Now that 2022 is here, many of us will make New Year’s resolutions. Losing weight tends to be the number resolution people will make. Dr. Martin is all for losing weight, but he also knows if you’re not fixing the underlying problem, diets never work.
What is the likely underlying problem? It’s high circulating insulin. If you don’t first fix this, you are on your way to a yo-yo dieting rollercoaster.
Join Dr. Martin in today’s episode as he addresses “horror-mones” and why they’re preventing you from keeping the weight off!
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning. How is you? Hope you're having a great start to your day. Welcome again to another live this morning. Yesterday, for those who weren't with us, we talked about insulin resistance and the reason we want to do the reset primarily was insulin resistance. And yesterday I brought to you, I got 22 or 23 different reasons to do the reset. And these are just testimonies, but it's what happens when you fix the overarching principle. Okay? So any of you, and we thank the tens of thousands that have read the reset book, but I make the point in the reset book that the overarching principle of what is happening in the world today in terms of our health. What is the common denominator? When you look at cancer, you look at cardiovascular disease, yesterday we talked about the memory, how that happens in the brain. I gave you a little bit of physiology. What happens? Why people lose their memory? What happens in the brain if you eat the wrong foods?
The overarching principle, diabetes obviously, but guys, even in autoimmune, there's a connection and that is insulin. And it's not just insulin. It's called insulin resistance, or the way we named it at the Martin Clinic, high circulating insulin. You know, this is the time of the year we're going to make resolutions. Am I against that? Of course, I'm not. But you have to fix the most important hormone. You have to fix that. I don't care if your primary goal is weight loss, because for most people they want to lose weight. Do I understand that? Of course, I do. If you want to lose weight, I'm with you. But I've been around the block for a lot of years and I can tell you that if you don't do it right, if you don't fix the underlying problem, you are going to get on yo-yo dieting, up and down, and up and down.
I've known people in my practice, I knew people that for 30 years were losing weight and gaining it back, losing weight and gaining it back. When they came and saw me, I would talk to them first of all about the big problem. This is a hormonal problem. You got to fix that. You have to fix hormones. You know me and my expression, horrormones are at the root of it. So yesterday I talked about when you fix insulin resistance, I touched on several, obesity, and what did I tell you yesterday about obesity? Obesity is the body's protective mechanism. It's a protection. What? Well, your body will do everything, everything it can, to keep you away from diabetes. So what does it do? If you eat carbs, sugars, they're stored as fat. And for some people, they have an unlimited ability to make fat cells. A lot of people, they're obese, but their doctors are like, "Yeah, but your blood sugar is normal."
That's just a protective mechanism. You need to fix the problem. I'm on your side. Okay? I'm on your side. I think anybody that knew me, worked with me over the years, they know I had a big heart for people that struggled with their health. Passionate about it. And I was trial and error in a lot of experiments. I've written, I don't know, 20, what am I up to, 21-22 books now? And I'm telling you guys, it's insulin. It's the thing you can control because insulin is a food problem. Insulin's a hormone, but it only gets used when you eat. And depending on what you eat, not calories, here's medicine, okay? And again, they do some good things, but when it comes to weight loss, here's medicine. Eat less and move more. Eat less and move more. True or false? Well, it's true.
You're never, never, never going to move more and undo a bad diet. You can eat less, but you won't undo the type of fuel you're putting in your body. You won't undo it. Yeah, you might temporarily lose weight, but it'll all come back with a vengeance. And so what the reset is, is to fix the problem, the underlying issue. Okay? So I'm going to do this in two parts today. I want to finish up some of the things that insulin does. Okay? Yesterday I talked about obesity, belly fat, triglycerides, your liver, your liver, your liver, and I talked about what happens in the liver doesn't stay in the liver. It's not Las Vegas. Okay? That's the point I was making yesterday because the liver, and most people don't give it any thought until it doesn't work, they have no idea about the importance of the liver. The parking lot where insulin loves to park sugars as fats. And that messes you up big time because of triglycerides, and we talked about that, HDL, we talked about that, and people keep insisting on me wanting to talk about LDL and that gives me a headache.
