607. Deadly Fungi: The Newest Emerging Microbe


Dr. Martin shares a recent headline, “Deadly fungi are the newest emerging microbe threat all over the world.” This information, coming out of India, is showing that people who got sick from the virus were actually sick from fungus that got into their lungs. 

Fungi are very destructive, and they are resistant. Because of the overuse of antibiotics, we now have resistant superbugs, but these are in fact nothing compared to these emerging deadly fungi!

Dr. Martin shares a personal story of a patient who breathed in black mold and died within 3 weeks of exposure. Hear this story and learn why it’s so important we strengthen our immune systems in these uncertain times.


Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well good morning, hope you're having a great start to your day. Looking forward to our little session together here. This morning we are going to look at a concern that you probably haven't heard of, but I flagged it the other day, but let me just finish up on the omega-3. So this was from the University of Ohio State, a couple of studies came out, and the other one in Science Daily, and just to reiterate, I broke this down yesterday about DHA. DHA is found in the animal kingdom, it's the super part of your omega-3. All omega-3s are good, especially in this day and age where we eat so much, anything processed, anything cooked in vegetable oils, or whatever, processed food is omega-6, and that imbalance between omega-6 and omega-3 is a huge concern. If it's about 3:1, you're all right. It's 19:1, 21:1, 30:1, depending on what statistics you read, and this creates a silent condition in the body that we call inflammation.

And again, we've gone over this many a time, inflammation is very destructive. It's usually silent, because people think of inflammation, they think of joint pain, or pain, and that's true. But this is the silent type, ones that are going around your heart and creating havoc within the blood vessels, brain, heart, and areas that you don't see, so you're not sure if something's going on. So high doses of omega-3 DHA lower your cortisol too, now this is brand new, and double protecting against stress. This is, again, the omega-3 DHA, specifically for DHA, 33% lower inflammation markers. So that would be your C-reactive protein, that's what they tested, and when you're taking DHA, it is so good for you.

Here's another one that came out, and again I won't spend a lot of time, but in pregnancy, 1000 milligrams or a gram of DHA, so read your labels guys. We have a high DHA, and for two capsules, we are almost three grams of it in our high DHA. It's very potent. But this study is saying in pregnancy, and this is what so often that I was asked, "Okay, what should I do? I'm pregnant." Well, for you and the baby... Look, you do the prenatals and all that, of course, but I was talking about what you should do, or get your daughters to do, or your granddaughters to do if they're pregnant, high DHA. Why? It protects the baby.

Here's what the study says, that was one gram of it, and I recommend three or four grams during pregnancy. Decrease in preterm births. So if their DHA level is higher, baby comes to full term more often than not, and better cognitive. Of course it protects the brain, remember I showed you. I showed you this little picture of fat. There's a pound of fat, by the way. But your brain, that's what your brain looks like. It's fat, and especially DHA. So better cognitive, and it also protects against... You see stress, cortisol, increases your inflammation, because you're in the fight or flight. DHA lowers that inflammation.

That was just to finish up on the DHA of yesterday, but today I want to talk to you about a new problem, and I'm just going to read it to you. So this is out of ScientificAmerican.com... deadly fungi are the newest emerging microbe threat all over the world. Deadly fungus, yeast, or the newest emerging microbe threat all over the world. So this came out, I saw it on the weekend in ScientificAmerican.com, and here's what they're saying. They did this based on something that was coming out of India. Let me fill in the blanks a little bit. You and I have discussed this many, many, many a time. The greatest discovery in medicine, I believe in the history of medicine, is the antibiotic. The greatest discovery in medicine, in my opinion. And the problem with antibiotics is it wipes out bacteria strains. And I've said this to you before, some of them never recover, never come back.

