Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners.
Some of today’s topics include:
- Sunflower lecithin
- Oil of oregano capsules
- Electrolytes for palpitations
- Over-supplementation
- Veal vs. beef
- Cholesterol in the bloodstream
- Causes of cold sores
- Spider veins
- Inner tremors
- Removal of mercury fillings
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Oh, good morning, everyone. And once again, welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great start to your day. Question and answer Friday, always fun, always interesting. Susan is first up this morning asking this question, “Sunflower lecithin, what do I think of it?” Why would you have sunflower lecithin, Susan, when you can eat eggs and get lecithin in your egg yolk? Eat the yolk. Your lecithin that you're going to get from eggs is much better than sunflower or sunflower oil, I can tell you that. No comparison. And then you get a lot more benefits. So you don't hear me talking about eating lecithin, or at least taking a supplement of lecithin... Lecithin, by the way, it can increase your HDL, but you're better to eat it, eat it in egg yolks. When you eat egg yolks and eggs, meat, and cheese, but egg yolks has the highest source. So it's good for you. If you want to take it as a supplement, I guess you can. I wouldn't recommend that. I'm not big on sunflower.
Deidra, "What are your thoughts on oil of oregano capsules with enteric coating, like a coating on it?" Yeah, I like it. I like oil of oregano because somebody else asked me here too. Hold on, let me answer both of them. Joanne, "Is the oil of oregano capsules or sublingual oil of oregano better?" Well, I haven't really seen the sublingual form. You must mean a spray, I would think. Okay, so let me show you what I like. And this is for me, all oil of oregano is good. So I have oil of oregano in drops. I just brought out one of our digestive enzymes. The reason we put oil of oregano in our digestive enzymes is to kill SIBO. You know what we say SIFO, not SIBO? Small intestine, what medicine calls bacterial overgrowth, but we call fungal overgrowth. I love oil of oregano. We put it in a capsule in our digestive enzyme, because it's really good for SIFO or SIBO.
I prefer oil of oregano for me, and I'm going to give you the reasons. I prefer sprays, okay? So this is a sinus spray, spray and pray because you're going to have to pray when you put it in your sinuses. But I'll tell you, at the first sign of a cold… You know what guys? I'm actually going to do a teaching on this because when you really think of the way you get even COVID, the virus... And this is why they tell you to wash your hands, because you're going to touch your face. And you wear a mask, it's not going to prevent that virus. Okay? It doesn't every… Everybody knows that. You learn not the first day in medical school. You need the invisible mask, vitamin A. But at the first sign, like you got sniffles or whatever, I love oil of oregano spray. I spray it in my throat. There's actually oil of oregano throat spray. You can spray this on your toothbrush. You can spray it in your mouth. And I like going through the sinuses, and there's one that I've used for years and years with my patients too is sinus spray because it's oil of oregano. And if they put a few other things in it, but, man, it's tremendous. Allergies... really good.
So look, I mean, oil of oregano, all of it is good. It's an antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral. I mean, where else are you going to get something like that? And you know what, nothing else is oil of oregano in my opinion. Like you can get colloidal silver, you'll get people talking about different essential oils, and I understand that, but in my practice and in the years, and I've been consistent, I've said all along, "You're never going to find, in my opinion, anything quite as good as oil of oregano." So whatever form you like. I like the convenience of a spray, I like that for me. And sinus spray, throat spray, hard to beat. Hard to beat. So thanks for the question, Joanne and Deidra.
Diane's asking, "Is an electrolyte good for palpitations and which one is the best?" Well, electrolytes... What is considered an electrolyte? Like if you get... and I don't recommend you do this, but if you get a Gatorade or a Powerade, those are electrolyte drinks. They're actually putting salts back in your body. Like if you tasted the original Gatorade... Ooh, I did in the '70s, the original stuff made for the University of Florida Gators, that's why they called it Gatorade. It was made for the football team because they were practicing, and you can imagine. And the other way of doing it back then was giving you salt tablets, so they created this drink. I'm telling you it tasted like urine. Yeah, it was Pepsi Cola that bought them out. And of course, they put a whole pile of sugar in it to make it where you could drink it. What a terrible drink. Gatorade or Powerade, these are terrible drinks. But they're electrolyte drinks. And now they've made some that are better.
