A Bible verse that Dr. Martin loves is Proverbs 23:23. It says, “get the truth and never sell it.”
In today’s episode, Dr. Martin discusses the 7 Pillars of Truth, as far as your health is concerned. He urges listeners to “get the truth” in the overarching principles he consistently teaches about.
The 7 things that will help you stay healthy are better food choices, water, exercise, sleep, managing stress, gut health, and vitamin D. Dr. Martin teaches on the importance of each of these items.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Good morning, everyone. Once again, welcome to another Facebook Live, soon-to-be podcast. Hope you're having a great start to your day. We appreciate you guys very much. I got to share a verse. You want to memorize a verse in the Bible? Would you like to do that? You can memorize it. I like easy. So I'm going to show you something easy. I've mentioned this to you before, but I'm going to say it again. Proverbs 23:23. It's easy to remember where it is. It's in the Book of Proverbs. It's in chapter 23 and it's verse 23. You know what it says? "Get the truth and never sell it." I love that verse. "Get the truth and never sell it." This morning, I want to talk to you about “The 7 Pillars of Truth”, as far as your body is concerned. Get the truth and never sell it. Whenever I bring something in every morning, it's going to be one of these pillars, overarching principles. I'll get them up and we'll post them on the private Facebook group afterwards. Get the truth and never sell it.
Here's the truth about your body. Seven things that will help you to stay healthy. For those who are not healthy, it will help to restore your health. It seems simplistic, in a lot of ways it is, but it's really important, because most people, most people, they go through life and they fly by the seat of their pants. Do you know what I mean by that? That's an old pilot expression. You got to be my age. I tell young people, "Do you know what that means to fly by the seat of your pants?" And they don't know what I'm talking about. My grandchildren, they look at me like I got two heads. "What does that mean, grandpa?" Well, it was the old bush pilots and I knew quite a few of them. My days in Northern Ontario flying up North, and the old bush pilots, they didn't even have instruments. And they could tell by the pressure in the seat of their pants, whether they were flying this way or upside down, it's really important, because you get into the clouds and the bad weather, they flew by the seat of their pants.
But a lot of people do that with their bodies. They fly by the seat of their pants. They have no plan. If you have no plan for your health, you have a plan, all right, to fail. And this is the problem, because a lot of people, they're metabolically very unwell and they have no plan to get out of it. I try and teach, especially young people, listen, you need a plan for your body. You need a plan to be healthy. It's not going to happen by osmosis. "You know what? I think I'm going to think healthy. You know? I'm going to think healthy." Okay. I mean, I guess having a good attitude helps, but it's not going to fix. The mind over matter, there are things you got to do. So that's what we're going to talk about, the pillars of health this morning, get the truth and never sell it, okay?
These are not necessarily in order of importance, because they're all important. And I've just been thinking in the last few days about what do I talk about all the time? Well, food, probably more than anything else. So, that's something you can control, food, nutrition. You don't need a degree, guys. I'm going to give you honorary degrees, and Tony Jr. and I actually talked about it. We're coming out with a course on nutrition 101 and we'll let you know. We're planning to do it this fall. Get the truth and never sell it. Get nutrition right. I was thinking about this. How do you get nutrition right? Well, one way, it's a negative thing. If a food is less than 100 years old, might be best to avoid it. The middle aisles of your grocery store. It's a rule of thumb. Let me read to you, this came out on the weekend that I saw it, hold on, let me bring it to you. 2 million food in the supermarket. So, all across North America, there's approximately 2 million foods. I never counted. Out of 2 million foods in the supermarket, 70% of them have added sugar to them, 70%. So, unless you stay on the parameters of your grocery store, you get into the middle aisles, just about... Now, it's probably up to about 95% to 98% of foods have added sugar.
