Dr. Martin answers questions that were missed on Friday.
Today’s topics include:
- Low estrogen in post menopause
- Unwanted chemicals and heavy metals
- Chelation therapy and EDTA
- Using fat for quick fuel before training
- Lowering high blood pressure
- Histamine intolerance
- Education vs. medical advice
Tune in to hear Dr. Martin’s responses!
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Good morning everyone. And once again, welcome to another Live this morning. Hope you're having a wonderful start to your day, what I'm going to do this morning, and I might go into a couple of other topics, but I did not finish up the question and answers on Friday and there was some good ones. And I just ran out of time because I was pontificating as usual, getting sidetracked and going up rabbit trails just the way my brain goes. So I thought, okay, let's get back to some of those questions and we'll see if we have time to get into a specific topic today. There's some good ones just because Dr. McEwen is on. She sent me a study and I really liked it. We're going to do a little bit. I think we'll do it tomorrow on the microbiome again, tremendous studies one that Dr. McEwen showed me and I'm going to put a few of them together because I think you'll find them very interesting. But let me go to the questions.
Iddah asked, “Can low estrogen cause joint inflammation and belly fat in post menopause?” Yes and no. Okay. So let me explain Iddah. When a woman goes into menopause, this is medical thinking, so you just have to understand that this comes out of medical thinking. Of course your estrogen is going down. You’re into your fifties and some women much earlier than that they go into what we call a perimenopause. It's an imbalance of hormones. It's not low estrogen per se. Of course estrogen is going down, but we always talk about a balance between estrogen and progesterone. Now, let me just reiterate this, women experience three very traumatic, and some worse than others, traumatic hormonal experiences in their lifetime, there's three major ones. And I used to explain this to my patients all the time. Okay. And for some people they never recover. Let me explain. One is the start of menses, ovulation. And for some young ladies, this can be extremely traumatic. And the biggest thing that happens there is they have way too much estrogen and not enough progesterone. Now that's true for all of the traumatic events I'm going to talk about, but it can be, again, a lot of women, they start menses, no big deal.
I mean, no big deal for them because women are tough. Men are big babies. Thank God we never had a period. And I mean that. A man, no, we're such babies, but women are tough. And some just float right in two menses and they never have any issues or whatever, other than maybe a little bit of PMS or whatever, but nothing serious. But oh boy! I've seen young ladies. I remember an eight-year-old coming into my office. This poor girl, already menstruating, heavy breast development at eight years old and just unbelievable, migraine headaches at eight. And I was telling mom, the poor little kid did not understand a word of what I was saying, but all I said is, "Man, is she ever upside down hormonally? And we're going to fix this. We're going to fix this. We're going to block that estrogen and by doing that, block the extra estrogen," of course you need estrogen ladies, but too much. So regulation and so diet and then just walking the extra estrogen.
The second traumatic event in a woman's life can be very traumatic is pregnancy, especially post because you are completely getting rid of all your progesterone, it's in the placenta. And if you want to know why a woman can suffer from postpartum depression and weight gain and hormonal thyroid all messed up after a baby, well, it's a lack of balance between estrogen and progesterone. There's no more progesterone. So estrogen takes off... You're supposed to make progesterone, but if it doesn't make enough of it, fast enough. And these symptoms of postpartum depression and especially weight gain and thyroid issues, hair loss, "Doc, I was fine until I had a baby," type of thing.
And then thirdly, menopause. And again as you know, body comes in, it's almost like landing an aircraft. I used to tell my patients that and some women, it's a smooth landing. For some women it's turbulence. As they come into menopause, it's severe turbulence. And again, it's an imbalance. You fix the diet and you fix hormones, and it's all complicated because in a woman, there's the unholy trinity of her ovaries and cortisol from the adrenals and the thyroid. And they're all connected, then they all get messed up. And I can tell you from depression to mood swings, to belly fat to... Ladies, it's called horror-mones. That's where I made that name of horror-mones. And so when you get into menopausal years, it depends if you're having a smooth landing or not. So it's a very good question either, but it's not just that your estrogen is lowering.
