575. Nutrition Questions You Should Ask Yourself


Dr. Martin shares a study showing higher levels of circulating insulin are associated with higher levels of cancer. Diabetics are already 50% more likely to have a heart attack or stroke… but this study is showing they are now twice as likely to get cancer!

Why the increase in cancer rates? It’s called food... and it’s called the food industry who wants you hooked on sugars and crappy carbohydrates. In the 1970s, we were consuming 50 pounds of sugar in a year… now, it’s 200 pounds! No wonder we are metabolically unwell!

The three questions everyone should ask themselves when deciding what to eat... Will it increase my inflammation? Will it hurt my immune system? Will it increase my high circulating insulin? You may not be able to control your environment, but you can control what you eat!

Don’t miss this very informative episode!


Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning, everyone. Once again, welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great start to your day. Let me read something to you. We covered this in the past, but I want to go over it again and I want you to get used to this. I think you guys do this and you might do it unconsciously. You might not even think you're doing it, but you do it. But let me just read something. I'm going to read from the Bible this morning. So, let me read, it's James 1:19. So couple of things, "My dear brothers take note of this, everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry." Slow to speak, quick to listen. Very good, isn't it? Good instruction there. 

Let me give you another one. Verse 22, same chapter of James, "Do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves, do what it says." And then it goes on to say, "If you just listen and then you don't do it, it's like looking in the mirror, walking away and then completely forgetting what you see." So, it's very good instruction. And the reason I bring it out is because every time you eat, don't deceive yourself. Don't deceive yourself. Again, I know I'm preaching mostly to the choir here today, but people deceive themselves because they don't ask, in their mind, this should quickly come. And you know what? Listen, I understand, we live on the planet, you're going to have a treat or whatever, or a cheat meal. And you know what I think about that, I got no problem, unless you're metabolically very unwell.

Again, obviously, there's a lot of deception going on. The food industry is into deceiving people. And one of the things they deceive you with is it really doesn't matter what you eat as long as you eat in, here's their little phrase, moderation. You want sugar, moderation. I saw an advertisement, I think it was yesterday, about drinking Coca-Cola. And the food industry, Coca-Cola is big in the food industry, The Coca-Cola and Pepsi cola, they're two of the biggest companies in the world as far as food industry goes. They own a lot of other things besides their sodas. But they were saying, "Well, you know what, just have a Coke or have a Pepsi, and in moderation, who cares?" But what I've tried to emphasize to you folks over the last several years really is we don't live in the same world that we used to and everything that you put in your mouth counts. Don't deceive yourself. So, we put out an email a little while back and we talked about three questions that you should ask yourself and you can do this automatically, because you understand food.

But here are the three questions... “Is what I'm eating right now, or drinking, lowering my inflammation or increasing it?” So, inflammation, because we know that inflammation is not at the root of disease, but it is a big factor in all diseases and we're going to talk about that in a minute. So, what am I putting in my mouth? Is it going to lower inflammation or is it going to increase inflammation? Number two... “What I'm putting in my mouth, especially in this day and age, is it going to help my immune system or hurt my immune system?” Wow, good question. And number three is…  “What I'm putting in my mouth right now, going to elevate my insulin or decrease my insulin?” Three good questions to ask when you think about it. And they all go together, by the way, is it going to increase my inflammation? Is it going to hurt my immune system? Is it going to increase my high circulating insulin?

Let me give you a quote that came from a study. Now, we talked about this in the past, but insulin and cancer. So, just for cancer, insulin and cancer. Here's what it says in The Journal of Lancet and Diabetes. Lancet is a famous medical journal. They have a diabetes division and well, they should. It's a new article in The Lancet and Diabetes. "Higher levels of circulating insulin have been associated with increased cancer risk and progression." Higher levels of circulating insulin are associated with higher levels of cancer. Very important. Elevated circulating insulin is believed to be a major factor linking obesity, diabetes, and cancer. Basically, if you increase your insulin over a period of time, your risk of cancer surges. 

Now, let's talk about this for a minute here. Cancer, guys, is a metabolic disorder, it's not genetics. "Oh, my mom had breast cancer. Therefore, I'm much more likely to have breast cancer." Ladies, that's not true by the way. I mean, that sort of was a very common thing that came, especially about the 1980s. Remember, I was born in the days of Noah. That's what my grandchildren think anyway. But, for me, you have to understand that I've seen a lot of trends. One of the trends, the biggest trend, even when Tony Jr. was in school, we used to talk about this quite a bit, medicine was super focused on family. Meaning that if you got bowel cancer, your kids, or whatever, were much more likely to have bowel cancer.

