Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners.
Some of today’s topics include:
- Twitching in the hands
- Pine bark extract for the skin
- Cause of dark circles
- Flaxseed and lignans
- H. pylori bacteria in the stomach
- Dormant viruses living in our bodies
- Post-chemo therapy for ovarian cancer
- Ashwagandha
- K2 and the absorption of vitamin D
- Repairing of blood vessel damage
Tune in to hear Dr. Martin’s responses!
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning. I hope you're having a great day. Let's go through these questions, and we appreciate questions coming in.
Lynn's asking a good question. How long does it take for the probiotics to travel from the stomach into the gut? Not long. They don't sit in the stomach. The nice things about our probiotics are they are enterically coated. The capsule isn't terribly coated. It's meant to get past the acid in the stomach. You actually want some of the probiotics in your stomach by the way. You don't want all of them to get past that acid because some strains of bacteria are really good at fighting H. pylori, which we will talk about because somebody asked that question today, that maybe I would do a little discussion on H. pylori. So it doesn't take long, a few minutes. And most of the probiotic is now into the gut.
You know, you can have a little bit of food, but I wouldn't take probiotics after a meal. It's not the end of the world. If you have a lot of food in your stomach, you really want to take the probiotics. When I say empty stomach, just don't have a lot of food in your stomach. You just don't want them to sit there forever while your body digested the food. But it's not the end of the world. They eventually get into the gut, even if you're full. And some people just find they can't take any supplements without eating and that's all right. No problem at all, okay?
Donna: Just last week I noticed lots of twitching in my hands and now it's in my arms. Well look, it could be a lot of things. So you want me to give you 50 things it could be? But here's what I think that twitching might be. You get twitching in your eyelid. You get twitching in your hands or whatever. You see a little twitch there. That's often a sign of low magnesium. It's often a sign of low magnesium. It could be B12. It's possible it's B12. But generally it is a sign that your magnesium is low, okay? So good question.
What does Dr. Martin eat on a regular day? Barbara. And you're saying my skin looks beautiful. Well, thank you, Barbara. Flattery will get you everywhere. What do I eat on a regular basis? Well, listen, I just got to tell you this, that I live with an Italian stallion, I call her, and she's the best cook in the world. You wouldn't want to live on what I can cook. Like, hmm, my grandchildren always laugh at grandpa because they say, "Grandpa, if grandma wasn't around what would you eat?" You guys, well, you got to be my age to remember. Breakfast in the morning, breakfast in the evening, breakfast at suppertime. I'd be making myself bacon and eggs because that's all... I wouldn't even know how to make the eggs very well, but bacon I can make. Sausage I can make. I guess I could make a steak. I'm the guy that makes the steak. Well, I don't make the steak, but I cook the steak.
And you're asking a good question because look guys, and I think I've said this enough times to you before, I really try and practice what I preach. Does that mean I never have carbs? No. My wife said Italian. If I said to you I'm never going to have another pasta I would be, I mean, why would I do that to myself? But I am very religious about my food. I'm a big, big pro... When I say eggs, meat and cheese, I eat 90% of the time eggs, meat, and cheese. When I do the Reset, of course, it's a hundred percent of the time. I eat low carb all the time. Do I have a cheat meal? Yep. But I don't live on carbohydrates. I don't. I don't live on bread. I don't live on noodles. I don't. Now if I left it to myself, I would live on that because I love that stuff. You give me peanut butter and bread, especially homemade bread, oh, I wouldn't die to live on that, but I don't.
And I had spent many years. I think I've told you the story of, I cut out sugar 50 years ago, oh, more than that. I never had another chocolate bar, never had another soda. I've had a few diets sodas. Even then, I don't like that stuff so much. So my treat drinking is coffee. I love coffee and I drink it black. And I used to have sugar in my coffee when my mother would make percolated coffee. And my grandmother, oh, just the smell of that. But I couldn't drink it even when I was a teenager or whatever, unless I put four sugars in it. But today I drink my coffee black.
So what I try and tell you guys, generally I live by. I eat lots of cheese. I eat lots of eggs, and I have meat, meat coming out my both ears. From steak three times a week at least. Roast beef, hamburger, without the bun. I can eat the hamburger without the bun. And it doesn't mean I never have a hamburger with a bun. I don't live on that stuff. I really don't. I can't. Well, first of all, I think you know this about me, I try not to fool myself because I would have insulin resistance in an instant with me. I just don't get along with carbohydrates. I don't do well. So I've got to be very, very careful. Good question. I really appreciate it.