Some people have to take magnesium, you know that. That's an electrolyte. Potassium, that's an electrolyte. A lot of people, you get cramping or whatever, they're low in potassium. One of the best electrolyte drinks, I'm not kidding you, is pickle juice. You can actually Google it. I think it's fantastic, it's got lots of sodium in it. And if you sweat a lot, I really like pickle juice as an electrolyte. You like pickles? Well, pickles are good. Pickles are good, but the juice is a real good electrolyte. That's just been my experience. So good question and thank you for it. It could cause palpitations, absolutely. You can get palpitations from your heart, will feel like it's skipping a beat. That can be part of dehydration. It can be AFib. You got to be just be careful, and a lot of times magnesium would be the best for that.
Okay. Melissa, "Can too many supplements hurt your stomach?" I guess so. Well, I like to take my supplements in the morning with my coffee first thing in the morning, you know why? Because I'm going to forget. Now, listen, sometimes I'll take magnesium before bed, sometimes I'm taking some potassium before bed. A lot of people like to take probiotics before they go to bed, and certainly cortisol before you go to bed to help you to sleep. I like ashwagandha in that cortisol and it's a great formula as a sleep formula. Some people got sensitive stomach so don't be scared to take a little bit of food with it. Like some people tell me, "Oh, doc, I mean you're high DHA oil, I find it hard to digest that." Well, I don't, but some people do. But you try and get around it by maybe spreading things out. So it's a good question, Melissa.
Jeannie, "Is veal as good as beef, red meat?" Well, all meat is good. All meat is good. I was looking at something yesterday and someone said never eat pork. Eh, I had pork this morning. I had sausages. I love sausages, and they're good for you. Now, veal, baby calves, usually of the male variety, and it's like a delicacy. It's very good for you, veal is very good for you. Is it better than beef? Nah. It's got B12, it's good for you. You might have to mortgage your house to buy some these days, boy oh boy. But it's good. All meat is good. Vitamin S is the best, steak... Liver is, but I don't talk about liver.
Lucy, "For fluid filled cyst on the kidneys or ovarian cyst, what can be done?" Well, I always mention, anytime you have a cyst, anytime you have a tumor, anytime you have something that can possibly grow, you don't want to add any kind of growth hormone to it. Growth hormones are estrogen, so block the extra estrogen. That's why I love our hormonal formula with DIM. I love flax seeds because they block estrogen because of the lignans. Estrogen, block it, and lower your insulin. Insulin is a growth hormone. Insulin makes things grow, get insulin down. Get estrogen down, get insulin down, those are growth. Any kind of cancer, you don't want to add estrogen to it and you don't want to add insulin to it. Any kind of cyst, same thing, on the kidneys, on your liver, ovarian cysts, get estrogen down and get insulin down. Very good question, appreciate it.
All right, let's see here… That was Lucy. Joyce, "I read..." And I want you to read, Joyce. Read, study, good for you... "I read that cholesterol in our bloodstream is either small or large. The large particle size is better. Is there a test in Canada to determine this?" Well, let me go over again, yes, there's a test, and don't get into the weeds. Okay, Joyce? I'm just telling you don't get in the weeds because you want to get confused and get into the weeds of cholesterol. Remember what I say in an overarching principle of cholesterol, all... Did you hear what I said? All cholesterol is good. All of it, small particles, large particles. Now, I know that's controversial. I know that's controversial, but cholesterol... Listen to what I'm going to say again, cholesterol is not at the root of heart disease. It's not. It's a scam. It's a scam.
I don't mind telling you that it's a hoax because your body makes cholesterol, cholesterol doesn't go bad. You have high density lipoprotein, and then you have small particles, and then you have LDL, and you have larger particles and small... It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter, Joyce. And don't take it personally because I will repeat this, repeat it, repeat it, repeat it, cholesterol is not at the root of heart disease. Inflammation, inflammation, having too little cholesterol, having not enough cholesterol. What is the dangerous particle that is floating in your bloodstream? They're called triglycerides, not cholesterol. Triglycerides. Triglycerides is three fat balls brought to you by your liver when you're eating too many carbs. Cholesterol, especially HDL... Is why I'm interested in HDL numbers... HDL will take your triglycerides and bring them back to the liver to be metabolized where they belong, not in your bloodstream, but back in the liver. And that's the reason for cholesterol.
