618. The Best Fuel for Your Body


An interesting study out of France is showing that the French have less incidents of heart disease than all their European neighbours, and 10 times less than us in North America. This is in spite of the fact that the French smoke more than any other culture!

Why is this? Dr. Martin unpacks this study and links it to a listener’s question about protein. It’s in fact carbohydrates that make you fat, and not too much protein. When you don’t immediately consume the energy in carbs, it’s ultimately stored as visceral fat around your organs.

Protein and fat are actually the best fuels for your body. When you’re eating crappy carbs, your cells are in fact starving to death. You’re constantly hungry, and when you switch to a better fuel of eggs, meat and cheese, your hunger will disappear. It’s not magic, it’s science!


Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Good morning. Hope you're having a great start to your day. Now let me just finish. I got to do this because I actually posted this, this morning on our private Facebook group, and I'm not going to spend a lot of time. I just want to tell you about the study done in Germany, on masks. It's not good guys, okay. So let me just read it to you, and then we're not going to spend a lot of time, but it has everything to do with microplastics and this and that. We talked about this the other day, new study on masks. Okay, so I posted it. So if you get a chance, go on our private Facebook group and look for that, scroll down. I posted it, out of Germany, top German scientists.

When you wear a mask. I talked to you yesterday about CO2. CO2 should be leaving your body and going out into the air. CO2 is good for plants, not for you. It's a by-product. Your body's getting rid of it. I talked to you about what happens when you bring it back in. You're not supposed to be bringing CO2 in. It's supposed to be expelled. But this German study was on what ends up in your lungs, and that they were especially concerned with children. All of these carcinogenics that are back in the body and especially in the lung tissue, you breathe it back in.

I went for a walk yesterday. We have a beautiful area in Sudbury. You can go down to walk by the lake, and it's from one end to another, take you about an hour, maybe a little less than that, but it's a great walk. I enjoy it just because it's so beautiful. But yesterday, I literally was coming down one side and a young... and I'm saying 25 to 30, young lady. She's got a mask on outside, and when she sees me without a mask, she literally jumps off the sidewalk. I thought she was going to jump into the lake for heaven’s sake. What did she think, the virus was going to jump on her? I felt like saying hello. I had just read the study before I went for a walk, the German study on what happens to your lungs when you breathe in this micro dust. I'm telling you folks, I wanted to scream. I was so upset. You see young people wearing masks outside for heaven's sake. Are you kidding me?

Anyway, I promise I was going to stay on this, the reason I'm going to do this topic today, okay, so enough said about the mask. My watch, which I don't have, by the way... I do have a watch, but it's not one of those smart watches that tells you to breathe. I don't want one of those watches, okay? I've got to be able to control my frustration. Oh, I can't handle it, guys. I can't handle it. Okay, now it was Charlene yesterday, and I said, well, maybe I'll do that Question and Answer. But I said no, because another study came out that I can tie in Charlene's question. So Charlene's friends at work or whatever was saying that you can get fat from eating protein.

Protein is stored as glycogen, just like carbohydrates are stored with glycogen. Charlene was asking us, "Dr. Martin, is that true?" Well, it's not true. It's not true. The reason I want to dovetail this together is because of an observational study in France with cognitive decline. Here's what it said. Did you know, in North America we consume, okay, the average person, you guys ought to know this, know these numbers, the average person consumes 200 pounds of sugar a year, just about. That's a dump truck load of sugar, and I talk to you about that all the time.

But the other thing that we consume in North America is approximately 50 pounds a year of PUFAs, polyunsaturated fatty acids. Seed oils, canola, soy, rapeseed, all these oils in the form of processed foods. They are crappy carbohydrates. You have sugars and crappy carbs made with the so-called vegetable oils, processed foods. When you go to a fast food restaurant and you have chicken fingers and fries, you're getting processed foods, okay? Chicken should be good, but when it's cooked in certain oils, peanut oil and all that very high on omega 6, not good. So in North America, we have terrible eating habits. One is sugar, the other's crappy carbohydrates. Remember this about sugar. We have a Franken-sugar called high fructose corn syrup. Anyway, let's put that over here. That's what we eat in North America, and that's not good for us by any stretch of the imagination. It's terrible. 

