Dr. Martin reviews an interesting study on omega-3 and metabolic syndrome.
We have about a 30:1 ratio of omega-6 over omega-3s and the biggest reason for that is crappy carbohydrate vegetable oils. When you consume so many omega-6s, your body starts an inflammatory process. This is bad.
Join Dr. Martin in today’s episode to learn the benefit of increasing your omega-3 intake and decreasing your omega-6.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning, everyone. Welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great start to your day. We got a hodgepodge today of studies that I want to go over with you. Somebody mentioned to me... This is a study on oxalates. But let me preface this by saying somebody on the private Facebook group was asking the other day, "What does Dr. Martin think about the Daniel's diet?" Okay. Now, if you read the book of Daniel, you read about Daniel's diet. It was found in Chapter one. And people have sort of copied that diet. He didn't want to eat meat that was sacrificed to idols. So he said, "Give me vegetables for a couple of weeks." And then he went before the king and he looked real good, him and his three friends. And they did the Daniel diet. So some people said, "Well, that's a great diet. It's in the Bible. It must be good. It must be the best. Vegan or vegetarian must be great."
But I got to tell you something. I've been studying the Bible for just about 40 years and I'm going to tell you something. You look at the mention of veggies and then versus the mention of meat, it's probably about 10 times more meat than veggies. Now, again, please don't get too uptight about that because I'm just telling you the fact. Meat is mentioned much more often than vegetables are. And I'm not against... If you want to do a Daniel's diet for a couple of weeks, well go for it. I'd much rather you do the reset. And the reason I push the reset so much is because the reset will give you the nutrients.
I don't care, guys. I don't care what you think about vegetables, you cannot live on just vegetables. You can't. There's too many fat-soluble vitamins you can't get. You can't get vitamin A, it's not found in the plant kingdom. You're not going to get vitamin D, it's not found in the plant kingdom. You're not going to get vitamin K2, it's not found in the plant kingdom. You not going to get B12, it's not found in the plant kingdom. You're not going to get heme iron, it's not found in the plant kingdom. It's just not.
Now, there's some iron in spinach. But even amino acids, guys, the building blocks for your body. Amino acids. The bio availability, been proven 1000 times over, in meat, eggs, a much superior bio availability. Your body takes it in better, absorbs it better. Just because somebody mentioned it. "Oh, it must be a biblical diet and the reset is not." It's just the opposite, guys. Okay?
So I had to start with that because somebody asked me, and you sort of get... I know out there you're going to get mixed signals about it, because there's an agenda. Bill Gates said it, all the rich nations, he said it again the other day, should get rid of meat and eat the meatless craze. I'll tell you from a nutritional standpoint, it's craziness. It's indoctrination. It doesn't make it true.
Anyway, omega three, new study out there. Okay? So sort of rapid fire, new studies. This one on omega-3 and metabolic syndrome. Very interesting. Now you guys know how much I love omega-3. The problem in the world today is we got way too much omega-6 than omega-3. And the biggest reason for that are these crappy carbohydrate vegetable oils. You go in the middle aisles of your grocery store, and you're going to find about a 30 to one ratio of omega-6 over omega-3.
Well your body's not made for that. And when that happens it's disaster, because the body starts an inflammatory process. We've been talking about that the last few days, inflammation left unchecked.
I used the example, I think it was last week. Like, take some sandpaper and rub it on the inside of your arm. Okay? Sandpaper. Okay, well do that for a few seconds. It'll hurt, but you're going to start a wound there. See, what happens inside the body, primarily in the circulatory system, in those blood vessels, is exactly that. You start an inflammation process inside. You don't know it. You're not aware of it. There may not be any symptoms like pain. People think of inflammation. They think of pain. Yeah, well sometimes you do. You get inflammation in the joints or whatever, you are going to get pain. But this is silent. That's what makes it so deadly, your body over reacts to it.
