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There is an epidemic happening amongst women, and it’s called iron deficiency. A recent study is showing that 21% of women in North America between the ages of 15 and 49 are anemic. That’s nearly a quarter of women!
Dr. Martin talks about iron deficiency, and specifically about anemia in today’s episode. He shares reasons why so many women are low in iron, and offers ways to reverse the trend.
A second study about diabetes is showing how diabetics don’t eat the minimum amount of protein they need. Dr. Martin reminds listeners how diabetes is a food problem, and not one of genetics. A diagnosis of diabetes is truly a death sentence, but it can be avoided… provided you change your fuel!
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another Live this morning and hope you're having a good start to your day, you've had your vitamin C. Now, we're going to have a chat this morning about a new study that came out on anemia. It's a big problem, anemia is on the increase in North America. The study is saying this... and I agree a million percent. Anemia is on the rise in North America and listen to this statistic... 21% of women in North America, 21%, just about a quarter of women between the ages of 15 and 49 are anemic. There's really two types of anemia. A lot of times they're mixed up, and that's alright because they're very similar etiology. I'll explain that in a second.
Twenty-one percent of women are anemic, between the ages of 15 and 49. That's a big problem. Now, it's interesting to me, before I come back to anemia, you and I have talked about it in the past, a condition called hemochromatosis. You know what that is? It's too much iron. There's iron deficiency, big problem, but you'd have to use the word an epidemic amongst women, especially, and then there's a big problem in society on the other side of it. It's called hemochromatosis, and that is too much iron in people's blood, they've got blood like molasses. Okay? I don't know if we've done a full session on it, but we've talked about it. Anemia, not enough iron. Iron deficient anemia. And hemochromatosis, too much iron. And let me give you why.
When I see hemochromatosis and the rates of that are really skyrocketing, usually happens in men, not always. Women can get it too. They got fatty liver. They got a sluggish liver. That's the cause of too much iron. It's the liver. So if it's the liver, what gums up your liver? Sugar and carbs. Okay? It's the liver, folks. That's hemochromatosis. That's why we see so much of it. Was it yesterday or the day before we talked about 100,000 Americans have non-alcoholic fatty liver? When I was in school, the only time you talked about liver was with alcoholics. We called it cirrhosis of the liver. But today, there's a whole new condition created by the modern diet of carboholism. It's not alcohol, it's carbs, and you get fatty liver. It's estimated 100 million Americans have fatty liver. Wow. Just about a third of the population. And they don't look at your liver, because one of the last things to happen in the liver is the liver enzymes are going crazy. You know, really to get to fatty liver, you pretty well need an ultrasound.
Now, let's go to the other side and talk about anemia. Why 21%, you know why? Because they're not getting enough vitamin S, they're eating too much chicken and salad. Now, ladies, I know you guys know this, but it's a problem, chicken is a problem. On The Reset, you can have chicken. But you have to admit something, anybody that's followed me for any length of time, you will agree about something that I say all the time. You need red meat. We have a whole generation, it's the young girls, I feel so sorry for them. They're being lied to. Ladies, you need iron. Especially when you're menstruating. And if you've got hormones, horror-mones, you get endometriosis, you got bad periods, you got heavy bleeding every month. Well, don't eat chicken. Chicken and salad won't cut it. It will not stop anemia.
You can be borderline anemic. I think some people are surprised, because I'll look at your bloodwork, and I'll give you my opinion on it. "Oh, doc, it's normal." "Not really. It's not optimized." And I look at bloodwork and I see a lot of, especially women, they're anemic. They're in the low end of hemoglobin, red blood cells. Red blood cells carry your oxygen. If you're anemic, you have low levels of oxygen. Guess what, guys? You won't do well without it. You will be tired. You will be dragging. It affects your heart, it makes your heart work harder. If your heart wants to pump harder, it affects your brain. Anemia. And this is a blanket statement. Doctors, generally, again you got a good doctor, good for you. But a lot of doctors, they're married to the lab. The lab tells them what's going on. And I'm not dismissing lab results, but they don't use their eyeballs like they should.
