A recent study is showing how polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) make you burn much easier in the sun. That’s right… the more seed oils you consume, the more susceptible you are to burning.
You need exposure to the sun, but Dr. Martin doesn’t want you to burn. This study has prompted him to share 7 things you can do to improve your overall skin health.
According to the study, getting your omega-6 levels down is crucial. We have a huge imbalance between the omega-6s and omega-3s we consume, and this imbalance creates an inflammation response in the body. This is a bad thing!
Listen to today’s episode to learn the things that can improve your skin health!
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Good morning, everyone. And once again, welcome to another Live this morning. Hope you're having a great start to your day. We're going to talk about skin this morning because there was a study that just came out that I flagged, and I'll read it to you. And I'm going to talk about skin. Because this study said PUFAs, polyunsaturated fatty acids, make you burn much easier in the sun. Make you burn much easier in the sun. PUFAs. What are PUFAs? Polyunsaturated fatty acids. Where are they found? In seed oils. Seed oils. From canola to any, what they call, vegetable oils that have become very, very popular, because they are found in the middle aisles of your grocery stores. Anything that's preserved. You get packaged goods, middle aisles of the grocery stores, they're using oils like PUFAs. Polyunsaturated fatty acid. They're not using saturated fat. They're using polyunsaturated fatty oils, acids. And what they're showing is that when you are eating this stuff, you are much more likely to burn in the sun.
A lot of people have said, even after the Reset, that they find that they can stay in the sun longer. Redheads have told me that. And of course, always put a little disclaimer on, don't burn in the sun. We never recommend that. But isn't it interesting that the study is showing that people that eat a lot of... And you know what? When you eat junk foods, from potato chips to fast foods, in the fast food, it's what they cook your chicken nuggets in. What do they cook it in? PUFAs. Polyunsaturated fatty acids. And they reuse the oil. That makes it even worse. And we have today a huge, huge imbalance between omega-6 and omega-3.
Now, somebody was asking me yesterday, they're confused as to why they can't use, on the Reset, peanuts, or almond milk, or whatever. I don't like almond milk because, to me, it's not natural. Plus, you're increasing your levels of omega-6. We already got way too much omega-6. Omega-6 is found in polyunsaturated fatty acid. As that balance. Like when I was a little kid, if you look at the history of food, omega-3 to omega-6 was maybe two to one, your peanut oils, some of your plant oils, compared to omega-3, which is mostly found in the animal kingdom. Your fish, your eggs, and steak. But today, some have said up to 27 to one, in some people, that ratio.
When you have an imbalance between omega-6 and omega-3, you create in the body a response. It's inflammation. That's not good. And we talked about that, what it does to your blood vessels, what it does to your brain, what it does to your heart, in cancer, and you name it. So the right thing to do is to get your omega-6 levels down. You do that by, first of all, upping your omega-3 levels and staying away as much as possible from any junk food. So that was the study.
So let's go into how to protect your skin, how to anti-age your skin. Really important. Look, your skin is the largest organ in your body. It is an organ. It's an organ. And we have to take care of it. And I'm big on, when it comes to your skin, working inside out. Because a lot of people have this idea that skin moisturizers and taking care of your skin externally, and you can spend a lot of money taking care of your skin externally. But really, it's got to be the opposite. I use ReVera on my skin and it's the only product I use on my skin. I use it as a moisturizer, natural sunscreen. And you don't need a lot because I work, on my skin, I work inside out. That's really important.
So I have written down seven things that we'll talk about this morning as far as your skin. Number one, numero uno, is hydrating your skin inside out. How do you hydrate it? Not with a moisturizer, although, like I said, I got no problem with that. But I don't care what you put on the surface of your skin. If you don't start inside out, you're going to be in trouble. And the first vitamin that you need for your skin is W, water. You need to hydrate. Your skin is an organ. Every organ in your body demands H2O.
