November is Diabetes Awareness Month. Did you know that over 40 million Americans are diagnosed officially with type II diabetes? Over half the population is also considered pre-diabetic. It’s an epidemic!
Join Dr. Martin in today’s episode as he teaches on how diabetes is a food problem. It's not genetics, it's food choices!
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good afternoon, everyone. I hope you're having a great day today. Good to be on with you here this afternoon. Do you know what month it is, November? Well, for some, I know that it's Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, I think. But you know what it is? It's Diabetes Awareness Month, so I want to talk about that this afternoon. Diabetes Awareness Month. Now, if there's anything that we should be aware of, it's diabetes. And where it was once rare, is now a full-blown epidemic. No doubt about. Estimated, listen to this, over 40 million Americans are diagnosed officially with Type II diabetes. But an estimated half the population is diabetic or pre-diabetic. Half the population is diabetic or pre-diabetic. As my old guru, Dr. Craft, not Kraft Dinner, but Dr. Craft who was the guru of all gurus on diabetes, would say, "If you are a pre-diabetic, you are a diabetic."
Because it's the awareness month, and we're past halfway through the month, we should be talking about diabetes. To some extent I talk about diabetes on every episode because it really is at the root of almost everything I talk about. Again, whether you are officially a diabetic or not, diabetes is a problem of food. It's not a problem of genetics. I'm not talking about Type One diabetes, I'm talking about Type Two diabetes. What we call adult onset diabetes. Okay? Type One is an autoimmune disorder, the pancreas is not working properly, and you're not creating enough insulin. That's autoimmune. Mind you, a lot of what we're going to say today applies big time to a Type One diabetic, but let's talk about adult onset Type Two diabetes. Okay?
Your body, the human body, understands something that we don't understand. Your body understands something that most people don't understand. You know what your body understands? How toxic sugar is. Sugar is extremely toxic. It is pure poison for your body. Your body knows that. On the worst days, you're never going to have more than a teaspoon in five liters. One teaspoon or less, really, of sugar in your bloodstream. Empty out your five liters of blood, and you will never have more than one teaspoon of sugar. Why is that? Your body is so intelligent, your body is so fearfully and wonderfully made, your body knows how toxic sugar is. So what does it do? I talked about this yesterday. Drink a soda, 65 grams, meaning what, 9, 10, 11 teaspoons of sugar, and within 10 minutes, you're down to one teaspoon of that in your blood. The rest of it has been parked. Of course, I teach that all the time.
The traffic cop who parks sugar, gets sugar, packs sugar into your muscles, into your liver, or, when the liver's gummed up full of sugar, that's turned into fat. Your body makes fat cells. It has an unlimited ability, in most people, to make as many fat cells as it wants. Follow along with me here. Your body's very smart. It knows sugar is very toxic. It will do everything it can to keep you away from diabetes. That's a blanket statement I'm going to make. Your body will do everything it can to keep you away from diabetes. No matter what you eat, your body is constantly keeping sugar out of your bloodstream, because sugar is extremely toxic. Extremely toxic. That's number one.
Number two. Diabetes is strictly a food problem. It's not genetics, it's food. It's food choices. Nobody, listen to what I'm going to say, nobody ever got Type Two diabetes ever from eating from the animal kingdom and the plant kingdom. Nobody ever got diabetes from eating from the animal kingdom, eggs, meat, and cheese, and the plant kingdom, vegetables, even fruit. Nobody gets diabetes from that. You get diabetes when you insist on eating from the manmade kingdom, bread, pasta, rice, cereals, sweets, pastries, juice, store-bought milk, alcohol.
Rice really isn't manmade, but the way we consume it, I put it in the manmade kingdom. The crappy carbs I call them. That's how you get diabetes. A diabetic has an allergy. When we talk, or at least I've scoured social media and the news networks in this Diabetes Awareness month, and what you're hearing right now is not part of the mantra of big media, big pharma, big food. They talk about diabetes as genetics and management. Let's manage your diabetes. You're a diabetic. You're always going to be a diabetic. If your blood sugars are not above seven, if your A1C is not above six, you're not really a diabetic. Well, really you are. Really, you are.