If you were a diabetic, your family and you know what, it doesn't mean that that's not true at all. But when it comes to cancer, you know what? You're less than 3%. They used to say 5%, less than 3% now. So, if mommy had cancer, the risk of you getting cancer is 3%. 3%. That's not much. Because, again, and this is true, don't be deceived. Don't be deceived. We're talking this morning, we started out about being deceived. Don't be deceived. Because a lot of people think, "Oh, my uncle lived till 110 and he smoked and he drank and he ate whatever he felt like." I always get a kick when I hear people talk like that. "Oh my uncle." Or, "My mother lived ‘til she was 100 years old. And I have her genetics." Your mother lived till 100 years old by the grace of God.

You know what I mean, guys? I mean this, look, don't be deceived. Because your mother lived at a different time than we're living. Do you know what I mean? Because now sugar alone, just sugar alone. When I was a little boy, I was born in 1952. Canadians, USA, Perth, Australia, I don't know. I don't know the Australian statistics, but I know the North American statistics. Canadians and North Americans were consuming 25 pounds of sugar a year. That's in the 1950s. My four kids, including Tony Jr., was born in the 1970s. We have four kids, all adults, of course, today. My baby is 41 years old. Boy, am I ever getting old. I shake my head and think about it.

But in the 1970s, this is just statistics, guys. In the 1970s, we were consuming 50 pounds. So, it went from 25 pounds, doubled within about 20 years. Now, bring it up... 40 years ago. But bring it up to today. Bring it up to today, this is very significant and I'll say two things. One, we have gone near 200 pounds of sugar a year! A dump truck load of sugar. So, we live in a different world. Your mother, if you're my age, even younger, a little bit. But your mom, they didn't live in the same world. Now, they did a lot of smoking that we don't do, comparatively. Comparatively. I was getting gas the other day and someone was buying cigarettes and I said, "Man, you've got to mortgage your house to buy cigarettes." But, guys, listen, it ain't... Is that a good English word that I can use? It ain't the same. Sugar consumption has gone through the roof.

Now, number two, we talked about this. We've done many, many podcasts on this, high-fructose corn syrup in the 1970s, as a matter of fact, it was approved as a sugar in 1978. 40 years ago, over 40 years. In 1978, the Food and Drug Administration approved high-fructose corn syrup. Stink, they should've never done it. They had no idea how dangerous that sugar was. So, not only are we up to 200 pounds of sugar a year, on average, just about 200 pounds, a dump truck load of sugar, and the sugar has changed. It's not what they were baking cookies with when I was a little boy. Now, it's in everything, from peanut butter to soda, to crackers, to you name it. If you see sugars added, and I explained this in our book, Metabolic Reset. If you've seen sugars added, it's almost invariably high-fructose corn syrup.

As a matter of fact, I saw in the grocery store the other day, I drive my wife crazy, because I read every label. I want to read it. And two things, one, I saw, it said natural peanut butter. Now, it will have sugar, because peanuts have a small amount, just by nature, sugar in it. But there's nothing added. When you see natural, they're not adding sugar, except this one did. They were adding sugar. Guess what type of sugar were they adding? High-fructose corn syrup. So, don't deceive yourself. That's what we're talking about today. Deception, deception, people fool themselves. It's like looking into a mirror, walking away and forgetting what you just saw. Isn't that a good illustration?

The studies are showing that high circulating insulin, okay, let me read it to you again. "High levels of circulating insulin have been associated with an increased cancer risk and progression. An elevated circulating insulin is believed to be a major factor linking obesity, diabetes, and cancer." And I did a podcast on this a while back and I talked about where, in a diabetic, for example, a diabetic at one time, you'll learn this day one in medical school. At day one in medical school and you don't have to be in medical school to understand it. Day one in medical school, diabetics are about 50% more likely to have a heart attack. Wow. Everybody in medicine understands that. They might not think about it, they're being deceived, because medicine waits ‘til you're a diabetic, before it even thinks about, "Oh, your blood sugars are normal." Yeah, but they're high normal. "And your A1C, yeah, it's within normal limit." Yeah, but it's too high. You got high circulating insulin. 