It is an imbalance between the estrogen and progesterone, cortisol is mixed in, which is coming from your adrenal glands, the stress glands and your thyroid. Now you're not converting T4 to T3 and your thyroid can get out of whack. So yes, you can get softening of bones, you can get osteoporosis, you can get joint pain, you can get a myriad of symptoms. And ladies, men don't get it, don't explain it to your husband, he won't understand, they don't know what hormones are, they really don't. We're huge babies because all we got to worry about is testosterone. I mean it, they called me a woman's doctor, but there was the reason for it because I'm not saying 90% of my patients were women, but it was close to that, and the men that came in, usually they were dragged in. Okay. So good question Iddah. And I gave you hormones 101, they're a little teaching this morning.
Brenda, “Is there anything we can do to get rid of unwanted chemicals and heavy metals?” Yes. Brenda. It's more complicated than you think. But when you have mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic in the blood, your body is not chelating that out. C-H-E-L-A-T-I-O-N, chelation. Your body knows how to chelate heavy metals generally out of your body. But number one, I talked about this the other day, you need to have a clean liver. Your liver is the primary organ in your body, now you have a couple of others, but the primary organ in your body that detoxes your body. Your liver is a detox machine. And for me anyways, it's not that I laughed. I was just very skeptical when... Let's do a detox, and they would byproducts or whatever to do a detox. And I said, well, you're never going to do a real detox unless you clean up your diet.
One of the biggest things on The Reset is you empty your liver. And I showed you the other day, I'm showing you fat, you can maybe see it behind me on the screen. And I'm showing it to you for those that are going to listen to this on a podcast. I'm showing a pound of fat here, and fat attracts heavy metals and toxins and estrogen. The more fat you have on your body, the more estrogen you keep. It's a double whammy. Estrogen is a growth hormone and fat makes you secrete more estrogen and makes you absorb more estrogen. And it's a vicious cycle, but heavy metals… So primarily get rid of liver fat, and you can do that in 6 days on The Reset... 6 days on the road and I'm going to get the liver clean tonight. That's a song that I used to like. Wasn't about the liver, was about a truck driver getting old. But listen, 6 days you clean that liver and empty it. It's wonderful.
Number two, probiotics, broad spectrum probiotics. What do they do? They chelate. You got three pounds of bacteria in your body. When you have a lots of good ones, different probiotics do different things, but some of them chelate. Now, I was telling this to a person the other day that chelation, again, pronounced with a K, but it's C-H, chelation therapy became famous after world war II because men in the army were coming home, Canadians and American men, with heavy lead poisoning from ammunition, from bullets. And the governments, Canadian and American, they got together. This was a big concern, lead poisoning because you don't want lead and especially in children, you don't want lead poisoning, it’ll stunt their brain development, especially... But listen, you can chelate. Some of it is probiotics, but the other one that they developed was a solution called EDTA. Like a vinegar-like substance that you literally inject into your veins to rid the body of heavy metals, especially lead. And we used to test for heavy metals in the body at the clinic. And we would see lead, we would see mercury, we would see cadmium and we live in a world today... Well, good luck with that, trying to get away from all of that, but chelation therapy with EDTA was developed after world war II. And then after they fixed the men, instead of continuing on with that therapy, they just put it aside and it's too bad because it was effective.
But I always talk about like, you can do EDTA, but orally it's not that good. I like probiotics. A broad spectrum probiotic will chelate heavy metals out of the body. And here's one of the reasons it works because it goes after a yeast. One of the things it does it is a transporter of heavy metals. We talked about this when we talked about Parkinson's, what they found in Parkinson's was a yeast infection in the brain, candida albicans. Yeast, fungus, but it was carrying into the brain tissue, specially in Parkinson's, of lead, heavy metals, and there was mercury too and cadmium. Those are the three most common. So leaky gut, leaky brain. And one of the ways of getting heavy metals in your body and not chelating them out is by having a huge amount of candida.
Now you're not going to hear that in most places, doctors don't talk about it, but it's one of the ways... And she was saying is Navitol help. Well, it helps. I'll tell you why navital helps because it elevates your glutathione. Now remember glutathione is a substance your body makes, it's especially made in the liver. You need an empty liver to make glutathione, but glutathione is like Velcro. So your body is unbelievable guys. Imagine making Velcro, it makes Velcro and glutathione goes throughout your body and heavy metals are attracted to it. So your body already makes it. Navitol increases your glutathione. So Brenda, very good question. I felt bad the other day because I wasn't getting to some very good questions.