And you know, one thing about skin, Barb, I'm just going to say this too. Yeah, food man, food. But what helps with your skin too, is when you take Navitol internally... I remember reading an article coming out of Europe. This is probably 15 or 20 years ago, that said, pine bark extract is one of the best things that you can consume internally for your skin, for your skin. Vitamin D's important for your skin. The sun, don't burn, but the sun is very, very important for the skin. Okay, Barb, thanks again.
Why do we have dark circles? Well, a lot of times dark circles are just a sign that you have leaky gut, a sign that you have allergies of some kind. It might be environmental. It can be, dark circles sometimes is a sign of anemia, where you're deficient in especially heme iron and you need to eat more vitamin S. But a lot of times the dark circles are people that have allergies and they might not sense them so much. They might not be to the environment, but maybe to dairy. You guys know me. I'm not big on milk. I'm big on cream. A lot of people don't do well with store-bought milk. I don't like grocery store milk, the white Pepsi, and a lot of people react to that. There is 70% of the population that don't get along with milk. But it's not really milk. What you get in the grocery store isn't milk. That's not what comes out of a cow. There's not enough fat in that milk. And they denature it.
Can gallstones be done away with without surgery? Sometimes. Sometimes, if you take care of your gallbladder, remember you don't get gallstones because you're eating too much fat. You get gallstones because you're not eating enough fat. Your gallbladder is a little reservoir for bile. And when you're eating eggs, meat, and cheese, you're emptying it all the time, because you need that bile to emulsify the fat. Bile is very important for the pH of your small intestine. You need bile. And if you don't have a gallbladder, your liver is where bile is made. The gallbladder is just a reservoir for the bile, and people lose it because they don't use it.
Now, let's say you do have a stone, okay? Now you have a stone. Well, don't overdo it with eggs, meat, and cheese, because that stone or stones... A lot of people have sludge made up of little wee stones in their gallbladder. It's full of sludge because they didn't use it. But now you have a gallstone. What do you do? Well, the best thing I find to fix the gallbladder, because the body will dissolve the stone sometimes, okay? Just understand what I'm saying. It doesn't happen all the time. But I find if you don't eat at night, try and have all your food by five o'clock, six o'clock at the latest, and if you can go intermittent fasting and not even eat in the morning, or go to about 10 o'clock and then you can have a couple of eggs and some bacon. But the idea really with the gallbladder, and this is the same for acid reflux, and this is the same for GERDs, and this is the same for hiatus hernia, don't eat at night. Don't eat at night. And there's a good chance you can fix that gallbladder because the body is unbelievable. It will regenerate itself. Now, there's some tricks online about using olive oil and lemon or something like that. I don't know. You want to try it, try it. I don't know. Does it work? I don't know.
Shirley: I know that Dr. Martin says that flax is healthy. Yep. And it takes extra estrogen out of the body. However, I was just watching a video from a well-known keto doctor who said men should not eat flax because it causes high estrogen. Just the opposite. Now I'm confused, Shirley. Well, listen Shirley, if you listen to me, I've said this a thousand times. If you listen to me, and I got a lot of respect for my guru friends online. I do. Some of them have the same amount of education that I have and they're smart people, but let's say that we agree to disagree. I know one thing about flaxseed, is it has lignans. L-I-G-N-A-N-S, lignans. What do lignans do? They block estrogen for men and women. That's what lignans do. The highest source of lignans is flax. I've been using it for centuries, just about. So all I'm saying is, yeah, I understand it because they see it as a phytoestrogen, but the lignans block estrogen. That's their job. So I even allow flaxseeds on the Reset, because I want to lower your estrogen. I don't allow any kind of plants or anything like that during the Reset, but I allow flaxseeds. So yeah, it's confusing, Shirley. It's confusing. Because you're going to hear... it's like red meat. Go online, be my guest, Google red meat and see what almost every doctor says about it. Oh, it's bad for you. It's carcinogenic. And I tell you that's craziness. I'm sorry, that's not true. Why would God put B12 in red meat and nowhere else? And then say, you can't eat it. It's going to give you cancer. It doesn't make any sense at all.
