We almost always hear from the media and the gurus on the internet and dieticians that we shouldn’t be eating red meat. Young people are especially indoctrinated in this belief, that a large majority are now borderline anemic.
Dr. Martin shares an observational study that came out of the UK showing that dementia decreased by 50% in those who regularly ate red meat. Over half a million participants over 10 years, the risk of dementia is down by 50% compared to those who didn't eat red meat or very little of it.
We need red meat in our diet, and Dr. Martin goes on to make this point by sharing things found in the animal kingdom that are not in the plant kingdom.
Tune into today’s episode to hear some of the benefits of eating red meat!
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning. Hope you're having a great day. Okay, let's get going. I want to talk to you today about a study that came out of the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom, and it was on red meat and dementia. Now this was an observational study, okay? Over 10 years, they followed half a million people, and here's the headline. Dementia Decreased by 50% in People Who Regularly Eat Red Meat. So between two and three times a week, they eat red meat. According to this study, the risk of dementia is down by 50% compared to those who didn't eat red meat or very little of it, or none at all, which is a big part of the population, surprisingly. And the last few sessions I've been using a statement, "Don't be confused." Okay? Don't be confused. Why are people so confused? Well, because there is so much bad information out there and even continues today.
I thank God for the internet. I really like people being very interested in their health. Obviously, with this program, on a daily basis, we talk about health, and I'm just trying to provide information. You've got gray matter between your ears, and it's up to you to make those decisions. But why are people so confused? Because generally, the world gets it wrong. Generally. Okay? The world gets it wrong, especially in the area of nutrition and health. I've been telling you this for so many years. Cholesterol is not the boogeyman. The sun is not the boogeyman. It's not. And red meat is not the boogeyman. It's not. There's so much confusion because people are saying that stuff isn't good for you.
And so there is a lot of confusion, but don't be confused, because in the last week or so, we looked at high levels of iron, which is a huge, huge problem today, and low levels of iron, which is a real big problem today. Hemochromatosis is too much iron, and a lot of people aren't getting that, and the first thing a doctor will say, generally, is, "Quit eating red meat. You're getting too much iron." Well, they got the idea of red meat and iron right. They got that right because the only place to get heme iron, H-E-M-E is in red meat. So they got that right. But the problem isn't because you're eating too much red meat. The problem lies, and we've talked about this, so I'm not going to go into a lot of detail, but the problem lies in the liver.
The liver gets all gummed up, and the liver cannot chelate the iron. How did the liver get gummed up? The liver, the parking lot, the minivan that's stuffed up, can't put another suitcase in it, right? The liver. How does that get gummed up? Why do we see so much problem with hemochromatosis? Because people are eating too many carbohydrates and too much sugar because that's what happens when the body has to store those carbs and sugars. The liver gets full, and a lot of people react to that by they can't filter out the iron. And the solution for the doctors, and I get it, I understand why they say it, is, "Well, you need to get your blood out of your body." And a lot of times that's what they do to lower the amount of iron in the blood.
On the opposite end of that scale is low iron, and I just want to say this. Most young people today, I'm not saying all of them, but most, and especially young ladies, they've got too little iron. They don't eat red meat. It's amazing the young people today have been indoctrinated, and they've got their phones and they've got their information at their fingertips, unlike when I was a kid. They get instant information, but a lot of it is indoctrination, and red meat must be bad. Why? Because 99% of the gurus on the internet and the media and the dieticians, "Red meat, you don't want to be eating that." But without red meat, you're not getting heme iron. And a lot of them are borderline anemic. A lot of them, borderline anemic. Plus, ladies, young women with menses, loss of blood, they never replace that properly. There's so many today with hormonal issues, too much estrogen and periods, bad ones, bad cramping with estrogen dominance, and that's a whole other topic, but it was amazing how many thousands and thousands of young people I would see over the years, and it's worse and worse and worse. Their diets are upside down. They're heavy on grains and heavy on soy.
When I talk about vegetable oils, the worst one is the soy, the soy oil they use. And it's the most popular one. It's very inexpensive. It does the trick for the food industry, and young people live on that kind of stuff. And they're told that the plant kingdom is better than the animal kingdom. Be very careful with the animal kingdom because you're going to have cholesterol. You're going to get fat and saturated fat. That's so good for you. You need PUFAs, polyunsaturated fatty acids. You don't get this, guys. You don't get this fat by eating fat. You get this fat by eating sugar and carbs and grains and soy oils and PUFAs, polyunsaturated fatty acids. That's what creates fat in the body, and if you don't believe me, look around.