Now, listen, we had sugar 100 years ago. It was very expensive. And I'll tell you what we didn't have is the one that is made in the lab, it's called high-fructose corn syrup. It's made in the laboratory. That is the sweetener food industry uses. It's addictive. It's like cocaine. It's in almost everything from ketchup to you name it. And it is deadly poison in my opinion. The problem is, it's just like putting a little bit of arsenic in your food, it won't kill you overnight. It's a slow poisoning effect, but that's what's happening. Get the truth and never sell it. You see, you got to read your labels. And think of fast foods, guys, were they around 100 years ago? Well, the first fast food was bread. It became a fast food, because they went from using a stone ground mill... So the wheat had still all of its B vitamins, had all of its proteins, its nutrition. And then they went to rollers, porcelain rollers, because they wanted to mass produce bread, and they bleached it. And what happened? All the nutrients were gone.
Now, it was a high-carb food, fast food. And it wasn't until the 1920s or '30s that they started to enrich bread. They put fake vitamins in it. It was so devoid of any nutrition, they put fake vitamins in it to enrich it. Guys, that's the history of fast foods. It started it with bread. You go to the grocery store, look at the bread shelves. I mean, they're huge, with a lot of different types. The vast majority are very devoid. They're just high-carb foods, turn to sugar in five nanoseconds, going to spike your insulin like nobody's business. And people don't understand that, they don't have that truth. You do. And people look at bread like the biblical times, the manna from heaven, and it's good for you. Not anymore. Not like it used to be.
That's why I'm saying, if it wasn't available 100 years ago... The big thing is you put sugar with bad oil, your seed oils, things that are preserved in the middle aisles of your grocery stores, from your cookies to your crackers, to crappy dinner, to whatever, they're in packages, most packaged goods, they have hydrogenated oil, they have these seed oils. Procter & Gamble, they were the first ones out with it. Betty Crocker, I'm giving you names. No, but seriously, guys, these, in nutrition, if you avoid anything like that, live mostly from the animal kingdom, secondary plant kingdom, you're going to be a lot healthier. Don't live on fruit. Don't live on veggies. Let me bring you something that came up this weekend too. “Vegans and vegetarians are 23% lower levels of ubiquinol.” Do you know what that is? Ubiquinol, have you heard of it? That's CoQ10. The one that your body needs, there's ubiquinone and ubiquinol, CoQ10. I've talked to you about CoQ10, because CoQ10 is very important. Do I talk about supplementing it? Maybe, I like CoQ10, I put it in our Navitol Heart and Brain. It's really good for you. I put ubiquinol, the one you want. But if you're a vegetarian or a vegan, just to show you how important it is to get away from that, the truth sometimes hurts.
I was watching a movie the other night, the stewardess came to ask this couple, "Do you want to have vegetarian or a meat dish?" It's like religion, like veganism or vegetarianism, and it's very popular, and it's saving the planet, according to the elites, the meatless craze and all this. Guys, I'm telling you, get the truth and never sell it. You better not be a vegetarian and you better not be a vegan, because it's not true, it's not the best for you. It's not the healthiest. You're missing too many things, and one of them is ubiquinol, CoQ10. They advertise for ubiquinol, if you're taking a statin drug, which if you're over 50, above 50% of the population, I have a new study, maybe I'll bring it out tomorrow, on cholesterol-lowering medication.
Well, one thing it does, it'll drive the CoQ10 out of your body. One of the reasons we see people with such, can I use the word, weak or feeble hearts, one of the reasons we see so much arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, is because people live on vegetables and fruit, there's no CoQ10 in them, your heart muscle needs CoQ10, every little battery pack within your cell, the mitochondria, it needs CoQ10. And I don't tell you so much to take it as a supplement, although you could. I tell you to eat it, eat vitamin S and you're going to get your CoQ10. So, one of the things, the foundational things, seven things you need, one is nutrition, cut out the stinking sugars. Amazing. Cut out the vegetable oils and you'll be healthier than 90% of the population for sure. Yeah. Man-made foods, stay away from it as much as you can. That's the truth, guys. Get the truth and never sell it.
