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The selling of sickness is big business! From big pharma to big food, if you’ve been watching for the last 18 months, you know how much these large companies influence our society.
Dr. Martin shares a study that followed three groups of people for 6 years. The participants were placed in the different groups based on their metabolic biomarkers. The healthiest group, not a single person developed a chronic disease. The third “unhealthy” group had significantly higher rates of cancer, cardiovascular disease, heart attack, and stroke.
The study serves to show the importance of optimizing your metabolic biomarkers, something Dr. Martin has been teaching for years!
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. And welcome again to another Live here this morning. Guys, I'm just going to make a blanket statement and we're going to get into something that's really important here this morning. Nothing new, except a new study, but it's all stuff because I've talked about this in the past. But I just want to say this guys, I want to say this. A blanket statement. Selling sickness is a big business. Now my pet peeve, my pet peeve. One of the things that has frustrated me the most, in the last 18 months, has been the lack of talk about your body, its immune system, its ability to fight. You have an immune system. Selling sickness is a big business guys. It's unbelievable that we are not talking about our population in North America.
Fact. 88% of the population has some form of metabolic disorder, but selling sickness is a big business. Instead of talking... “hey folks...” Can you imagine the effect of telling people, promoting good health? And I'm going to tell you something folks, and you know this, so I'm preaching to the choir this morning. There is nothing that you can do that is better for your health than to start with food, food. You are what you eat. It doesn't affect your personality, but it sure affects your health. I was reading in Proverbs. Even there, don't eat too much honey. Written thousands of years ago, don't eat too much honey. Like honey's good, especially in those days, honey was good, but don't eat too much of it.
So guys think about this for a minute. News behind the news. I think we got to expose the frailty of especially North Americans, that our frailty is that we're so susceptible to disease because we don't take care of ourselves. Right? The gyms are full in January and empty in February. Why is that? “Oh, I didn't know it was going to be hard. I didn't know I'd have to make a commitment. I was hoping…” Because what the pharmaceutical industry... and guys look, there's two main drivers in terms of our society today, two main ones. That is the pharmaceutical industry, big pharma, and again, please don't come after me. They do wonderful things. They make wonderful medications. There are some meds that you need. If you get sick or whatever, I don't say let's take away the pharmaceutical industry. I'm not saying that at all. What I am saying is there is no one that influences our society and we've really seen it in the last 18 months, like big pharma.
And the second one is big food. There is seven or eight companies left in the food industry, the big ones. They bought up all the others and they drive the narrative. Big pharma drives the narrative. And nobody's talking about taking care of yourself, taking responsibility for your own body. You can't affect anybody else until you take care of yourself. And again, I know you know this, but I want to reinforce it by what I'm going to say in a new study. Done recently. That followed people for six years, and they came to some very interesting conclusions that I will share with you this morning. And it will encourage you to take care of yourself, to discipline yourself. I get a chance on a daily basis to pump up your tires, to keep you on the straight and narrow. Our private Facebook group, and that's great because it pumps people up. It's never easy to go against the narrative, like que sera sera, like you got no control over your body, so eat, drink and be merry.
No, because we live in a different world. I never in my lifetime thought I would see. Never in my lifetime, I thought I would see. Where society as a whole... And I can only speak of North America, where 88% of the population is not well. That's incredible, guys. So let me just tell you what they tested. They followed people for six years, okay, and let me just read it to you. How do you know if you are metabolically unhealthy? Well, you are metabolically healthy if you have an ideal waist measurement. Okay, so this is what this study said. Two, you have normal blood sugar levels. Three, you have normal blood pressure. Four, you have normal triglycerides and HDL. Isn't that interesting? When they did this study, they talked about the importance, not of having low cholesterol, of actually having high HDL and low triglycerides.