So yes, Shirley, when you get into health care, you're always going to get into, I don't want to say confusion, but you're going to get mixed messages. I'm just giving you information from my perspective, from my 46 years of practice. And you know, some people don't like me. What? Like vegetarians, I always tell vegetarians, don't take it personally. I still love you even if you don't love me. You don't want to hear it? You want me to tell you that... You can go on Netflix or whatever, and you got these doctors and they're not stupid people. I'm not saying they're stupid people. They're not. And they tell you, well, "The plants are so much better than the animal kingdom." And guys, that's about 95% of anybody that's got… I got a PhD in nutrition. I venture to say that 95% of people that have any kind of PhD in nutrition will tell you that red meat is no good for you. It's carcinogenic. It's acidic. No, it's not. Red meat's not acidic. It's not true. And red meat's got B12, and red meat has heme iron, and red meat has L-carnitine and L-arginine, and it has amino acids that the plant kingdom doesn't have. I'm sorry. And you know what, Shirley? Don't be confused. You just have to decide, okay, I'm trying to convince you, on a daily basis, that I'm right. I'm trying to convince you. I had to convince my patients. You have to trust me.
As my patients, I used to tell them, I'd grab their little face and I'd say, "You need to trust me. You came to see me, trust me. Do this for 30 days and see what happens. You got to trust me for 30 days." "I know, doc, but I got to have my toast." No, you don't. No toast. It's a good question, Shirley, it is. I don't mind you asking. I want to reinforce that I love flaxseed. Sorry. Some people don't like it because they say men shouldn't take it. Men, absolutely should take it, because you know how men get prostate cancer? Estrogen. They have more estrogen than their wives. That's how you get prostate cancer. You want to block that estrogen. That's why I love our hormonal formula too. It blocks estrogen. Okay.
Susan's talking about, she's taking post-chemo therapy for her ovarian cancer that she had, and this is the treatment, what do I think about that? Well, yeah. I mean, listen, I'm not going to tell you, I don't know your case and I'm not telling you never... I never tell somebody not to take a drug. I never do that. I'll give you some information. There's always side effects to these meds. These are a pretty strong medication, okay? They're called PARP inhibitors and they block enzymes I believe that could be cancer producing. So listen, one of the things I would do for sure, Susan, is I would be on, well, you should be anyways, but I'm going to tell you one of the best things, to always minimize side effects of medications that you're taking, the best, best thing is probiotics, a broad spectrum, probiotic. If you're fatigued... because one of the side effects of this is fatigue. It drains you of energy. Try our Blood Boost. Really good.
Linda: H. pylori. Let's talk about it. H. pylori is a common, 90, maybe 100% of people have H. pylori. What is H. pylori? It is a bacteria in your stomach, and it usually lives there without any, any, any indication that you even have it, unless they test for it. You start having digestive issues, especially ulcers or whatever, they're going to test you for H. pylori. But H. pylori has been in your system for a long time. It sits in the gut. It stays dormant. If you have good acidity in your stomach and you don't have digestive issues, H. pylori ain't going to hurt you. It's only when it really becomes activated that it can start to destroy the lining of the stomach.
But usually with very, very good acidity in the stomach and probiotics, keep H. pylori... Our digestive enzymes, we actually formulate them to kill H. pylori if it gets activated. So again, H. pylori... Because people, Oh, I've got H. pylori. Yeah, you've always had H. pylori. It's just now that they've tested you and they find that it's been activated. It's like getting a cold sore. Oh, the virus came out. You always had the virus. It's the chickenpox virus, right? It's the herpes virus. You got that when you were a kid when you had the chicken pox, and if your immune system is good and you're not overstressed, it won't come out. So H. pylori is very, very similar to that.
Judy: Dr. Martin talks about inflammation and how dangerous it is to have that. But if you have inflammation in your joints due to work-related issues and overuse of muscle joints, is that the same thing and dangerous as well? No, it's not. Because inflammation is silent a lot of times. Sometimes you can have recurring non-injury or non-repetitive injury, joint pain, and that's a sign that you have an inflammation in the body. But what we're talking about is inflammation that gets generalized. You don't even know you have it for a lot of people. If you have high insulin, you got inflammation. It's one of its side effects. If you have leaky gut, one of its side effects is inflammation. So inflammation, like I always say, is not Houdini. It just doesn't pop up. There's a reason for it. Now, if you have a knee injury because you played baseball and you hurt your knee, well, that inflammation is only at your knee. It's not in your body. It's not in your bloodstream. It's not destroying cells in your body and blood vessels in your body. That's not doing that. Inflammation, if you hurt yourself, is a good thing. Inflammation, if you have a fever, you have a virus or a bacteria, is a good thing. It's your body's immune system going to work. It gives you a fever.