Now I know the world's a little bit upside down, especially in Canada, and we're not open yet. I don't know if the malls will ever open again, but if they do, go and look. Look at people. One of the unintended consequences of a lockdown, not only mental health and all this and that, it's the amount of food people are eating. They're bored stiff. This is a catastrophe with people, we're too big already, and we're loading up on comfort foods and carbs and forgetting about red meat. Look, guys, all meat is good. Red meat is better. All meat is good, but red meat is better. And the study in Leeds is just showing, and it's buried. You wouldn't believe... if I didn't have a service sending me these studies, you'd never find these things. The media are complicit. It doesn't follow their narrative, so you rarely ever hear about it. Don't be confused. Don't be confused.
So I just want to remind you in this soon-to-be podcast in Live, I want to remind you, without red meat, you get no B12. It's one of the principles that I stand on. One, your body cannot be healthy without B12. They just can't. Now, you're not going to die immediately from low B12. You're not going to drop dead on the spot. "Oh, my B12 is low," I drop dead. No, but every aspect of your body needs B12. People talk, "Oh, Doc, should I take a B vitamin?" Nah, I'd rather you eat it. All you have to do to get B complex, all of them, but especially B12, is to eat red meat.
It's not complicated. B12. Your body doesn't work, you brain doesn't work without B12. Your nerves, the nervous system doesn't work without B12. Your digestive system needs B12. And your digestive system needs to be good in order for you to get B12. It's a finicky vitamin. B12 has a large molecular structure. I always tell people that. B12 is a large structure and it's finicky. You have to make sure that you have optimum levels of B12 for your body to function properly. One of the biggest things in dementia, one of the biggest things in dementia, in brain, in cognitive is the importance of vitamin B12. You're rarely ever going to hear it because I told you this many times, B12 used to be very, very important to doctors. What happened? I mean it. B12 used to be very important. You're tired? You need B12. They give you a shot without even looking at you.
My wife is a nurse. She gave a lot of B12 shots, lots of B12 shots, and today, "Oh, your B12 is normal." Hey guys, that blood test is 100 years old. Put it to bed. And without B12, even your nitric oxide, which is so good for your blood vessels and your immune system and this and that, you need B12. So if you don't eat red meat, you better be taking the supplement of B12, and it has to be methylcobalamin, and it has to be dissolvable. And they've proven that's even better than taking a shot. Why? Because you take it every day. I'm not against B12 shots. It was the only way of getting B12 at one time, other than eating steak. Okay? Heme iron, B12.
Let me give you another one. Zinc. Zinc got a lot of ink. I like that. Hey, you don't even hear about it anymore. But remember, if you go back a year ago or so, they were talking about zinc, how important it was in the fight of the virus to your immune system, and how do you get zinc? In the plant kingdom or the animal kingdom? Waiting. Animal kingdom. There's not enough zinc in the plants for mice to survive on. Zinc, they found out, especially, wasn't news to me... Do you ever hear me talking about taking a supplement of zinc? I mean, you could, but I want you to eat zinc. When you have a steak, think about this, you're getting your B12. Check. You're getting your heme iron. Check. You're getting zinc. Check.
Zinc is important. A lot of things I don't even talk about as supplements because I would rather you eat them. But when you eat a steak, a lot of people eat steak and you know me, that's vitamin S, a lot of people eat it and they feel guilty, almost. They see it on a barbecue and like, "That's a heart attack waiting to happen, even though it tastes so good." True or false? They almost feel guilty. You see the indoctrination that's taken place? Folks, that's insanity. If I get a vegetarian or a vegan, and there's a lot of plant doctors. They're plant doctors, I call them. Why do I call them plant doctors? Because they believe the plant kingdom is better than the animal kingdom in terms of your health, and I call them on it every time.
How can that be true? It can't be true when all of your important vitamins, your important minerals, like zinc is found in the animal kingdom, mostly. I'm not dismissing the plant kingdom. I don't dismiss it, but we got it upside-down, and it bothers me. When the University of Leeds comes out and says, "Well, 50% decrease in dementia," do you think that surprised me? No. The United Kingdom number one killer over there is what? Alzheimer's. They're carboholics, but so are we. These are modern-day phenomenons because people have gotten away from eating animal kingdom or just not enough of it.
How can your body survive properly? How can your immune system function properly without zinc? And zinc does a lot of other things. It even helps with your blood sugars. But zinc, people think of zinc and they go, "Immunity." Yes, because it's true. It's true. And by the way, just a reminder, I talked to you about this a long time ago, you know what drives zinc inside your cell, where it really protects your immune system? You know what drives it inside? Did you have your coffee this morning? Did you have your real vitamin C? Yeah, coffee. It drives zinc inside your cells. Isn't that exciting?