Now coming back to point number one, I really want to emphasize this today on this podcast here. A lot of people are diabetics and they don't know it because, I used to share it with my patients but I share it with you. Diabetes itself, again, medicine has classified it if sugars are over a certain number, your fasting glucose, or your A1C, then you're a diabetic. You effectively are a diabetic if, okay, if I'm going to just read the list. Because if you go to chapter four of my book The Reset, I actually put a chart up there. The question is asked, do you have insulin resistance? Are your cells resisting insulin? Another term that we like is high circulating insulin. Do you have high circulating insulin? You see, diabetes is not a problem per se, of blood sugar. It's a problem of insulin and your cells resisting insulin.
So, what we put on that chart is check engine light. If you got these symptoms, be careful. You're on your way to diabetes. But strong indicators are this. Whether you get the official diagnosis or not, I just want to go over some strong indicator. Because, remember what I said. Your body will do everything in its power to keep you away from diabetes, to keep you away from high blood sugars. Everything it can. It will throw the book at your body to keep you away from diabetes. People are deceive by that. Because they say, "Oh, I talk to people every day. Oh, I'm not a diabetic." You really are, you know. Because you have insulin resistance. And when you have insulin resistance, or high circulating insulin, you effectively are a diabetic. Because your blood sugar is still tightly regulated doesn't mean you're not a diabetic.
You need to be aware of these issues in order to change your mind, to change your diet. It's a diet thing. It's an allergy. It's carbs, bad carbs. That's what it is. I'm just going to mention a few things here.
Belly fat. Belly fat. A lot of people have belly fat and they don't even think of diabetes per se. Oh, I'm not a diabetic. My blood sugar is still regulated, still normal. It's within normal limits. Your body is smart. It's going to pack on the fat in your belly, which is visceral fat, which is dangerous fat. It's always dangerous to have belly fat. Don't fool yourself. Measure yourself right at your belly button. 35 inches for a woman and 40 inches for men. If you got a belly bigger than that, you are a diabetic, because you have insulin resistance.
What's that got to do? Remember, your sugar has to be stored, guys. It's going to be stored in your muscles. The bigger your muscles, the better it is. Because then you have more storage for sugar. Not that I'm encouraging you to eat it or drink it. I think it's the biggest problem in society today, is people drinking their sugar. That is diabetes in a drink. Did you know I like coffee? Have you ever heard me talk about that? Oh, you haven't? Okay. Well, I do. I like coffee. So, if I go to Starbucks or go to Tim's or go to, in the states, Dunkin Donuts, or whatever. I love coffee. But when I see those sugary drinks, when I see those lattes, I go, "There's diabetes in a cup." Crazy.
When people are obese, think about this, and I've mentioned this to you before. But, in terms of repetition, think about it. If you and I had left the planet in the 1970s. Let's just say Elon Musk was around in those days and he said, "You want to take a trip for 50 years? Want to leave planet Earth and let's go live on Mars or whatever?" Make belief. Guys, if we left the planet in the 1970s and we came back today, what would we observe? What would our eyeballs see? Obesity like crazy. Guys, go to a public venue, go to the mall, go to a baseball game, go to a concert. I wonder if we'll ever have one of those again. And you look at people, observe. Boy, people are much bigger today. And I'm not talking muscle. I'm talking obesity. Big.
Someone that's obese is a diabetic. It's as simple as that. "Oh doc, no. My doctor said I'm not." I know, but your body will do everything it can to keep blood sugars regulated. It doesn't mean you're not a diabetic. You are. You have an allergy to carbohydrates. Don't deceive yourself. The worst deception is self-deception, guys. Obesity, belly fat. These are signs that you're a diabetic without maybe the diet. Some people have the diagnosis already. High triglycerides. You got high triglycerides? High triglycerides will lower your HDL. That's what I look for, because I know you got trouble. You really are a diabetic. You got high triglycerides. You're a diabetic. Don't fight it, change it. Diabetes is food. Change your diet. Change your habits.
