay? Proton pump inhibitors, and B-12, brain function, neurological function, very, very important. Okay? Magnesium, we take about that. Now, let me get the second one. I named these the twin towers. I've got other twin towers. Diabesity, that's a twin tower of disease, but here's a twin tower, vitamin D and B-12. Now, the reason I bring this out because I want to talk about a study that was done, and let me read it to you. Missing nutrients. Okay? Quote, "Missing nutrients behind deadly pandemics. Missing nutrients behind deadline pandemics." Headline.
I get frustrated because these things should be major headlines. I've got to go searching for them in order to find them, but listen to this. Okay? The twin towers that they found in the viral pandemic, now you know one of them, and you guys know this because you follow me, and I've been saying this from day one, from day one. Vitamin D, it would've won the Nobel Prize in medicine if you could patent it, because people that got sick with the virus, and this is what this study is saying, had extremely low levels of vitamin D, almost without exception. You guys know that, and I'm always talking about your immune system and your immune system will not work without vitamin D. I'm sorry. It doesn't.
We've coined a new term, [Viderma 00:16:12], the sun, and when you can't see the sun, you better supplement. Okay? Everybody and your dog needs vitamin D, and it's so conclusive, guys, so conclusive when it comes to a virus because you got little T cells. Your T cells, they got antennas looking for vitamin D, and people are very low in vitamin D, 80% of the population, and if you have diabesity, you're extremely low in vitamin D, most people, almost invariable. Repeat, repeat, repeat, guys, that vitamin D's essential. It's essential, and you know what? You almost got to take your doctor to a dentist, then drill their teeth without anesthetic in order for them to do your vitamin D test because all they're thinking of, and I hate to be negative, but it's true, all they're thinking of, most of them, is, "Holy moley. Why are you asking me to get your vitamin D levels done when it's only for your bones? You don't have to worry about osteoporosis."
That's what they're thinking. They're not thinking your immune system. Study after study has confirmed it, vitamin D, Viderma, but the second one was interesting, the antiviral effects of vitamin B-12, the twin towers of vitamins. Okay? Vitamin D and B-12. You see, B-12, again, I've always said... Now, people talk about B vitamins. Okay? Take a B complex or whatever. No, I would rather you eat that. Now, if you got digestive issues at all or any kind of malabsorption, then I'm sorry. You need to take B-12, and doctors at one time, there was nothing to give you a B-12 shot, but today you almost got to lasso them. In the 1950s and the 1960s, B-12, they'd give it to you without even looking at it. "Oh, you're tired? Well, here's some B-12. I'll give you a shot."
I've always been big on B-12, but you know what? Today, unless you're anemic and unless your B-12 is extremely low, they [inaudible 00:19:05] because you don't drop dead instantly with low B-12, but nothing works, even your immune system, without B-12. Why do I tell you to eat vitamin S? Because it's the only place you're going to get B-12 in food. So, if someone says to you, "Red meat's no good for you," I always ask the question, "Okay. Well, how do you get B-12 then? In what? Broccoli? Nope. Spinach? Nope. Read meat. That's how you get it," because, guys, even you know this. Through the virus, what were they talking about? Well, people that were researching said extremely low in vitamin D, extremely low in zinc, extremely low in vitamin A. Guys, it's all found in red meat, eggs, meat, and [inaudible 00:20:11].
There's a method to my madness, and this study comes out and says... They said two things. Okay? I didn't read all of it yet. Okay? Missing nutrients behind deadline pandemic, vitamin D, B-12, but they said something else, the huge connection between the virus and cardiovascular disease, and what they're saying is, "For your heart, so that you don't get a stroke, and you don't get a heart attack, you need to decrease your inflammation markers," and vitamin D and B-12 are very important in that process of lowering your risk of a heart attack from a virus, because what happens, and we know it well, cardiovascular, lungs, clotting, and people with preexisting conditions were the most vulnerable, and people that had diabesity were the most vulnerable, and then they get into trouble with clotting and whatever that could kill them, and they're saying vitamin D and B-12 are essential because when they tested them in this study, they were deficient. People that got really sick were deficient in vitamin D and B-12.
The study went on to say... Okay? I think it's worse than this, but they said... Okay. Here's what the study went on to say. Vitamin D deficiency is present in a billion people. What is there, seven billion on the planet, almost eight? So, one out of seven, one out of eight. Well, look. I can only speak for North America, where 80% of the population, at least, are low in vitamin D, and when you are obese, you need more vitamin D. If you have any kind of digestive problems, I'm not talking about the stomach as much, now I'm talking about your gut because you're going to be low in vitamin D. If you don't eat cholesterol, you're not absorbing vitamin D. You need cholesterol for vitamin D.
Now, like I always say, your body don't even trust you. God don't trust you to eat enough cholesterol, so your body provides 85% of it. 15% comes from what you eat, and cholesterol is only found in the animal kingdom. I'm sorry. I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but I want to tell you the truth. [inaudible 00:23:25] what about skin cancer, skin cancer? It's the sun. You know what? Here's facts. There's basal cell, squamous cell, and melanoma, three types generally of skin cancer. Melanoma, the jury is not out. The jury came in with the verdict. When you don't get any sun, you're much more susceptible to the deadline melanoma. Now, you shouldn't burn in the sun. I never, ever, ever recommend that. You'll get 10,000 international units in 20 minutes. Here's something else I always tell people. If you're a sugarholic, you're going to have a lot more trouble than the sun.
If you eat those crappy oils in the middle aisle of your grocery store and the fast food chains where they take chicken and they cook it in the wrong oil, they take French fries, and they cook it in the wrong oil, that ain't no good for your skin. You'll burn like a lobster when you're a bad eater. I just tell you that, but the use of sunscreen is up, and skin cancer rates are up. It's not the sun. They blame the sun. Anyway, you need Viderma. Now, good luck. We got a snowstorm today. Okay? You people that live in Florida, I love you, but Floridians are terrible because they're scared of the sun too. I know you're not because you listen, Linda, but a lot of people [inaudible 00:25:21]. It's sunny out in January, and who's on the beach? The Canadians. There ain't an American to be found. There's not a Floridian to be found, and they wear sunscreen.
How can you be low in vitamin D in Florida or Arizona? Incredible, because people are scared. Like I said, guys, say a lie long enough, and people will believe that. That's just the way it is. Skin cancer, skin cancer, wear sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen. Okay, guys. I pontificated enough this morning. Okay? So, with talked about proton pump inhibitors, vitamin D, and B-12, and now I can breathe. Now I can relax. Okay, guys. We love you guys. You know that. Okay. Now, what's going on here? Okay. Friday, question and answer Friday, so get your questions in. We want to answer your questions, question and answer Friday. The private Facebook group, tens of thousands. Thank you. We appreciate it, and thank you for that group. Okay?
We love that back-and-forth and asking questions, and people are starting to reset, and they're asking for support. That's what we're there for, and you guys are all part of that, and we appreciate it. Do you get our emails? Okay? From the Martin Clinic, do you get our emails? If not, make sure you sign up for the emails at martinclinic.com. For people that can't watch this live, you can share it on Facebook or you can get them to watch the podcast, The Doctor Is In Podcast. You can download it on your smartphone. Okay? Okay, guys. We love you dearly. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!