And we talked about this. It elevates your chance of having a heart attack or stroke, which is still the number one killer today. Number one killer in society today is still heart disease. Cancer is creeping up. But here was the study that as far as diabetics are concerned, cancer, not heart disease... what? Cancer, not heart disease, is the biggest thing they ought to worry about. Jeepers creepers, what? Yeah. Because, guys, I want you to think with me for a minute. Look, you know my illustrations, empty out all your blood, take out your five liters of blood, how much sugar are you going to find in there? I'm listening to the answer. I don't care if you had 20 donuts. If you had 20 donuts, don't ever do that. But if you had 20 donuts within about a half an hour, empty all of your blood and measure how much sugar is in there. You know how much sugar will be in there? Less than a teaspoon, less than a half a teaspoon really.

Why is that? "Doc, I just had 20 donuts." I know, but your body is unbelievable, it will do everything it can to take sugar out of your bloodstream. Remember what insulin does, you guys know this by heart, insulin is the traffic cop. It says, "Sugar, you cannot park in the blood vessels. Get the H out." Got it? That's what insulin does. Its primary job, take sugar out of the bloodstream. It's so destructive. And we always talked about this, how destructive it is to the little endothelial layer of your blood vessels, it destroys that in a nanosecond, it starts. So, that's why diabetics were always much more susceptible to heart disease and they still are, by the way, that hasn't changed. But what this study is saying is now cancer is overtaking the cause of the disease that diabetics get, cancer's overtaking heart disease. Oh, it's crazy!

Somebody asked me the other day, a doctor, and I love you, I do, "What does sugar got to do with cancer?" Every time you eat, think about it, are you increasing your risk of cancer? Cancer needs to be fed, guys. Cancer feeds on glucose. Cancer feeds on sugar. If you don't believe me, go get a PET scan done. Not for your pets, but for you. It's a cancer detector. The PET scan, it's called, it's PET imaging. And what does it do? You light up like a Christmas tree if you have cancer when you get a PET scan. How does it work? Logical, let's use our logic. Don't be deceived. That's the word this morning. Don't be deceived. What causes cancer to grow? What makes the PET scan work? They give you a cup of radioactive sugar.

You got to drink this stuff before they put you in the machine. What? Why can't I just drink water and let's see what... Drink some water and then put you in a PET scan machine. You know what will happen? Nothing. "How about I eat a steak, doc, before I get a PET scan?" Okay. Have a steak. You know what's going to happen when you get the PET scan? Nothing. It only works when you drink glucose, radioactive glucose. Yeah. And why is that? Because sugar feeds cancer! "In moderation, doc?" Remember I used the word, because that's the food industry. "Oh yeah, but don't worry about our cookies, don't worry about our cereal, Frosted Flakes. Yeah, they got sugar in it, but it's moderation. It actually is good for energy. Kids need to start their day with this and grandma too." No, they don't. No, they don't. In diabetics, imagine, where cancer is overtaking heart disease.

Listen, my friend, you cannot be a diabetic. It's an impossibility. You cannot be a diabetic. Look, I'm not talking about type 1 diabetes, where you're born with it. It's an autoimmune disease, it's different. I'm talking about adult onset, children onset diabetes. You can't be a diabetic unless you're a carboholic. It's 100% no exceptions. "My grandmother was a diabetic and she," your grandmother was a diabetic? She was a carboholic. But the link is, and the studies are saying, the Lancet is saying that cancer, here, let me read it to you. "Diabetics are twice..." So, remember about heart disease? You can have a heart attack, a diabetic is 50% more likely than people in the population that are non-diabetic to have a heart attack or a stroke. It's not good. But listen to this, "Diabetics are twice as likely to get liver, pancreatic, endometrial, gallbladder cancer." I can tell you why in a minute, "Kidney cancer, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, and bladder cancer." All of these, by the way, have gone through the roof, because cancer is a metabolic disease. It is not genetics. It's a metabolic disease. It's a metabolic disease.

But according to studies and the CDC, 88% of the population in North America is upside down when it comes to their health. They're metabolically unwell. And I've talked to you about looking for that. Look at your belly, one. Look at your triglycerides, two. Look at your HDL, three. Look at your blood pressure, four. Look at uric acid, five. Those are all important levels of checking to see whether you have what we're talking about, 88%, and those people have a much higher increase... Nevermind, don’t wait ‘til you're a diabetic. Because if you are metabolically unwell, you are a diabetic already. I love what Tony Jr. always says, "Dad, blood sugar is a lagging indicator. Blood sugar is a lagging indicator." 