I don't want to talk about LDL because it doesn't matter. The only reason that LDL is ever brought up in the world today is because of big pharma. Okay? And they want to talk about LDL because they found a drug to lower it. Statin drugs in the 1980s and the 1990s. And here we are in 2022 and they still hammer, hammer, hammer it. Let's get your cholesterol down. They want to high-five you from your casket. Why do I say that? Because if you insist on having lower cholesterol, you are going to die younger. Let's high-five each other from our caskets. Yeah, but at least I got my cholesterol down. Guys, it's complete, complete nonsense. Okay?
Now, what else happens? So I talked to you yesterday about the liver. I talked to you about obesity, the protective mechanism of your body. When you go to the mall, go anywhere and observe people like I want you to do because I've told about this for as long as you've known me. When you see people that are big, what are they saying now? Guys, here's a statistic that came out two weeks ago, just before Christmas. You know what it said? In the United States of America, listen to this, 80% of men are obese in the United States of America. Now guys, I didn't say that, the stats say that. 80%. Guys, but that is a protective mechanism. It's the body trying everything it can so that you don't become a diabetic man. It just wants to regulate your blood sugar. That's how toxic blood sugar is. That's how toxic sugar left in your bloodstream is. Your body is smart. It knows it can't leave sugar there. It can't. It's against the body's religion. Sugar is so toxic.
You can have 20 donuts. 20. Okay? And about 35 minutes later, your blood sugar, for most people, will be back to normal. Okay? What? Yeah, because insulin will come at that sugar and say, "You get out of there. You cannot park in the bloodstream. I'm going to take you and put you in your liver. Come here. You cannot stay there." That's obesity, guys. In a nutshell, that's obesity. It's just your body trying to keep you away from diabetes. Okay? Got that? Now, the other things that, again, what happens in the liver, your triglycerides, your HDL, they go upside down, which is very dangerous for your heart disease. I talked to you yesterday about your memory. What happens when you use too much insulin over a period of time? Your blood brain barrier says, "You know what insulin? I'm not letting you across anymore. You can't come in into the brain anymore and take sugar out of the brain."
So what does sugar do in the brain left unattended? It destroys especially, it really works on the whole brain, but as far as your memory is concerned, when insulin can't get across the blood brain barrier, it destroys your hippocampus memory cells. And here's another thing it does. It also works on the other part of the brain called the hypothalamus where the orchestra leader for your hormones, sugar, throws you off big time. And that's why they called Alzheimer's when they first come out years ago, type three diabetes. It was a good name. It's sugar, man. It ain't protein. It's not fat. It's carbs. It's sugar. Get the memo? Okay, you got it. Okay?
And then, men, what do you think ED is? I don't know doc, is it a lack of a blue pill? No, it's not that. It's not the lack of Viagra. It's not that. What is it? It's insulin. Because what happens? Your little capillaries, your little blood vessels, they're getting damaged. Its food. That's what happens. Diabetics have a real problem with ED. Diabetic men have big problems with that. It's common. But a lot of men who haven't been diagnosed with diabetes, they're doc wants to give them a blue pill, but doesn't want to fix the problem. A blue pill don't fix the problem. When the prostate wants to grow, grow, grow, remember there's two growth hormones, insulin and estrogen. We're going to come to that in a minute. We're going to talk about this a little bit more because I want to go just a little bit deeper dive this morning in obesity. Okay? So I want to talk about that a little bit more.
But let me give you a few more symptoms before I get there. So when you hear of someone that's got ED, it's a food problem. Primarily insulin. Memory problem. It's a food problem. Heart problems. It's a food problem. Kidney stones. It's a food problem. Well, it's a drink problem mostly. Most people that get kidney stones, they drink too much sugar. The worst thing you can do with sugar is drink it. Okay? When you eat sugar, your body has a little bit more of a protective mechanism, but when you drink it, what happens is a cascade of problems when you drink sugar. That's why soda is so terrible. And that's why you'll never hear me ever talk about drinking a juice. I'll talk about it, but I'm against it. Don't drink juice. When someone tells you to juice, don't do it. You are sending your insulin into the stratosphere. The amount of insulin you need when you drink sugar. When I see a kid drinking sugar, my grandchildren you know, I'm doctor no sugar to them. Okay.