Okay? And, oh by the way, they said this in the study, and if you're not on any medications for any of those things. So you're not on statin drugs, you're not on blood pressure medication, you're not on Metformin or anything for your blood sugar. Normal or ideal waist. Okay. Ideal waist size. And what they're saying is for six years, they put people into three categories. Those who had ideal HDL and triglycerides, remember they go together, guys, they go together. 99.9% of the time, if you have low triglycerides, fat balls, and you know where they came from, because we talked about it yesterday, the liver. If you have normal triglycerides, you are going to have elevated HDL. Your HDL will be higher than your triglycerides. That's healthy. And a lot of people are upside down. They never know it. Even if they have blood work, they never know it because nobody talks about it, it's not flagged. The only time they ever flagged triglycerides is when they're through the stinking roof and guys, everything that was said, they're going to prove it with their studies. Okay?
So they took people that had better than normal measurements that I just talked to. Okay? Of metabolic biomarkers. Very good triglycerides in HDL, they go together, very good, low triglycerides, higher HDL. You want high cholesterol. Two, normal blood pressure, but they even went better than that, for one group. Okay. They followed the group when they measured their blood pressure. They were in ideal territory. That is 120 over 80. The middle group was 120 over 85. And the third group that they tested was over 130 in the top number and over 90, the second number. And remember, none of these people were on medication. They were just measured. You had three groups, one ideal. The second, what we would call, “oh, you're normal.” And third, even though nobody said they were sick, they had less than ideal numbers, in all categories. They had a tummy, they had belly fat. They had higher levels of blood pressure. Even though they were high/normal type of thing, they had high triglycerides and lower HDL. They were upside down on those markers. Their blood glucose and A1C was higher than it should be. They were put into categories. One very good. Two meh, normal. Three, not so good.
You know what happened after six years guys? They just followed them. After six years, you know the group that was ideal here? Not one in the group, 200 people in each group, terrific study, six years of data. You know what they found? The people that had ideal biomarkers, none of them, not one of them got a chronic disease in six years. Not one of them got cancer. Not one of them had heart disease, like a heart attack or a stroke or whatever. Not one of them got an autoimmune disorder. Not one of them became diabetics. Not one of them. The middle group, a few. And the third group had significantly higher rates of cancer, cardiovascular disease, heart attack, and stroke, in six years.
The third group, some of them got dementia. Alzheimer's. The chronic diseases that you and I talk about on a daily basis. That third group were in deep doo-do, even before they started the study. The moral of the story is it all has to do with food, because the people in the first group of the best of the best, 12% of the population, according to huge studies, are in this group. 12%, that's it. And you know what the number one characteristic is? Because it affects your blood pressure, it affects your blood sugar, it affects your inflammation, it's insulin. And more specifically, it's insulin resistance. It's the common denominator. The study proved it. Your triglycerides and HDL and insulin, it's food.
Somebody asked me the other day, why are you so passionate? I think they meant to say, why are you so loud? They used the word passionate not to offend me. You won't offend me if you call me loud. Okay? Because I'm loud. You know, my son introduces me... And by the way, I think we're going to do a webinar next week. We talked about it yesterday, Tony Jr and I, we're going to do a webinar next week. We'll let you know, okay? We'll let you know, but it looks like it's on. Remember in the days when there was live seminars? I miss those days. I'm a people person. I love people. I love to put my arms around people, talk to them face to face, without a mask. But my son used to introduce me and say, "here's my dad. Who's got a built-in microphone in his throat." I got a loud voice. I think it was because we had 11 children, not my wife and I, but I came from a home of 11 children. We had to scream to get heard. That's the excuse I use. All of my family's pretty loud.
So all I'm saying guys, think about this. I know you know this, but I just got to tell you again, when I read these studies, I scream inside. World! Wake up! It's food! It's food! If you want to be healthy, you better start with that. It's the foundation. It's the first thing. I know vitamin E is important. Exercise, it's good. I love it. It's wonderful. But you cannot out exercise a bad diet. I know fasting is good. I get people coming at me every day, "Doc, you don't talk about fasting enough." Well, I like fasting. I like fasting without fasting, especially, but I like fasting. But you can’t out fast a bad diet. You can't. I love probiotics. You know that. Foundational supplement, you know that, but you can't out supplement a bad diet. You can't. You can't out supplement vitamin D-ish.