So, all you people who take your blood sugar. Boy, I would've love to invested it in that industry. I'm stupid. Why didn't I invest in people who are always checking their blood sugar? You know what the little Lancets. Jeepers creepers, imagine in the 1970s if you had to put some money into the Lancet business, because very few people were doing it, checking blood sugar, the way to check blood sugar, by the way, back then was with urine. You just check for sugar in the urine, still more accurate. You got sugar, any kind of sugar in your urine, you're a diabetic. You don't know how many... Not hundreds, over the years, thousands of people, "Doc, my blood sugar is good according to my doctor." Well, number one, it's not true, because if you have sugar in your urine, you're a diabetic. Don't fool yourself. Don't be deceived. Don't be deceived. 

You know what I do with myself? I'm serious, guys. I treat myself like I'm diabetic. I treat myself like I'm a diabetic. Meaning that when I look in the mirror, or even when I talk to myself, it's pretty bad when you start talking to yourself, especially when you answer yourself. I talk to myself all the time. Tony, hello. I'm talking to you. That's me talking to myself. Listen, you are effectively talking about me, a diabetic, you and carbs don't get along, you and sugars don't get along. Don't fool yourself, Tony, please, don't fool yourself. Because you're a diabetic and you don't get away with it. Even though my blood sugar is normal, guys, my blood sugar is normal, but I don't fool myself. I talk to myself.

Like I said... I know you guys think I'm crazy. Well, I got a little bit of crazy in me, I admit it. But seriously, guys, I tell people all the time, don't fool yourself. You don't get away with murder like you think you're getting away with murder. You're not. And what we know today is how fast changes occur in the liver, in your pancreas. This is why, guys, I'm telling you. I've tried to explain this a thousand times why I wrote the book, The Reset, it started with diabetics years ago. Probably over five years ago where I started to say, "Look it, guys, you just can't have another carb. You have an allergy to carbohydrates." And I did testing with hundreds, ask Ginette, ask Nicole, they worked with me in the office. We put people on the reset way before I wrote that book.

And we started, first of all, with all diabetics. All diabetics, if I could grab their little face in the office, and some of them didn't even believe that they were diabetics. I said, "No, I found sugar in your urine. You're a diabetic.”  Écoute-moi in French… if they were French. And I used to say, "Man, you got to change your diet, you and carbs don't get along. You and sugar don't get along. Read your labels, read your labels." So, don't deceive yourself, because it's incredible, when I read about this, I never thought in Dr. Martin's lifetime, I would ever see. It is the most astounding thing for me, maybe not for you, but for me, when I read these articles that tell a diabetic that they're more at risk for cancer than they are even for heart disease, which is well-established. I go, "How in the world did that ever happen in our society?" But I know exactly why it happened. It's called food. And it's called the food industry who want to hook you on sugars and crappy carbohydrates.

Cancer is a metabolic disease. It has to do with what you eat. Yeah, there's environment, there's other things. I get that. I understand that. I speak to that all the time about the elevated estrogen and all this kind of thing in the world today. I get that. I understand it. You guys know that. I talk about that a lot. But you can hardly control... jeepers creepers. You can hardly control the environment, what planet are you planning on living on? How are you going to get off this one? We're surrounded by it. I think, I brought to you last week, they found plastic in the placentas now. Plastic is in the placenta, microplastics. But, guys, how are you going to get away from that? But what you can do is control what you eat. You can control that. You can control that. 

And someone brought a good point yesterday. "Oh, Dr. Martin. I know, but red meat, it has stuff in it… blah blah" Look, I'm going to tell you something. Look, if you can afford organic, go for it, that's good for you. But you have to understand me. I'm telling you that eating a piece of meat, eating a steak, eating hamburger is 10 times better for you than eating any vegetable that you can think of, organic or not. I'm telling you, what you can control is insulin. And I'm finishing with this statement. Cancer is a food disorder and cardiovascular disease is a food disorder, because it starts with food. The killer in all of it is sugar. 

Well, there you go. I got excited as usual. So, tomorrow, for my Western friends, especially, but for everyone, we're going to do an afternoon session tomorrow. Thursday afternoon. And if you're not a member of the Martin Clinic Facebook group, please, join us. Join that wonderful group of individuals that make up the Facebook, the private Facebook group. It's fantastic. And invite your friends and family. They can come on and enjoy too. Share this, guys, share this. The more you share it, my son explains it to me, but I don't understand, it helps the algorithm. Okay, what's that? I don't know. But what Facebook likes is the more likes that it sees, the more interaction that it sees, the more they will share it. You share it, they share it. That's how Facebook works. Don't ask me any more than that. I don't know any more than that. I'm a senior, I don't know anything. Friday, Question and Answer. Love you guys. Talk to you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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