When you are insulin resistant, your pancreas needs to produce increasingly more insulin to remove sugar from your bloodstream. The insulin takes those sugars and parks it in your liver, your fat cells… and in your muscles, which is the preferred destination. This is why weight resistance exercises are the best for your health. You are creating more bins in your muscles to store glucose.
For years now, we have known that sugar feeds cancer cells, but we didn’t know the mechanism used to do this. We now know the enzyme p31k diverts sugar, which was meant to be stored in your muscles, into cancer cells. This is especially true if you are insulin resistant!
Join Dr. Martin in today’s episode as he unpacks this discovery. He also teaches on fatty acids and how cancer tumours need this fuel to grow.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. And once again, welcome to another Live this morning. Hope you're having a great start to your day, that you've had your vitamin C, your coffee. This is hot off the press, so you guys... I'm going to do a teaching this morning twofold. Now, if you do not get our emails, then please sign up to get the emails, because this morning we put out an email, and this is what I want to do a teaching on this morning. This is hot off the presses for cancer. Hot off the press. And so I want to do a little teaching this morning. I want to do a little teaching this morning, on cancer, how to prevent it. Okay?
Now, I've got my old atlas out. I had this from my school days in the 70s, the Anatomical Chart Series Classic Library Edition. I have it out this morning. There's actually a page here on... You're going to see this upside down, but understanding what it says right at the top of this page, understanding cancer. Now this is in the 1970s, guys, and we understand a lot more today than we did back then, but we're going to go through this based on two major stories that have come out recently. Two major discoveries actually is a better word. Two major discoveries. You might've heard about it because I talked about one of them, but this second one, and I'll start with that one first, is hot off the press, guys.
Now I don't want to get into the weeds too much. I don't want to make this too complicated. So let me break this down. A major cancer discovery, major cancer discovery, has to do with insulin resistance. So the first one we're going to talk about... And remember, remember, remember, when we talk about insulin resistance, we're talking about food. You have an organ in your body dedicated, dedicated, to releasing insulin, and you're only going to release insulin when you eat. And here's what we know. When you eat the wrong type of foods, you need a lot of insulin. It's as simple as that.
So, remember, again, I use this illustration. I take out a ballpoint pen, and pretend, because this is the size of your pancreas, guys, that sits underneath your stomach. That's why I use it. I like the illustration. A ballpoint pen is the size of your pancreas. What does your pancreas do? Well, it does a lot of things, but two major things it does. One, it releases insulin. So every diabetic knows that and you guys know this because we have been talking about it for as long as I've been in practice. Insulin, insulin. The other thing it does, your pancreas releases pancreatic enzymes. And I had talked to you on an earlier podcast about that area of your pancreas is the one you usually get cancer in. And there's so much pancreatic cancer today. It is out of control.
So here's your pancreas. The ink inside the pen is your insulin, for the sake of illustration. And when you eat crappy carbohydrates, sugars, you need a lot of insulin. If you have a steak, you don't need a lot of insulin. So you're never going to get insulin resistance eating eggs, meat and cheese. You never ever become a diabetic, ever, by eating eggs, meat, and cheese. You become a diabetic when you live on sugar and crappy carbohydrates. Remember what I've always said? Diabetes is an allergy. It is an allergy to carbohydrates. Before you get diabetes, though, one becomes insulin resistant. Before you become a diabetic, one develops insulin resistance.
How do you develop insulin resistance? When you insist on eating crappy carbs and sugars your pancreas secretes lots of insulin to do its job. Your cells at the cellular level eventually see insulin as the enemy. They can't stand it. It's a bad neighbor, always coming around. You can't get rid of it. So your cells develop what we call insulin resistance. So now you have even an occasional treat of carbohydrates, your pancreas has to secrete even more insulin to do the same job because your cells are resisting insulin. That is never a good thing when you develop insulin resistance, okay?
And I've done many, many a podcast when your body says, "Hello? Hey, you out there. I have insulin resistance." And there's about 20 different signs. And maybe we need to do that again. How do I know if I have insulin resistance? But for today's teaching, I'm not going to go into that. I'm not going to go into it. But if you're a bad eater, I don't care if you're skinny, fat, it don't matter. You can have insulin resistance and be skinny as a rake and not be healthy at all. You're on the Titanic. Insulin resistance.
Now, when you have bread, pasta, rice, cereal, sugar, sweets, pastries, juice, milk... When you eat that, your body converts that to sugar in a nanosecond. "Oh, Dr. Martin, I have whole wheat bread." I don't care. It don't matter. It's going to be sugar in nanoseconds. Insulin has a job to do. If you have insulin resistance, it's just going to pour more insulin at the problem, because it must, like a traffic cop, it must move sugar out of your bloodstream. Sugar can never stay in your bloodstream. If it does, it is highly destructive. So you got that? You're following me here?