My dad used to say, "God gave you two eyes. Use your eyeballs and look at patients when they come in the door." I can pick out, "Yeah, you know what? You're low in oxygen." "How can you tell that, doc?" "I looked at your face, man. I look at your nails. I look under your eye. You're dragging." The key is not a vitamin in the sense that, take an iron. Well, look, you can take iron. And when you're really low, I actually recommend that. But you get heme iron, H-E-M-E, heme or hemi. You know the Chrysler Hemi engine? Heme iron only comes in red meat. It doesn't come in chicken. And the scourge in society is chicken and salad, and heaven forbid, vegetarianism. It's a religion, folks. It's not science, it's a religion. It is going to destroy millions and millions and millions of people. And veganism, even worse.
You need to eat red meat. Vitamin S, steak. "How many times a week, doc?" "Uh, seven." I don't care. You can have chicken once a week, how's that? People used to look at me in practice like I had two heads. I know, but I'm just telling you the truth. Don't get mad at me. You want to be in trouble with your blood, with your brain, with your heart? You need more fuel. And never mind B12, because, I mean we could talk about that too. A lot of people, again mostly women, not always women, of course, but mostly, you're going to have a hard time talking a man into eating chicken and salad only. They want their steak. But they're right. Men are not right very often, okay? Ladies, they're not. Men are dunce. They're not right very often when it comes to health, but their instinct is to eat red meat. It's hard to get a man not to eat red meat, in most cases. Unless they've been indoctrinated.
But guys, think of the problem. Think of the problem. Why are we seeing this so much? On the one end, like the men, they'll get the hemochromatosis. But that's not from eating vitamin S. That's because they're carboholics and their liver is full of fat and it can't filter out that extra iron, it can't get rid of it. It accumulates in the blood. Remember, your liver. What is your liver? Your liver is an organ... It does 600 things, guys. Okay? It does 600 things. But it's really important, like people ask me all the time, "Can I do a detox?" "Yep, better start with your liver." The best detox for your liver is to fast without fasting. I mean, you can do some fasting. I like intermittent fasting. But you can fast without fast, just change fuels and your liver will give you a high five. You will empty out the liver in six days, literally, of staying away from carbohydrates. Iron deficiency anemia is a big problem today. And again, you know, you can unpack it. With the heavy menses, it's always estrogen-dominant. I mean, that's a huge problem. Too much estrogen for a woman, that does a lot of things including slowing down the thyroid. And then you're gaining weight and all these issues.
Okay, so we talked about anemia, major problem. I want to talk to you about another study, because I'm going to tie this in, okay? This is a study, let me read the headline. "Diabetics don't even eat the minimum amount of protein." Protein is king. Think about this. God gave you eggs, meat, and cheese. Okay? Don't ditch the dairy. And those three foods have the perfect balance of protein and fat. Eggs have fat, it's good fat. Meat has fat, it's good fat. Ladies, if you insist on eating chicken, and I don't mean to pick on you, I'm teasing, then get the fatty chicken. Not the skinless. And eat that fat. Okay? Because in nature, think about it. This is how God operates. He gave it to you in perfect portion. Protein, fat.
And this study is showing that diabetics, once they become a diabetic, and let me remind you, I have never met a type 2 diabetic, not type 1, type 1 is autoimmune. Type 2, what we used to call adult-onset diabetes, that used to be called that. We just call it diabetes type 2 today. But it used to be adult-onset, because that's the only time you ever saw it. I never saw a kid with diabetes, unless they were type 1, and even that, that's gone up, but that's another story. But here's what we know. It's 100%. If someone becomes a diabetic, diagnosed diabetic, no exceptions. They are carboholics. And the problem with them is carbs are up here, and protein and fat are down here. "Oh, doctor, my... He has a hamburger, he likes hamburgers. He's a diabetic." It's the bun. If he just would throw away the bun, he would not be a diabetic. That's 100% true. Diabetes, repeat, repeat, repeat, is a problem of food, not genetics. It's a food problem. It's an allergy. It's carbs. It's sugars. It's never fat and it's never protein. Never.
