You may have heard of eggs referred to as nature’s perfect food. They have a nearly perfect profile of protein, fat, and no carbs. In nutrition, eggs were considered the gold standard especially in the 1970s when they were used to compare other foods.
Join Dr. Martin as he does an overview of all the benefits of eggs in today’s episode. Yes, eggs are famous for cholesterol, but it’s the right kind of cholesterol, HDL!
Dr. Martin also shares two studies; one about plant protein and mortality, and the other about causes of death attributed from the virus.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well good afternoon, everyone. Hope you're having a great day today. Good to be on with you again. Looking forward to our little time together here. Okay, a couple of stories out. There was a study done. Here, let me read you the headlines, "Researchers were hoping plant protein would reduce mortality." They were hoping that plant protein would reduce mortality. You know what they found? Just the opposite. They actually found that animal protein reduced mortality compared to plant protein. They didn't have to do a study. All they had to do was ask me, and I would've given them Nutrition 101 because plant protein, I'm not saying it's no good, okay? I'm not saying it's no good. We talked about it the other day. When you take some peanuts and legumes and you break down their protein, you don't have what they call a complex protein, amino acids. You need essential amino acids. They're found in the animal kingdom. Plants are good. Animal products are better.
How's that for a headline? I could have saved them all the trouble, but they were really out to get animal protein because they wanted to show that the protein from plants was every bit as good. It comes out of a Time Magazine article that was talking about you got everything you need... And what the picture was showing, a little teaspoon of peanut butter versus a steak. Guys, I got to tell you there's no comparison, no comparison. So they came up short and remember, that's as far as mortality, but not all vegetables... Some of them are pretty good in terms of their protein as far as vegetables are concerned, but they're very high in carbohydrates too, and this is what we need to be careful about.
Nobody ever died from eating eggs, meat and cheese and fruits and vegetables. Nobody ever got fat. Nobody ever died from that. You don't die from that. You don't get sick from that. If you stick to the animal kingdom and the plant kingdom, you'll be alright. It's the man-made kingdom. I say that starting with bread because bread, unless you're making it at home, it's all carb, very little protein. Store-bought bread is like store-bought milk. It's just no good for you. That's what fattens you up. That's what fattens people up, and that's why we have a crisis today.
Now I just got to mention this. I've got to mention this. This came out on Friday, New York Times. In the New York Times, they said, "The virus attacks fat tissue." Big headline, New York Times, "The virus attacks fat tissue," and under the headline if you read the article, they're saying that when they analyze the deaths and the ones hospitalized, there's a couple of things that they found. Number one was old age. Number two, obesity. Old age, over 80. Obesity was the number two factor. Number three was diabetes. So old age, two obesity, three diabetes. And do you know what the fourth one was? You guys will know this, I know you know it, low levels of vitamin D.
When you are bigger, if there is obesity. This is one of the huge problems in African-Americans for example. It's just a fact. Their obesity rate is very high per capita. Their diabetes rates are very high. They're very high everywhere in North America, but they're extremely high, and they have extremely low levels of vitamin D. Again, most of the population has low levels of vitamin D because they won't even test it. But when people were hospitalized, the problem too, of course, was high blood pressure. That was number five on the hit parade of what made you susceptible, what made you susceptible. And it's interesting. This is the New York Times, they’re reporting. Good for them. I wish people would get the memo and change their eating habits, change their diet. There's nothing that will affect your immune system more than your diet and VitDerma, vitamin D. And remember, there's three ways you're going to get vitamin D. The very best is the sun.
However, for those living in Canada, not only Canada of course, but those living in the Northern Hemisphere, and it's even a problem with Floridians. They don't even go in the sun. The vast majority of Floridians, I read it the other day, 322 days I think a year of sun, the Sunshine State, but they don't even get in the sun, even young kids. They bought the lie. So the best source of vitamin D is VitDerma, the sun on your skin, arms and legs, 20 minutes, 10,000 IUs. You never, ever, ever... Listen, they've never even seen one case where someone got too much vitamin D from the sun. It doesn't happen. Your body takes what it needs, but in 15, 20 minutes, you get 10,000 IUs. I know we're scared skinny of vitamin D.