Insulin takes sugar and says, "Come here. I'm going to park you, because we got a traffic jam and I got to get you parked. So you come here." What does it do? It parks it in your liver. It parks sugar in your fat cells. And it parks sugar in the place that it would prefer to park it, in your muscles. You see that's why it's important to have big bins because you've got more places to store sugar. That's why you... Note me, I'm always, always, talking about the right type of exercise. All vitamin E, exercise, the real vitamin E is exercise. All of it is good. You go for a walk? Good. You bike? Good. You swim? Good. All good. But some things are better.
The best exercise is weight resistance. You want to build muscle. I know we talk about cardio, cardio, cardio, for years, cardio, cardio, cardio. But the best thing is muscle, because you got bigger storage bins so insulin can take sugar and store it properly. One of the enzymes, again, I don't want to get into weeds, I'm trying to simplify this. I'm a simple guy. I have to learn this stuff myself to teach it. But there's an enzyme, it's called p31K, p31K. Kinase, p31 kinase. Again, you don't have to memorize that, but that enzyme is the one that is used by your body to deliver sugar into muscle. It's the enzyme that moves glucose into muscle.
Here's the problem. When you have insulin resistance, bad eater. When you have insulin resistance, p31 kinase, p31K, diverts the glucose, this is important, it diverts the glucose, not into your muscle. It diverts it into cancer cells. Now remember what we've said. Cancer cells, I'm always trying to use illustrations, maybe you have a better one, I'm always open to suggestions, but cancer cells are like teenagers. Generally teenagers are always hungry. True or false? They're usually pretty hungry and they love junk. Now you might have a very disciplined teenager, but most teenagers, and kids, if you offer them ice cream, they like that stuff. They want sugar. You should hear my grandchildren, they're so funny. "Grandpa. You're always talking against sugar, Grandpa." They know me.
So cancer cells, well-established, guys, this is well established. And you should be hearing this on a daily basis. It's so well established, but the food industry and the pharmaceutical industry hate this message. They don't want you talking about it. But cancer cells need fuel. I always use the example of a PET scan, not for your pets. It's imaging, where did they give you a cup of glucose, radioactive glucose. You drink it. They put you in the imaging, the machine, and if you got cancer anywhere from your head to your toes, you light up like a Christmas tree. In itself that ought to be enough for any oncologist. Imagine being a cancer doctor and you know nothing about food. Ooh. Think about that for a minute.
Anyways, you guys, you do, because cancer cells are teenagers, out of control, that need fuel. And the first part of the teaching this morning is p31 kinase in the presence of insulin resistance will divert glucose from being stored in your muscle to be sent inside of cancer cells. It gives them fuel. Guys, can I tell you something? I didn't know that mechanism. I knew about sugar and I've written about it for many, many books. I wrote a book, Are You Built For Cancer? And one of the biggest things was talking about how sugar feeds cancer cells. But I didn't exactly know the mechanism, because the more we study the more we're finding out that p31 kinase diverts sugar, which was meant to be stored in your muscle, and diverts it into cancer cells.
That's the first part of our teaching this morning. Again, all of this is summarized in the email sent out today. If you don't get that get it because you can review it. But for the sake of teaching, you know what? Here's how I learn. I just want to tell you how I learn. And I've often shared these secrets with friends, and people I know, or whatever. This is how I learn. I learned, when I was in school in the 1970s, because I was a bad student. In high school I majored in recess. I hated school. I loved sports and hated school. But in order to become a doctor, you better learn to be a good student. So I learned to be a good student.
I found out the secret for me was repetition and writing it out. I'm a guy that you see the pen, I know I'm using it as an illustration this morning, but I like illustrations. I like in my own mind to simplify things, write it, write it and get it simple. Keep it simple stupid, KISS. The KISS method was for me. I tried to break everything down and actually I used to like to teach others so that I could learn myself. I would learn it and simplify it and then I would teach it to others. I still do that today. That's why I love doing the podcast. I love this live Facebook because it's just something that I really enjoy because I like to keep it simple.
The human body, unbelievable, fearfully and wonderfully made. I always tell my atheistic friends, "I don't know how you can study the human body, especially if you use a microscope, and not say, 'Man, oh man, the intelligence of this body.” I'm a big believer in the designer. It didn't just happen by chance, guys. It's too complicated. It's too complex. Now, that's number one. So p31K. It's an enzyme, p31 kinase, is an enzyme that diverts sugar meant to go into and to be stored into muscle and it's sent to feed a cancer cell. It's good news because we know it. It's bad news for bad eaters. Cancer cells need fuel.
Now, teaching number two. We're going to talk about something that we've already done, but I'm going to teach it again this morning. Repetition, repetition, repetition. Now cancer cells are not tumors. They become tumors. Phase one, phase one, cancer cells need fuel, sugar. Phase two, cancer cells become tumors. So I'm going to show you a picture here and, again, I don't know how close you can see this. So I'm pointing my pen, for those on a podcast, of course you can't see what we can see on the Facebook. There's a tumor. See that? That's a tumor. Inside a blood vessel. There's a tumor in there. It's grown into a tumor. Okay?