In France, where they did this study, they call it a paradox because they can't understand the French smoke more than any other culture. Did you know that? In France, they didn't get the memo. They didn't get the memo about smoking. It's part of their culture there. I've been to France, so I saw it, but that was 25 years ago, I think, when I went over to France to do a seminar. I enjoyed it, but here's what they eat. So when we have 50 pounds of seed oils, crappy carbohydrates, the French, they don't eat that stuff. You know what they eat? Cheese. They eat 50 pounds, on average. 50 pounds of cheese a year each. I'm only talking about cheese. I didn't tell you how much butter the Frenchmen eat.

One of their favorite dishes is duck liver. They love that stuff, fat dripping, and they have less incidents of heart disease than all their European neighbours, and 10 times better than us in North America, in spite of the fact that they smoke. So this study was saying one of the things that they have less of too, besides heart disease and stroke, lot less than we do, they have a lot less cognitive decline. So what am I saying? Well, food is very important, guys. When I talk to you about eggs, meat, and cheese, somebody asked me the other day, are you kidding? No, I'm not kidding. It's true. It is so good for you. This study comes out and confirms it because it's like a paradox over there.

They always said it was Frenchmen drinking wine. But this study said, no, it's the amount of fat that they're eating, especially cheese. A lot of people... There was somebody on the private Facebook group, even yesterday, screaming about dairy, how bad it is for you, and I said, "No, man, no, no, no." Dairy gets a bad rap because you're mistaking one part of dairy, and that is milk. Not whole milk, not the way milk should be coming out of a cow, but grocery store milk. Then they lump in all of dairy into that. Well, you see the French, they don't drink milk. They don't go to the grocery store and buy milk. They buy cheese. They love their cheese, and so do I.

Now I'll tell you what the paradox is, and then I'm going to get back to Charlene's question, okay? I will. I'll tie it up for you. Now, the paradox is that the French smoke like crazy and yet they have very little heart disease and very little cognitive decline compared to North Americans like us. I'm not telling anybody to smoke, okay, of course not. But isn't it interesting when you eat fat, you get better? Now, let me tell you why. When you have a carbohydrate... So there's three macros, we call them. In nutrition, we call them macros. You're either eating a carb, a fat or a protein. Those are your three macros. You got that? Different strokes for different folks. When you have a carbohydrate, everything you have happens fast with a carbohydrate. You either use that immediately as energy or you store it as glycogen. You store as glycogen in the liver, in the muscles, and if there's no more room in your liver, because the liver can only take so much, and there's no room in your muscle… That's why I talk about having more room in your muscles, the bigger your muscles, the more storage you have for carbohydrates. 

That's why, if you ever meet someone that's a weightlifter or whatever, they can eat more carbs. Why? They got big storage bins. Carbs, if you don't use it as energy immediately, it gets stored in your muscles, in your liver, or the third thing that your body does is it takes a carbohydrate, turns into glycogen and in the liver, in the muscle and in fat cells. Carbs are stored as fat. When there are no room in the bins, your body makes more fat cells. A lot of people don't understand this because they're skinny. They go, "Oh, Dr. Martin, that can't be true. I don't have any fat cells."

The only problem is... and I'm showing this for those who will listen to this on a podcast, I'm showing you one pound of fat. Those who are on live with me this morning can see my five pounds of fat behind me. But what I'm saying is when you have a carbohydrate and you don't use it as energy, it will be stored as this yellow fat. Now fatty liver, major issue today, fatty liver. For people who even are skinny, it's like an invisible fat. It's called visceral fat. You know what visceral fat is? You can be skinny as a rake and have fat surrounding your liver, surrounding your heart, surrounding your gut, dangerous.

