Oxalates are found in the vegetable kingdom and are little crystals that your body makes from food. The highest sources are found in spinach, almonds, and legumes.
Dr. Martin reviews a new study showing that oxalates can be bad news for some. The study is saying that dietary oxalates can be a factor in heart disease if you don't eat them with calcium. They can cause hardening of your arteries.
Join Dr. Martin in today’s episode to learn all about oxalates and why they can be bad news.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. And once again, how are you? I hope you're having a great start to your day. Guys, thank you so much for those who watched us last night. I think we had our biggest crowd on ever for any webinar, full to the brim. Now for those who weren't able to join us last night for the webinar on energy, we're going to make it available to you. Okay? So in a few days, I don't know how they do it, but it gets cleaned up a little bit and you can watch. Okay? And then we had question and answer. Tony Jr and I stayed for an hour after the actual teaching on energy, which I hope you found helpful, and we stayed and answered questions. We never get to answer all the questions, we just couldn't do it. But we sure appreciate you guys and thank you for coming on. Okay?
Now, a couple of studies here that I want to talk about this morning. One of them is on oxalates. Now, do you know what oxalates are? They're little crystals that your body makes from food and oxalates are found in the vegetable kingdom. Okay? And the highest sources are in spinach, almonds legumes. But listen to this study, you guys are going to say, "Well, Dr. Martin's looking for bad news on veggies." I don't want you to live on veggies. I don't mind telling you that. I was telling you yesterday that I eat a biblical diet, not Daniel's diet. Okay? Daniel went on a two week type of veggie diet. You read about it in Daniel Chapter One. And it was all about he didn't want to eat any meat that was sacrificed to idols. So we don't have that problem today.
But a lot of people have taken that and said, "Well, the Daniel diet is the way I should eat to get healthy." But guys, if you look specifically at the Bible, I looked this up a couple of days ago, vegetables are mentioned 13 times and meat is mentioned 290 times. Are vegetables good for you? Yes. But, listen to this study, okay? Dietary oxalates can be a factor in heart disease if you don't eat them with calcium. If you don't eat them with calcium they can harden your arteries. Oxalates. Now, one thing we know about oxalates, they can give you kidney stones. You can have two types of kidney stones, uric acid, you're not clearing uric acid. And we're going to, I promise, we're going to do a deep dive on uric acid. Okay? I promise. It's not that I've never talked about it. I think uric acid, in my opinion is a biomarker.
We all make uric acid, all of us. It's a byproduct of our metabolism is uric acid. The problem is when you don't clear uric acid. Now oxalates are different. Oxalates come from foods that we eat and they're found in the vegetable kingdom. The highest sources would be spinach, nuts, seeds, almonds, take a trip with me through the grocery store. Okay? I love going to the grocery store. I do. I love reading labels. I like to look at what people are buying and I'd like to set up a little pulpit there. Now, they would throw me out but I would like to, if I could, don't buy that. That meatless craze, when I see that I get a splitting headache. My blood pressure goes up when I see the meatless section. Okay? When I go by the dairy and I see almond milk. Ooh, I get a splitting headache. "Well, it must be good for me." Who told you that?
Not me. Why do you want to use almond milk? Well, first of all, you know me and milk, unless you have a cow in the backyard don't drink milk. You don't need it. But here's what it's saying, okay, this study, you have to break it down to get it. Oxalates come from veggies and legumes, peanut butter. I like peanut butter. It's not good for you but I like it. It's too much omega-6 and it's got oxalates. But what oxalates do in the absence of calcium, now where do you get your calcium, guys? How do you get calcium? Milk. Not almond milk, dairy. Butter has calcium. Cream has calcium. Don't drink milk and don't put milk in your coffee and don't put almond milk in your coffee. Put cream. Cream has calcium. If there's any oxalates in your diet, it'll help to neutralize that.
Don't take calcium as a supplement either because it never gets to its intended destination. People don't realize that. Calcium in a supplement is something I've been screaming against for as long as I've been around in the nutrition industry. I never liked it. Even though it was the number one supplement because women bought the lie that calcium in a supplement was going to help their bones. Medicine pushed it. And today of course they have drugs for osteoporosis. I would generally tell you don't touch them with a hundred foot pole, massive side effects and they're really ineffective. Osteoporosis is anorexia of the bones in my opinion. Osteoporosis, men and women can get it, mostly in women, is anorexia of the bones. And more particular, anorexia of the muscles. When you've got no muscle your bone can quality goes downhill big time. But isn't it interesting that they're talking about oxalates hardening the arteries in the absence of calcium? You see guys, let me share something I want you to think about for a minute.