Now this is important. Phase one, we understand what cancer cells need, sugar, and we understand about p31K. Now I'm going to talk to you about fatty acids. When cancer cell becomes a tumor, they want to switch fuels. This is really interesting. This is so fascinating. When a cancer cell, many of them, form a tumor, inside the tumor the pH changes. We've talked about this in terms of pH. Now what is acidic? Sugar. Not a tomato. Yes, a tomato is acidic, but your body knows how to buffer a tomato. You're not changing your pH. Actually, if you eat a lot of tomatoes, your body releases sodium bicarbonate to make it alkaline. But anyway, I don't want to get into the weeds.
A tumor needs fatty acids, fat. Here's how they grow. This is unreal, guys, this is unreal. Sugar is made a tumor, got that? Sugar made the tumor. Cancer cell became a tumor. They needed sugar to do it. And sugar makes you acidic, much more acidic. And so there's an environment of the tumor to grow. But now they search for another food. They're looking for fatty acids. Fatty acids. A tumor will look for a fatty acid. That's fat. But, as they're searching, they've got a radar looking for fatty acids and you're eating a lot of omega-6 or polyunsaturated fatty acids. Tumors love that stuff.
But you know what makes them explode? If you read the email you know this. If you've read our emails, even in the past, you would know this. Do you know what makes... And I'll actually post it again on the Facebook group. I'll post. In 14 days or less, a tumor in the presence of high, what kind of fatty acid? DHA. What is that? DHA is the long chain fatty acid. It's fat, but it's a long chain fatty acid. In the presence of lots of DHA do you know what a tumor does? Doesn't multiply. Doesn't grow, grow, grow. It explodes, explodes. It dissolves.
Guys, this should be on every major broadcast. This is fascinating. And you hardly ever hear about it. The crime of the mainstream media is that they don't report these things. It's almost like it's not newsworthy because our world, but just the way it is guys, our world is not into prevention. The food industry, the pharmaceutical industry, mainstream media, and mainstream medicine, is not into prevention. It's into management. And management is meds, not food. So you hardly hear about this. You hardly hear that a cancer cell in its infancy needs fuel. When cancer cells form a tumor, they're looking for another fuel.
And this is why I always talk to you about if you take away sugar out of your diet, as much as possible, or completely for some people. People ask me, probably every day I get a question about, "Oh my sister, my mother, my aunt, my friend has cancer, doc. What should they do?" Well, you know what? You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink it. So if it's you, you're listening, use it. But if you're talking to someone that doesn't listen to our podcast, our teaching, or doesn't read emails and they know nothing really, it's hard to convince them because it goes against the grain. It's hard to convince them that cancer in its infancy needs sugar, and when it matures into a tumor, it needs sugar, and it needs fatty acids. And it looks for the bad fatty acids. It looks for vegetable oils, crappy carbs in the middle aisles of your grocery store. Guys, this is ground breaking research.
And you can't control everything in life. You can walk out of here today, out of your home, and you could get hit by a bus. You're not going to control everything. I was driving down the highway couple of weeks ago and a car, I don't know the guy must've been texting or something, he just left his lane and was coming up my lane, and I wasn't going very fast. I was thankful I saw him coming. Where am I going to go? Into the ditch? Or do I get back in his lane? because he left his lane and was in my lane. I honked the horn, and I guess he quit texting. He looked up and he's in my lane and he got back into his lane before I... you know?
You can't control everything in life. I couldn't control that guy. He was texting, I think, or drinking, I don't know what he was doing. I wanted to turn around and follow him and punch him in the nose. Seriously... or maybe he fell asleep for a second, I don't know, but you can't control everything. That's what I'm saying. But you can control some things and it's important to control what you put in your mouth, guys. P31K, it diverts fuel meant to go to your muscles to be stored. It feeds cancer cells. Sugar. Crappy carbs. They're looking for crappy oils, fat, crappy fat. Not steak, not eggs, not cheese. They don't like that. Cancer cells want crappy oils. Man-made mostly.
Man, we learned so much. Anyway, that was my teaching for today. I get excited just because I'm thrilled. I mean it. I count it as a privilege to be able to bring you this stuff. I thank you for trusting me to go in behind the scenes of the news in the health news and bring you some things that you can latch on to and use in your own personal life. I mean it, I count it as a privilege that you would take your time out of your day and listen to this old guy here. It's a privilege.
Guys, I'm going to post that picture of a dissolving tumor, phase one, and phase two. Phase one, cancer cells, ravenous teenagers, looking for sugar, and two, tumors looking for fatty acids, bad oil, bad fat. And in the presence of DHA, they are destroyed. I love it. They are destroyed.
Now, Friday Question and Answer, so send in your questions. If you're not a member of the private Facebook group, please join that. If you do not get our podcast on your smartphone, please do that. Review, review, review. Tell your friends, your family. They might not be able to watch us live on weekday mornings, but you can tell them they can get the podcast. All of these are turned into podcasts for them. We love you guys. We'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!