So I know you can read about it, Joyce. I don't tell you not to. I'm not telling you not to. I'm glad you're asking the question because you're asking a question that hundreds of thousands of people would ask because they can never get their doctors to explain anything. And remember, in the 1970s, if you look at my medical book, some of them which are behind me even as we speak this morning, I can tell you there was no such thing as looking at cholesterol for heart disease. That was made up. It's triglycerides, it's not having enough cholesterol in your body. You need cholesterol. I don't care if your total cholesterol is high. What's that got to do... Because doctors still today... Okay, I'm telling you... You see the fat here, you see the fact that I'm showing? If you're listening to this on our podcast, The Doctor Is In podcast, well, you can't see what I'm showing here, but I'm showing a pound of fat. But doctors see this... You see fat, they see this as plaque in your arteries and so they assume some cholesterol looks like that. They mistake cholesterol for triglycerides and you can hardly get even a cardiologist to change their thinking on it. They've been so brainwashed.
And look, I've been so consistent on this over the years, Joyce, I have been so consistent. And look, that's why they still today they don't want you eating bacon and eggs and sausages. Why? Why lower cholesterol? They'd rather you eat sugary cereals. Who's right? Who's right, me or them? Well, I think I'm right. I'm a 100% convinced I'm right. And the proof in the pudding is when people do the reset, eggs, meat, and cheese for 30 days... And look, we had this tested, before and after blood work. The vast majority of people, their triglycerides go down and their good cholesterol, all cholesterol... HDL, which is what I'm looking for, goes up. Their inflammation comes down. Inflammation's very damaging to your blood vessels. What causes inflammation? Insulin, not cholesterol, insulin.
So keep reading, but if you're confused, don't be shy to ask the question and I appreciate that, Joyce. I want you thinking, I don't want you to just to take my word for it, but you're going to have to scour on the internet because there's so many even gurus of that I went to school with, they still can't get that out of their thinking.
Now, Debbie, "What causes cold sores?" A virus. A virus, herpes simplex. It's always there. Chicken pox. Usually it's in bed, sleeping. It's like a bear in the winter time, hibernates. Viruses often, especially of the family of the chicken pox, the herpes virus. Herpes zoster, which is shingles. Herpes simplex, cold sores. They're usually in bed sleeping, they're supposed to be. Your body knows what to do. And usually, if you get cold sores or whatever, it's because you get stressed. You get stressed and stress just happens to suppress the immune system. I'd never seen a case of shingles where a shingles comes out where it's not a combination of stress, big time, and then shingles comes out. But you have an immune system, you have an immune system. And Debbie, if you keep your immune system... This is why I'm big on vitamin D and vitamin A, eating steak, having a good, healthy gut, probiotic, help to keep those things hibernating.
You get the chicken box as a kid... Guys, I can just tell you with viruses, we got so much misinformation now. But viruses, we're always going to have viruses. What planet are you thinking of living on that you're not going to be surrounded by viruses and bacteria. I can't stand the mantra, I can't stand the narrative of just wash your hands and blah, blah, blah. I can't stand it because they never talk about the immune system. Your body is unbelievably made, you've got T-cells, you've got your navy seals of your lymphatic system. They come out, they look and they chase down viruses and keep them in bed, go back to sleep. It's not springtime yet, go back to sleep like a bear. You don't see bears in the winter, but your immune system knows how to do it. That's why you want to have firing on all cylinders, your immune system. I scream. I scream. I scream. I can't stand it.
Here we are with kids, a virus, a virus, a virus, a virus. There's always going to be viruses. The biggest thing they should be talking about in kids is, you know what? Get off those stinking sugars, you want to suppress your immune system? And I don't want to talk about vitamin D, and your T cells have a little antenna that need vitamin D. But if you get cold sores, your immune system's not doing its work. And usually, stress activates, usually. Very good.
Agatha, "Is rubbing alcohol bad for using as a hand sanitizer?" Well, I wouldn't overuse it. Alcohol, it's like mouthwash. Ah, Listerine or whatever with... be careful, you're going to kill all your good guys. See, alcohol, it's right as a sanitizer, it is. Rubbing alcohol will kill your bacteria and viruses, and it's better than those hand sanitizers that are full of chemicals. The problem with alcohol is you're going to strip away your good ones too. That's why I like oil of oregano or just old fashioned soap and water. Good question though, Agatha.
Jenny, "Spider vein showing up on your legs." Eh, I like Navitol. A lot of people find their legs are better because it opens up your blood vessels with nitric oxide. I like B12, again the circulation, nerves. Spider veins, 99% in women after babies, the extra weight and whatever. But yeah, those are the natural things that I like.