As a matter of fact, this was another headline, let me get it for you, this was in the ScienceMagazine.org, because everything's online now, you don't have to read the magazines, but I have a service that gives me all of these things online. Now listen to this headline, Piles of Ancient Poop. Now you guys, sometimes you're a little bit hard on me because some people get uptight if I use the word poop. I don't know why. But seriously, I know my vocabulary is limited, but even the science magazine used Piles of Ancient Poop Reveal Extinction Event in Human Gut Bacteria. You know what they're saying? They analyzed a thousand year old poop, and they found there were bacteria a thousand years ago, strains of bacteria a thousand years ago, that we're not finding anymore. It's like the dinosaur, they're extinct, they've been wiped out.

Let me just read a little bit of the article. "After studying ancient poop, researchers determined that over the past millennium, a thousand years, the human gut has experienced an extinction event, losing dozens of species and becoming significantly less diverse." So they analyzed poop, and I'm going to bring this together, I promise. They analyze poop, a thousand year old poop. I don't know where they found it, I didn't ask too many questions, and they found out there's an extinction of dozen or so bacterial strains that no longer exists. As far as I've read in that article they didn't say why, but I'm going to tell you why, and I'm going to tell you these two are connected, so let me get it. Deadly fungi are the newest emerging microbe threat all over the world, so that's the other one in Scientific America. Well, what's the connection? And if you've been with me over the years, I think you're already thinking.

So with the advent of antibiotics, save millions of people's lives, a wonderful thing, still is. Now for years I've been saying that the double-edged sword of antibiotics is what it does to the microbiome. Five days, it wipes out all bacteria in the body. Now you need to replenish that. And remember what I've taught you in the past, and I will repeat, repeat, the gut, when you get on a scale take three pounds off, you've got three pounds of bacteria, or at least you should have. And the more diverse your bacteria is, the healthier you are. Because again, I show you, you have the healthy army, bacteria that's on your side, you can't live without them, they help digest your food. One of their biggest things that they do is they keep the bad guys down, because you're always going to be surrounded by bacteria. If you think there's never going to be another virus, or we get rid of this one, it's all over, game's over, we win. No, not true. They'll always be more viruses, always be more bacteria.

But your body is made, wonderfully made, incredible. Guys, we didn't even know this in the 1970s. We didn't know hardly anything about the microbiome. Today it's probably the most fascinating part of medicine. And it is at the root, you guys know me, there are three roots of all disease, three roots of all disease. Insulin, leaky gut, that's bacteria, the war that goes on within... and number three, oxidative damage, we're rusting out. I don't care who you are, you're rusting out, you just don't want it to happen quickly. That's involved in heart disease, cancer, diabetes, whatever. And so is leaky gut and elevated insulin. So there's a war going on.

They learned something in India, because if you live in Canada, if you're in the States you might not have heard this because you're not talking about COVID like you used to, but in Canada we've been told there's an Indian variant. It's in the news, it's a variant of COVID, it's in Canada. Now, I don't want to get into the politics of that, only to mention that what is coming out of India is very important, and it snuck under the radar. If I didn't see this article, it's nowhere in the news. One of the things they found in India when people were getting sick from the virus is what they were really getting sick of was not so much the virus as fungus. It's fungus that gets into the lungs, and fungi are very destructive, and they are resistant.

You present yourself... Think of it, let's say you get a virus, or whatever, you go to emergency. Even if it's a virus because of secondary complications, most of the time, almost invariably, you will be given antibiotics as a preventative thing for secondary infections, so you don't get sepsis or whatever. You just understand, that's just the way it is. The problem is you're developing a yeast infection, a fungal infection, and the antibiotics actually make it worse, because they wipe out bacteria that keep your fungi down. You see, you have certain strains. When we built our probiotic... Different strains do different things, and there's certain strains that fight fungi, that keep yeast down in your body. Now a little bit of yeast in your gut is normal, and when you have that diverse microbiome, your body is well. But when you wipe it out, or you have way too much bad bacteria... Because look, antibiotics, again, don't come after me, it's not that I don't like them. If you need an antibiotic, you take an antibiotic, but you guys understand this, that there is an extinction that takes place of bacteria that you need.