What else is on that list there that I'm looking at? High blood pressure. Uh-huh (affirmative). High blood pressure. Do you know how many people, they get on The Reset and their blood pressure normalizes? What are they saying today? 50% of the population, 50, have high blood pressure. You know how dangerous that is? But you see, your body would rather you have high blood pressure, listen to what I'm going to say, your body would rather you have high blood pressure than have high blood sugar. You get it? Sugar so toxic that your body would rather have high triglycerides, high blood pressure, low HDL, belly fat, obesity than have high sugar in your bloodstream. That's how toxic sugar is.
Guys, this is revolutionary thinking. It's revolutionary because we miss the boat. Because I've said this a million times. I get tired of saying it, but I going to say it and say it and say it. The medicine, medicine has been hijacked by the lab, hijacked by labs. I look into your blood work. It's normal. You know how many times I've heard that? You know your blood sugars, it's within a little bit high, but it's not bad. It's normal. We'll watch it. Instead of saying, "I'm going to give you a kick in the rear end and you better change your stinking diet. You're a carboholic." Doctors don't say it, because they've been hijacked by the labs. Nevermind the hijacking that occurs by the big pharma. They hijack medicine. They don't want to cure diabetes. They want to manage diabetes.
Now, I'm not against insulin as a medication. I'm not. Here, we're going to give you insulin until you change your diet, and you won't need insulin anymore. Because it's a food problem. But we don't hear that. It's not being mentioned. It's not being said. Because, again, these things that I talk to you about now, high blood pressure, they blame salt for high blood pressure. I've been screaming for 50 years. Salt? What's that got to do with high blood pressure? The only time salt will give you high blood pressure is if you're dehydrated. If you're not drinking enough water, you can get high blood pressure because you've got too much salt. It's not salt that gives you high blood pressure. Dehydration can, but it's sugar. It's sugar. That piece of bread that you enjoy is going to be sugar in five nanoseconds [inaudible 00:19:00] it's whole wheat. Well that's whole sugar, in five seconds. It's 20 grain. I don't care if it's a hundred grain. It's going to be sugar in five nanoseconds.
But you see how intelligent your body is? It says, "No, no. I'm not going to let blood sugar get high." But other things happen. There's other things that happen inside the body. Triglycerides go up. You know how dangerous triglycerides are for heart disease? Your body would rather you have a heart attack than you be a diabetic. Let me just read a couple of others.
Fatty liver. Your body would rather you have fatty liver than you be a diabetic. It'll pack that suitcase. It'll pack the Costco parking lot. It'll pack the mini van, your liver, with suitcase after suitcase. Fatty liver, rather than you be a diabetic.
Dowager's hump. You ever look at people and they got like almost like a moon face and a dowager. You know what a dowager's hump is? You know that it's like a hump back right around T1, just at the base of your neck, like a fat deposit there? Your body would rather give you that than you be a diabetic. But you're still a diabetic. Not just numbers. You see the importance of that? To look, to understand these things? It's incredible. I mean, there's many more.
Men, prostate. La prostata. You're up several times at night. Your body would rather give you a prostate problem than give you a diabetic sugar problem. It'll take sugar out. But you know what makes your prostate grow? Insulin. You want to shrink your prostate? Lay off the carbs. Your body would rather give you a prostate problem.
Ladies, listen to what I'm going say. Your body would rather give you a bladder problem, that descending bladder, than you be a diabetic. Yep. That's a blood sugar problem. Your body is screaming at you. "Hello, change your diet." I'm trying to tell you, without having real high blood sugar, you've got insulin resistance, and these are the signs.
