Dr. Martin goes over The Top 10 Prescribed Medications in North America in today’s episode.
The purpose of the overview is to discover the state of our health here in North America. Health care is not about prevention but instead all about treatment. It’s a disease-care business with big pharma at the helm.
Dr. Martin shares a blanket statement of what he thinks the problem is. We are over-medicated, and if we would only eliminate, or severely reduce, our consumption of sugar, right there people could come off 2 or 3 medications.
Don’t miss this episode as Dr. Martin goes over “the hit parade” of the all-time best selling drugs!
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning, everyone. And once again, welcome to another Live this morning. I hope you're having a great start to your day. I hope you've had your vitamin C. Don't start your day without it, so good for you. I wanted to bring you this morning, The Top 10 Prescribed Medications in North America, okay? The 10 Most Prescribed Medications in North America. And the reason I want to bring it out is I think that if you need medication, you take medication, okay? Please, if you need an antibiotic, you take an antibiotic, okay? You are on blood pressure medications, I never tell people not to take a blood pressure medication. The only one I'm negative on, in terms of whether you should even start one, are statin drugs, okay?
But let's go through the list this morning, and I think we will discover the state of our health here in North America, when you consider where we're at. And again, pharmaceutical companies have their place. They do. I try and not take any medications. And I mean that, I try, okay? And I've been blessed with good health and touch wood, okay? But listen, I'm not a purest to the extent that I would ever tell somebody, "Nah, don't do that." Okay? Now again, the number one prescribed medication, I think you'll know that, we're going to go from 1 to 10. And I'll post these after, okay? I will post these after on our private Facebook group, okay? The Martin Clinic private Facebook group. I'll post them so that you can see them. And actually, I think the top 20 is on that chart and I'll post that chart afterwards.
But just to understand this, I think we're over medicated. I'm going to make a blanket statement and I believe it's true. It's a blanket statement. Always exceptions when I say something like this. If people, if the population, if individuals would do only one thing, just one thing, not two, just one thing. If they would cut out sugars out of their diet, just that, or severely limit sugars in their diet. And I mean added sugars. I'm not even talking about fruit, God's candies. If people would just do that, they could get rid of one to two medications within a couple of weeks. And I mean it. I've seen it in my office over the years. If people would just get off sugar. Sugar is so toxic, so poisonous. It disrupts everything in your body, guys. Everything in your body is affected by sugar.
So that's a blanket statement. I'm not going to walk it back. I mean it. Most people won't do it, they would rather take a medication than change their diet. Most people would rather take a medication than change their diet. Changing your diet is never easy. Can you imagine? You're a carboholic, people around you are carboholics, they are hooked on sugar. And you guys know this, the food industry is not your friend. They're not, okay? They're not your friend. You've got to eat, but these people, I'm not saying they've got all bad motives, okay? That work in the industry. Come on. What I'm saying is, is that the top of the echelon in these big conglomerates, they're not concerned about your health one iota. They're concerned about the bottom line. And if they can hook you on their foods, cereals, cookies, their ice cream, their pasta, their noodles, their breads, they'll do it. They've got lifelong customers. But if people would just say, "Okay," they take it seriously. "I want to change. I want to get healthy."
Don't start by eliminating your medications. I wouldn't do that, I'd start the other way. Change your diet. Again, I'm not saying it's easy. I'm not saying it's easy, but it's worthwhile. It's worthwhile. Now, I know this morning I'm preaching to the choir, okay? But I want to motivate you because when we go through this list, you have to understand that these are lifestyle disorders. These are lifestyle disorders. And when people have made a decision, like January is coming, right? And people are going to make promises to themselves. "I promise I'm going to change. I'm going to try and change my habits." Not easy to change a habit, but it's worthwhile. That's what I'm trying to say here today.
So if we look at the state of our society, okay? In Canada, we don't pay for our healthcare system out of our pockets, but really we do. The cost for every family in Canada for healthcare is around $15,000 a year, so it's not free. It's not free. In the US, you have a plan, maybe a plan at work, or you pay for your health insurance. But at the end of the day, we all pay. See, when we go to the gas pumps in Canada, we pay our taxes. And the average family pays $15,000 in taxes to pay for healthcare, because we don't have healthcare, guys. We have disease care. Why do we have a disease care system? Brought to you by big food and big pharma.
If anything has been exposed in the last 18 or 19 months is our lack… I shouldn't say I can't get over it, but I almost can't get over it, our lack of anybody saying, "Hello world. What is the definition of insanity? Keep doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Nobody is talking about the immune system and taking care of yourself so that you, as an individual, will give yourself the best chance to fight any disorder, including a virus. But we don't hear it, it's not part of the narrative. And you guys know that and it drives me crazy. I can't get over how the world has just stopped thinking. And the media's part of it. You can't mention vitamin D because that's fake news.