It was kind of funny yesterday, people that don't know me or whatever, I had gone to get some water. And when I got the water, the lady gave me a bottle. She thought I wanted to fill. I said, "Well, what kind of water can I fill my empty with?" The big gallons of water there. And she said, "Well, the best is reverse osmosis, taking everything out of the water, and demineralized water." I said, "Can I give you a little teaching?" She looked at me like I had two heads. I said, "Well, I beg to disagree with you." She says, "Oh yeah?" I said, "I know you work at a water store here, but I just want to tell you the best water is spring water." And she said, "Why is that?" I said, "Well, it has minerals in it." Mineral water is the best water. It has the highest pH.
Now, all water is good. All water is good. But spring water's the best. It has the highest pH. She said, "I didn't know that." I said, "That's what minerals do to water." Now, I said, "You should tell your clients that come in here, if they want to use the filtered water where all of the impurities are taken out and the minerals are taken out too," I said, "make sure they add a little pinch of salt to their water." She said, "Oh yeah?" I said, "Yeah. Because that's really the best water because of what it does to the pH." "Oh, okay." I said, "I hope you didn't mind me giving you a little teaching." She was very nice about it. Very, very nice. She didn't know who I was. I just said I happen to talk about water a lot.
I call it vitamin W. It's a vitamin. Vitamins are what you can't live without. That's why they're classified as vitamins. And I've done a little bit of a modification of vitamins for the Martin Clinic, for you guys. But they're essential. You can't live without water. And your skin needs hydration. So every time you drink water, think of hydrating your skin. Your skin needs H2O inside out. Always work from the inside out when it comes to your skin. So water, you need it. Every organ in your body needs it. And your skin is your largest organ. And it's the one you can see. It's the organ that you can see. But I often tell people, when you look at a person's skin... I was taught, my father, my grandfather before me, you got two eyeballs. Observe. Look. I used to look at people coming in. And I looked at their skin. I could tell anemia in about five seconds. I didn't need to see no blood work. I just look. You're pale. You're anemic. But no, I used to look at their eyes, underneath their eyes. I'd look at the complexion of their skin, because it tells you a big story. Doesn't tell you everything, but it does tell you lots. So skin, inside out.
Two. Collagen. Now, that's becoming sort of like a buzzword today in natural health. Collagen, collagen peptides, and collagen, collagen, collagen. Well, your body is made up of collagen. It's your matrix. Everything, including your skin, has a high level of collagen. It's one of the reasons that my favorite protein is collagen protein in bone broth. I love bone broth. It's good for everything. You can use it as a meal replacement. If your kids are not, or grandchildren are not eating properly, can you please make them a Dr. Martin perfect smoothie, which is good for your skin, even. But it's good for them because it's a meal replacement. Collagen protein has everything in it, from your amino acids to your glutamine, and good for your gut and good for your brain.
And I showed you, ah, this is several... When did I do it? A year ago? I sort of had a little demonstration of a sleep tool. I don't talk about this enough. Bone broth helps you to sleep, for a lot of people. Take a little bit. Do a little bit of the smoothie before bedtime. But don't take a whole smoothie. You'll be up all night, raring to go. But bone broth is helpful. You can use it in a hot drink or whatever. It's good for you. It's good for your skin. Again, inside out. Because one of the things that bone broth does, it got L-glutamine, regenerates your gut. This is why I'm big even on gut health and probiotics.
Even on your skin, you have millions and millions and millions of bacteria. You don't see those bacteria, but they're there. I used to tell people, "Look, when I rub my skin like this, you don't see it so much, but you got lots of cells that just fall off of skin." That's just normal. Cellular debris. It comes off. Your skin's always regenerating. One of the things that help your skin to regenerate is bacteria. Remembering bacteria. Good, bad, and ugly. That was a movie. Good, bad, and ugly, on your skin. Anything on your skin, from eczema to psoriasis, any kind of rash, you have to look internally to the gut. Leaky gut, leaky skin. If you don't have a healthy gut and one of the reasons that you would not have a healthy gut with a lot of bad bacteria and even ugly bacteria, which is usually what I call fungus, candida, gets in there because you don't have enough friendly bacteria.
