Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners.
Some of today’s topics include:
- Reversing hardening of arteries
- Tanning beds
- Absorption of supplements
- Protein and fibroids
- Fibrinogen and arthritis
- Histamine intolerance
- Sties and fungus infections
- Necessity of tonsils
Tune in to hear Dr. Martin’s responses!
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning. Once again, welcome to another Live here this morning. Got a lot of questions. So I want to get going this morning and we'll talk about these, okay? So Kim asking about Suramin, which is a medication used for... What do they call that in Africa? River Fever. Is it found in pine needles? You know what, Kim, good question. I'd have to actually check that out. I'm not really familiar with using pine needles. Now, you know me and pine bark. I'm a big guy on pine bark extract. Pine needles, I don't even know if my grandfather ever used pine needles in anything for any kind of results. I don't remember reading any of these for pine needles. There might be. But let me look it up, Kim. But I would say no.
April's asking, "Can hardening of the arteries be reversed?" Well, I've seen it, okay? Does that always mean it's going to happen? No, but you always want to improve on hardening of the arteries. One of the main things that you can do to start reversing hardening of the arteries is get that calcium out of your bloodstream. That's why I'm so big on vitamin K2. Eat your cheese, eat your butter, vitamin K2. That's why we put it in our vitamin D supplement, okay? K2, very important for helping to reverse hardening of the arteries. But listen, when you do The Reset, you're really helping your body reverse things. Okay, now, to what extent? Depends on age and whatever. I've seen people literally... And by the way, I think I'll post this study, it came out... I know I have it here because I was looking at it the other day, pine bark extract and reversing carotid artery, the carotid arteries here, reversing the damage of hardening of the carotid arteries. Let me post that on the private Facebook group, because I read it the other day.
But at the end of the day, look, you want to take care of your body, do everything you can. Remember, it's not cholesterol that hardens your arteries. It doesn't do that. You want to lower your triglycerides and elevate your cholesterol. Lower your triglycerides, elevate your cholesterol by lowering your carbohydrates. Your blood vessels, you want to increase your nitric oxide. Why is that? Because that opens up your blood vessels. Vitamin K2 takes calcium outside of your blood vessels and puts it in your bones where calcium belongs, okay? And you know there’s things over the years that I've used... chelation therapy and you can still get that today, get intravenous chelation therapy. It's expensive. But to some extent, hardening of the arteries... I've seen some very dramatic cases. But at the end of the day, you are looking for improvement in your blood vessels. When you lose that Teflon layer, okay, you got like Teflon inside your blood vessels, and inflammation damages that. We talked about that inflammation yesterday. What causes it? Insulin, insulin, insulin, leaky gut, oxidation. What you can control is change your diet. Okay, that's what you can control.
Esther, "What is Dr. Martin's opinion on tanning beds?" I think I tell people to be very, very careful with that stuff. I would much rather you take vitamin D than get on a tanning bed, okay? I know there are some better than others, but I'm not that big on it. I really am not. So I would much rather you get the rays of the sun. I was telling people the other day, "I don't care if you get any other vaccine, but make sure you take this one, Viderman. That's Dr. Martin's new term for a natural vaccine, Viderma. Vitamin D on the skin, the sun, okay? You know what I think about that. Much better. Tending beds, be careful. That's all I'm saying. Is there any such thing as safe sunscreen? Yeah. Well, Rivera, okay? Rivera is a good sunscreen. I'm not big on sunscreens. I would rather you get your vitamin D and then get out of the sun. You don't get into the shade or wear a wide brim hat and cover up. Cover up as much as you can. That's really the best way. Don't go burn in the sun. I'm not for that. You guys know what I think of sunscreens, okay?
