Studies have shown that 88% of our population is metabolically unwell. Dr. Martin discusses the 5 symptoms used to determine if you have metabolic syndrome.
Tune into today’s episode to learn the symptoms and two other indicators that point towards metabolic disease.
Dr. Martin also discusses two pet peeves he has with how COVID-19 was handled. The majority of people who died had pre-existing conditions. The elephant in the room is that these conditions were all due to insulin; the food we eat.
He comments on how the response to the pandemic, for the first time in history, has focused more on the older generation than our children. People are scared of dying, and this fear has been driving the agenda!
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning, everyone. And once again, welcome to another live, soon to be podcast. The doctor is in. Good to have you on with us this morning. Now, I want to tell you a little story. Once upon a time. You remember that? If you ever read stories to your kids or your grandchildren, once upon a time. I don't know, do we still do that? We should, right? Once upon a time, there was a plague, a virus that only killed people who had trouble with insulin. Once upon a time. Are they ever going to do that and tell stories about this virus?
My biggest problem with it... My biggest problem with it is two-fold. And I've mentioned this so many times, but I'm just going to say it again. We miss, number one, the elephant in the room. With very few exceptions, the only people that got really sick or died from the virus, very old, well over 80 and pre-existing conditions. But the pre-existing conditions were all based on one condition, because they just say it. "Yeah, pre-existing conditions." Right? Like heart disease and high blood pressure. But they don't go into detail as to why you would have heart disease and high blood pressure that would make you much more susceptible to this plague.
It's the metabolic syndrome. Remember 88% of the population is metabolically unwell. Now that doesn't necessarily translate into 88% of the population is now at severe risk, because if you're young, if you are a young person, generally, this plague hasn't affected you, generally. There's always exceptions guys, I understand that. But what they miss, remember I have two pet peeves, one, they missed the elephant in the room, metabolic syndrome. We'll talk about that this morning. We'll go into a little bit. That's all due to insulin. So all due to food. It's crazy, but it's all due to food.
And the second peeve that I have is the first time in recorded history that I can think of, and maybe you guys could clear this up for me, is the older generation, me more worried about me, than the young people. More worried about my health, my health. The screaming that's taking place, let's close it down, let's keep it closed, let's shut it down, let's not go back to normal, is the cry is coming from older people because they're scared. Fear is driving the agenda.
But fear for my age. You see like generally over history, and you guys would agree with this, I don't think there'd be anybody that would disagree with this. I'm a father, I'm a grandfather, and I'm a great grandfather. And I just tell you innately I think you're like this. I'm more concerned about my children, especially grandchildren. Grandchildren! Oh, I love my grandchildren. I love my children. Of course. But it's different. If you're not a grandparent, you wouldn't understand it. It's just that it's instant love. It is like the can't help its, grandma doesn't say no, and neither does grandpa. It's my grandchildren. But it's not meant to be guys, once upon a time we have a plague or a virus, that we put the older generation first.
Now, listen, not that we shouldn't respect the older people. I hope you respect. We have a healthy respect. Somebody said to me several months ago, I said, "Well, we should protect the vulnerable, protect them and not affect the rest of society." And they said, "Doc, you're part of the vulnerable." Nah, I don't see myself like that. And I'm going to tell you why.
So the two fold, and this is really important guys. In any chronic disease, I'm sort of preparing, I'm going to lecture tomorrow to the University of Tennessee psychology students and their talking about chronic disease. And the diet with chronic disease. Now you guys know this, but I'm going to teach it to you again. What is metabolic syndrome? How do you know if you have metabolic syndrome? There's really more than five, but I'm going to just mention five and then maybe mention one more because they don't put it in there, but I think it's important.
You have metabolic syndrome if you have three out of the five, and I'm going to mention six. But according to medicine, if you have three symptoms out of five, you have metabolic syndrome. Number one, look at your belly, go to the mall. They're closed, at least in Canada, mostly. But use your eyeballs guys. Observe. What do you see? What do you see? People are big. Comparatively. Watch an old movie. People were tiny. If you had left the planet in 1970 and you'd come back to planet earth, let's say you went up to Mars with Elon Musk, you took one of those spaceships and you're going to go live on Mars and you came back. What would you observe? Think of it. Just be observant. People are so much bigger. Their waist. If you have a bigger waist size, you have metabolic syndrome. It's the number symptom. The number one sign that you have metabolic syndrome. Look at your belly button. We used to call them beer bellies. They're not beer bellies. They're sugar bellies. Metabolic syndrome, 88% of the population have metabolic syndrome. Not according to Dr. Martin, but according to the CDC. 88%. Only 12% don't have three of these things.