Anywho, so the number one selling medication, number one on the hit parade, it has been for many years. We talked about this yesterday when we talked about how to mend a broken heart. So if you didn't catch that program yesterday, it will be out in a podcast very soon. And I sang a Bee Gees song, How to Mend a Broken Heart. Well, I didn't sing for very long, but I was asking my audience if you remember that song by the Bee Gees. And you've got to be my age, well, maybe not quite my age. The Bee Gees, who's that? That's when music was music, okay? I tell that to my grandchildren, okay? That's when music was music.
Anyway, the number one selling drug of all time, the most revenues ever, still number one today, Lipitor. And 7.5% of the population in North America are on Lipitor. It's incredible. Now, again, don't ask me if I should be taking Lipitor. Don't ask me that question. I'm not going to tell you as an individual, send me your blood work, and I will analyze your triglycerides and your HDL. That's what I look for. And both of those, triglycerides, HDL, are not affected one iota by Lipitor or Crestor or Zocor. Not one iota, because cholesterol is not the boogeyman. Cholesterol is not the problem. Well, it's the problem, it's not high enough. People that have heart disease have very high triglycerides, sugar, and very low HDL, eggs, meat, and cheese. Sugar elevates your triglycerides. Triglycerides, three fat balls. How do you get fat balls? Sugar. That's how you get fat balls. You want fat balls in your bloodstream? No. But it doesn't come from butter. It doesn't come from cheese. It doesn't come from oil. It doesn't come from bacon. It comes from sugar.
Now, just in that little rant, you know more than 99% of the physicians. They've been programmed at medical school. God love them. They've been programmed. Cholesterol. "Ooh, you've got high cholesterol." That's what they teach you at medical school today. It wasn't always like that you know? So it's the number one selling medication. When I look at your blood lipids, I'm looking for your triglycerides and HDL. You want to give me your total cholesterol? You can. I don't care. You want me to get excited about your LDL? I'm sorry, I can't. It doesn't stimulate me. My expertise is in nutrition and I know what foods do for your lipid profile. Cholesterol is not your enemy, it's your friend. You don't do well without cholesterol. "Oh, I'm going to give you a high five, Dr. Martin. My cholesterol went down." I said, "Well, now you're going to die young, but you'll have low cholesterol. You're going to die young. Your brain's not going to work properly." But, "Boy, oh boy, I've got low cholesterol. Whoopy, doopy, I'm so excited." I'm sorry, you're wrong.
And guys, I know, it goes against the grain, but it's the truth. And the truth will set you free. You're not going to move me off cholesterol because I've always talked about it. When the world says eat cereal in the morning, I get a headache. I don't care what kind of cereal it is. "Oh, Dr. Martin, it's All-Bran. It's All-Bran, I need it." No you don't. "It's oatmeal." That's stupid. You know what oatmeal's going to do? It's going to elevate your insulin. And when you elevate your insulin, you're going to elevate your triglycerides. And when they put a heart on the box of oatmeal, Quaker Oats, it's because you're going to have a heart attack if you insist on eating that stuff.
The number one selling medication of all time, the revenue, unreal. Now, I'm going to tell you, it's going to take second place to the vaccines. Pfizer's making 27 million a day right now. So that statin drug is going to be number two. So what's the number one seller? Lipitor. Number one on the hit parade. It'll stay up there, in my opinion, because you talk to a cardiologist, and they're smart people, guys, but they've been ingrained. I had a dear friend, a cardiologist, and he said, "We get pushed. If someone's had a heart attack, even though their cholesterol is not the cause, they leave the hospital with cholesterol medication," at least in Ontario. If you don't, they can be liable. It's craziness.
Anyway, number two on the hit parade is an antibiotic called Amoxil. And again, am I telling you not to take it? No, of course not. You have an infection and it's bacterial, give them an antibiotic. But remember one thing, this will strip away your good bacteria. And one of the things I scream about is giving antibiotics to children, especially for ear infections, even throat infections, they're rarely ever strep. They're not, they're viral. Especially ears, it's virus, 99% of the time. Well, an antibiotic doesn't do anything. "Well, what's the harm, Dr. Martin?" The harm is now you're setting them up for a big, big problem. And we've talked about this many a time, and that is when you strip away good bacteria, you are creating what we call leaky gut, an invasion, a species invasion into your body of fungus, candida. And this is one of the root problems in all of North America is leaky gut. It's one of the three seeds of all disease. It starts so often, even in the placenta with mommy. And I'm telling you, autism is leaky gut. Leaky gut, leaky brain. And it's the overuse of antibiotics. Again, the greatest discovery of the 20th century is antibiotics. It saves millions of people's lives every year still. I'm not against them. It's the overuse.