So Kathy, "Explain how the supplements are absorbed." Well, Kathy, the same way food is absorbed, okay? I mean, digestion and absorption starts right away in your mouth, okay? So a supplement, it's usually in a capsule. So it's going to go to your stomach and that's where generally it's broken down, unlike food where it starts right in your mouth, right? "Why doesn't it matter how many we take if we take an all at once or spaced out?" Well, it does matter how many you take, but I don't think that’s your question, if we take it all at once or spaced out. Well, listen, your body knows Kathy what to do, okay? So if you take a handful of supplements in the morning, okay? Because that's what I do and the reason I do it is because I'm a creature of habit. Now, some people are used to taking pills or whatever, and they like splitting up their supplements. I got no problem with that. I mean, the only time I tell people really to split up their supplements is if, for example, they're taking magnesium at night or taking a dosage of probiotics at night. There's nothing wrong with that.
But see me here, Kathy, for me, I don't want to forget, okay? So I'm a creature of habit. This morning I already took, I took my DHA. I want my brain to work. I want it to last, okay? I take my DHA. I take my probiotics every morning, every morning, every morning I take my probiotics. I've been doing that for years. I take my digestive enzymes. I really don't have digestive issues, but I take digestive enzymes. I love digestive enzymes, especially ours because we formulated them. I take my Navitol for my nitric oxide,for my glutathione, for protection. There's no antioxidant like it.
Right now, because the weather's better, I'm not taking vitamin D on a regular basis. I get Viderma. Do you like that term, Viderma? I made it up the other day. I said, "One thing I need for sure, okay, against any virus or whenever is I need Viderma." Vitamin D, the sun on the skin, okay? But I take mine every morning with my coffee and sometimes I have a little bit of peanut butter with it just cause I like peanut butter, okay? Natural peanut butter, okay? That's me. I'm a creature of habit. That's me.
But Kathy, look, everybody's different and you're going to get 50 different doctors telling you, "Ah, you got to take this and that." The only thing is I recommend with probiotics and I recommend it's not the end of the world that you can't do this, with a probiotic, I don't want your stomach to be full, okay? Just because I don't want that probiotic, all those bacteria strains to be sitting in food for a longer period of time. I don't know, Kathy, if that's sort of answering your question, okay? But yeah, your body absorbs this stuff, okay?
"Why does my 13 year old daughter have a bloody nose?" Alex, well, listen. I mean, she might be missing the clotting factor. Sometimes it can be a sign. It can be a sign of anemia. It can be a sign that she's not clotting enough. Some people are just more susceptible, their blood vessels, their little capillaries and things like that inside the nose are thin. I wouldn't worry about it unless she's anemic, okay?
Lisa, "If you pee out what you don't need, why do blood levels remain high for B12?" Well, listen. Lisa, I like the question. It's a good question. But let me say this. I want your B12 to be high, okay? When blood work flags your B12 as being high, not high for me. I want you to have optimized B12 levels. I like about 800 to 1,200, even if it's in the 1,400. What's going to happen to you? Are you going to drop dead on the spot? "Oh, my B12 is high. That's why I'm sick." No. Everybody's different and their range is what would be optimized for them, Lisa, if it's toxic... It's a water soluble vitamin, meaning that your body will pee it out. I looked at some B12 this morning. One was flagged high and it's not as high as I like it. So yeah, I wouldn't worry about it too much, okay? But it's a good question because you're thinking. I like that, okay?
Heather, "I was told that eating too much protein mimics estrogen and I have fibroids." Heather, you were told wrong. Protein doesn't affect fibroids. Sugar affects fibroids. Insulin affects fibroids, okay? Somebody asked me the question this morning. It's not on my list, but I saw it separately. "My daughter has PCOS... polycystic ovarian disorder. What is that?" It's too much insulin. So it's sugar and crappy carbs and too much estrogen, okay? You better fix both of them if you have PCOS, and a lot of people have PCOS. Women have PCOS. They don't even know they have PCOS. But you heard wrong, Heather. Protein doesn't affect your fibroids. Well, they do. They'll shrink them. Protein is king, eggs, meat and cheese, protein and fat. Carbs are bad. Carbs elevate insulin. Insulin is a growth hormone. Insulin is a fat storing hormone. So if you have cancer, lower your insulin because it's a growth hormone. Insulin, I call it a death hormone. It was meant to be used sparingly and we overuse insulin today and thus all the problems in the universe. It's one of the seeds of disease, too much insulin.
