Time Magazine has published a piece showing there’s a link between psychiatric disorders and type II diabetes. Dr. Martin calls this a big step as researchers are finally looking at the causative factors of mental health disorders.
Dr. Martin does some teaching in today’s episode as to why there’d be a link between mental health and diabetes. In his practice, Dr. Martin would always bring it back to diet. There’s actually a huge link between mental health and food!
Don’t miss this very informative episode! Learn why diabetes and mental health go together!
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Good morning everyone and once again, welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great start to your day. Good to be with you. We got a very interesting study I want to look at this morning. If you don't get our newsletters or email newsletters, you got to sign up for that, because a lot of this stuff that I'm going to talk about, we try and cover with some real detail in the emails that we send out. So you can sign up at Martinclinic.com if you're not getting our emails. Now this study is more than significant and it's the headline in Time Magazine. Now I guess Time Magazine's still a magazine. You can read it online. So this is TimeMagazine.com, I think. And let me read the headline. Actually, I posted it this morning on our private Facebook group.
So again, to those of our community there, you would've seen this, I think. It says there's a link between psychiatric disorders and type two diabetes, Time Magazine. There's a link between psychiatric disorders and type two diabetes. Now, why is that significant? Because finally researchers are looking at what are the causative factors of mental health disorders, bipolar, schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, severe problems in our society today probably exacerbated by the last couple of years. I think one of the significant things that we've seen in these lockdowns has been the increase in mental health and I talked to you about that. The unintended consequences for people that suffer from any kind of mental disorder. Now, I don't know about you, but for me, I have to ask myself the question, why? Why would there be a link between mental health and diabetes? Why would there be a link between mental health and diabetes?
Now I want to do a little teaching this morning on why that happens. It's not a surprise to me because of all the years of treating thousands and thousands of patients over the years, of treating mental health disorders, like I said, bipolar, depression, schizophrenia, different anxiety disorders. I always brought it back to the diet. First thing that I did, I always brought it back to the diet. One of the things that we used to measure, because that's what makes this study really significant, is the link between mental health and food. There's a huge link. Now listen, mental health issues have been around forever, that's a fact, been around forever. You read your Bible, you'll read about people that struggled with mental health problems. So even in biblical times there was mental health issues, but here's the big but, but today it's much worse. It's not a small percentage of the population, it's a huge percentage of the population.
There was a study the other day on anxiety drugs. They're given out like candy, Xanax, Valium, Klonopin. They're given out like candy today. And I'm not trying to say that these meds over a short period of time... I'm not trying to tell people not to take medications but... And by the way, before I get off on a tangent, let me just say this about that study. What it was saying is there are two big problems with anxiety medications, because they're meant to be taken temporarily, but here's the problem when you take Valium, or Xanax, or whatever, here's the problem. They're highly addictive, one, and I've always screamed about that, because you easily become addicted. That's the problem even with depression meds, highly addictive, one. And two, long term studies are showing when you take anxiety medications over a period of time, your risk of getting cognitive, like dementia, go up 30, 40%.
So in my practice, what I tried to do is fix the problem, fix the issue. I used to tell them look, first thing you got to do is change your diet, your brain is headquarters. It's a small percentage of your body weight, probably about 2%, but it takes 25% of your energy, your food that you eat go to headquarters. And all your synapses up there, and all your biochemistry and all your electricity. It's a grid. Your neurotransmitters are very, very, very much affected by the food you eat. Here's Time Magazine agreeing with me. Now they're only reporting, it's not Time. It was written up in Time, in the Time Magazine. But what they're saying is researchers, and this was quoted in the American Medical Journal. Researchers are saying finally, there's a link between what you eat and your mental health. Hello, I've been saying that for a long time.
Now let's get to the bottom of this a little bit by a little bit of teaching. So one, you know how the brain operates in the sense that you have two major components of your brain. Two major components of your brain. You have your hypothalamus, think of anything hormone, and you need to think about your hypothalamus, and then your hippocampus, which is primarily the memory center of your brain. So if I ever give you a test, you got to know those two things, hypothalamus and your hippocampus. Those two centers of your brain are deeply affected by what you eat. Now, they mention diabetes and the reason they mention it is because what they found is that diabetics were much more susceptible to mental health issues, 30, 40% more susceptible than the rest of the population.