So that's the ratio between omega-6 and omega-3. Now here's what they found out in this study. Okay? How even omega-3, DHA and EPA... Now again, let me just give you what's important. DHA and EPA are found in the animal kingdom. Okay? So it's another reason. In fish and in meat you have DHA and EPA. DHA is the longest chain fatty acid that you can get. That's why I love DHA. The longer that chain, the more absorbable it is. And I'm big on that.
Here's the study on metabolic syndrome. So what is metabolic syndrome? Okay, 88% of the population have some form of metabolic syndrome. That's why we're in such stinking trouble. That's why our healthcare system is being brought to its knees. There's not enough money in the system that's going to fix the amount of metabolic syndrome. 88% of the population have trouble with metabolic syndrome. High triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol. Low cholesterol, high triglycerides, dangerous, right? We talked about that.
Belly fat, fatty liver, because it starts in the liver. The liver, very important. Metabolic syndrome, higher levels of inflammation, higher levels of even uric acid. High blood pressure, higher levels of A1C. Those are all metabolic syndrome. That's why when you send me your blood test, and I'm happy to pontificate, I'm looking for metabolic syndrome. Primarily. And if you're triglycerides and your HDL are upside down, you've got metabolic syndrome, simple as that. Needs to be fixed. Omega-3 helps.
And here's what this study said, in three ways. One, it reduces obesity. It reduces inflammation in obesity, omega-3. I eat fish every day in a capsule. I do. I take high DHA oil every day, for a multitude of reasons. This is one of them. Reduces inflammation from obesity. And listen to this, reduces insulin resistance. Do you know that high DHA and EPA actually, at the cellular level, make your cells more sensitive to insulin? You need less insulin with omega-3.
This wasn't in the study, but I just got to bring it up here. One of the ways you mitigate the disaster of sugar, I got another sugar study here, honey. Honey. I'm bringing you a sugar study again today, and it ain't good. But one of the ways to mitigate the disaster of sugar, especially in children, is to give them DHA omega-3. It helps to protect them from the side effects of sugar.
Okay. That was a separate study. So it helps with insulin resistance, it helps people become more sensitive to insulin, is what you want. And thirdly, you know triglycerides in metabolic syndrome? High DHA oil helps with that. See, omega-3 guys? Omega-3 from the animal kingdom really helps with lowing triglycerides. That's a goal. Isn't it? Lower your triglycerides and elevate your HDL, your cholesterol. Okay?
So omega-3 and metabolic syndrome. Good news. Good news. Okay.
Now taking an antibiotic in midlife, we talked about autism the other day and one of the etiology, you know what that means? How does it happen? How does autism happen? Now there's a lot of controversy about that, but I've been very consistent over the last 40 years, even a little bit longer than that. Talking about antibiotics as a double edged sword.
And I have some very specific teaching on antibiotics. Do I think that antibiotics are great? Absolutely. And I mean that. Of someone says, "Oh, Dr. Martin doesn't believe in antibiotics." No, no, no, no, no. You got a raging infection? You better get on an antibiotic. Okay? Seriously. Now I love nature's antibiotics, like oil of oregano and probiotics. I like that. But you know, if you've got a reaching infection, you're going to need a pharmaceutical, great antibiotic. Absolutely.
But it's a two edged sword. Wonderful, kills the infection, could save your life, but it destroys your microbiome. And what they're saying here in midlife... And this is for, either you go to the dentist and they want, you know, even before you go, they want you on an antibiotic. I don't agree with that. Not even for a bit as a preventative thing.
And dentists, I know they've been doing that for a long time and I got some very good dentist friends, and I tell them, "You shouldn't be doing that. Why do you do that? Tell people to take some probiotic before they go see you and oil of oregano." "What?" Yeah. You dentists out there. Quit giving out antibiotics for that. Okay?