So people can have compromised skin with the overuse of antibiotics, the overuse of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories, even over-the-counter ones like Advil and others. They can destroy your friendly bacteria. PUFAs change the microbiome. The bad fats change your microbiome inside and can age your skin on the outside. So gut health is very, very important. It's why I recommend to you and your dog, I don't care, everyone, in my opinion, needs to be on probiotics. It is absolutely essential, in my opinion. Probiotics, in the day and age in which we live, where we're surrounded by chemicals, we're surrounded by everything, the environment, and all of that, you need to replace that bacteria. It is part of having healthy skin. Again, your skin is an organ.
Diet. I could've started first with the diet. Well, I did in a way. I started with PUFAs. But let me talk to you about sugar. What does sugar do to the skin? Two things. One, sugar creates an enormous amount of free radicals. Sugar creates an enormous amount of free radicals in the form... I explain this in the book The Reset, I explain. Sugar creates in the body internally and externally what we call glycation end products. What is that? Glycation end products, what it does, it takes away the elasticity, the vitality of your skin. It's called A-G-E-S. Advanced glycation end product. It comes from sugar. There's nothing that will age your skin faster than the sugar. It's not the sun that ages your skin. It's sugar that ages your skin.
Now, again, I always use a disclaimer. Don't overdo the sun. Don't overdo it. But you need it. Your skin desires it. It's how you make vitamin D. And they're showing, research is showing, people who get skin cancer are the people who don't get enough sun, especially the deadly form of cancer, melanoma. It's just a fact. Don't come after me. Don't be mad at me. Because I know it's ingrained. The sun, it'll age your skin. You'll wrinkle up like a prune in the sun. No, you won't. But if you overdo it, you will. If you overdo it. It's not good. Burning. Don't burn in the sun. Put a hat on, cover up.
No, but really, guys, skin is inside out, and it's important that you do that. Sugar creates glycation end products. Free radicals are oxidative damage and glycation. Oxidative damage. You rust out. Your skin will rust out if you don't have enough antioxidants. That's why I'm big on antioxidants. One of the best antioxidants that you can take is vitamin C. Are you listening? Coffee. Not the other vitamin C. There's nothing wrong with the other vitamin C, by the way. But you want a better vitamin C? You drink coffee for your skin. I know. Don't Google it. Don't Google it, because you won't find it on your Google that coffee is good for your skin, but it is. It's a powerful antioxidant, is coffee. It's got quercetin. It's got polyphenols. And tea is all right, but it ain't coffee. For my tea-drinking friends, I'm sorry. I feel sorry for you. "Doc, I don't like coffee." Well, I feel sorry for you. What's the matter with you? And guys, it's not the caffeine. It's the bean. The bean. You want nice skin? You need antioxidants because you're going to protect your skin from free radical damage.
Navitol, tremendous inside, inside. I remember doing a seminar off 1998, maybe. Long time ago. I went to France. '98, '97, somewhere in there. Maybe even earlier than that. I can't remember now. And I gave a dissertation on pine bark extract and what it did with chronic fatigue syndrome. But I also talked about its powerful antioxidant effect on free radical damage for the skin, even back then. And of course, I'm just a clinician. I didn't do a 10,000 case, double-blind placebo study, or anything like that. We were making observations with the patients that I saw. They were giving testimony how their skin improved with taking an antioxidant. So vitamin C. Coffee.
Vitamin D. We talked about it, but it's important to understand that your skin needs vitamin D. So when your levels of vitamin D in your serum go up, you get another protective layer. What they're showing with vitamin D itself, is that it's good for the skin because... First of all, when you allow sunshine to come on your skin... “Sunshine on my shoulder makes me happy…” When you allow sun to come on your skin, one of the things, and I've talked to you about it, is it allows your nitric oxide levels to go up.
