723. ROC and Your Microbiome


A recent discovery of a specific protein called ROC has got Dr. Martin excited. This protein actually feeds the good bacteria of your microbiome.

Your microbiome is made up of trillions and trillions of bacteria on your body, and in your body, and most of it is found in your gut. In the last number of years, scientists have been studying the microbiome and bacteria and are seeing how it affects everything. They're finding out that Hippocrates was right 2,000 years ago when he said that all disease starts in the gut.

Dr. Martin also discusses how high fructose corn syrup is changing our microbiome. Learn more by listening to today’s episode!


Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning everyone. And once again, welcome to another Live this morning. Hope you're having a great start to your day. Okay. Now, look, guys, you know how I do this every once in a while I talk about the expression, this is going to knock your socks off. Well, for me, this sort of knocked my socks off. Okay? Because when I was in school in the 1970s, the big thing, the big, big thing in sort of alternative medicine was free radicals, studying how the body ages, and gets sick, free radical damage, oxidation. I mean it. We learned so much about oxidation. You know what I mean by that. You cut an apple in half, and watch it age, rust out, oxidize right before your eyes. That was really big in the '70s.

Tony Jr. talks about when he was in school the big thing coming out then was genetics. Everything was genetics. Okay? They were studying genetics. Genetic, genetic, genetic. Genetics at the root of all disease, genetic. In the early 2000 to about 2005, big, big thing that they studied was inflammation. That was so revealing that inflammation, they said, okay, and I'm just talking about the studies, was at the root of all disease. It wasn't just free radical damage. It wasn't genetics per se. It was inflammation, and that was very revealing. There was a process going on in the body, in all disease that had to do with inflammation, but at the Martin Clinic, we always said this. Inflammation is not Houdini. Anyways, let's leave that there.

The big thing, even in general medicine today, you know what the studies are? Generally, they're looking at the microbiome. They're studying the microbiome, bacteria, and it affects everything. Your microbiome, you have trillions and trillions of bacteria on your body, and in your body. And the most of it is found in your gut. When you get on a scale, you have my permission to take off three pounds because three pounds of your body weight is bacteria. We talk about that all the time. We talk about the microbiome. We talk about how important it is, the microbiome.

Now, they're studying this. Every day, I mean it, every day, at least five days a week I read a new study on bacteria. Some of it is not that significant. I find it fascinating. I've been talking about microbiome for years and years and years and years. And the studies confirm that it is one of the keys. So, of course, in the Martin Clinic, three seeds of disease, we talk about this, not inflammation. It is leaky gut. It is high circulating insulin, and free radical damage, oxidative damage to the body. Those are the three main culprits, then comes inflammation. Okay, that was sort of a preamble to what I want to bring out this morning in a new study that is very significant. It's significant for you guys. It's significant for me. It's significant for your children and grandchildren. This is so important. Okay? 

So here's the headline. Have you ever heard of ROC? Capital R, capital O, capital C. It's a protein. It's a specific protein that they uncovered. It feeds your good bacteria. Now, again, I just got to go back for those who are just starting to follow me. Don't mind me, it's my teaching style. I always repeat, repeat, repeat. It's the way I learned. And for some it may be bothersome to you that I always repeat things, but I got to do it. Okay? So it's just my style. You have a war going on in your body every day. You don't see it. It's invisible. Let me show you something. Here's the Bible. Okay? There's my Bible. Okay? In the Bible in Ephesians, chapter 6, you read about a war that goes on. You can't see it. It's between good and bad in the heavenly places. It's incredible. Okay? And just because you can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. There's a war going on, a spiritual war. Okay? We leave that there, but there's also a war going on in your body and it's a good army of bacteria, a bad army of bacteria. Everybody has both. Okay? And you will win. 

The significance of this, guys, is incredible. You will win. You win the war when you have more good bacteria than bad bacteria. Okay? You win the war when you have more good bacteria than bad bacteria. Now here's the study on ROC, capital R, capital O, capital C. It's a protein. It's a very specific protein in your body that actually feeds your good bacteria. Okay? Your good bacteria. It pumps up the good army in your body. That's its job. Did we know this 20 years ago? Nope. We didn't know that. The more they study the microbiome, the more they're finding out that Hippocrates was right 2,000 years ago when he said that all disease starts in the gut. Well, he was very, very, very prophetic. This protein, okay? Now listen to what I'm going to say because this is so important, guys. It's so important. And, again, if you're new on the scene, this will blow your socks away. If you're one of our followers, it's flabbergasting. Okay?

Now here's what I'm going to say. Here's what the study said came out of Yale University as they studied the microbiome. They're studying bacteria, and here's what they found. When you eat sugar, and let me be even more specific. When one consumes high-fructose corn syrup, the antichrist of all sugars, guys, made in a lab like the virus maybe. Uh, don't go there. When you consume, listen to what this study says. When you consume high-fructose corn syrup. Now high-fructose corn syrup is found in cereals. When you go to the middle aisles of your grocery stores, from soda, to cookies, to ketchup, you name it, you see any kind of sugar added, and I'm going to tell you, they label it to lie to you. It's high-fructose corn syrup because the food industry got it approved by the FDA in 1982, and it is a scourge on society, but let me come back.