Because what they're showing, dental? Big thing in midlife for women is urinary tract infections. Big time urinary tract infections. But what they're showing, antibiotics in midlife come back to bite with the brain. The memory later in life. What's the connection? Your brain and your gut are 100% attached to each other, right? 100% attached to each other.
And let me give you another study, because while I'm on that, I want to give you a study. SSRIs, okay? For depression, sleeping, anxiety, serotonin. Okay? Receptors, medication, long term destroys neurological centers in your brain. Because in the gut, in the gut, you got more hormones in your gut than you have in your brain. Did you know that? Well, if you've been listening to this program, yeah, you do. The gut. Hippocrates said it, 2000 years ago, the father of medicine. He said "All diseases start in the gut". Now I don't think he knew anything about microbiome, but he was pretty smart.
And today, I mean the biggest things they're studying in medicine is bacteria. Good, bad, and ugly. That's really important. But the microbiome produces, listen, serotonin, dopamine, GABA, melatonin. I know most of it comes from the pineal gland, but your gut produces melatonin to sleep.
Well if you take an antibiotic, you wipe that out. People don't think about that. Right? But doctors should think about that because it's a double-edged sword. Your serotonin, dopamine. I always used to tell people, "You got depression. I'm going to start with your gut and I'm going to start with your diet." "What?" "I know, but I'm telling you, I'm telling you." I'm telling you antibiotics and cognitive decline was the study in midlife. Got to be very careful.
Now again, if you have to take an antibiotic, you take an antibiotic. But make sure you're taking a broad spectrum, probiotic. And you know, somebody was on our Facebook, and again, I love it because you're talking, you're putting your two pennies in there. I like that. You got your opinion. But sometimes I go in there and I correct people because... Here's what one person said the other day and look it, I appreciated it. It said, "Well you don't need probiotics. You need prebiotics." And where did you read that?
I'm not telling you don't need prebiotics. You know what the best prebiotic is for your probiotics and your gut? Your friendly bacteria? The best food? It's not fiber. All fiber. It feeds your friendly... No, steak is.
Okay, let me tell you how about another study. Metformin, metformin. You know what metformin is? What is Metformin? It's a very popular drug. Okay? Half of the population in North America's diabetic or pre, half. It's actually worse than that. Remember, sugar is the last thing that goes up. So metformin has become a very popular drug.
Now they're starting to see what I have been seen for a long time. Because so many women are using it, are causing birth defects in males. The boy, little boys. And that study came out and I kind of saw it, but I was looking to see if the mainstream media might pick up on it. Well, good luck with that. A popular, popular medication.
And I ain't telling anybody to come off Metformin. I don't do that. But the only reason you take Metformin, why would you take Metformin? "Well, doc, I'm a diabetic." Well, how about we put diabetes into remission, then you won't even need metformin. Because diabetes, I'm not talking about type one. I'm talking type two diabetes, is really an allergy to carbohydrate. You and carbs don't get along. They are big time overrated.
And if you're a diabetic, you don't do well with any carb. "Oh Dr., I need a little bit of whole wheat bread." No you don't. It's going to be sugar in five seconds. "I need cereal." No you don't. "I need fiber." No, you don't. You don't. You need to get off carbohydrates because you got an allergy to carbs. Okay?
There was another study on Metformin. Okay? So it's causing birth defects in males. It lowers your testosterone, men. One thing we know about Metformin, and I've been preaching this for 30 years, more than that. It lowers your B12. I always tell people, "You're on Metformin. You need B12." "Oh Mark, how come my doctor didn't tell me that?" Well, your doctor is looking at a blood test that's over a hundred years old. Your B12 levels. "Oh they're 200 and something. They're normal." Oh gee, I want 800. I want 1200.
Not normal. B12 needs to be optimized. Your brain doesn't work without B12. You got any kind of digestive issues... And one of the side effects of metformin is digestive issues. You know, it's a drug, Okay. Like ,temporarily you find out you're diabetic, they put you on Metformin. Okay, I get it. I understand it. But, fix the problem. Fix the problem. Like I said, not all the tea in China is going be able to fix our diets and diabetes. And dia-besity is a major, major problem in our society today.