Tony Jr. coined this term: "Inflammation is sickness without a fever." You see, people a hundred years ago, they used to die of infections because we didn't have antibiotics. But today they don't die of infection. Although sometimes they do, COVID. I understand that. But most people don't die of that. They die of the secondary... Even with COVID, they don't die from the virus. They die from the body's overreacting to the virus. And that's how when it gets into the lungs and this kind of thing, you get what we call a cytokine storm and the body overreacts. The immune system goes crazy because you got a preexisting condition. Healthy people don't die of COVID. They just don't. They don't. Okay? So, good questions.
Okay. I know that sugar destroys our blood vessels, this is from Debbie, and capillaries, but I'm wondering if it can be reversed? Absolutely can be reversed. Deb, absolutely can be reversed. Listen, your body is unbelievable. You get brand new blood every four months. You get brand new cells. Your lining of your capillaries, your lining of your little endothelial Teflon-like lining. You can help that. Your body is unbelievable. Now, if you're 95, you're not going to regenerate like if you're 55. And if you're 55, you're not going to regenerate like a 20-year-old. But, it's amazing, when you do the right thing, this is why I proved it to thousands and thousands of people on the Reset. It's amazing. You can fix your blood pressure. You can fix your inflammation. This is what your body does. Just give it the right fuel. Very, very good question. A lot of times, Deb, these things are not permanent. You get chronic kidney disease. Now you might have a weakness. You might not get back to a hundred percent, but maybe you got 80% function. So you got to stay on the straight and narrow, okay? Good, good question.
Can bone on bone in both thumbs be corrected without surgery. Bone on bone. Yeah. No, it's like bone on bone in your hips, bone on bone and they got to do a hip replacement. Try the Reset, because sometimes it's amazing what happens. Read the testimonies, guys, of the people that have done the Reset. Some of the joint issues and whatever, severe pain... But guys look, I mean, we're all getting older. It's just a fact. But usually not. If you're just bone on bone, some people need a hip replacement. It's the way it is.
Rose. I got this question asked twice. What are Dr. Martin's thoughts on using nebulized hydrogen peroxide for self-treatment of viruses? Nah. When I say nah, it's because... Look, I don't know how good that is, but I'm going to tell you stuff that's a lot better on viruses than that. And I've talked about that. That's called vitamin S. Steak. Why? Because it has zinc. It has vitamin A. Eggs, meat and cheese. You want to keep a virus down? I like coffee too. You know why? It's got quercetin. Then that drives the zinc inside the zinc. I'd rather you eat these things if you can. And if you're going to supplement, the best thing to do for viruses, and this is proven with COVID. Now they know it's 100% true. It's vitamin D! So, nebulized hydrogen peroxide, it don't add up to vitamin D. If you can get in the sun, get in the sun. Now it's getting nicer out. And you'll see, the virus numbers are going to start to really tank. Why? Because it's sunny out and you can get outside!
Why didn't anybody call me? I'd tell them how to get rid of COVID. Nobody calls me about it. Where's the prime minister? Call me. I'll tell you how to get rid of it. Give everybody vitamin D. Give the kids vitamin D. Not listening. Okay. Somebody else asked that question too. I think it was Dave. Okay, Dave. Nah, there's a lot better stuff than that. And remember, vitamin A is your invisible mask. How do you get vitamin A? Eggs, meat and cheese. Vitamin A is not in the plant kingdom. You get beta carotenes which are precursors to vitamin A, but that's not vitamin A. Carrots are not vitamin A, guys. Carrots are beta carotene. I'm not saying they're no good. I'm just telling you it's not vitamin A. The invisible mask is vitamin S, which is steak. That has vitamin A. Okay?
Terry's asking: What would make leptins... Leptins is a hormone that your fat cells secrete to tell you you're full, you don't need to eat anymore. The problem is, you have too much leptin, too much fat cells releasing leptin, and you get leptin resistance, just like insulin resistance. You get that bad neighbor coming around all the time. Now your body is starving, even though you're not. You're full, but your brain says oh geez, I'm starving. Why? Because you got leptin resistance. Your cells don't even respond to leptin anymore. How do you fix it? The Reset. It's meant to fix all that. The Metabolic Reset, the diet your doctor won't share with you. I'm telling you guys, I'm telling you guys, there's nothing like it. There's no eating program like it. "Oh, Dr. Martin, I don't like eggs and I don't like meat, and I don't like cheese." Suck it up, buttercup. You need it. Okay, okay, okay. I'm just teasing.