You know how much I love vitamin D. Every day I could do a show on vitamin D. Every day, I mean it. That's how many studies there are on the importance of VitDerma. The real thing that you need for your immune system. If you don't have VitDerma, your immune system, not going to work properly, but you can't take vitamin D and outdo a bad diet, guys. You can't. Because at the root of all disease, its food. And there's a hormone that your body secretes, that is the key. It's called insulin. And if your insulin isn't right, if you have insulin resistance, you're on the Titanic. Oh, it might look good. Very scenic. Look at the stars, they're so beautiful. Because you might not have any symptoms. Nobody analyzed you properly. There's clues, but nobody told you even to look for those clues.
So you're stargazing on the Titanic. And you might be even rearranging the deck chairs. That's not going to fix it. That won't fix it. You better turn the ship around. You're going to hit an iceberg. And this study of six years, proved my point. If you had good levels of insulin, which would give you equals good levels of biomarkers... blood pressure, belly fat, triglycerides, and HDL, blood glucose A1C. I like a few others too, that I put into metabolic syndrome. CRP, C-reactive protein, even uric acid. I put those in those metabolic categories. And here's the other couple of things that Tony Jr and I do. To put in metabolic categories because they should be measured as part of metabolic syndrome. Vitamin D, your dehydroxy, your vitamin D in your bloodstream. How much is it? Because I'm telling you if you got bad levels of that, or not optimized levels of that, it's a biomarker to tell you that you're not healthy.
Anyway I don't want to get sidetracked too much. The other one that I put into a metabolic category, and this is just me personally over the years, that it was part and parcel, was B12. What are your levels of B12? Because it did have an effect on insulin. Your food has an effect on that. Anyways, you see guys? There are no guarantees in life. There's no guarantees. You could be the healthiest person in the world. Never eat another piece of sugar or carb in your life, but you can still get hit by a bus. Do you know what I'm saying? And even if you're the most perfect eater in the universe, you will age. Now you're going to age slower, but you're still going to age. It's the second law of thermodynamics. Okay? You know what the second law of thermodynamics is? Everything deteriorates.
I used to be young. Okay? I used to have a full head of hair. I miss it. I never had a wrinkle, at one time. So I'm not looking, guys, for perfection, okay? We're all going to age. We're going to deteriorate. That's the second law of thermodynamics. And when people tell me they're going to live til 120, I tell them I don't think so. The odds are pretty stacked up against you. What I tell people is, I want you to be healthy. I don't want to live til I'm 110. I don't. Not if I'm not healthy. Not if I don't have my brain. Not if I can't move. Not if I don't have quality of life. I'm so thankful. I am. I am thankful. Okay? By the grace of God, I'm healthy. I like that. I'm very thankful about that, by the way, okay? I am. And I try and do my part. I'm not telling you guys to do anything that I don't do.
Isn't that an interesting study? It made me pontificate for quite a while, because I get so worked up. We got a problem, Houston. Did you read The Reset yet? We got a problem. Houston, we got a problem. You're not part of the problem, you're part of the solution. I want people going out there, and with the people that you can influence. You know how I built my practice over the years? Referral. People said "go see this guy. He's going to measure you, not your waist." Although we could. "He's going to do testing that most doctors don't do. Go see him." I built my practice like that. But not only that, getting results. But I was a simple person, I wasn't that complicated. Your body is complicated, but we try and make it simple. Do what you can do. Get in that good category of people. Get in there. Get in that group. And what it is, it's food. Primarily. There you go.
Tomorrow is Question and Answer Friday. Fun. We always have fun. So it's not too late, you can send your questions in, for Question and Answer Friday. You can sign up for the Martin Clinic private Facebook group, if you're not part of it. You can sign up for The Doctor Is In podcast and newsletter. We send out about two newsletters a week, via your email. If you're not getting that, you need to sign up for it, and we send you a newsletter. A lot of these studies are right in the newsletter. You can sign up for, on your smart device, The Doctor Is In podcast. You can listen to them again. Repetition, repetition, repetition. Okay? Thanks for putting up with the rants. Okay? We appreciate it. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!