The second way to get vitamin D is food. Remember, vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, and it's only found in the animal kingdom when you eat eggs, meat, and cheese. Now the problem with eating vitamin D... When I say meat, I mean fish too, because of cod liver oil. That's the way we used to get vitamin D. You get it from the sun. You get it from food, and it has to be animal-based because there is no vitamin D in the plants. Now plants need the sun, as you well know, to grow, grow, grow. But when you eat plants, you don't get vitamin D. This is one of the reasons that when I use the term Eskimos or Inuit or First Nations, they get a fair amount of vitamin D, not from the sun, but from eating their organ meat and eating cod liver oil. They eat it. They eat that liver, and they get vitamin A and vitamin D.
And the third way is by supplementing. I highly recommend supplements of vitamin D, especially combined with vitamin K2, in order to augment your vitamin D levels for people that one, are not living on organ meat, and for those who can't get in the sun. The sun might be out when it's 20 below, but you're not getting much vitamin D because you're not exposing your arms and legs. The sun is always good by the way, always, because when you're not making vitamin D from it, you're making melatonin. Your body makes melatonin. Supplement companies didn't invent melatonin. Melatonin is made inside your body when you're in the sun. Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy. Yeah, because you get vitamin D, plus you get very important melatonin, and you need melatonin to sleep. Got it? Okay, that was the study. I found it very interesting, very interesting.
There was someone online the other day talking negatively about eggs. Well listen, let's talk a little bit about eggs because the question was asked, "Dr. Martin, do I really like eggs? And why do you like eggs? Doesn't that elevate your cholesterol?" Of course yes, it elevates your cholesterol. Whoopie doopie. That's what you want. When you eat eggs, you're elevating your HDL. What is HDL? HDL is the long-chain lipoprotein. It's an Amazon truck on the highway. It is FedEx. It's Canada Post. It's U.S. Post. It's on the highways of your blood vessels, HDL. The more HDL you have, the more it can pick up those bad fats in your bloodstream. One of the major causes of heart disease is triglycerides, three fat balls, but you need those wagons, you need those trucks on the highways of your blood vessels, and that's what eggs do.
Remember, your body makes 85% of the cholesterol produced in your liver because your skin needs it, your brain needs it, your heart needs it, your blood vessels need it, your cells need it. Every cell in your body has cholesterol as a membrane. You need cholesterol in your brain so that your little synapses, your electrical grid in the brain, is made up of fat, cholesterol. So yes, eggs will elevate your cholesterol, but the right one, the HDL. Most people in North America, because we are carboholics, because we eat fat free, we drink skim milk, we live on plants and not animal products... I'm not talking about you because you know better, but I'm talking about the population in general, and you know what? They is wrong, and that's why we have so little HDL in our bodies, cholesterol, the one that you really need. You don't want to hammer down your HDL. You want it to go up, up, up, so this is the reason eggs are so good for you.
And let me just say this for babies. I've been saying this a long time. I haven't said it for a long time, but I have been saying it for a long time. Do you know what I mean? I used to tell mamas, "Give the baby an egg in its first year of life. You have eggs when you're pregnant and give the baby eggs." Especially in that first year, there's something that happens inside the body. Some people can't eat eggs. Some people can't eat eggs. If you can't eat them, you can't eat them, but most people can eat eggs. To get baby used to that egg, you should make up a scrambled egg or whatever in their first year of life, as soon as they're getting on some solids.
So why do I like eggs so much? Well, one is cholesterol, guys. You need to have good cholesterol. You want to have low triglycerides, that's carbs. That's sugar. That's fatty liver. You want to have high cholesterol. I don't care about your total cholesterol. I don't care about your LDL cholesterol. I don't care. I want to know what your HDL is. It needs to be high. You want it to be higher than your triglycerides, but most people they're upside down because they're carboholics and they avoid fat because fat makes me fat. No, it doesn't.
So here's other reasons why I love eggs. One, you get your cholesterol up. Eggs, they actually use it for a profile, meaning that, in nutrition, I remember this when I was taking nutrition courses in the '70s. They take an egg, and they compare every other food to it because in those days, and by the way I don't disagree with this. I probably would put steak ahead of an egg, why not have steak and eggs. You know me and my vitamin S. So eggs, they used to do this. I haven't seen it in years, but they used to compare every other food to an egg. They'd list vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and the gold standard by which everything else was measured by was the egg. That's how important and how good for you eggs are, the gold standard. Then they'd measure everything else because it has almost a perfect profile of protein, fat, and no carbs. You might get one gram of carbs in eggs. Then it's loaded with vitamin A, I talked to you about vitamin D, zinc.