When you consume that sugar, you know what it does? It negates the benefits of the protein ROC, R-O-C. That's sugar. This is why it's so destructive. It takes away a protein that helps to feed your good guys. We already know that high-fructose corn syrup feeds your bad guys. It pumps up the wrong army. It pumps up the wrong army. And now we know that it not only pumps up your bad bacteria, it feeds fungus. And maybe we'll do another session on SIBO, or SIFO as we like to call it at the Martin Clinic. We've renamed SIBO, small intestine bacterial overgrowth. We've renamed it to SIFO because I've been trying to convince you that it is not bacteria that overgrows in the small intestine. It is fungus that overgrows in the small intestine. And, ladies, when you get a bladder infection, it's not bacteria. Well, if you get a repeated bladder infection, it's not bacteria. Bacteria is there, but it's not the bad guy. The real bad guy is the yeast, or the fungus that's already in your gut.

Now, guys, I want you to think about this for a minute. Think about this for a minute. No wonder we are so sick in our society. High-fructose corn syrup we're up to near 200 pounds of it a year each on average in North America. When I go to the mall, or whatever, and I see people ordering, oh, when I see people ordering these fruit drinks, and these sugary drinks, oh, the worst thing you could do is drink high-fructose corn syrup because what it does, it disrupts that protein called ROC. You're not feeding your good guys. Your good army has got no power. It's creating in the body a condition that we call dysbiosis. Oh, leave it to medicine to give it a big name. It really is a losing battle because dysbiosis is when you have more bad guys than good guys. And then you get the invasion of the third army. The third army is the most destructive army in your gut, and that is fungus, it's yeast. It creates an overgrowth, and it spreads like wildfire. 

Guys, I'm telling you one of the biggest things in the gut that comes out of the gut is autoimmune. I had one of our followers send me an email this morning. "Get rid of dairy, Dr. Martin. It said in the study." He wanted to get my opinion on. I appreciated that. "Well, dairy is bad because it's got hormones, and you don't eat butter. You don't eat eggs. You don't have milk." Which I agree with, by the way, unless you have a cow in the backyard, but don't ditch dairy. Dairy is not the problem. You have to bring it back a step. Why do you have dairy intolerances in the first place? Why? Why is there so much of it? Why is so many, what is it? 70% of kids have some form of lactose intolerance. Yeah. Get rid of ice cream. Okay? And get rid of milk because milk in the grocery store isn't milk at all. It's white Pepsi. It's full of sugar. They denatured it. That's one of the big problems in the world. We pasteurize it. We denature it. We sterilize it. We do all these things to market products, to bring them to market, and we denature everything, but, guys, one of the things they've denatured is milk.

Now, what am I getting at? You don't have allergies because you have allergies. Allergies are autoimmune. All autoimmune starts in the gut. Now let me go even farther. All autoimmune allergies. "Dr. Martin, I can't eat that food. It bothers me." Okay, but what is that? It's in your gut. Your gut has intelligence. You have to even go beyond that. It's your bacteria. They talk to each other. They communicate. And when you have a disruption of your microbiome, when you've got more bad guys than good guys, you're in trouble. I taught you this in the past. Let me do it again. Autism. What is that? What is autism? "Well, Dr. Martin, it's cognitive. It's…” Yeah. Why? You have to understand where I come from. I ask questions all the time. If 100 years ago, there was no such thing as autism, and today it's an epidemic. What is it? 1 out of 60 kids born, or less. Guys, you can look at my medical books in the 1970s, look under A, autism. What is that? I never even heard of autism until 1978, or '79. A colleague of mine had two kids that were born autistic. What? He was telling me about it. I said, "What are you talking about?" I was shocked. I didn't even know what he was talking about. What is autism? Where does it start? It starts in the gut.

Well, I talked about this in many books, but the latest book I talk about is in The Reset. I talked about what they find with autistic kids. It's almost universal. Mommy was on antibiotics, or baby. In the first year of life, usually because of an ear infection, antibiotics. And, look, I have a lot of respect for people that do research. And when they talked about the vaccines causing autism, I always shook my head. I said, "No, in my opinion, that's not true. That might have been the straw that broke the camel's back, but that was not the cause. The cause was, in my opinion, the double-edged sword of antibiotics. The greatest discovery of the 20th century became the curse of the 21st." And I've been saying this for over 40 years. I said it.