Okay. "If sugar feeds cancer," Kathy, "Does Swerve feed cancer as well?" Swerve is a combination. I think of Stevia and Erythritol I think. Does that feed cancer? No. Look, I don't like these kind of things like Erythritol and all that. Look, if you've got to have a little sweetener, I'd rather you use that or Swerve. It's Stevia. It's a plant. Look, don't use too much of it, okay? I'm not big on those things. I mean, you can use them. You want to have low carb desserts or whatever, and you got to use a little bit of Swerve. If you do have cancer, you've already been diagnosed with cancer, man, I’d stay away from that stuff. I don't think it really feeds it per se. It's not like sugar and especially high fructose corn syrup. But I'm not huge on it, okay? I'm just not that huge on it, okay? Good question though. Thank you, Kathy.
Debbie, "Can a one year old and a three-year old do The Reset lifestyle?" I think about it, of course. Remember what the reset is, okay? Let me just remind you. What's coming down? Crappy carbs and all your sugars down. You are elevating your nutrient dense food. Is it good for kid? Absolutely. Now listen, kids can have some fruit and vegetables and whatever. They don't have to do The Reset 100%. But let's say they did. It would only be good for them, but I'm not against the plant kingdom, okay? There's a reason I give it. Because I avoid all oxalates, the lectin, the cellulose, and all the things that are in vegetables. I do it for a season, but I think you're asking a good question because when you say lifestyle, well, especially in children, if they've never really had trouble with... A one year old's not going to have trouble with insulin. It's possible, I guess. But generally no, or a three-year-old. But isn't it a great lifestyle? Wean them on eggs, meat and cheese. They're the best three foods in the world. Yeah.
Rokaiya, "Can I reverse any damage that might have been caused by high blood pressure?" Well, of course. We just talked about that. Sorry, I should've put that together with the first question, but yes, Rokaiya. It's amazing how your body is carefully and wonderfully made. You regenerate. Even at 80 years old. You're not going to regenerate like you would if you're 20, but you regenerate. First of all, you get brand new blood every four months. Three times a year, your blood is completely revamped. Now, if you still eat the same way, you're going to get damaged blood coming back. But the life of the flesh is in what? The blood. Change your blood by changing your food. It's amazing. Then you can lower your blood pressure because remember what I've told you, blood pressure is a sign. It's your body saying, "You there, it's not salt. Blood pressure is not salt." They blame salt for what sugar was doing. It's not salt. The only time salt will ever bother you in the viscosity and even for blood pressure is if you don't drink water, if you're dehydrated, and then your blood serum gets too thick and salt can bother it. But 99% of people that have trouble with high blood pressure, it's sugar. It's not salt. Get to the root cause.
Okay. Steven, "Can excess fibrin being a cause or contributing factor for arthritis?" Elevated fibrin is linked to high cholesterol. Well, first of all, elevated fibrin is linked to cholesterol and LDL. So that wouldn't be bad, would it? Okay? Is fibrin a cause of contributing factor for arthritis? Well, not that I can think of, Steven. But I look, I'm a simple man, okay? So Steven, all I know is all the blood markers that you get, fibrinogen and your CRP, C-reactive protein inflammation and your homocysteine, when you eat the right way, again, carbs and sugars this way, protein and fat this way, up, up, up, up, up, up. It's amazing what happens. Is there a link? Yes. But elevated cholesterol, well, you want high.
LDL, who cares? Like I said, you can't make me care because I don't think it's science. When I read anything about LDL, I go, "Well, your body produces LDL." They make it out to be a bad guy because they found a drug to lower it. But it hasn't fixed heart disease. Heart disease is worse than it ever used to be because they're looking for love in all the wrong places. They're not looking at the right thing. They're not looking at triglycerides the way they should. They're not looking at HDL, which is your carrier. LDL is a carrier too, okay? They're little trucks on the highways. Why could they be bad for you? They're not bad. But HDL is really important you get that elevated because those are the big trucks on the highways of your blood vessels and they're going to hitch their wagon to your triglycerides to take them back to the liver so they're processed out of your body. Triglycerides, okay? So repeat, repeat, repeat.