But many of them worked. They're hard workers. They worked at Tim Horton's. They worked at Starbucks. Okay? And they used to say, "Grandpa, you wouldn't believe the amount of sugar that is put into coffees, sugar that's put into these sugary drinks at Starbucks. Like, unbelievable." Young people love that stuff and it gives me high blood pressure just thinking about it. I tell my grandchildren, "You know how bad that is for people? It's bad enough eating sugar, but when you drink it, I don't even want to start about. The problem with sugar is that it's high-fructose corn syrup most of the time and that's another sugar altogether and that's a bad actor is high-fructose corn syrup, but let's not go there. Let's just continue a couple of more.
Ladies, can I share something? You have an overactive bladder. Men, you got a prostate problem. There's hormones involved, but the one you can fix right away is lower your insulin. Get rid of insulin resistance. Get rid of high-circulating insulin. Look at your skin. Okay? Acne, psoriasis, eczema, bad skin, aging skin. It's not the sun. I hate that when people tell me, "Well, stay out of the sun," brought to you by sunscreen. Anyway, you see your diet affects every, from your brain to your toes. I talked to you yesterday about inflammation. The cascade of problems that come from that. Your bladder, your prostate, your eyeballs, your vision, carpal tunnel, lots of problems have an underlying cause.
Okay, so I wanted to do that, just sort of finish up on our session yesterday about insulin resistance. Let me give you a few, because it's that time of the year where we should be talking about roadblocks to weight loss. So guys, you know this, you got to get your insulin right. That's why you need to change your fuels because insulin, remember what I reminded you of, there's a picture in the book of a jail guard. Fat is behind the bars in jail. It can't get out as long as insulin is there. If insulin is the jail guard, it will not allow fat to escape. It won't. This is why if you haven't seen our courses, and I talk about this in the book, but you need to keep insulin away otherwise you can't burn fat.
Okay? So again, that's the overarching principle when it comes to weight loss. Now, there's other factors, okay? You got a slow metabolism. You look at food and gain weight. How many tens of thousands of women said, "Doc, I don't have to eat it. I just got to look at it and I gain weight." Oh, I call those horrormones. Horrormones on steroids. Why does that happen? Why is it that I can't even eat food and I gain weight? Well, you're complicated. You're a woman. A man doesn't have that problem. When a man is obese, it's hormones because it's insulin, but it's not the thyroid. Its just not. That's not how men operate. So men, you have no excuse. Just change your diet.
Women, you have to start by insulin because remember what happens in the brain where your hypothalamus is, not only your memory, hippocampus, but your hypothalamus starts in the brain. That's what makes your thyroid produce hormones upstairs as the orchestra leader. You got to start with that. But there's other factors because your thyroid is slowed to a crawl. Why would your thyroid slow to a crawl? Well, there's a couple of things that are connected to your thyroid. Ladies, you have two organs. God gave you two, not one, ovaries. It complicates weight loss for millions of women. They're ovaries. What? Yeah well listen, if you're too much of a woman, too much estrogen, and it's always compared to progesterone, if you have too much estrogen, things are going to grow, grow, grow, because that's what estrogen does.
Ladies, you want estrogen. It makes you much better looking than me. Estrogen does that to you. That's why women are women. They got estrogen. It's their primary hormone. The problem with a man is when he gets too much estrogen. That's never good. And today, you know what the statistics are? Men over 50, most of them, and that's where that 80% of men are obese in the United States. I'm sure it's the same in Canada. They're too much of a woman. They don't have enough testosterone. They have too much estrogen. Estrogen makes things grow. I've talked to you so many times about cancer and estrogen, but let's talk weight loss. You got to balance hormones. Ovaries. Ovaries make the world go around because it's complicated, right? You got to balance those out guys. That's why, if you just insist on going on a calorie and... Look, I don't want to be too negative, but when women tell me they're doing Weight Watchers or whatever and they got points, oh that gives me a splitting migraine because I know its a recipe for failure.