Antibiotics will save your life, but they create a monster in your body called dysbiosis. They kill your friendly bacteria. They wipe them out. And then you get an invasion in the body of fungus. Fungus spreads like wildfire, and for some it will go into the brain. It will create havoc in the hippocampus, the hypothalamus. And now we're finding out one other way that operates, not only antibiotics, but high-fructose corn syrup, the curse of sugars, the antichrist of sugars. And the food industry, you know what I mean? They lie through their teeth about that sugar, and you get dieticians, and whatever, "Oh, yeah, yeah, all in moderation, all in moderation." Folks, if you do nothing for yourself other than get off that sugar, get off of it, avoid it like the plague, you'll do yourself a good and great favor. I'm telling you. I get passionate about it, guys, because to me, we'll send people up to the moon and look for the cure for cancer, and all these things under moon dust. They're looking, guys, for love in all the wrong places. It's in front of us. It's what we put in our mouths.

I feel so sorry for kids, my grandchildren, my great-grandchildren coming into a world. I had cookies and ice cream, too, you know, as a kid, but we didn't have high-fructose corn syrup. It didn't exist. Now you could get beehive corn syrup, right? And you could add that, but when they got high-fructose corn syrup, and they passed it by the FDA, that was a bad day. They've just taken a sugar, and put it on steroids, and how bad and unhealthy it is. It disrupts. You see, they always used to say, "Sugar is only absorbed in the small intestine. Doesn't go to the gut. Doesn't go to the large intestine." And the problem is high-fructose corn syrup, and you know me, I've talked to you many, many, many, many times because the destination of high-fructose corn syrup, it's destination is not your gut.

Let's say you're flying out of Canada and you're going to Florida, but some people because it's cheaper if they make one stop, you know what I mean? Like you might stop in Atlanta, or you might stop in Carolina, or Chicago, and then you switch planes, and then you get to your destination. You have to understand this, that at one time, they said, "Well, don't worry about sugar too much because it never really gets into your large intestine." Except high-fructose corn syrup does. Okay? What is its final destination? Someone tell me. Okay? The liver, the liver. And we don't even want to spend time on it this morning, how destructive that sugar, man made sugar is to your liver. It causes fatty liver. It causes your triglycerides to go up, which causes your heart disease. Uh-huh. See, we're looking for love, guys, in all the wrong places. We're trying to create medications. The best med you could take is not eating sugar. That's the best preventive medicine you'll ever take. Get rid of the sugar.

One of the reasons is it goes after a protein that your body makes called R-O-C, ROC. It destroys that protein, and that protein is meant to build up your good bacteria so that you have harmony in your body. Talk about disruptive. Don't ditch dairy, ditch milk. Don't ditch dairy, switch it. Get rid of the garbage in dairy. That's why I love cream. That's why I love cheese. That's why I love butter. Don't ditch those things, switch. Get rid of the milk. You go milk your cow in the morning, drink it. Good for you. Drink all the fat in the milk. "Oh, Dr. Martin, I'm drinking 1%." I said, "Ooh, that's the size of your brain. Ooh." "I drink skim milk." "Ooh. That gives me a headache."

I'm glad I don't have one of those watches that tells you to breathe because it would be off all day when I read these studies. Isn't it incredible, guys? Aren't these studies incredible? I want to bring you with me behind the scenes. I want you to think the eyes of your understanding be enlightened. That's biblical by the way. Okay? The Apostle Paul prays for that. I want to bring you behind the scenes, guys. You can't change the world, but you can change you. You can. Okay, I have to calm down here. I was getting excited. You guys are unreal, you know that? For putting up with my shenanigans. Thank you so much, but I promise you as long as I am able, I am going to just unpack these things for you. I will unpack them for you, and bring you some teaching for you, personally, and then the people that you can influence.

It's amazing on The Reset. You want to see results. Well, you go look at the results of The Reset. Incredible, but you know what's happening? Most people now, that are going on The Reset now. Okay? Not at the start, but now, are people that have been referred by you. "Check out Dr. Martin. Check out his new book. Check it out." You can bring a horse to water. You can't make them drink it, but you can sure add some salt to the oats, right? So that they want to drink water. No, but seriously, guys, I understand that because never heard of Dr. Martin until someone told me. It's a referral. I built my practice like that. I wasn't advertising. I built it on patient referral. People said, "Well, you got to go see that guy. He's kind of a loud-mouth, but you'll like him." Right? Okay. Guys, you guys are great. Okay?

Now, remember, tomorrow night, we're doing question and answer, and it's featuring Dr. Tony Martin, Jr. Okay? The brains of the operation. You'll get to see tomorrow night, but you got to sign up for it. Don't ask me how. I don't know. I'm glad I don't have to sign up for it, but Tony Jr. and I will do this together tomorrow. Okay? And questions, we're going to try and answer as many questions as we can. And it's going to be question and answer. So you're invited, but you've got to sign up. I don't know how many have signed up already. Okay? Yeah, that's tomorrow night. Friday, of course, we'll do our question and answer Fridays like we always do, but tomorrow is a webinar, question and answers. I think you'll find it fascinating. Always interesting, and you're invited. Okay? One more thing. If you're not a member of the Martin Clinic private Facebook group, what a group. Okay? I posted in there yesterday twice. You'll enjoy them. Okay. So thank you very much. You guys are wonderful, and I mean that. I love you dearly, and I mean that, too. We'll talk to you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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