Joan is asking, "Can you water down 35% whipped cream?" Why would you do that? Okay, your child wants to drink it instead of giving them milk. Yeah. I'm not big on drinking. Look, make them Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie if you're worried about it, okay? With 35% whipped cream, it's actually very, very good for kids. Make them that smoothie. But I'm not big on kids drinking milk. They don't need it. Once they're done with you, mommy, breastfeeding, get them to drink water. They don't need milk, okay? Now, will they drink cream if you water it down? I guess so. But like I said, I like the cream in a smoothie. Just because you want to give kids a variety and it's very, very, very good for them, okay? You want things, but if you wean them properly on water, they get used to water and that's what they'll like. I got to have juice and then you give them a sweet tooth. You give kids orange juice and apple juice and all their life they're going to want to drink sweet stuff. You give them milk, 1%, 2%, the grocery store milk, you're getting them ready for an addiction to sugar. So let them drink water as soon as they can, they can drink coffee, okay?
Leanne, "Can I talk about a histamine intolerance?" Yeah, I can talk about it. You know what it is? It's leaky gut. So if you have a histamine intolerance, you have leaky gut. Fix leaky gut. Can take you a year to fix leaky gut. I think someone is asking, Brenda, "How do you know that leaky gut is healed?" That's a good question. It depends, okay? Because you can have no symptoms of leaky gut in a sense that you might have no digestive symptoms. But if you have histamine intolerance, you have leaky gut. Your microbiome has changed. Generally, remember what I'm going to say here now, you have two armies, good bacteria, bad bacteria, and you have an invasive third army. They're the real bad guys. Bad bacteria, yeah, yeah, yeah. But if you have enough good guys, don't worry about your bad bacteria because your good guys don't take care of it, okay? The problem is with histamine intolerance, chronic sinusitis, and somebody was asking about tinnitus here. Oh yeah, here it is, "Is there a connection between candida and tinnitus?" Linda. So let me just say yes, there is a connection.
Tinnitus in my opinion is like PCOS. Remember what I told you? In tinnitus, there are two things. One, big thing, insulin. Insulin resistance. It's a sign that you have insulin resistance and you better change your diet, number one. Number two... Now look, you can get tinnitus from working in the factory and this kind of thing. But generally, I find, okay, this is just me, 95% of the time, tinnitus is insulin and candida. It's fungal. It comes from the gut, gets into the middle ear, into the sinuses, tinnitus. When you fix leaky gut and you fix your diet and you get your insulin down, big change. Also, with tinnitus, I add Navitol because about 40, 50% of people see a real good improvement when you add that. But I always want to go to what's causing it, okay? What's causing it.
Joey's asking about castor oil. Am I big on it? No. Well look, I'm not saying it's no good, okay? I'm not saying castor oil is no good. It's just something for me, I find things are better for that, okay? So when you talk about sore muscles, the endocrine system, the way to reduce inflammation, I like high DHA against castor oil any time. You take it internally, high DHA. I love curcumin. I love that big time, inflammation. I love our Inflammation Formula. Again, so I'm telling you my opinion. I'm not saying that it's no good, okay? So if you like castor oil, you want to use it, I got no problem with that.
Somebody else was asking too, "What's the difference between MC oil, DHA and cod liver oil?" Well, MC is medium-chain, usually a coconut oil or palm oil. That's a medium-chain fatty acid. Do I like it? Yeah. I like it. Coconut oil and all that is good. Cod liver oil is very good. We used to get that as a kid for vitamin D and vitamin A. Cod liver oil gives you good... I'd rather you eat your vitamin A in eggs, meat, and cheese, okay? But the best oil of all oils is DHA because that's what your brain is made up of. The brain primarily is made up of a long-chain fatty acid and that is DHA, okay? I like EPA. I like DHA. I like ALA. I like CLA which is dairy, mostly. I like all those fatty acids, but the best on top is the king of the castle is DHA, okay?