God's got it right. Stuff is put in together, guys. Okay? So when you eat a piece of steak, for example, very high in protein. Other than liver, that I don't like, I like it in a sense that it's good for you but I don't like the taste of it so you don't hear me talking about liver too much. Now don't hold that against me. It is it good for you? Yeah, it's the number one food in the world on the food chain. But because you know me, I love steak, steak is the perfect food. Do you know that steak has calcium? Do you know that steak has magnesium? It does. Do you know that steak has got vitamin A and vitamin K2? Perfect food. But what they're saying here is oxalates in the absence of calcium, you don't get enough calcium in the vegetable kingdom, guys, for mice. There's not enough calcium there.
You need to get your dairy. That's why I don't want you to ditch dairy. I want you to eat dairy, butter, cheese, cream, because it's got perfect calcium. Perfect, the way it's intended. If you're going to have some vegetables, it will neutralize the oxalates in veggies. Now you know me, I'm not big on nuts and seeds. I'm not saying you could never have them. I'm just telling you. Last night we were asked a question about diverticulosis and I say, "Well, I know how to fix diverticulosis." Why do we have so much of it today? One of them is antibiotics. It literally not only changes the microbiome but can change the lining of the gut and makes one susceptible to diverticulosis. That's one. Number two is people think they're rabbits and they're not. "My name is Susie and I'm a rabbit." No you're not, but you're eating like a rabbit.
You're insisting on a high fiber diet. You like your cereals. You like your fibers. You like those salads, but you're not a rabbit. Your gut wasn't made for that. Your gut wasn't made for that. So now you got a lot of roughage and roughage will really irritate the bowel. And for a lot of people it creates diverticulosis. One of the ways I fixed it was getting people away from eating all that roughage. And they used to look at me like I had two heads. Fiber is overrated. And especially if you've got IBS and digestive issues and diverticulosis, you're irritating it. But what's interesting about the oxalates, right, in the absence of calcium they harden up your arteries. And like I said, God gives you, for example, a piece of cheese. What's it got in there? It's got calcium, right? It's got fat. But fat don't make you fat. "It's got saturated fat, Dr. Martin, that's going to harden your arteries." No it doesn't. Oxalates do. It's got calcium, it's got fat, it's got vitamin K2.
Because what does vitamin K2 do? It takes calcium that you're eating in your cheese and it puts it in the bones rather than letting it stay in the bloodstream. So make sure folks, if you are going to insist on eating veggies that you make sure you're taking cheese with it. Butter, because it's got calcium. And steak, it's called calcium. Interesting study isn't it? I guarantee you, I guarantee you that the mainstream media, I guarantee it, won't talk about it because it's going to go against their narrative. The cereal companies won't allow it. The big 10 food companies won't allow it because it goes against their narrative. There can't be anything wrong with oxalates. Guys, let me just give you another reason to do the reset. Okay?
Somebody said something last night about the reset or asked me about the reset. I just saw it, I didn't get a chance to answer it, about weight loss and the reset. Okay? And I've answered this many times, but I'm just going to say it again. The reason primarily, number one, is to fix something that's going on in our society today. 88% of the population have this condition that is very dangerous. It's called metabolic syndrome. 12% of the population are healthy metabolically. As a matter of fact there was a study that came out this morning. I wrote it down here, listen to this. One third of children in the United States, one third, 33% have a condition called pre-diabetes. One third. If there's been a catastrophe in our society, health-wise, it is the biggest story, or ought to be, in the news. The catastrophe of children's health. And the big 10, I call them the big 10 food companies, from Kraft-Heinz, they're together now, Pepsi-Co, Coca-Cola, you name it. Okay? You name those 10 big companies in the food industry, the grocery store, they run it.
What are we creating? A disaster. Meaning those children, if they're pre-diabetic, you know what that means? Again, I always say this, it's really important that you understand this. Tony Jr said it last night during the webinar, blood sugar is tightly regulated, tightly regulated. Okay? I use the illustration, eat 20 donuts. Don't do it, but I want you to imagine like you ate 20 donuts. Within an hour of eating 20 donuts your blood sugar's going to come back to that tight range. That's how bad sugar is for you because your insulin just won't let your blood sugar go crazy. A high hurdle. It has to be tightly regulated. Now you guys know more right now, if you just understand what I just told you, you know more... even though this is taught day one in medical school but they forget.
The reset was created to fix insulin resistance which is at the root of metabolic syndrome. So if a kid, one third, imagine, imagine one third of the children in the USA according to the study are pre-diabetic. Guys, that's a disaster. It is so enormous. The future of healthcare is at stake. It's unreal. Because these kids, if they're pre-diabetic, already have metabolic syndrome. What's that mean? They're on their way to cancer. They're on their way to heart disease. They're on the road. Matthew Chapter Seven, don't go down the broad road that leads to destruction, Jesus said, get on the narrow road that leads to life. Now he wasn't talking nutrition, but I am. The broad road, guys, is metabolic syndrome and people are down that road and they don't realize the significance of metabolic syndrome and how dangerous it is.