When the liver is full... Follow me here now, guys. When the liver gets full of glycogen from stored carbohydrates, your body sends it into the bloodstream as, you guys should know this, triglycerides, TG, dangerous lipids, try three fat balls in your bloodstream. Guys, that is nutrition 101. Now I only started with carbs. Now let's take fat. Fat is the best fuel in the world, did you know that? It is. Fat is the best fuel because fat gets burned as a log on the fire of your body. If you eat cheese, okay, there's protein in cheese too, but mostly fat. Your body takes that fat and one, it lubricates your body. Have you ever heard of ketosis? You know what ketosis is? You can only go into ketosis if you are not eating carbohydrates. Now your body will burn a better fuel. It's called ketosis. It's a medical term meaning your body is burning a different fuel. You're burning logs on the fire. That's what fat does. 

Do you get fat from eating fat? No. You get fat from eating carbs, okay. It's science, guys. Now, what Charlene was asking, because her friends told her protein, that gets stored as glycogen. No. So let's talk protein. Look, whether you believe in God or not, you know I do, and so I use the term God gave you food in its perfect quality. For example, when you have an egg... Follow me here, what are you eating? You are eating fat. Do you see it? You see the cholesterol in an egg, right? That's fat, and you see protein, the egg whites, protein. There's some protein in the yolk too. When you eat protein, you know what happens? Protein is your body's building material. Your body repairs itself when you eat protein. Your body uses that protein and breaks it down into amino acids, so you make enzymes, you make collagen, you make cells. Think of protein as repair. Protein isn't for storage, okay? Fat is storage and fat that gets stored primarily comes from carbohydrates.

I went to the waiting room at the hospital yesterday. There was 10 people in there and they had too much protein to eat. That's why they're sick. Ooh, I get a headache when I hear that. It's instant. I have a headache when I hear the nonsense, "Well, Dr. Martin, I got kidney trouble and my doctor said I got protein in the urine. I must be eating too much protein." I get crazy when I hear that, and I never take it out on you. I don't because I'm not aiming at you for that. I don't want to get mad at you. It's not you. It's medicine. It's dieticians. They're being taught nonsense. It's indoctrination. I have never met a person in 46 years of practice, ever. "I know what's wrong with you. You're eating too much protein." Nope. Protein is for repair.

By the way, guys, when you eat from especially the animal kingdom, your proteins from the animal kingdom, because you see, what God does is he puts protein and fat together. So when you ladies eat chicken and salad, the chicken, would you please leave the skin on it and eat it? Because that's the way nature wants you to eat, because you're going to get fat with protein. So Charlene, when your neighbors, when your friends, when people tell you, "Oh, if you're going to eat too much protein, you're going to get fat," ahhh, no.

One of the reasons you don't, okay, because I've told you this about the Reset. When you're on the Reset, you're not hungry. You're not craving. I've told you why, because you changed fuels. You go to the airport, they don't put the same gas in the plane that they put in your car. They just don't. I got a motorcycle. I don't use regular gas in my motorcycle. I use high octane, but it's not as high as the jet fuel that you use for jets. Protein and fat is jet fuel. Your body uses it much differently and you are not hungry. You're not going to eat 30 steaks in a day. Well, I guess you could, but you just don't. Why? Because it's octane.

You see, when you eat crappy carbs, your cells are starving to death. Oh, gee, look at all the calories I'm eating. It ain't calories, it's quality. It's fuel. When you're eating carbs, you burn that so fast, it makes your head spin. Then it gets stored as fat. When someone brings up a red herring... You know what a red herring is, right? I mean, you can eat it. You know what I said yesterday? As soon as I saw Charlene's question, I said that's a red herring. It's nonsense. It's a distraction to the truth. It's not true. Guys, you know more about nutrition than 99% of every physician I've ever met in my lifetime. They just don't study nutrition. So when a lie comes about, "Oh, you need a balanced diet, Dr. Martin," no, you don't. You need a balanced diet of fat and protein when you eat eggs, meat, and cheese.