Guys, it's worse than that, but let me say this, so finally blood sugar, they're saying blood sugar, I say insulin, but they're saying people with diabetes type two, adult-onset diabetes, that's what it means, have 30 to 40% more likelihood of becoming depressed, schizophrenia, bipolar, yada, yada, yada, all of them. Now they didn't even talk about, in this study, they didn't even talk about what do we do about that? They just showed the significance between if you're officially diagnosed as a diabetic, you're in trouble with mental health. That's what they're saying. That's the headline. But let me say this, 88% of the population have metabolic syndrome and metabolic syndrome is at the root of diabetes.
When I wrote the book, The Reset, I really talked about that. The elephant in the room, what they're not talking about, because they wait till you're a diabetic and then, of course, you're on medication, and they don't talk about how to even fix, because like I've said a million times, if you are a type two diabetic and you've already been diagnosed with that, you have an allergy, to what? Carbs. You and carbs don't get along. It's official. But 88% of the population have trouble with metabolic syndrome, which is insulin resistance. Your cells don't like insulin anymore way before you become a diabetic. Diabetes, guys, is the last thing that happens. Your body is so intelligent, so fearfully and wonderfully made, it'll do everything it can to keep you away from diabetes. So we don't want to wait for diabetes to happen.
They say it's one out of three in North America are diabetic or pre, it's worse than that guys, because if you have any form of metabolic syndrome, that's 88% of the population, almost 90%. There's really only about 10 or 12% of the population that don't have trouble with insulin, and insulin resistance is your cells at the cellular level saying, "Would you quit eating carbs?" Here's one of the problems when you get a study like this, diabetes linked to mental health issues, here's the problem. How do you fix it? And here's my experience, the problem is when you already are depressed, it's very difficult for a depressed person to eat proper. It is because they're depressed. They don't feel like doing nothing and discipline is very difficult for them.
And I tried to make it as simple as I could. One of the things that really, really helps bipolar, if you know someone that's bipolar, they can't have carbs. They don't process them. It's a pre-diabetic condition of their brain. But if they have it, it's hard for them to get the diet because they're up and down like a yo-yo and it's hard for them. So I used to try and get anybody with mental health, [inaudible 00:13:17] look it, you have got to commit and you got to have help, people that will keep you accountable, 30 days program, feed your brain the right food. Feed your brain the right food. It will make an enormous difference in your mental health, because when insulin resistance is present, you are going to have trouble with your brain chemistry. It's as simple, guys, as that. Now there are other factors and one of the biggest factors is the gut.
Now let me tell you what. One, let's get back to insulin for a second. When your body is in insulin resistance, meaning your cells at the cellular level are tired of insulin, but insulin's got a job to do. It'll come around. It'll come around. Even if it has to squirt 10 times more than it used to for the same food. You have a slice of bread, by the way, bread, I don't care what kind it is, is terrible food for mental health, cereals are terrible food for mental health. Guess what? When someone doesn't feel well, guess what they want to eat? Cereals and bread. It's a fix. It gives them a little bit of comfort, but it's making the problem worse, because you're secreting an enormous amount of insulin. And the more you do it, the more your cells become resistant to insulin.
The idea to fix it is to get off the carbs. When you're insulin resistance, one of the silent things that you don't see that's going on in the body is you're creating inflammation. Inflammation is a response to insulin resistance. Inflammation really affects the chemistry in the brain there. Now, you guys know me, I've talked about this ad nauseam. What did I talk about? The gut, leaky gut, leaky brain, leaky gut, leaky brain. Can I share with you what I said over 30 years ago? There's a connection between leaky gut, leaky brain, where I first mentioned it was when I wrote about chronic fatigue syndrome. And I said this, here's the statement I made back over 30 years ago, when someone takes antibiotics for any kind of infection, antibiotics wipe out your friendly bacteria. When you wipe out your friendly bacteria in your microbiome, mainly in the gut, what happens?
You get an invasion of Candida, fungus, yeast. It travels to the brain. Can have a major impact on mental health. We already know what it does in Parkinson's, MS, other autoimmune like disorders. But what people don't realize is that when you take an antibiotic and you don't replace that friendly bacteria, you are setting yourself up for even mental health issues later on, it becomes a perfect storm because you get insulin, you get yeast, guess what your yeast is doing? You get a yeast. Yeast can go to your sinuses, into your lungs, it can be on your skin. But one of the areas it loves when it becomes systemic, it loves to infiltrate the brain.
When that happens, why? Number one cause, the double edged sword of antibiotics. Whoever told people to take probiotics? They do now, not all doctors, but a lot of doctors understand the significance of replacing that bacteria, but they don't even understand fungus, yeast, Candida. That travels into the brain and it messes up your chemistry in there. So now you have insulin creating inflammation, creating problems in the brain, and then you have leaky gut, yeast, getting into the brain and messing up your neurotransmitters in there. And remember, you have more feel good hormones like serotonin and dopamine in your gut than you have in your brain. And medicine was very, very, very slow to even understand that. Guys, I'm telling you.