You don't get taught in medical school about yeast, fungal infections, candida. They're just not taught. And so again, God love physicians. The problem is they never looked down the road. "I'm going to give you an antibiotic for the kid. He's got an ear infection." That doctor knows, 99%, that that's a virus, "But I'm going to write you a prescription anyway." It starts that child in the wrong direction. I'm telling you, every allergy. Why do we have so much allergies today? Food intolerances? Kids that can't have dairy, they can't have eggs. They've got gut problems young. A lot of times, not every time, but a lot of times it's the antibiotics. They killed their friendly bacteria. They've got an invasive species.
Did you get your fridge magnet? Don't feed the bears. My son's laughing at me the other day. I said, "Well, do I say that?" He said, "You say it every day." Well, I mean it, don't feed the bears. The bears is yeast. The bears is candida. I posted an article I wrote in a magazine, in a journal. I posted it on the Martin Clinic private Facebook group on the weekend. What happens with candida, how it spreads, from your brain, to your skin, to your lungs, to your sinuses, to your joints. It's an invasive species. And imagine, imagine, that's not taught in medical schools. There's some physicians, when they study it, oncologists, they go, "Oh boy, that's fungal. There's yeast in there them tumors." Remember, yeast outside your body, think about it. What does it do? Makes bread rise. It makes tumors grow. Don't feed the bears. It's another reason to just cut out sugar. Just to cut out sugar. If you do that, you're not feeding the bears.
Number one selling is cholesterol medication, statin drugs, number two, one particular antibiotic, Amoxil. And again, you need it, but here's the new research on antibiotics. You take it until the symptoms go away, then stop, then stop. Take probiotics. Replace your bacteria, needs to be replaced. There's a war going on inside your body, guys, between good bacteria and bad bacteria. It's called your microbiome. It's an ecosystem. It's at least three pounds of your total weight. That's how much bacteria you have. Since when is bacteria bad? You're meant to be surrounded by bacteria. Your body knows exactly what to do. It's that third army, it's the invasion of yeast, fungus, candida, in medicines. It's called candida albicans. It's a form of yeast, the cousin of mold. The first cousin of mold is yeast. And boy, oh boy, it can play havoc in your body. You must destroy fungus.
I'm at number two. There's 10, I'm at number two. Okay, this could be a two part series, okay? I get excited, that's why, and I get off on rabbit trails. I can't help myself. I should have been a philosophy teacher because I love philosophy, health philosophy. I love to bring you guys behind the scenes to let you know what's really going on in our world, in the so-called healthcare system. I want to bring you behind the scenes. I've always wanted to know what the bottom line is. When you see something, why are they doing that? Why are they doing that? If you can see behind the scenes and you see the operation of big pharma and big food, you just understand where they're coming from. And they do good things. I'm not saying that. They do good things, but you have to be aware. If you want to be healthy, you have to be aware of these things. You can't help anybody else until you help yourself. You can't help anybody else until you help yourself.
I was reading a quote yesterday on Albert Einstein, okay? Here's something that he said several years ago, almost 100 years ago. Look what he said. "The world is a dangerous place. Not because of those who do evil," okay? So listen to that. "The world is a dangerous place. Not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look and do nothing. They see evil and they do nothing." He said that's what makes the world a dangerous place, not the evil, but when we do nothing. So when I see, as I mentioned yesterday, heart disease still the number one killer today, to me, that's evil, people dying unnecessarily. Look, we're all going to die, we understand that. But we haven't made a dent in heart disease and we haven't made a dent in cancer. We really haven't. It's not better, it's worse. More people have it, a higher percentage of the population have it. And in both of them, they're not talking about preventing these diseases. They're talking about treating them. It's all about treatment, no prevention. And that's what bothers me, guys, when I see evil, if I don't say anything. I'm passionate about it.
Someone said to me yesterday, or at least they wrote it, "Well, Dr. Martin, you're over the top." Okay, I admit it, I'm passionate. I'm over the top. It's me guys. Put me away if I change, okay? I give you permission. I'm not changing. Okay guys, you guys are great. We appreciate it. I plan on finishing this, getting past number two. Okay, remember, Friday Question and Answer, Question and Answer Fridays. We appreciate all the questions coming in. That's one of our most popular programs is the question and answer. People really like it, and I like it too. It reminds me of my radio days, live, the call in show. Not prescreened, they just call in and ask a question, and I love that. And sometimes I have to say, "Hm, I'm not sure," but generally it keeps you studying. It keeps you reading. It keeps you engaged, for me. Okay? Keeps me engaged.
So have you got a copy of The Reset yet? The book? Number one selling. We appreciate that. Thank you so much. Okay. Hey, when's the last day? Tomorrow, is it? What day are we today? Tuesday? No, today's the last day of November. Wow, we're going to be in December. Okay guys, love you. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!