And it's all to do with the diet. It's all to do with, "Oh, Dr. Martin, I need carbs." No you don't. It's all to do with the cereals and the soda and the juices, even milk. Today's milk, grocery store milk, you might as well give your kid a Pepsi, especially when you pour it on cereal. Ooh, how much sugar there is in there. With metabolic syndrome, 88% of the population, the reset is meant to fix that because it gets at the root of the problem in metabolic syndrome. Look, it's what you take out of your diet. First of all, imagine no sugar, no crappy carbs with those vegetable... I hate even using the word vegetable oil... I mean the industrialized synthetic oils that are found in the middle aisles of your grocery store and fast food where they cook the chicken fingers and the fries and whatever in the bad oil. Poison, stay away.
So you're not eating sugar. You're not eating crappy vegetable oils. You're not eating oxalates. Who knew? You take that away, the good news about the reset, the good news, it not only takes away the bad but it gives you the best. Eggs, meat and cheese and butter. I want you on dairy, guys. I want you on dairy. Okay? So that's really important because look what's happening, a third. I'm just going to make a statement here. It's more than that. The ones they know about in terms of pre-diabetic. That means their sugar is still normal but it's normal high. And as I was explaining last night about metabolic syndrome, what goes on in the liver, not liver that you eat, your liver, it starts in the liver. The Rodney Dangerfield of your body because nobody gives it any credit. They don't think about the liver until it doesn't work.
But right along with the headline they were talking about the scourge in our society today of fatty liver, but they never put it together. In the article. they just said oh yeah, these kids, most of them got some form of fatty liver. Imagine, kids... fatty liver. Well, their Costco parking lot is full. Their Costco parking lot is in bad shape because it's full of carbs. There's no room to put anything else in it. Their liver is full of fat, glycogens stored. Why? Because they're eating sugar and especially, whoa, especially high fructose corn syrup. I'd love to be, like I say, have a little pulpit in the grocery store so I could preach don't buy that. I'd set up in the cereal section. Mom, what are you buying that for? That's not good for your kids. I'd set up in the dairy section when they were getting a bottle of milk or almond milk. Ooh, or soy. Ooh. I was watching a movie. One of my favorite movies of all time is Grand Torino with Clint Eastwood going [inaudible 00:24:20]. You see it in the movies. He's always angry. He's going [inaudible 00:24:25].
I feel like Clint Eastwood [inaudible 00:24:31] when I see bad choices. Look folks, I know I can't do it for you. I want to bring you information so you make the right choices. Guys, what is going to happen to our society down the road? There's nothing that bothers me more that we have a world with blind folders on. Blind, because all the tea in China is not going to save us. Not all the money in the world can save our healthcare system if we just continue on the same road, and that we talk about... look, and I don't want to get into politics, but this is political to some extent... they miss the elephant in the room when they focus in on the climate and they don't talk about one third of kids are pre-diabetic. What is that going to mean? It's a disaster. A disaster coming to a theater near you. Those poor kids. Now is that political enough for you?
But I mean it, guys, the disaster coming, it's already here, but just think of the future. It's getting worse because people don't want to take the bull by the horns. We've got to do what we did years ago when there was a campaign against smoking. What a great idea. I used to scream at them, "What are you smoking for?" Well, you didn't have to tell people even coming into their office. I tell you the history of this and it's comical to some extent, isn't it? Like my dad, his patients, "Here have another cigarette, get the crap out of your lungs." No, cigarettes will make you cough it out, but then they had a big campaign in my lifetime against smoking and young people, to them that's like second nature. They know smoking ain't good for them.
I mean, I'm not saying none of them smoke, there isn't anybody that's smoking and saying, "This is good for me. I need this because it's good for me." No, they might be addicted but they're not saying, "Well, you know what? This is good for my health." Well, at least I hope they're not. You know what I mean? Because what did we do? We had a campaign. But I'm telling you, because like I said, there are 10 companies that run the food industry and they're never going to allow a campaign against sugar and especially high fructose corn syrup that they add into almost everything they make. They won't allow it. And they buy, I told you what the food industry, which wasn't nearly as powerful as it is today, bought off Harvard researchers to agree that fat gave you cholesterol and cholesterol was at the root of heart disease instead of sugar in 1965.
And Clint Eastwood, [inaudible 00:28:19]. Okay guys, my blood pressure has come down. I'm calming myself. Guys, we appreciate you. And guess what tomorrow is? Question and answer Friday. Okay? Question and answer Friday. We love you. I know I tell you that, but I mean it. Tony Jr and I talked about it last night, how much we appreciate our audience. We can fill up a webinar in the middle of the week, unreal, and people stayed on. And we appreciate that. Okay, we love you guys. We'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!