What can do cause flutters in the chest? That could be high levels of cortisol, stress, that can do it. A lot of people think, God, my heart's skipping a beat. Now you got to be careful for a thing like atrial fib. People get that. Guess who gets atrial fib, by the way? Atrial fib comes when you don't eat enough vitamin S, steak. That's one of the biggest reasons. Because we've gotten away from eating eggs, meat, and cheese. People got away from it. They've started eating plants, and you're not meant to live on plants. Your heart needs CoQ10. You know what CoQ10 is? It's found in steak. Your body produces it, but you need steak. When I say steak, I mean, roast beef. I mean hamburger. You need the red meat even to make CoQ10. And it's a lot of reasons that people get atrial fib. They don't eat enough of the animal kingdom. Okay? But it could be stress too. I'm finding, man oh man, well I said it yesterday on the program yesterday, I said that only one out of ten people since March of last year are sleeping well. One out of ten. Most people are not sleeping well, maybe because they're on their devices too much. But mostly, if it is cortisol, it's stress. It's unbelievable, the unintended consequences of this virus. They're getting people that don't sleep. And when you don't sleep, that's not good. The long-term effects of that is terrible. You know how many people have anxiety now? This world is so focused on the virus, they've forgotten everything else. Yeah, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm.
What are my thoughts on sea moss gel? I don't know. I don't have any thoughts. What's it for? Is it for your skin? I love our gel. Our formula, pine bark, hyaluronic acid, the ReVera. I'll put that up against anything, but honestly, I don't even know why you would see it. Is it for your skin? I'm sorry. Who was asking that? Carrie. And Larry asked about the flutters in the chest.
How much potassium should we take? Well, Annie, that depends. Ordinarily, if you eat eggs, meat, and cheese, you're going to get all the minerals you need. And I'd like you to add Himalayan salt, which has potassium in it. Okay? Now, if you're getting leg cramps, not a bad idea. You can take some potassium if you want. But you'll notice that if you go get potassium in a health food store or whatever, you rarely ever see it above 99 milligrams. And the reason is, is because the FDA and Health Canada don't want you taking a lot of potassium because it can have an effect on the electrical grid in your heart. So, you can take potassium, a couple hundred milligrams a day. I got no problem with that if you need it. I'd rather you eat it. But some people need take minerals or electrolytes. I got no problem with that.
What is the recommended daily dose of folic acid? I don't care. Because that's a hundred years old, Charlene, so I don't care. If you have a steak three or four times a week, red meat, you don't have to worry about folic acid. You got it. All the B vitamins are in eggs, meat, and cheese. You don't even have to have any plants. Well, you can have some plants of course. But folic acid, I don't care. Now, if you're pregnant, in a prenatal they will add folic acid because they know that it's really good for a baby not getting any birth defects. If you're really missing folic acid, what I would give somebody is Blood Boost, but it's never just folic acid so I don't care what that number is, Charlene. I don't recommend people just take folic acid. I want you to take your B vitamins by eating vitamin S.
Kathy: Epstein-Barrs in the 1980. Well, this is another virus that what, about 80% of the population have Epstein-Barr. It started to hit the hit parade in the 1980s, because people that got chronic fatigue syndrome, they were calling it the yuppie flu or whatever. I wrote a book on it, about the Epstein-Barr. And I said, look, it's only, most people have Epstein-Barr. They just don't know it. It lays dormant. Your body keeps viruses down. When your immune system's good, it keeps these things down. So do they ever go away? Nah, probably not. But you don't care if it goes away as long as it's dormant. It's like the herpes virus. As long as it's dormant, what do you care? You don't care. Very good question.
Renee: Can I discuss Raynauds? Well, Raynauds, there's two Raynauds. There's Raynauds. That's when you get cold hands. When it's cold, your nose, hands, feet, cold, turn blue. Raynaud. And that's sort of autoimmune-like. But usually when there's Raynauds, usually, there's another thing going on. It's called leaky gut. Autoimmune. Sometimes it comes along with lupus or Sjogren's. Well, Sjogren's comes along lots of times with lupus too. So if you see someone, they got leaky gut, fix the leaky gut. It might take a year to fix that leaky gut, but fix the leaky gut, okay?