One more. This is a study. Sugar sucks. Well, I put that there. Because it didn't say that in the study, but it meant it. Okay? But here's Dr. Martin's headline of the study. Sugar sucks the water out of the body's cells. Sugar, honey. Ain't good for you. We all know that. Parents know that, dentists know that. I don't know what happened to the rest of the world. Why didn't we ask Dr. Mom? Dr. Mom knows. Don't give sugar to a kid before they're going to bed. Not going to be a good night. Teachers know, don't give sugar. It's Susie's birthday today, let's all have cupcakes in the morning. Not a good idea. These kids are going to be bouncing off walls, teacher thinks. Teachers know. You know.
But here's one of the mechanisms that's not good for you. Sugar takes water out of your cells. It dehydrates you. This is why the reset is so good for people. Because they're not having sugar. And they realize, well first of all, why are people always so dehydrated? Sugar is one of them. You eat sugar, sucks the life of the water. Guys? You can go without food for a lot of days, but you can't go without water.
And you know me, water is water. Juice isn't water, coffee isn't water. Coffee's good. It's not water. "But doc, it's made up of water." I know. Different. Your body's smart. Your body knows when you're drinking water because it takes a direct route to your bloodstream. Did you know that? Yep. Don't pass go. It's direct. Within seconds. It's poured into your bloodstream, into the 60,000 miles of blood vessels.
Now only water does that. "But doctor, I got juice. I mean, juice is good for me." Well no it's not, number one. That's got to be filtered. It takes a different route and your body's going to metabolize it different. Okay? "I like watermelon." Well yeah, me too. But... And I'm not saying watermelon's not good for you. I'm not saying that. I'm just saying it ain't water, even though it's watermelon. You got to drink water. And that's why I always tell parents, wean your kids. Once they're off the breast milk, the manna from mummy, water. They'll get used to it and they'll love it.
Don't give them fruit juice. Sugar sucks the life out of cells. It sucks the water out of cells. It causes a severe problem of dehydration. And people don't realize, you know why they don't know it? Because, "Well doc, I'm not even thirsty." I said, "Don't wait for that. Beep. Don't wait for that. Drink water and then your thirst mechanism will kick in. And you'll realize how dry you are. Don't be a dry speaker."
No, but seriously guys, especially men. Okay? They come in the office, and I used to do what we call a viscosity test. They were fasting. I draw their blood and measure the thickness of it. And I used to tell them, "You're dehydrated. You got blood like molasses." And they'd look at me, men. "Yeah, but I don't like water." Yeah, but I said "You need it." "Yeah but I don't like it. I don't like that taste of it." I said, "Suck it up, buttercup. You need to drink or you're going to have a heart attack."
It's another way sugar is so bad for you. And people don't have the mechanism. They, "I'm not thirsty. When I'm thirsty, I'll have a soda or a diet soda." That ain't good. And I get excited. Seems so simple. Right? Okay.
Now, have you signed up for our webinar tonight? Asking the question for a friend. Okay? Have you? Tony Jr. We talked about it yesterday, he's all prepared. I'm going to be riding the co-pilot seat tonight. He's going to be the pilot, the chief pilot tonight. Okay? Should be a good webinar. Looking forward to it. Looking forward to seeing all you folks, if you can make it tonight at 7:00 PM. Okay? But you got to sign up. Okay? You got to sign up. Don't ask me how I don't know. Ask the staff. Nick and Jeannette and Brandy will help you.
Okay. Guys, Friday's question and answer. We're going to do question and answer tonight too. After the program we'll stay on and we'll answer your questions. Okay? So people like that and we like it. It reminds Tony Jr. and I of our radio days, when we took live questions. He would fill in for me and he a lot smarter than his father.
Okay, guys, we love you dearly. And we appreciate you more than you know. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!