Now Corey is asking, “Can you use fat for quick fuel before training? Does fat work like sugar and carbs?” No. I have worked with professional and some of the great amateur athletes in North America, and I'm not going to drop any names. I'm just going to tell you that over the years I've had the privilege of working with some world-class football and hockey, and track, and some very famous athletes. I talked to them about nutrition. One of the things I used to talk about and you guys know this, but a lot of athletes don't know it. They know it more today, but I always talked about dirty fuel. Why would you give yourself dirty fuel? Why would you give yourself carbohydrates when you can give your body protein and fat? What's the difference... And again, I've used the teaching of the woodstove. You can take carbs and you're going to have paper and twigs. Is that the best way to get energy? Well, it might get your fire started, but it's not going to last very long. I was a guy telling athletes in the 80s to eat steak, not pasta because they used to carb load. Eat steak, not pasta.
Don't eat a steak 5 minutes before you go to work out. But if you're playing tonight, at noon have a big steak and you'll have lots of fuel later on in the game because it will last and last. So it's a good question but if you're going to go to the gym, have a Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie if you need to eat first. A lot of times you find out, a lot of athletes find if they're just going to go for a work, they don't need to eat, they can burn the fuel that they ate yesterday. They can to their muscles and their liver and whatever of glycogen, which is stored fuel from a meal before. Now, some people they've got to have something before they go work out. That's why I like Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie. Have some of that with a protein powder or whatever. I happen to like bone broth protein. I think it's the best protein. It's the most digestible, it's collagen, man. So good question. But I'm not a big guy on crappy carbs, let me just have a chocolate bar and I'm going to go work out. You might be a great athlete, but that's not the best fuel for you. These granola and all this kind of, I find that stuff to be “garbage”. That's French for garbage.
Mary, “Doctor told my husband to lower his blood pressure.” Well that was smart. Absolutely. You don't want to have high blood pressure. But Mary, what I do is I always look, well, what's causing the high blood pressure? It's not a lack of medication. I want to lower your blood pressure too. Having high blood pressure is never good. 90% or more of your body screaming at you, Mary, tell your hubby, it's the body screaming that you have elevated insulin, it's food and it ain't salt. It's sugar. Repeat, repeat, repeat. It ain't salt. It's sugar.
And when you have high blood pressure, when you have acid reflux, these are symptoms, high blood pressure is a symptom of an underlying condition. And you need to get to the underlying condition. And 90% of it, even if it's coming out of your kidneys guys, "Oh, I got kidney problems therefore my blood pressure is up." Yeah, but what's causing your kidney problems? What's causing it? Too much fluid. And you know what I mean? Like the doctor oftentimes I'll put you on a diuretic or whatever, but guys, again, it's not fixing the problem. Why would you even have kidney stress? Well, it ain’t protein. "Oh, I got protein in my urine doc." Well I know, but it's not because you're eating too much protein. You're not eating enough protein. You're eating too much sugar, too many carbohydrates. There is nothing that'll put pressure on your kidneys more than crappy carbs and sugars.
I can't get over how many clinics there are. And I mean, it's like an epidemic today with dialysis. Why is there so much dialysis today? Well, they're effectively people with diabetes and they don't know it or they do know they're diabetic and they go, now, I got trouble with my kidneys, why? Sugar. You have an allergy to carbs, stop. You've got high blood pressure, stop eating carbs and sugars. Did I say it was going to be easy? No, I didn't say that. But I'm telling you, I'm telling you what the solution is in the vast majority of cases, because high blood pressure is a symptom. It's a problem, but it's a symptom. It's not the cause. It's the effect. So Mary, your doctor's right. Get that blood pressure down. If they put you on meds, well, start with the meds, but fix the problem. It's like a diabetic that tells me I'm alright with Metformin or I'm all right with insulin and I can eat whatever I want. I get a headache when I hear that. You have an allergy to carbohydrates, get rid of them. I'm sorry, it's the truth.
Wendy asking about histamine intolerance. Well, you know what histamine intolerance is? Well, it's leaky gut. And what it is is that your body overreacts to everything. You're allergic to yourself. Don't donate your body to science, you'll confuse them. That's histamine intolerance. Like you're hypersensitive to everything. Your body's overreacting to every antigen that comes in to your body. Stuff that ordinarily wouldn't bother anybody. You're like a mouse, everything's bothering you massively, and you can figure out. You got all these symptoms and your doctor is scratching their head because they don't know... I hate to be negative. I'm trying to be positive this week. No, but that's what histamine intolerance is. It's a severe case of leaky gut. It is the microbiome all out of whack.