Jordanos. Hi, Jordanos. I never heard Doc Martin talk about the spleen. Okay. Does the spleen swell when you eat too many fats? No. You see, what the spleen does, the biggest thing it does, it produces red blood cells. It's one of the things in your body, your bone marrow and your spleen. See, your spleen is always on watch. If you get in a car accident, a lot of people, their spleen ruptures because they need so many red blood cells because they got internal bleeding or whatever, that their spleen can't keep up and it ruptures, okay? So your spleen is a manufacturer of red blood cells. It's important, obviously. A lot of people that are anemic, but it's their food. They're not eating enough heme iron, and B12, they don't get enough. That's what produces red blood cells, even in the spleen.
Okay, Sharon: If you don't use it, you lose it. Okay, Sharon, you are smart. So she's saying if I send the pancreas to Hawaii on a holiday called the Reset, good question, for four months, do you lose it? Never worry about sending your pancreas on a vacation. Actually, you should send your pancreas into retirement. You'll always use it. You will always use your pancreas, okay? Even when I sort of jokingly say, we're sending your pancreas to Hawaii for four months, it's still working. It's just not working like it used to. Your pancreas needs to work because you make pancreatic enzymes. You want your pancreas. Every time you eat, you need those enzymes from your pancreas. What I'm really saying is you're sending the pancreas on a holiday because you're really lowering your insulin. Okay? The traffic cop, you've sent him to, or her, to Hawaii on a holiday. That's the big, big issue. Good question.
The group: Many are asking is ashwagandha safe? Yes, absolutely. Again, some people get confused, because you hear Dr. Martin, "I love ashwagandha." I use it in our inflammation formula. I use it in our cortisol formula. I think it's even in our insulin formula. I'm just trying to remember. Anyway, I love ashwagandha. Is there any side effects to it? No. And I've read stuff, ah, you know, ashwagandha. Like, no, no, no, no. I love it. I love ashwagandha. I love it in a mixture with other things. Is it safe to take long-term? Absolutely. I don't know anybody... I know it's out there, but I don't understand why they say that. Ashwagandha has been around for thousands of years, man. It's so good for you.
Leila: What could be causing the waking up in the middle of the night with severe sweating? Well, Leila, it could be, I don't know how old you are, Leila. It could be perimenopausal. When a woman wakes up in the middle of the night sweating like that, it's horror-mones, usually. Usually. Imbalance between estrogen and progesterone. And perimenopausal. It could it be that or it could be menopause. It's an imbalance. Ladies, I don't care if you have menopause. It doesn't mean you don't produce hormones. You still got hormones. And some of them are horror-mones. What I want to say is, the other thing that's possible, you need to check your vitamin D levels because one of the things, a sign of low vitamin D is sweating. Sign of low vitamin D. When babies sweat, oftentimes they're low in vitamin D. Okay?
Darlene: Does the amount of K2 in our body, either through food or supplement, make a difference in how our body absorbs vitamin D from the sun? Well, not really. But what it does, vitamin K2, which you find in butter and cheese, are the highest sources, that's why I love those two foods. Butter your steak, guys. Cook with butter. And then when you finish the food, pour all that grease on your food. Then you're going to get a lot of vitamin K2. And eat cheese, especially cheese curds. But what vitamin K2 does... Because when you get in the sun, vitamin D is good for your bones. Yeah, that's all doctors know. They don't realize how good it is for your immune system. And that's why when they tell you to stay at home, get the H outside please. Go outside. Get in the sun. The government should say, I don't care how much we lock you down, get in the sun and go for a walk. Ooh. But what vitamin K2 does is, when you're making calcium, when you're eating calcium, eggs, meat and cheese... That's why I'm not big on taking calcium as a supplement. You're better off to take vitamin K2 because K2 will take that calcium that you're eating and take it out of your bloodstream so you don't get hardening of the arteries. So imagine, okay, let me just say this. Imagine, when you have heart disease, a lot of times they find calcified blood vessels. Yeah. They don't eat enough eggs, meat, and cheese to get rid of the calcium. Okay.
What vitamins does Dr. Martin like kids to take? I like probiotics. And Brigetta, pulsing on the bottom of the feet, again, it could be low B12. Usually with feet it's low B12. Last question. I think it was Patricia: How much red meat? Seven days a week, red meat. There is no limit. Have a minimum of three in my opinion. Three nights a week. And ladies, you can even have your chicken once a week.
Okay. Love you guys. Talk to you soon. Thank you for making The Metabolic Reset, the guide your doctor won't share with you, number one book in Canada. We appreciate it. Love you guys. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!