Michelin, "Inner tremors." Well again, inner tremors, you can get it's almost like a vibe. I always look neurological, but I usually find any kind of tremor, there's neurological... They're often deficient in B12, they're often deficient in magnesium. It could be a sign that you don't have enough magnesium. Remember my little buzz word for magnesium is the word relax. It helps you to what? Relax. It relaxes your muscles. It relaxes your blood vessels, magnesium. And inner tremor could be low levels, it could be low levels of B12, could be low levels. Those are all things that I tested for at one time. Good question.
Gail. "I'm on a water pill, should I drink more than two liters of water?" Not more, usually. When you're on a water pill... Gail, look, they're trying to take fluid out, not water really but fluid out of your body. Right? And that's from your kidneys and sometimes from heart where you have congestive heart failure. So, because I don't know, Gail, your specific case, I'm very careful. But a lot of times you think, well, if I'm on a water pill, you don't want to drink too much water, but you got to make sure you don't get dehydrated, and that can happen very, very easily with a water pill. So I'd rather, you privately ask the question to my staff and then I can give you more... I need more information because I don't want to be your doctor online. I need to know more stuff.
“What about salt, should I do more?” Generally yes, generally yes. I know doctors are trying to... And even the FDA was talking about to the food industry reduce the salt in there... Oh, they mistake salt for what sugar is doing. The FDA should be talking about sugar, not salt. Now, look, table salt, you know me, I'm not big on that. Get a good pink salt, there's sea salt, real salt. That's what you should be doing. Okay.
Sally Jesse, "I see many people in a group commenting on putting Vicks on toenails." Yeah, there's a substance in Vicks that helps to kill fungus. Yeah, try it. I always say to people, look, I'm a big guy on oil of oregano and putting probiotic under the nail, just get a little bit of that powder under there. I love oil of oregano. Vicks, yeah, I've used that. I've told patients to use it. It's always sort of a 30-day thing, because sometime just do it for 30 days. If you see it's getting better, hence working. If it's not working in 30 days, then try something else. And toe fungus can be more difficult because there's moisture there, and moisture and yeast, it's like mold. They're cousins. Where do you get mold? In the basement, in the shower, in the bathroom because of the water and the steam, and that's what happens in the toe. But always too with toe fungus, I would tell people work inside out. You need probiotics too. Good question, Sally Jesse.
Elaine, "My feet are itchy on the top and the bottom, what..." Well, look, that's usually a sign... It can be two things that I found over the years. Just sort of unexplained itchiness, insulin. It's a sign that you got insulin resistance or that your thyroid is sluggish. Oftentimes, sluggish thyroid. And that can be due to too much estrogen for some women. But anyway, those are the two things over the years that I found can cause that, Elaine.
Marcy, "What causes type I diabetic to have the heavy legs and charley horses?" Well, usually with type I diabetics, kidneys and then they have electrolyte issues. When they're kidneys are getting rid of magnesium potassium, but you got to do this, be very careful. You need to have a healthcare practitioner with a type I diabetic watching over them in a sense. And if their blood sugars are not in control, that can create a lot of havoc in the body. What causes high potassium? Kidneys. It's a malfunction, the kidneys are being stressed. Kidneys are being stressed. How do you lower it? Well, change your diet because your kidneys are one of the organs that are so sensitive to blood sugar, so sensitive to your insulin, hypersensitive to insulin.
Okay, Kristen, "Do I need eight hours of sleep? I do well with five or six." Well, if you do well with five or six, get five or six, as long as you're doing well. I'm better with seven, eight hours of sleep, that's where I do best for me. Everybody's a little bit different. Two hours of sleep, nah, you're not doing well. And remember why it's important to sleep. So five or six hours, you're getting into a deep sleep. That's when the night shift comes in and clears out the debris in the brain. It's very important to sleep. But for some people they don't need a lot of sleep. They need less, but everybody... You got a different fingerprint than I do. That makes you weird? No. Unique. Everybody's unique. And different strokes for different folks. We're all different. But of course, you know on the program here, I got to talk in generalities. But I probably would tell you nothing under six hours. Probably. Good question.