What's number two? High blood pressure. What is it? What are they saying now? 60%, 70% of the population have high blood pressure. Wow. High blood pressure is not caused by salt. It's caused by sugar. It elevates your insulin, you get insulin resistance and your blood vessels are affected by that because for two reasons, one, your kidneys. Your kidneys are hyper sensitive to sugar. Sugar is toxic, guys. Sugar is toxic. So if you have high blood pressure, which, what are they saying? 60%, 70% of the population in North America have high blood pressure. My word. Every 38 seconds someone in the United States of America has a heart attack. Every 38 seconds. And we're talking about a plague that affects old people, but we're not talking about metabolic syndrome. Waist, high blood pressure, either from the kidneys or the damage to the teflon layer of your blood vessels. The damage to the teflon layer of your blood vessels. Your blood vessels have a non-stick layer. And that teflon layer gets damaged by sugar. It gets damaged by high blood pressure.
Third one is elevated blood sugar. Now listen. "Oh, Dr. Martin," Do you know how many times I've heard this? 20,000 times in my practice, it would be, yeah, for sure. "I'm not a diabetic. I don't have high blood sugar according to my doctor." Yeah, but you have elevated blood sugar anyways. It may be normal according to your physician and according to the lab. But if it's in the higher range, even slightly higher, you have metabolic syndrome, elevated blood sugar.
We live in a society today where this is an absolute plague. People have elevated A1C, which is an average of your blood sugars. It's elevated, still within normal limits according to the lab, but it's too high. It's damaging your blood vessels. Got that? Now, I tell you guys all the time, you want me to look at your blood work, happy to do it. What am I looking for? I like your A1C. I like looking at that. It gives me info. Don't give me your total cholesterol, all that. I won't comment on it, I'm sorry, I just won't. "Oh Doc. My cholesterol is high." Oh, good. But I want to see your triglycerides. So if you have elevated triglycerides, and it's like a teeter-totter, it's almost a hundred percent. If you elevated triglycerides three fat balls are triglycerides.
Like somebody sent me blood work to look at it yesterday. I didn't see their triglycerides and I didn't see their HDL, and I send a note back to them. I said, "What do you want me to comment on?" I'm not commenting on stuff that's not important. What's important? I need your triglycerides and your HDL because that tells me a huge story of metabolic syndrome. You better have low triglycerides and high HDL, high-density lipoprotein. It is cholesterol. You want to live long, have good cholesterol, have high cholesterol, your HDL.
"Dr. Martin. What about LDL?" I don't care. Don't mean nothing to me. You want to give me your LDL number? I don't care. I don't look at it. I don't spend any time on... it's not giving me information. LDL is the cholesterol called low-density lipoprotein. The reason that it's significant in this world is because the pharmaceutical companies made it significant because they found a drug that can lower LDL. Whoopee doopee. Oh, I lowered my LDL. I remember there was an old commercial of a guy. He was a firefighter and he was going down the pole at the fire hall, and then he comes down and goes, "I lowered my cholesterol." Giving everybody a high five after coming down the pole, and he's going, "I lowered my cholesterol." Well, yoopee doopee, who the stink cares? What's that got to do with health? Nothing. Especially you older people out there. You don't want to have low LDL. You want to die young than have low LDL. Guys, this is key because as a lay person, you can look at your own blood work. What are my triglycerides? What are my HDL?
And I don't want you to fight with your doctor. No fights. Don't fight with your doctor. But you know, the days of not knowing anything... Because my generation and especially my parents' generation, they go to the doctor and doctor was God. I had a good friend of mine in Quebec city. Because he was a friend of mine, I talked to him about his mother's medication. So his mother was 82 or 83 at the time, and this friend of mine from Quebec city, Andre was his name. I said, "Andre, go to the doctor with your mother." I pumped him up. His mother was on 26 pills a day. I said, "Andre, three quarters of those pills are for the side effects of taking the other quarter of pills." And he just stopped. He said, "My mom's a zombie." Yeah, I said, "Go and fight. They might be insulted for the first minute or two, but just say, 'No, I'm not leaving here. Show me exactly why my mother is taking every one of these pills.'"
The average person over 65 in North America, listen to this, the average North American over 65 years old, they're on seven different medications. Seven. Over 65. I love pharmacists, I do. I was picking up something several months ago, and the pharmacist said to me, and I knew them because they were a patient, "You don't take any meds?" I said, "Well, my food is medicine for me." Now I'm not against meds, please don't come after me. I won't respond to you if you say, "Well, that's stupid." No, I'm not saying you don't take medication. I'm not saying that. But how about prevention?
So if you look at metabolic syndrome, waist size, high blood pressure, two, triglycerides, three, HDL, four, blood sugar, those are the five signs. Now the sixth sign is uric acid. Now you won't see that in most references to metabolic syndrome, but I like to include it if you have elevated uric acid. And you know, a lot of people think of uric acid as gout. And yeah, for some people, that's how they manifest it. But uric acid can elevate your blood pressure and you don't get high levels of uric acid, unless you are a carboholic. Metabolic syndrome is a sign that you are a carboholic.