And do you know what happens as people get older? Especially my parents' generation and my generation as they get older, they've been lied to for so long that they limit their eggs. They think bad food would be bacon and eggs in the morning. I've had seniors argue with me, and I mean it. "Well, the only thing good on that plate, Dr. Martin," because I'm showing them bacon and eggs, "The only thing good there is the toast because it's whole wheat." I always respected my elders, and I would say to them, "In all due respect, what you just told me was brought to you by the food industry and big pharma, so you're just repeating their narrative." But I'm telling you, as you get older, you can't beat bacon and eggs or sausage and eggs in the morning. Start your day with it because you're taking a multivitamin, a multimineral, potassium, magnesium, manganese, zinc. We're all hearing about zinc and how good it is for you, right? We've been hearing a lot about how good zinc is for you, but you eat your zinc. You get it in vitamin S, or you get it in eggs. EMC, EMC, EMC, eggs, meat, and cheese.
You know what eggs are famous for? Eggs are famous for cholesterol, multivitamin mineral, trace minerals. You know what another thing eggs are really good for? Choline. Do you know what choline is? Choline is an amino acid, and choline specifically helps with your neurotransmitters, acetylcholine neurotransmitters in your brain. Man, we got airheads today, airheads. The brain is shrinking because people don't eat the fat that they need. I go to the grocery store, and I see egg whites and I see people, "Well, my doctor told me to lower my cholesterol." It gives me a splitting migraine. Eat the yolk, man. That's where all the multivitamin is. That's where your lutein is. That's where your choline is. By the way, lutein... Do you know what lutein is good for? Your eyeballs. Eggs are great for your eyeballs because they have lutein and zeaxanthin. Zeaxanthin, which helps your eyes. In an egg. So for the person that asked me the question, eat your eggs. By the way, eyes, brain, cholesterol, a perfect profile of amino acids, multivitamin. In an egg, you're eating a multivitamin.
Now I remember these studies have been done for a while, but when it came to weight loss, I mentioned this in a book I wrote years ago on weight loss, and that was before we were really talking about intermittent fasting. So this is 20 years ago, I wrote a book, Eat Fat and Get Lean. That was a book I wrote, but this was even before that. Look, if you want to do intermittent fasting, do intermittent fasting. You know me, I like it. If you don't have to eat in the morning, don't eat in the morning. But it's so important to eat the right fuel, and study after study after study has shown that if you are going to eat in the morning, in terms of weight loss it's not calories. It's not any of that. It has nothing to do with it. It has to do with where your body feels full. They've shown it study after study.
The example I use is if you have oatmeal, I promise you you're going to be hungry in an hour again. When people are trying to lose weight, it is really, really, really important to choose the right fuel. That is the key. It's not calories. It's fuel because one of the things you want to do is excrete that hormone leptin. Leptin will tell you that you're full, you don't need to eat anymore. When you eat bacon and eggs in the morning, eggs, eggs, eggs, have a dozen. I don't care. Your body takes that because it's burning such a good fuel. It's not starving an hour later. Leave the toast aside. Pretend, as I used to tell my seniors. Put your hand like this and pretend you're dipping your toast. He said, "Dr. Martin, how can I eat the yolk without a toast?" I said, "Pretend." The feeling, they've shown it hormonally. You're not going to get what they call leptin resistance. It really does help. High protein, high fat breakfast.
Eggs, is it nature's perfect food? Just about. You do have some B12 in an egg by the way. You do, but it's not enough because that you need the red meat for the B12. You know me. I'm big on B12. I'm very big on B12. I know the importance of B12. Get the memo? Interesting. So tomorrow, afternoon session again. Wednesday, and we will post this for you, Wednesday I'm traveling, so there'll be no program Wednesday. Thursday, back in the morning. Friday is our Question and Answer. A little bit of change in the schedule this week due to unforeseen circumstances. I don't like to mess you guys up. I really don't. I try and stay on schedule, but when you're producing something every day, things happen.
So a couple of housekeeping, remember if you haven't got your Christmas gifts yet, it's not too late. Order the book The Reset for your friends. Do I push that? Yep, because it's good for you. I'm not even shy about it. Thank you for making it the number one health book in Canada, and it's coming in the United States, amazing. We appreciate that. That's you guys doing it. Okay, so that's a way you can finish off your Christmas shopping. If you're not a member of the private Facebook group, why not? Please join us. We want you to join our private Facebook group because we got such a great group there. What a community. It really is. If you don't get our emails, you're not on our email list. You want to get on that because we really do put a lot of meat on the bones when it comes to nutrition in our emails. I might even do one this week because of the new studies on nitric oxide. They've just been fascinating. So folks, we love you guys. Remember, tomorrow will be afternoon. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!