I remember in the late 80s, I used to do a lot of radio and TV stuff. When you write books, that's what happens. And I used to get people look at me like, what? The gut? What are you talking about the gut in chronic fatigue syndrome? Well, I said, "Look, my research has shown this, is that when people take antibiotics, even as children, they're setting themselves up, throat infection, ear infections, acne as teenagers." They take antibiotics. Who wants to acne or recurring bladder infections? The list goes on. But the problem is it doesn't happen on that day. You take an antibiotic, it might give you a sore stomach a bit, but you don't think about the consequences down the road, who does? But there's a huge link between what goes on in your gut and what goes on in your brain. There's a huge link.
Your brain and your gut are connected. You ever get the butterflies? How come my stomach's bothering me, I'm nervous. Yeah, because that's the 10th cranial nerve, your vagus, not Las Vegas, but your 10th cranial nerve is your vagus nerve. There's a huge connection between the gut and the brain. Depression. I'm always looking to the bottom line. Depression, bipolar, schizophrenia. I'd rather get them before it's full blown of course. But you see children today, they got no friendly bacteria left and of course they're feeding yeast the wazoo because they're hooked on sugar, the Frankenstein of sugars that I could get into, even into more detail. You know what I feel sorry for kids today compared to when I was a kid? We've created a monster sugar, manmade, high fructose corn syrup, fructose. Oh doc, it must be good, its fructose.
Someone was asking on the private Facebook group about fructose. Fructose, listen, it's like alcohol. Alcohol, you don't give kids alcohol, right parents, grandparents? Oh, you know what? Maybe I'll have a little whiskey. You wouldn't even think of it for five seconds would you? No, of course not. But do you know that high fructose corn syrup is so toxic, it's metabolized in the liver just like alcohol and alcohol will destroy your brain left unabated. And it destroys your liver, everybody knows that cirrhosis of the liver. But now we have a new problem, it's non-alcoholic fatty liver. How do you get that? Well, just be a carbolic. And kids because what they've used since the 1980s should have been outlawed, should have been taken off the market is high fructose corn syrup, because it's just like alcohol, it's toxic. It goes to the liver in a nanosecond. It destroys friendly bacteria on its way. It creates leaky gut. Guys, this study, I'm glad that they're talking about it.
Now, if you see this in the mainstream media, even though Time is very mainstream. But I've been looking around to see if anybody's picking up on it. The link between diabetes and mental health, who knew, who knew? Well, I'm going to tell you something, I knew. It sounds simplistic guys, but it comes back to why I'm so passionate all the time. The body is unbelievably complicated. I know that. But if you break it down and get to some of the basics that you can control, you can't control everything in life, you can't, but you can control what you eat. And I like to get patients, of course, I used to love to get patients before the disease. I loved it when I saw children with ADD and ADHD, you didn't have to tell a teacher for example, what food does, the wrong food.
They have a birthday party and you bring cupcakes to the class. They teacher wouldn't let you have that in the morning if they knew what was good for them. No, no, no, we're going to have that at the end of the day because they knew. Behavior, we're going to talk about that. I want to break that down a little bit more in terms of what sugar does to the brain, especially in children, but guys, this is a significant study. It really is because it really talks about the importance of what you can control and that's food. They didn't see that because to them, diabetes is, well, you already... You're diabetic and now you got to take medication. They should talk about The Reset and how The Reset would help to fix that.
The Reset was started by the way, to put diabetes into remission. That's why I did originally. But then I found the more I did it for everything, everything, hormones, thyroid, the adrenals, the ovaries, your skin, your gut, your heart, your liver, your brain. You say doc, "You're too simple." I know, I'm a simple man. I'm not complicated. I want to know the bottom line, that's me. When I see something, give me the bottom line. That's the way I operate.
Guys, give us your feedback. Give us your questions. We love them. Tomorrow morning, Friday, question and answer. Friday is question and answer. We get back to our schedule pretty well. Not a member of the private Facebook group? You can join. Get your friends to join. What a community. Two, remember the emails. You're not part of that, you don't get the emails, stopped getting emails for whatever reason, don't ask me why. I don't know, but you want to get those because they're very, very instructive. And The Reset book, you got your copy? You guys should be marking that all up. That's what I do with books. I write big notes and underline everything that I'm interested in. So folks, we love you dearly, talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!