Somebody said, "What about tea, Doc?" I said, "Well, why would you drink tea when you can have a coffee?" Now, look, if you like tea, good for you. But it doesn't have what coffee has. I'm sorry. Vitamin K2. We're going to spend a session, again, on vitamin K2. A new study came out on vitamin K2, okay? But we'll spend a session on it. CoQ10. You guys know this about CoQ10, don't you? Right? CoQ10 is specific for mitochondria, especially in muscle cells. So you need CoQ10. Your body makes CoQ10 when you eat red meat. Why is it the boogeyman? Why do we have a meatless craze? You know what I call it? A meatless craziness. That's what I call it.
Bill Gates and others are inventing these meats with all soy. I wouldn't give that to my dog. I don't think a dog would eat it. A dog knows better. It needs meat. You've got L-carnitine, L-arginine. The reason I bring up these two, because you can't even have a healthy heart. Not only CoQ10, but you can't have a healthy heart without L-arginine and L-carnitine. Really good for your blood vessels. Nitric oxide. These are amino acids found in the animal kingdom, and more specifically in red meat. Don't be confused. Don't be confused. Every day of your life, if you do reading or you follow certain people online or whatever, you are going to hear the opposite of what I just said because red meat is associated with cancer, red meat is associated with heart disease, and it's just the opposite.
I'm going to tell you another thing you don't get. Unless you eat fish, you don't get Omega-3. You know what the problem in the world is today? One of the biggest problems is the amount of Omega-6 people, because again, soy, canola, peanut oil. I like peanut butter. Don't tell anybody I do. But I know it's Omega-6. It's not Omega-3. But you see, I have fish every day. I have steak. Steak has more Omega-3 than fish does, and guess what? This is so important when it comes to Omega-3, guys, okay? The fatty acid that is the best for your heart, your brain is what? DHA. I like EPA too. But DHA and EPA are found in the animal kingdom. You can get Omega-3, even, in plants. You can. But they're not the long chain fatty acids. The long chain fatty acids are much more bioavailable, meaning your body likes it better, it absorbs it better, and your brain is mostly made up of fat. I've told you that a thousand times.
Your brain… I'm showing here, okay? For those who will be on a podcast later, I'm showing fat, okay? This could be your brain. No, but really guys, your brain is made up of fat. It's made up of cholesterol. It's made up of DHA. No wonder brains shrink. You want your brain to shrink? You ever see... You probably never have, but if you get a brain, you could probably Google it on autopsy of dementia or Alzheimer's. That brain is shrinkled up like a prune, and the biggest reason for that is they were sugarholics. They were carboholics. Shrinks the brain. Not enough B12 shrinks the brain. Not enough cholesterol shrinks the brain. Not enough DHA shrinks the brain.
Now I'm not personally a fish eater, but I take fish every day, in a capsule. For me, I love DHA and I eat a lot of steak. I have roast beef, too, and hamburger is good for you too. Okay? When I say steak it's because it's vitamin S, but these things, guys, they're science. It's science. You can't undo... And what they do is they don't talk about it. They only talk about the negative, but you can't undo the truth. You can't undo it. You can't just say, "Well, you know what? Yeah, there's B12 in red meat, and it's not found in the plant kingdom, but that's not important." Yes, it is. It's extremely important.
So I brought you this study this morning. I flagged it, and I always wait a few days to see if I pick it up on the mainstream media. Well, good luck with that. Good luck with that. In the old days of newspapers, you remember that? It would be buried on page… you know, way in the back so people don't read. Never be a headline. The headlines in the media would be: Red Meat Causes Cancer. Red Meat Gives You Cholesterol, Which Causes Heart Disease. Just the opposite. Just the opposite. Cancer hates steak. Hates it.
So, wanted to read this, too, I think. Just on teenagers, okay? Let me just give you the headlines. Not Eating Enough Red Meat. Mount Sinai Hospital in New York said, "Doctors are worried they have such a low heart rate." Now, it's good not to have a real high heart rate, obviously, but it's not good to have a real low heart rate either. And they're blaming that on too little iron, too little iron, the heme iron that you get in red meat because young people are not eating it. Crazy, isn't it?
Okay. So we've got some great topics coming up this week. Sure appreciate your attention. Thank you for joining the Martin Clinic Facebook Group. We appreciate it. Thousands upon thousands in that community. Invite your friends and family. We appreciate that group. It's really good. People are educated in there. They know a lot about nutrition. I like it because a lot of times I don't have to answer the question. You guys answer the question. Lots of good testimonies in there on The Reset, too. Okay? So, love you guys. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!