You know what histamine is? Let me just explain this. Histamine is your body's reaction. For example, anybody ever have hay fever? So certain times of the season, you get what they call seasonal allergy. Well, what happens? While you get pollen that comes in or ragweed or whatever it comes into your body. And some people they release histamine and you don't even know it, don't bother you, but the person next to you they sneeze and they cough and they watery eyes and they... Allergies can be terrible and no fun at all, itchy eyes and what's happening. Well, it's an over secretion of histamine. So what do you do, or what do lot of people do? They take an antihistamine, you know what antihistamines are? Like Claritin and others like that. They suppress your mast cells, M-A-S-T mast cells produce histamine. It's your body's way of flagging things. Hey, you don't belong in the body. I'm going to get rid of you. I'm going to sneeze. You're getting rid of... Isn’t your body unbelievable guys? Isn't it. But when you take an antihistamine, you're suppressing that because you're overreacting. So histamine intolerance is you're allergic to yourself. You react to everything almost. So Wendy, I hope I answered your question. Don't donate your body to science, you'll confuse them.
Gerald was asking, “Having a prostate biopsy, yes or no?” Having a colonoscopy, yes or no? Having a medical procedure. I reiterate this program brought to you by the Martin Clinic. If you listen to our podcast, can we actually make an announcement? I don't do it here. When you're listening live, we make an announcement on our podcast that this is for educational purposes only. Look as an individual, you got to consult with your health practitioner. I'm not going to be your family doctor. I am not doing that. I'm giving you information. So if your doctor wants to do a biopsy, well, you got to discuss that with your doctor, Gerald. And for me, it's like the virus guys, it's like the virus. For the last 18 months, people have talked to me about almost every day, more than every day, more than once a day.
They want to know my opinion on vaccines, they want to know my opinion on this, that, and the other thing about the viruses. And I always tell them this, here's where I come from. Number one, you got to make that decision, not me. I'm not making it for you. But you know me, I want to educate you, and your family, and your friends, the ones who are interested. I want to educate them on the immune system, how it works, how to help it. And I want to focus in on that. No matter what decisions you make with your family or your friends or whatever, whatever decision you make. You still got to take care of your immune system. It's like cancer. People ask me, "Doc, what do you do?" I got this kind of cancer, whatever. Look, I'm going to tell you what you should do no matter what. Change your diet, get rid of sugar.
One of my former patients or whatever, they're asking me the other day, "Doc, you're so different because all the gurus out there, Google cancer, and I'm talking about natural medicine generally, all of them don't eat meat. Meat is carcinogenic and... I hear that every day, seven days a week, I disagree. Cancer hates steak, it hates it. Cancer hates bacon, it hates it. There's no fuel in cancer cells from bacon or steak or hamburger. The bun yes, the hamburger no. That makes me controversial because hook, line and sinker, 99% of doctors, even natural gurus, they toe the party line when it comes to food. Live on vegetables. No, don't do that. Live on fruit. No, don't do that either. I'm not saying don't eat any of them. I'm just telling you that in my opinion, it is not science at all, it's indoctrination. There's a big difference between the two.
And so when it comes to getting a biopsy or when it comes to getting cancer treatment, I talked to you earlier about blood pressure medication. I am not telling you not to take blood pressure medication. I don't tell anybody not to take medication. I don't do that. I want you to think outside the box guys. My job is to give you information. Now, you don't have to believe me. Nobody's got a gun to your head. But I got no problem arguing, defending what I say. I'm sorry if it offends certain people, I mean that. I don't mean to be offensive. But as the apostle Paul wrote a couple of thousand years ago in the letter to the Galatians 4 and 16, “Have I become your enemy because I told you the truth?” That's one of my favorite verses in the Bible. Have I become your enemy because I told you the truth?
Okay guys, we're going to have a great week, okay? We're going to have a great week. We got some great studies. And so I want to share them with you this week. Housekeeping, if you're not a member of the private Facebook group, please join. Get your family, get your friends. That club is tremendous. What a group! We love it. Two, if you want to rehear this, you can download our podcasts. The Doctor Is In podcast on your favorite device. You can sign up on your smartphone or whatever to get that. Listen to this again. Have you got a copy of the book, The Reset? Thank you for making it number one. We appreciate that. Question and Answer Friday. Look at today, we spent another day just answering questions. We love that. My job is to educate. So love you guys and talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!