So herd immunity. How does herd immunity occur? When they let people go back to normal. Look, I'm just going to give you a generality. Please don't get uptight, okay? Because some people, I'm telling you this has become so political what we're doing here today and the world. It makes me want to scream, okay? It really does. For heaven's sakes, what are you scared of? Take care of yourself. Viderma. Get the sun, eat right, your immune system will be good. We need to see people and hug people and kiss people. That's how you get herd immunity, seriously. Look, I get it. Medicine has another way to achieve herd immunity. You get a certain percentage of the population, I think they're talking about 40, 50% need to be vaccinated. Then you're going to have herd immunity. But really, we're meant, guys, we're meant... What's going to happen the next time? What's going to happen in the fall when the fourth wave comes? We're going to have another season, flu season, 100% for sure. You think there'll be no flu season? Well, maybe they'll call it something else. Because there was no flu this year. For the first time in recorded medical history, there was no flu this year. Everything was the virus. You know what, folks, quit watching TV. Jeepers. Here we are. We're in Ontario and it never going to end. Never going to end. I can't get over it.
Okay, Dieter is asking about sties. Look, this is me. Is it a bacterial infection or is it a fungal infection? I'm bigger on fungus. You get sties, especially if they're repeated, you got a fungus in there, okay? It's like a repeated bladder infection. You have a fungus. You have yeast. We renamed it in the gut. It's not SIBO bacterial, it's SIFO. So sties are that.
Myasthenia gravis, Muriel. Yeah, for your husband. Okay, that's an autoimmune disease and it's when your nerves cells and your muscle cells are not communicating. It started in the gut. When you actually have it, how much better can they get? Well, it's certainly worth the try. Do The Reset, fix leaky gut, broad spectrum probiotics, and lower inflammation and do the best you can with that diet, okay?
Martine, "What is the disadvantage of having tonsils removed?" Well, tonsils, okay, and I could tell you a long story, but I'm going to make it short. When I was a kid, everybody and their dog, just about, had their tonsils removed. My dad wouldn't let us have our tonsils removed. He knew better because you know what they were saying in the 1950s when I was a little boy, tonsils were part of evolution. You don't need them. They said that about the appendix too. Just part of evolution and they're going to eventually fall off. No, tonsils are the gatekeepers. They don't let bad bacteria get into the trachea. They're the gatekeepers.
Then I don't know what year it was, 1970s, I think 19, maybe '80s, medicine woke up and they said, "Oh gee, you know what, we need tonsils." Where everybody in the 1950s were getting their tonsils removed, I was the only guy in grade seven, and when I was a kid, I was mad at my dad. I want to go get my tonsils out. He said, "Why?" "Because you go to the hospital and you get ice cream. That's what my friends told me. I wanted the ice cream." My buddies would tell me they give you the little Dixie cups of ice cream. Now, anybody my age know what I'm talking about there? No, but seriously. That's why they used to take their tonsils out because they thought it was part of evolution. Then they found out oh, geez, it's an important part of the immune system. Now, today you need to have gangrene going on in your tonsils before they'll take them out, which is good. You shouldn't take them out. Okay, good question, Martine.
Dolores, "Is the sun harmful to people that have bad diets?" No. The sun is never harmful unless you get too much of it. The sun, vitamin D, Viderma. Do you like that, guys? Tell me if you like that. Dr. Martin's Viderma. Vitamin D on the skin. It elevates your nitric oxide. If you got a bad diet, you need even more vitamin D in the sun, okay? Thoughts on vitamin D lotions or patches. I haven't seen the vitamin D patch. Is it out? I'd have to look at it. Lotion, vitamin D lotions on your skin. I haven't seen it. I'm sure it exists. But I like our vitamin D because I put vitamin K2 in it too. So you absorb it even more, plus it takes the calcium out of your blood vessels. Okay guys, I think I got them all. Thank you again for watching today. You guys are great. We appreciate it. We love you very, very much. I mean that. Hope you guys have a great, great day today and we'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!