My name is Tony, and I'm a carboholic. If you don't admit it, anything you've ever learned about addiction, and that's why they have the 12 step programs, one of them is you got to admit it, right? Like I am Tony and I'm an alcoholic or whatever it is, right? Or I'm a drug addict. You know, a lot of people are drug addicts, and they're prescription drug addicts. They can't fall asleep without Ambien. They can't fall asleep without it. I said to a lady the other day, I said, "You're taking Ambien? You're taking the medication?" "Oh yeah. I've been on it for about 20 years, Doc. I can't sleep without it." I said, "You're not sleeping. Have you ever had an operation? Do you think they put you to sleep? Or did they sedate you? They didn't put you to sleep, they knocked you out."
Big difference because when you're sleeping, your body is actually repairing, especially the brain, the repair in your brain works when you're sleeping. It's called the glymphatic system. It literally takes out the debris out of your brain and regenerates the brain. But not if you're on Ambien, because now you're sedated. You're not sleeping. "Oh Doc, I'm sleeping." No, you're knocked out. That's a big difference. And sleeping meds were meant to be temporary. If you ask any pharmacist, and you know I'll just tell you a little pet peeve of mine. Pharmacists are the ones that should be calling the doctor. They're the professional. And I'm upset with them because they're not doing their job. They should be calling the doctor saying, "You know what? This is the fourth prescription now, renewal of Ambien for sleep. You know what? They're not really sleeping, you're sedating them. And I don't recommend that you keep a person on this drug for a long period of time." That's what a professional should do.
Like "No, I know all about these drugs." Pharmacists, "I know all about these drugs. I know all the side effects of these drugs." But you know what? They become dispensers today. They're not doing their professional job like they should. They should be the one calling the doctor and questioning the doctor on your behalf. Really. "Hey, this person has been on Prozac, anti-depressant, an SSR receptor medication for 20 years. Wasn't meant to be Doc. Wasn't meant to be. You've got them on ACE inhibitors for how long? And there's a lot of side effects to that Doc. Do you think that maybe perhaps we can look at something else?" You can see why my blood pressure gets going because look guys, I'm a professional. I'm supposed to do my job. And once upon a time, imagine they'll be telling stories about, the world got brought to its knees by a virus. And I think people overreacted to it in the wrong way because they weren't looking, number one, at the vulnerable population. And two, they weren't looking at the elephant in the room, metabolic syndrome.
I mentioned this maybe last week or the week before, but I want to talk about the immune system. The immune system, nature's immune system. Your body guys is fearfully and wonderfully made. You have an immune system. I will show you tomorrow. Some of the basics of that immunity. So one of them is metabolic syndrome. I hope you understand that metabolic syndrome guys, is food. It's not anything else. It's food. It's insulin and insulin resistance. Meaning that your cells at the cellular level hate insulin and they resist it. But insulin is a bully. Insulin is a bully guys. It will bully the cell, "You open up. I don't care. I'm going to come at you with all I have." Insulin will do its job until it can't and that's diabetes, according to medicine. But you see, if you have insulin resistance, you really are a diabetic without the diagnosis. Do you know what? Millions and millions and millions of people who think they're not diabetic are diabetic because if they have metabolic syndrome, they're diabetic. They have a big belly. They're diabetic. "Oh, my blood is normal." No. "I have high triglycerides." You're a diabetic. "I have low HDL." You're a diabetic. "I have uric acid, high levels of-" You're a diabetic.
I didn't even talk to you, another factor in metabolic syndrome really would be number seven. And they don't put it there, but it easily could be, is fatty liver because listen, you don't even get high triglycerides without fatty liver. The scourge of the 21st century, your liver. There's nothing that destroys your liver more than sugar because sugar in the liver turns to fat in the liver. And when your liver is full, when its suitcase is full, it's going into your bloodstream as bad fat, three fat balls called triglycerides. It ain't cholesterol guys that has been brought to you by the pharmaceutical and the food industries. Hundred percent. And I won't apologize for saying it because it's the truth. And the truth in the Bible says, "Then the truth will set you free." Look in the mirror and say, I'm a carboholic. First step. Because you can't get metabolic syndrome without being a carboholic. It's an impossibility. It's a food hormone. It's insulin.
Once upon a time, let me read this story to you. Once upon a time there was a plague or a virus that had everybody looking at the wrong cure. Once upon a time. Okay, they're going to make movies about this. Okay, guys really appreciated your time today. If you are not a member of the private Facebook group, please join that wonderful community of people. 90% of the time, I don't have to answer, or even the administration or staff doesn't even have to answer these things because the people answer them. They're often quoting me in there and that's good. That's good. I appreciate that. And we appreciate you guys and we want you to join that community. The Martin clinic private Facebook group. Remember, the metabolic reset is in stock. We have it for sale. We appreciate that too. Thank you so much for making that book such a success, a tremendous success. So enjoy the rest of your day. We love you guys. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!