Now there's probiotics and food and this and that because of fermented food, and all this and that. But when you get a broad spectrum probiotic you can replace the extinction that took place even compared to a thousand years ago, strains. What this is saying is what I talked to you about in the past with leaky gut. As a matter of fact, you and I come up with a new term, not small intestine bacterial overgrowth, SIBO, we renamed it by a vote, and we renamed it SIFO, small intestine fungal overgrowth.

Now I want to show you something, and again, you'll read this upside down, but it says the fungus link. Now this is written by a Doug Kaufmann, very, very smart guy, in Dallas, Texas, and I was on his TV show at least 30 years ago. Now he does, I think he has a YouTube show, and I like him because even back then, the reason he invited me on is because I wrote a book on chronic fatigue syndrome. I went to Dallas, Texas, I did some radio shows, and I had a publicist at the time, and they hooked me up with TV shows and radio shows. I did hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of interviews for that book, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, because it was one of the first books out on chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. I have the picture of it back there, behind me on my bookshelf. But anyway, I went to Dallas, and like I said, I did a few radio shows, and one of the TV shows that I was booked on was with a Doug Kaufmann, who is the author of The Fungus Link, this book here. And it was interesting because I had talked about the link of fungus, or candida, to chronic fatigue, and little did I realize that when I met Doug Kaufmann, he was one of the primary researchers on fungal infections. So that's why he had me on the show, to talk about chronic fatigue.

By the way, there was a fellow there, and I've probably told you this story before, a Dr. Simoncini, an Italian oncologist. You can Google it. He talked about all cancers, all cancers are fungus based, because he was an oncologist and a pathologist. And any time that the lab would see breast cancer, for example, or another type of tumor, he would see fungal at the root of it. Now it never caught on, because this is going back well over 30 years ago. He wrote a book and he was popular a bit, but medicine, nah. And he was saying, "You've got to kill that fungus." You can't fight cancer, according to Dr. Simoncini, unless you kill the candida, kill the fungus, candida albicans.

Now what's happening in India, according to the science magazine, is not so much the virus, it is the presence of a fungal infection that gets especially into the lungs, and it's called mucormycosis. Mucormycosis. Medicine always loves to couch things in big words, but I'll make it simple, fungal infection in the lungs. Deadly, deadly. Fungus can be very deadly, guys. And again, I told this story before, but I think it bears repeating, because it was something very personal with me. This is 20 years ago at least. I had a patient come in, young man. The parents asked me to see this patient, they were good patients of mine and I was happy to see him, he'd just come out of the hospital and he was very unwell.

And if you know me enough, you come into my office, I'm going to ask you, it's the 50 questions. Not only do you fill out a questionnaire, but you get 50 questions from me. And I remember this like it was yesterday, and I mean it. This young guy, 25, I think, years old, very unwell, still unwell, just come out of the hospital, spent a week in the hospital, and I was asking him questions like, "Okay, what happened? How did this start?" And, "Tell me what you're feeling." And I was, to say the word stumped, I'm not going to say stumped, I just was perplexed. He had gotten intravenous antibiotics at the hospital because he went in there with not even a fever, it was just that his lungs were unwell, they thought maybe he had pneumonia.

And a week after they discharged him, and I saw him one day and I told him that this was just my opinion, because I couldn't prove it, I did a live blood test and I saw a lot of fungus, lot of yeast in his blood. And I said to him, "I think you have a fungal infection, and it's advanced, and I think you ought to go back to the hospital." I actually wrote them a little note, "I think it's fungus." Listen, I can't do the tests that they do. You know what? That guy died within a week of me seeing him. Went back to the hospital, they agreed that he had a fungal infection, but he died. It was too advanced. Now I tell you the story to tell you how serious fungal infections are, and they're saying, let me read you the headline again, deadly fungi are the newest emerging microbe threat all over the world. There are doctors who are screaming, it's not bacteria, it's not viruses, it's fungus, and they can be deadly.