And unfortunately, you don't hear much about that because medicine wants to manage diabetes. Watch commercials on TV. It seems every second commercial for drugs is a drug for diabetics. "Oh, I can keep my A1C down with..." Folks, when I see that on TV, I get a headache, because I want to scream, "Change your diet. Change the fuel." But here's what the study says. Diabetics don't eat even the minimum amount of protein, because when they leave their doctor's office... They just got a death sentence, by the way. You know when the doctor calls you in, when a doctor calls you, you're in trouble usually. Okay? Like you just had a biopsy and they call you a week later or whatever and say, "I would like to see you." Uh-oh, right? It's usually not good. They don't want to see you to give you a hug. They want to give you the bad news, right? Like, it's cancer.
You're in an office, a doctor's office and they just gave you a diagnosis of diabetes. Can I tell you something? It will never end well. Never ends well, diabetes. It is a death sentence unless you make a drastic change in your life. Drastic. You would think that they would go home with, okay, you have diabetes. Diabetes is a sugar and carb problem, very simple. You're a carboholic. You already hit the iceberg. You're on the Titanic but you hit the iceberg. But here's the light bulb. Change your diet. It's not meds. It's not let's manage your diabetes, because you can only manage it for what... The Reset is 30 days for several reasons. One of them is, I want to change your lifestyle. Change fuels, you get educated to the point that you say, "Yup, I understand myself now. I realize what carbs were doing to me. I got duped, and I'm not going to be duped any more."
You would think people would leave the doctor's office with some tools. Not meds. Tools. And I've told you the story of my father. I was telling this to a friend yesterday. My dad, 1968. I was in high school. It was like yesterday. He came home, "I'm a diabetic." I looked at my dad. I knew he hadn't been feeling well for a couple of weeks and that bothered me because my daddy, that was my hero, man. And you know teenagers, sometimes they don't appreciate their parents? I didn't appreciate my mother like I did when I got older. As much as I should have, I meant. I still appreciated her. But not as much. My dad, to me he walked on water, that man. That's the kind of guy he was. He comes home and he says, "I'm a diabetic." "Uh, okay, Dad. I don't like that," because the only thing I knew about it really at that age was my grandfather died of it. So that wasn't good news.
The next day, true story, the only people that ran in 1968, I mean running like jogging, were running away from the police. But my dad started jogging. I said, "Dad, what are you doing? What?" I get up to go to high school and my dad's running on the spot in the carpet. My mom wanted to kill him. "Get outside, you're going to ruin my carpet." I'm not kidding you. But my dad ate steak like six nights a week. We have our meals... My poor mom. She'd make two meals, one for us and one for my dad. This is 1968. You want to know, when I went to school and 2,000 hours of nutrition, and I used to shake my head because you know they, "You be careful with the red meat," and that's even in the 1970s, guys. You know, red meat, you've got to be careful. Fat. The cholesterol thing was starting to come in, and I lived through that. I used to look at people and I'd say, "Nope, that's not true," because I had the best human experiment on diabetes in my house. My dad.
Steak, and on Sundays 100% of the time, we had roast beef. I used to ask my dad, "Dad, aren't you tired of eating steak?" He said, "No, I'm a diabetic." All of that gets washed away in our modern society because, I hate to be negative, but if your doctor happens to diagnose diabetes and sends a patient to a dietician... And God bless them, they're well educated, but they're going to tell you to eat carbs when you're a diabetic. Guys, that is poison for diabetes. It's poison. But they're into managing. Let's manage it. Well, why don't we just fix it? Why don't we just fix it? Change fuels. Protein and fat. Diabetics don't eat even the minimum amount of protein. Isn't that a sad thing? And I'll tell you, if they don't eat enough steak, a diabetic, they get in that anemia area too. That's not good for you, man. It's not good for you. Low oxygen.
Okay. That was fun. Okay, so, Friday Question and Answer. Remind you, you got questions? Don't be shy. Okay? We're here. We'll not run away from your questions. I want you to question, I want you to question, okay? Proverbs 23:23, "Get the truth and never sell it." Get the truth and never sell it. I got real convictions, I think you know that. But it's the truth. It's not for sale. Okay, we love you guys, we'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!