Two, hydrate, water, vitamin W, two liters every day, this is the truth, brought to you by the Martin Clinic, been around for over 100 years. Drink water. And here's my bullets on water. 70%, 80% of the population is low in it. If they had a little gauge, they could read most people are close to empty when it comes to water and hydration. You have 60,000 miles of blood vessels. And one of the things that makes your life go is when blood goes round and round and round and round, and your heart is just the pump. Pumps over 100,000 times a day. But when you have thick blood, when the viscosity of your blood, when you are dehydrated, "Oh, Doctor, I'm not thirsty." Who said thirst? Don't wait for that. And I know, something you are saying already. "I'm so confused." Look, I'm telling you the truth. Don't be confused, and nothing else is water, just water. I like mineral water, spring water, it's got a better pH. You can make your own, tap water, filter it and put some salt in it. Be hydrated, eat right. Be hydrated, numero two.
And we can go a lot more. I can talk to you again about your salt. There's two oceans in your body, inside your cells and outside your cells, sodium on the outside, potassium on the inside of the cell. It's really important, but you'll never get high blood pressure from salt, it's sugar. Your tears are made of salt. Your saliva is salt. Your blood is salt. You need salt. You don't need sugar in your blood, by the way, you don't. Everything in your body fights to get sugar out of your blood, get it out, get it out, get it out. Can't stay in your bloodstream. It'll destroy your blood vessel. But not salt. "Oh, Doc, I eat a salt-free diet." That's stupid. What are you doing that for? "Yeah, but my cardiologist." No, but they got that wrong and they got everything else wrong too. The only time your blood pressure will go up in the presence of salt is when you don't drink enough water. What is the rule of thumb? Two liters, 64 ounces for my American friends. Measure it out. You sweat, drink more, drink more. Numero two, hydrate, Vitamin W.
Three, and again, not necessarily in order, vitamin E, exercise, move. Here's a new one. I'll bring it to you right now, because I saw it on the weekend. As the winter sets in, that was the story on this study. A study of 1,000 men and women who walked every day, five days a week, at least five days a week, for 20 minutes, here was a study, 43% less sick days compared to those who exercise only once a week. What is it about vitamin E? Get moving. You are meant to move. Now, after 46 years or so of practice, what did I tell you? Hundreds of thousands of patients, all exercise is good, here's the best, resist exercise, weight exercise, 15 to 20 minutes, three to four times a week. You don't have to go long, but that's the best. Now, you like walking, walk too. Walking is great. Just move, helps everything. But you want be strong? You want a brain that works properly? You need vitamin E and the best for your brain, the best for your heart, the best for all, you need strong muscles. Very important.
So number five, vitamin S2, vitamin S is steak, vitamin S2 is sleep. Get your sleep and never sell it. Sleep's important. Remember the other day when we did a session and I talked about the self-cleaning oven? Your body self cleans when you sleep. Seventy, at least, percent of the population don't sleep properly. You need to sleep and don't sedate yourself to sleep, okay? "Oh, Doc, I take a sleeping pill, because I don't sleep without it." Your brain has its own area, its own lymphatic system, to clean itself. Isn't that amazing? When you sleep, especially when you're into the REM sleep, rapid eye movement sleep. When you're in that stage, that's when the self-cleaning oven really works. But it don't work if you sedate yourself, it just doesn't. And that's why there's such a connection, in my opinion, between sleeping pills and dementia now. "Yeah, but I slept." No, you knocked yourself out. Have you ever gone and had surgery where they put you under sedation? You come under the... "Man, I just feel fantastic." Nah, not usually, it's like you've been in a war. "Yeah. I don't remember anything about it." Thank God they put you to sleep to get an operation. But you can't say it's fun. Anesthetic. Nah, you don't want to be sedated. Sleep.
Get stress right, the new smoking, stress. Well, there's always been stress. Your body was given two adrenal glands, not one of them, adrenal, two of them on top of your kidneys, they secrete a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol is the fight or flight. It's meant to have a part-time job. And today, in this day and age, one of the biggest things I've been screaming about, the unintended consequences of lockdowns. People need people, we need each other. Locking grandma up in the old age home wasn't always the best idea, no. But stress, you see, stress, family dynamics, stress, prolonged cortisol. It, as I mentioned yesterday, pours gasoline on the fire of inflammation.