I'm sorry. I've traveled around the world guys talking about weight loss. I've written books on weight loss. And I talked about yo-yo dieting. I wrote a book probably 30 years ago on yo-yo dieting. Stop it. A lot of people don't get the memo. They don't get that memo because they're not looking at the underlying problem. And by the way, let me say this okay, let me just bring this in, when you have insulin resistance, when you have insulin resistance, when you're circulating too much insulin because of carbs, no other reason, it's carbs and sugars. It's simple as that guys. There's no other reason. You're eating crappy carbohydrates and sugars. Okay? When that happens, there's another thing that happens. You develop another problem. It's called leptin-resistance. Okay. Okay. Now you're getting into the weeds, Dr. Martin, but I don't want to go in too deep into the weeds.
What is leptin? Leptin tells you when you are full. Stop eating. You're full. That's leptin. That's a hormone. What happens if you get leptin-resistance? Well you got to eat more and more and more and you're hungry and hungry and hungry. And your mechanism to tell your body that it's full doesn't work like it used to. You see it's a vicious cycle guys. But again, you fix insulin, you fix leptin. These are fixable problems. Ovaries. Too much estrogen, not enough progesterone. What does that do? Well, estrogen's a growth hormone too. Estrogen will slow down your conversion of T4 to T3 and your thyroid. What is your thyroid? Your gas pedal. Your metabolism. It gets slowed down.
Women have a baby. You know how many times I heard this? Women have a baby and after they have a baby, "Doc, I gained 40 pounds. I never lost it." Well, you didn't change your diet. It was hormones. Better, horrormones. You didn't have enough progesterone being made. Your estrogen took off. It sent you into big time thyroid slow the crawl thyroid down and you gained weight. You got to fix that. Let me mention another one. A complication. Cortisol. What's cortisol? Uptight, stress. The stress hormone. The long-lasting stress hormone. What does that do? Oh, that stops the conversion too of T4 to T3. It messes up your thyroid. I mean, it does a lot of other things, but that's one of the things it does. And one of the other things it does, cortisol, think about it. Okay, you're uptight. A lot of people don't even know they have lots of cortisol. They don't because they're so used to it.
They don't know that they're tighter than a drum, like this. Okay. You know, like on the edge. Inside the body. Well what does that do? Okay. Well one, it slows the thyroid down. It slows that conversion. Your thyroid works on T3. It's a finicky, finicky, finicky organ is your thyroid. It works on not much T3, but it needs it, better get it, otherwise it doesn't work properly. Okay? You know what the other thing cortisol does?
Cortisol elevates your blood sugar. Oh yeah? What does that do? Well, now your insulin has got to take that blood sugar down. It can't allow you to have high blood sugar for a period of time. What does insulin do? It hammers down your blood sugar as soon as it can and it stores any carb you're eating as fat. You see how it's like a Merry-go-round guys?
I hope I didn't give you too much today. Okay, because you know, I hope I didn't. I'm trying to keep this, guys, simple. It's not simple, but I'm trying to keep it simple. Guys, get the big picture. Get the big picture and understand where you're coming from.
So guys, are you a member of our private Facebook group? You are? Good for you. If you're doing the reset, those who joined up on the 1st of January, the 2nd of January, the 3rd of January, the 4th of January, if you're doing the reset, make sure we know about it in the private Facebook group. Just throw your name in there and say I'm doing the reset and we're going to pump up your tires. We'll keep you accountable. That group is a group of people who are builders. Okay. You can use your tongue as a weapon or a tool. Build people up. Don't destroy them, build them up. That's why we love the private Facebook group because we build people up. Okay.
And you all, your health is important to us. It really is. We want to enable the individual to win. It's called you win. Okay. And Friday is question-and-answer Friday. So send in the questions. Okay. Our staff will tell you how to do it. Don't ask me. I have no idea. Okay. I'm a senior. Okay. So don't ask, just ask our staff. They're smart. Not me. Okay guys, we love you and we'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!