They're getting into people's lungs, they're causing cancer. Yeast outside your body, what does it do? Oh, you can make bread rise. Inside your body what do you think it does? Not good. Makes things grow. And the problem is we don't have enough bacteria in our bodies on our side, the good bacteria, to go after fungi. We’re susceptible, and doctors in their training, I'm going to just tell you that I often was told this by patients who said, "Dr. Martin says I have a fungal infection, I have a yeast infection." "You can't have a yeast infection because if fungus ever got into your blood, it would kill you immediately." No it doesn't. No, it can be very dangerous, but it doesn't kill you immediately. And so it's something that it got years ago, candida albicans, the medical word. And there's other candidas, by the way. One of the deadly ones is candida auris. 

But it doesn't matter what matters is where it's coming from. We don't have the bacteria, the good army, like we used to. One of the reasons is antibiotics. The very same thing that saves our lives can kill us in the long run. I've said it. What have I said about autism? I even wrote about it in our new book, The Reset. Autism, what is it? Why is there so much autism today, compared to what there used to be? I'm telling you, look at my bookshelves. When you see a book coming out of the 1970s, you're not going to read about autism under A. It's an epidemic today, and I don't use that word lightly, autism is an epidemic today. Why is that? I'm 100% convinced it's the overuse of antibiotics, number one. Now there's other reasons, but that's the number one reason.

Baby in the placenta, or in early life, treating ear infections, which are 99% viral, with antibiotics. The babies got better. Yeah, but the baby would have got better anyway. You're better to treat and get the pressure out of the ears and give them a pain killer temporarily, but not an antibiotic, because bacteria are smart. They resist. That's why we have so many super bugs today. You know what the biggest problem is? Where is the most dangerous place in the world to be? South side of Chicago? No, your local hospital, because you could pick up very easily, and I know a lot of patients that have over the years, C difficile. You find C difficile, a resistant infection, in a hospital. Now I'm not telling you not to go to the hospital, please don't come after me for that, I'm just telling you facts. So you have resistant superbugs, but you know what this article is saying? Those are nothing, baby, compared to the resistant fungi.

I've told you, autism, Parkinson's, MS, the double-edged sword. Because you get fungus that travels to the brain, this is what they found, and doctors, they don't even want to talk about it, generally. When they do Parkinson's, they do an autopsy on a Parkinson's patient, they're finding yeast or fungus in the brain. It's growing like weeds. And guess what? One of the biggest factors is not only antibiotics, it's sugar. It's sugar. You're feeding the bears, because we're looking for love in all the wrong places. When look at cancer, whatever, a cancer patient never should touch sugar the rest of their life, not even an ounce of it. You're feeding the bears, fungus needs sugar. It needs sugar. It hates steak. I got to write that book, I'm telling you. It needs vitamin S. It hates vitamin S, fungus hates steak, loves sugar. And it's the reason today you're getting these emerging microbes, fungi, deadly.

Now in Indian of course there's mold, you know what I mean? Of course, I get that. I've often talked about that. That even in chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, that's why I got invited onto Dr. Kaufmann's show, because I was talking about exposure to mold, even in those days, and how that suppresses your immune system and it can be deadly, gets into the lungs, and you know how often I diagnosed that over the years? See, with the kid, I didn't tell you the whole story, the kid, I asked him, "Have you been exposed to mold?" He said, "Well, I was painting a dock, and there was mold on a dock," this is about two weeks before. He inhaled black mold into his lungs. I think if they'd asked them enough questions in the emergency department at the hospital, again, like I said, this is 20 years ago. It was one of my questions, have you been exposed to mold? "Yeah," he said, "You know what, come to think of it."

Black mold can be deadly. Fungus, that's what it is. And a lot of times we don't even know it. We don't know it, but our immune system is built, if we just help him to fight these things. Anyway, interesting, isn't it? At least I find it fascinating. Okay, thank you again, guys, for your attention, we appreciate it. Again, thank you for making The Reset, the book, if you haven't got that book, get it. It's big seller and we appreciate it, thank you very much. And Martin Clinic Facebook group, thank you, we appreciate that, and you can join, get your friends and family to join. Friday, Question and Answer Friday. We appreciate you guys, thank you for watching, we appreciate it big time. Okay, love you guys, talk to you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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