So, if you got a bad diet, you got inflammation. Because your insulin has gone up. You have insulin resistance. It creates inflammation. Cortisol gets poured on top of that and now you're putting gasoline to that fire of inflammation. And this is why I talk about how it is a big, big factor when it comes to heart disease, it destroys your blood vessels over a period of time, it affects the endothelial level over a period of time, inflammation does, but cortisol pours gasoline on it. Plus cancer, breast cancer, ladies, especially. Cortisol, got to get that down. Stress, exercise helps, vitamin E helps.
Get your gut right. Get your gut right, number six, get your gut right. Hippocrates was right. "All disease," he said, "starts in the gut." Man, that guy was a genius. Get your gut right. "Now, oh, Doc, my gut is all right. I don't have any symptoms." That doesn't mean you don't have leaky gut. Leaky gut, leaky lungs. Leaky gut, leaky brain. Leaky gut, leaky skin. Leaky gut, leaky joints. Leaky gut, leaky horror-mones a lot of times. That war that goes on internally, you can't see it, it's microscopic, it's a war. Don't get beat in the war. Get your gut right. It's why I talk to you almost daily about probiotics and don't feed the bears.
There's a sign when you drive into Timmins, right, Josée? And right, Kim? And others from Timmins. You drive in there and there's a sign says, "Don't feed the bears." Like I don't know, does anybody just go, "Here bear, bear, bear, come here." I don't know why they put that there. Who wants to feed a bear? But don't feed your bears. Don't feed the bad bacteria, because you're going to get east coming out the wazoo. It's that third army that will come in, invade. It will invade your lungs. It will invade your sinuses. It will invade your brain. That's why MS and Parkinson's and other auto-immune disorders. They see so much of it. And remember, if you have high levels of mercury, lead, cadmium, even iron, in hemochromatosis, a lot of times that's because you got too much yeast, too much fungus, candida. Fix your gut, that's number six.
Now, number 7, “sunshine on your shoulder makes you happy.” VitDerma, get the truth and never sell it. If there's a vitamin that you need every day, and I mean it, seven days a week, almost 365 days a year... I get a new study on the importance of vitamin D. VitDerma, do not avoid the sun, please. You need it. The human solar panel, that's you, VitDerma. If it would only get the ink it deserves, as our Health Minister in Canada said, "It's fake news,” bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical company. Vitamin D, I'm going to bring you a study, a new one out, actually there was three new ones out in the last three days. Even on Labour Day, there was a new study that I read, just came out, on vitamin D and its effectiveness. We'll talk about that. I won't go into great detail today.
You need vitamin D. One of the most important tests that you can have done is find out what your levels are of vitamin D. It's one of the most important tests that they just don't do, because all they can think of, you have to understand where they're coming from. I'm talking about medicine and nutritionists, then people that don't know what they're talking about. "Vitamin D, but yeah, yeah, that's for your bones." I get a headache. My blood pressure goes up. You can't have a healthy immune system without vitamin D. Just think of any area in your body, any area in your body, it doesn't work properly without vitamin D, guys, it just doesn't. It just doesn't. So, there you go… Seven pillars of health, the truth. Get the truth, never sell it. Did you memorize that yet?
I like to get people to memorize verses in the Bible. I like the easy ones. Isn't that easy? Get the truth and never sell it. Okay, guys, now, housekeeping, I got some questions that I didn't answer on Friday. Let me see if I can pull those out and do that maybe tomorrow or whatever. I'll look at it. See if we have a program with that. Friday is Question and Answer Friday, the private Facebook group, thank you for joining up. We appreciate it very, very, very much. And what a community. We love it in there, okay... great. Did you get your Christmas gifts yet? You want to give a gift of health, give them the book, The Reset. Thank you for making it number one in the health category. Numero uno, you guys did that. We thank you for it. Makes a great gift. It's back in stock. Okay, we love you guys and we'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!