What is nitric oxide? Opens up your blood vessels. It's a little explosion that actually you have, you have a little compound in your blood vessels called nitric oxide. We didn't know that before 1980. We didn't know that. But it's one of the mechanisms of how your blood vessels relax. They open up. Allows more blood supply. Your skin has blood supply, usually in the form of capillaries, little single-cell tributaries, part of your circulatory system, and your skin needs blood supply. When you are in the sun, one of the things that happens, you elevate your nitric oxide. It actually helps your blood supply to your skin. Isn't that important? You get melatonin too, to help you to sleep. That's how you make melatonin during the day. You get melatonin from the sun.
Now, vitamin D internally is good for your nitric oxide levels. It's not as good as the sun. But let's say you're in the winter, you can't get much sun, or you're in a area you don't get a lot of sun. You work indoors, you don't get a lot of sun. Then vitamin D is important, in my opinion, as a supplement, even for your skin. And look, if you want to moisturize your skin, like I said, we have a tremendous formula for skin, with pine bark extract and hyaluronic acid. A tremendous formula. ReVera. We love it. I'm doing a little advertising. People love that product. A great skin product. But coconut oil is good. I like coconut oil for skin too. And you can use it. It's used often as a natural sunscreen.
But again, understand this. Understand this. I do not like chemicals on your skin. Don't use chemicals on your skin. You want to age your skin? They say this moisturizes, you look at the label of the product and you can't even pronounce the names of most of them. In my opinion, don't put that on your skin. That'll age your skin. I wouldn't put petroleum products on your skin. So I thought that's what we would talk about this morning. Because soon as I flagged that study on PUFAs, polyunsaturated, you see the diet is really important. And there's two things. We talk about these things all the time. Stay away from the crappy carbohydrates and stay away from sugars. Stay away from sugars.
Now, you can have some berries. And I don't mean that fructose and fruits. People ask me about that every day, every day, every day. "Dr. Martin, do you mean fruit?" Well, I said, don't live on fruit. They're God's candies. Don't live on fruit. We live in a different world today. Sugar, 200 pounds, the dump truck load of sugar that everybody's eating today, just about, just about. North America, unbelievable the amount of sugar and the amount of PUFAs we're eating. People live on that stuff. Look, fruits ain't going to kill you, but you're adding sugar, even if it's natural fructose, to the amount of sugar. Again, it's better to give a kid a banana than to give them a chocolate bar. There's no doubt about that. But we live in a different world.
If you would have talked to me in the 1970s, I'm different today. Like 1970, yeah, have an apple a day. Keeps the doctor away. Today, nah, not so much. Don't have an apple every day. Not that the apple will kill you, but if you're eating too much sugar, you're just adding more sugar. But I got no problem. Give berries to your kids, your grandchildren. Put them in their smoothie for them. None of that on the Reset, though. The Reset is a 30-day program to reset your body. And then you start with your insulin and you have to lower that. Lower your insulin, you're going to have better skin. I'm telling you. I'm telling you. Many, many testimonies I've seen. When they get rid of the PUFAs and they get rid of the sugars, even in 30 days, your skin regenerates. It really makes a big change to the health of your skin.
Okay, guys, we appreciate it. We are going into... Just got to give you a little announcement here. See the book, The Reset? Third printing. Unreal. You've kept it at number one. We appreciate that. It is the number one health book in Canada. The Metabolic Reset. Thanks again. You guys did that. So we thank you for that. Question and Answer Friday. Don't be shy, send in your questions. I try and answer all of them. I really do. Sometimes I skip over a couple because I'm a senior citizen. I miss a few once I get on my rants. But I really do try and answer all the questions. And if you're not, again, for those new on our program, if you're not a member of our private Facebook group, then please join us on Facebook at our private Facebook group. What a great community, and we appreciate the feedback and all of the communication there between our members. We love that. Thank you very much for that. So until the next time, we love you and I mean that, okay? Bye.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!