Katherine, "Bone broth, does chicken bone broth have the same nutrient as beef bone broth?" Yes. Yes. Beef bone broth is excellent, probably a little bit higher on the food chain than the chicken broth, but chicken broth is excellent. You know, bone broth, how good it is for you. And what were you asking there...? As Glutathione... Well, glutathione, again, we did.... I hope you appreciated our teaching yesterday on glutathione. I really like glutathione, like it's [inaudible 00:30:08]. And it's made up of three amino acids, and they're all found in bone broth. You might have a little bit more cysteine in a beef bone broth, but you're still going to get glutathione because you got the precursors to build it. So good question, I like it, Katherine.
I'm a big guy on bone broth, I don't talk about it enough. I like it. I love bone broth. It is the best collagen protein bone broth protein. For your kids or grandchildren, you put it in a smoothie, Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie, I'll tell you that is the best protein powder you can get. I like whey protein. I like other protein powders, but not like bone broth protein powder.
Crystal, "My spine, lower back, arthritis, degeneration compressed disc, what should I do for this?" Well, look, I like the reset. A lot of people have found... I have a 30-day program, Crystal, that I recommend. Look, chronic pain, look, there's going to be no easy solutions. Okay? So if someone tells you, you just do this and you're going to fix it, run. They're lying to you. Because if you got compressed disc, degenerative disc disease, osteoarthritis in the spine... I was in a car accident when I was in my early 20s and I got a bad neck. I don't like looking at x-rays of my low back and my neck, they scare me, but I stay in shape. And I found just by being strong, I can compensate in my neck from having strong back muscles and strong leg muscles from my low back and really making up for the damage in discs.
So I would tell you getting the best shape you can, you can't do it overnight, but I would get bands and get strength, Crystal. Get strong, my dear, get strong, get your other muscles around to be strong for your back and for your neck. Your leg muscles, your core muscles, they really make a difference there. The other one, I love our inflammation formula. I sort of call it a 30-day. Look, if you do the reset and do inflammation formula, and a lot of people use Navitol, see what happens. If it doesn't change in 30 days, it's not going to change in 60 days in terms of using like supplements enough. But get in shape, man, you might have to go slow and easy, but it's really important to strengthen muscles. Really important, Crystal. Good questions.
Connie... This is a very good question, "Should someone remove fillings like mercury and heavy metals?" I say no generally, because what I found is oftentimes if it's not done properly, then it can leak into your system. Look, if those things are not leaking, the mercury fillings, I would tell you to leave them there. And if your liver is clean... We talked about glutathione. Glutathione, your body makes glutathione, you need good vitamin D to make glutathione. It will leach that stuff, it'll chelate that stuff out of your body. I know a lot of people have over the years specialized dentistry to remove those fillings and look, I'm not against it, but generally would tell you I would go the other option rather than doing that. Keep your liver clean, make sure your glutathione levels are high. Make sure your vitamin D levels are high.
John, last question, "Is high blood pressure possible because of blockages caused by calcium?" Yeah, for sure. Of course. Plaque in the arteries, for sure. A lot of times plaque is very silent until you get a clot or you have a heart attack, but it can cause... Yeah, high blood pressure can be caused by that resistance in the blood vessels from damage, plaque, calcium. That's why I'm so big on vitamin K2. I'm big on butter, butter, butter, butter, butter, cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese, vitamin K2. That's why we put K2 in our vitamin D liquid, MK7, vitamin K2. I'm big on it. I love it more than K1 is K2 because of what it does. But remember, because this could be your question, John, I'm not sure because I haven't talked to you, but even this week we did teaching on high blood pressure and I talked, the number one reason of high blood pressure was because of insulin.
See, I'm bringing that like how do you get calcium in your blood vessels? Often starts with insulin resistance. Insulin resistance causes inflammation, inflammation left unchecked inside your blood vessels would damage your blood vessels. Your body tries to repair them with using plaque and a calcified plaque. So I'm bringing it back. You might say, yeah, well a calcified plaque cannot cause high blood pressure for sure. But again, I'm bringing it back a step or two, because I often talk about insulin, because that's one of the root causes of all heart disease because it creates inflammation. You know what I'm saying, John?
So guys, I think I answered them all. Okay, so thank you for watching guys. We appreciate it. Share this with your friends, get them to join the Martin Clinic private Facebook group. We'd love to have them as part of our community there. Get them to download The Doctor Is In podcast. Have you done your Christmas shopping yet? You know when they're saying, "You got to do it now because of all the problems in the supply chain." Well, how about getting your books and giving them out as a gift, the Reset, 30 days to change their life big time. Okay. Okay, guys, we love you. We'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!