Another famous doctor, and this guy knows a lot more about nutrition. He is a guy that studied a lot of nutrition. I sent him a little message the other day because he said something that I understand where he's coming from, him and I would get along on probably 95%. He said, "Here's a good plate for you, 75% vegetables and 25% meat." I sent him a note. I said, "Doc, in all due respect, I disagree with you. It should be the other way around, 75% meat and 25% vegetables." Look, I didn't want to get into a long discussion because he knows me. So I would have said, well, when I say meat, I mean eggs, meat, and cheese. What makes cheese so good for the Frenchmen?

My grandmother on my father's side was a Rochefort. They can trace it all the way back to France, and the Martins, les Martin, because I'm French on my dad's side, the Martin's go back to France even earlier that they traced on this family tree. I find it fascinating. I told you the story of 16 generations ago, Martins and the story of Jacques Cartier. Now that's legend. I don't know if that's true or not, okay, but all I'm saying is the French, they have it right when it comes to eating fat. What would cheese do? Guys, you know this. What's the connection between low heart disease and cheese? Put your thinking caps on. This is a teaching moment. What is it about cheese that is so good for your heart? Contrary to what they would teach you even in medical school, if they taught nutrition, and even the dieticians that I know, what is it about cheese? Vitamin K2, and cheese curds has the highest source. So when you eat butter and you eat cheese, there's K2 in meat and there's K2 and eggs too, but really high in butter.

The French love their butter and the French love their cheese. 50 pounds a year average. I think I eat 50 pounds of cheese a year. I think so. I love cheese, but what is it? It's vitamin K2, and vitamin K2 takes calcium from cheese. See, I'm not against eating calcium. I don't want you to take calcium as a supplement because it never gets to your bones where it belongs. So don't take calcium, eat your calcium, eggs, meat, and cheese, butter. But what vitamin K2 does, it takes calcium that you just ate in cheese, and it takes it out of your bloodstream and puts it into your bones. What does that do? Well, that keeps you from hardening of your arteries. That's why the Frenchmen, in spite of smoking, have much lower rates of heart disease. That's what the study is showing, and that's what I've been preaching to you for years.

Vitamin K2, the Rodney Dangerfield of vitamins. Nobody gives it any credit. They don't know what it is. That ought to be the first day of nutrition, better have K2. I get a lot of K2. Why? I eat a lot of cheese, butter. I make a steak, guys, and the last thing I do on my steak is I take this much butter and I mean it, okay? I'm showing an inch of it, thick, and I melt it on top of that steak because I'm going to get a perfect food with vitamin K2. There's some K2 too in the steak, but I get even more K2 and you know how good that tastes? "Dr. Martin, don't use too much butter. It's fattening." No, it's not. Butter is not fattening. Cheese is not fattening. It's not. Oh, no wonder they're so fat. Look at all the cheese. No, they're eating the bun, the cheeseburger with bacon? It's the bun that does it to you. You got the memo? Two things, eat like the Frenchman, but don't smoke like them.

So Charlene, I hope I answered your question. I said I'd probably do it on a Friday, but when this study came up about France and what's happening over there to the Frenchman, I figured I'm going to just put it together and we'll talk about it. Now, tomorrow's Question and Answer Friday, send your questions in. That's always a popular program, and we appreciate all the questions. The Martin Clinic Facebook group, I posted the German study on the masks. Unbelievable. The unintended consequences. Oh, thank you again for the Reset, the Metabolic Reset. The numbers are incredible of how many books we've sold of that. It's great. We appreciate it. I'm writing another book. I've got about three or four things in my head right now and I'm starting to write it out. Here's how I write a book. I get an outline. When I finished my outline, I got a book, okay? So I'm working on another one now. Okay. Love you guys, and I mean it.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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