Men, ED. You know what ED is, man? Erectile dysfunction, men? You know what it is? You're a diabetic, but you just didn't know it. Uh-huh (affirmative). Because the first thing, insulin creates inflammation. But not only that, even sugars slightly elevated in your bloodstream, the first thing that they affect is capillaris, and that's what makes your prostate, men. And that's what makes erectile dysfunction. You really are a diabetic. They don't tell you that, but I'm telling you that.
You can argue with me if you want, but number one, I'm not changing my mind. And number two, I'm right. See, your body would rather that almost anything happen to it rather than diabetes. Can you imagine how bad it is when you are effectively a diabetic and they have to put you on medication like Metformin or insulin or all these other meds? Remember, just to give you a little bit of history, The Reset, The Reset was first established by the Martin Clinic for my diabetic patients. Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of them were given The Reset. 30 days, no carbohydrates. It was a theory that I had to reverse, or put into remission, diabetes. The Reset is the best eating program for anyone, anywhere, at any time. But first of all, it is to fix insulin resistance. It is to fix high circulating insulin.
Remember that statement. Your body would rather you have high blood pressure, have heart disease even, fatty liver, obesity, high triglycerides, low HDL. It would rather you have any of those things rather than you become a diabetic, in a sense. Isn't that incredible, guys? Now, tell me if you've heard that teaching anywhere else? The solution is simple. Not easy, but it's simple. You have to understand the premise that food, carbs, sugars are at the root of diabetes and that your body, number two, will do everything it can to keep you away from diabetes, and will give you other conditions rather than diabetes. But it effectively is diabetes. I hope you follow that.
So, when you go out in the world, observe people. Have a look. When they tell you, "Oh, I'm on high blood pressure medication." They might not ask you for your opinion. Okay. I often have to bite my tongue, you know. I bite my tongue a lot in a day. I don't say nothing. I won't talk. I've got something to say, but I don't say it. If somebody says, "Oh, by the way, document. I'm on blood pressure medication or I'm on statin drugs." [inaudible 00:25:45]. I got to bite. I'm biting my tongue. [inaudible 00:25:51]. I want to tell them what the cause is. I want to tell them what to do. But I bite my tongue because I wasn't invited to speak to them. I don't talk to people, by the way, that don't listen. I don't. My staff, ask Nick or Jeannette or Brandy or people that worked with me over the years. They say, "Well, why didn't you really tell that person how much trouble they were in?" I said, "They weren't listening. Why would I do that?" If you don't listen.
Okay, there was many more. Maybe we'll do another session on it, because they're very important, guys. You look at the root cause of almost anything today, almost any disease that you can think about, comes from what we just talked about today. Your body keeping you away from diabetes. Your body hates sugar. I don't know how to convince you more than that, but your body hates it. Until you get addicted, it hates it. Your body's smart. Unreal.
You know what tomorrow is? Question and answer Friday. Okay. So you ready for that? Did you send in your questions? And by the way, we sent it out, I think today, the question and answer session that we had last week featuring Tony Jr. Doc Jr. The brains of the operation last Wednesday night. If you want to listen to that again, or if you weren't on with us live and you would like to get that, we have that available. You can listen to that. We had some great questions. Okay.
Remember, if you haven't got your Christmas gifts yet, I don't know what better gift you can give a friend than to give them The Reset. Okay. I thought I was talking to Dr. McEwen at the University of Tennessee and she was telling me she bought about 15 copies to give them out to her friends. I said, "Well, that is a great gift to give your friends." I mean, when you look at that chapter four, I mean, that teaching in there is incredible, if I do say so myself. Tooting my horn a little bit there.
Okay, guys. We love you dearly. Thanks for watching. Thanks for following us. If you're not a member of our private Facebook group, please join us. We want you to join that community. You guys are wonderful in there. Tony Jr. and I talk about it all the time. We just love that group. So many good things and great posts, and what a community, what a support group that is in there. But you're invited to come if you're not part of it, and you can certainly invite your friends and family. Okay. We love you guys. We'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!