If there was only one thing you could do to improve your health, what would it be? Dr. Martin stresses it should be eliminating sugar from your diet!
In today’s podcast, Dr. Martin talks about a recent headline, “The Shocking Power of Sweetness,” and how sugar is more addictive to our bodies than nicotine!
He discusses how the food industry wants to keep us addicted to sugar and how over 125 diseases are now associated with eating processed foods!
He also discusses how sugar, fat, and salt form an ‘unholy trinity’ that opens the door to metabolic disease.
Don’t miss this episode!
Announcer: You're listening to the Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good afternoon. Hope you're having a great day. Welcome to Facebook Live. To our podcast listeners, welcome. Great to have you on. Here's the headline as far as what we're going to talk about today, The Shocking Power of Sweetness. The shocking power of sweetness. Now, if you ever could do anything for yourself and I mean this health-wise, if you can do anything out, what would I tell you to do? Eliminate sugar from your diet. We live in a world that is, especially in North America, sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar. The destructive power of sugar is incredible.
I was teaching yesterday afternoon with Dr. MacEwan to her psychology class at University of Tennessee. She's been very gracious and inviting me to come and teach the psychology students some basics in nutrition. I was reminding them yesterday that your body is so stinking smart. It regulates blood sugar in a very, very, very tight little box. Doesn't want to go too high. Doesn't want it to go too low. And your body just knows how to keep your blood sugars in that range, until it can't. That's diabetes or that's hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia, low blood sugar, and diabetes are just two sides of a point. It's the same coin. It's a problem with insulin. It's a problem of insulin resistance. Most people will go high, but a lot of people have dips and they go low. That's hypoglycemia. And that's when the body can't keep. This all has to do with insulin, can't keep that blood sugars within those parameters.
I've used the example so many times that if you were to have 20 donuts, within about a half an hour after having 20 donuts, your blood sugar is going to be within normal range. Now, you don't want to ever do that because there's a lot of bad things that happen. And even though your body brought your blood sugars back into its normal range, that causes insulin resistance like no tomorrow, and is very, very, very detrimental to your health. So binge eating is not good for you, okay? But I want to emphasize a little bit more today, this idea of the shocking power of sweetness.
In 1980, this is a long time ago. I can hardly remember even reading this. I can't tell you even where I read it, but I never forgot it. The food industry, by the way, are marketing geniuses. Never underestimate the marketing genius of the food industry and the pharmaceutical industry. I mean, they hired the best of the best people. But when it comes to taste, they are in to a real ‘unholy trinity’. Okay. What do I mean by that? Like a non holy trinity? Well, we've used that expression in, the cause of all disease, is an unholy trinity. It's insulin resistance, leaky gut, and free radical damage.
Folks, 125 to 150 diseases that you can name, including the autoimmune diseases, are found within that unholy trinity... insulin resistance, leaky gut, and free radical damage. Then you add inflammation caused by those three. That's a step, but it's not the original step. It's a step. Pour cortisol on it, pour stress on it. No fun. And that's disease. But in food, the unholy trinity is sugar, fat. I'm going to explain that because somebody said on the Facebook Live yesterday, I was reading. She made a point. She says, I'm confused. Well, you should never be confused with me, okay? Because Dr. Martin, consistent. Consistent. Ask anybody that's been following me for years. Consistent. I haven't changed. I mean, I'm always learning, always studying, always looking for information.
If I ever stopped looking for information guys, would someone send me a memo to get off the air. And I use that old expression because I had a radio show for 20 years. And you know what? I used to prepare for that show. I'm writing a book right now. Yes, another one. It's a little devotional. I didn't even know. I might be calling it, Coffee with Dr. Martin. I want to tell you what I do in the morning, okay? Here's me. That's what I do. I get up early. I've been an early riser all my life pretty well. I've disciplined myself to get up in the morning, okay? I'm a morning person for sure. And hopefully, I try and get to bed fairly early at night, but I get up in the morning. I read my Bible every morning. I have coffee too. I have water though. Water first, then coffee, read my Bible and I prepare my podcast. So now, I'm writing. Okay. Just little nuggets for your soul and your body. So why not use all my experience?
But if you go back into 1980, I can't even remember the... It was a book I think I read. They showed how fast sugar, the sense of it, travels to the brain, how fast. And not just to the brain gut. Sugar like no other food. Here was the experiment, okay.? In 1980, they wanted to test the addictiveness of sugar versus smoking. Now, I never really smoked, okay? I mean, I stole my dad's cigarettes when I was a kid or my mother. I liked my mom's, Peter Jackson. I didn't even like smoking to be honest. And you know what? I'm really thankful for my older brother, David. He passed away several years ago, but my oldest brother, he taught me a lesson about smoking even though he smoked all his life. He gave me a cigar when I was about 12. He said, "Smoke this." I got so sick. I don't think I ever put a cigarette in my mouth ever again. So I've got to thank him.
But the study was done in 1980, that it compared the addictiveness of sugar versus smoking, okay? Brought to you by the food industry. If you think their motives were good with sugar, I'm sorry. You're wrong. Their motives were to hook people. And so, they hired some of the best people that could actually test this. Do you know how long it takes for a cigarette to actually get to the reward center in the brain to release dopamine? It takes about 10 minutes. When you see a smoker going outside... We live in Northern Ontario. I always found it funny and I even chuckled today when a smoker goes outside, when it's cold and they're smoking. They lift their mask or bring it down to have a smoke. Well, if you're smoking, what good is your mask going to do you? Anyways, I don't want to get into that. But for smoke, the nicotine to get to your brain in the reward center, the dopamine reward center, 10 minutes. You know how long it took for sugar? Less than 10 seconds. It was on a rocket ship to your reward center in the brain.
And folks, why do you think the food industry add sugar to everything? Now, I want you to think of the implications of that. I want you to think seriously of the implications of the shocking power of sweetness, the shocking power of sweetness, if the reward center in the brain less than 10 seconds is activated with sugar. And guess who they were aiming to addict? Seniors like me? No. They don't worry about me. The food industry wants your kids and my grandchildren. That's what they want. They want customers today and then customers for the next 50, 60, 70 years. They hook them. It's easier to hook a person on sugar than it is to hook them on cigarettes. It gets to your brain.
Listen to this. Sugar gets to your brain faster than cocaine. It actually takes the same route in your brain to the reward center, okay? So it takes a route, and the first time when you take cocaine. Not that I ever took it. I'm thankful for this about my generation, okay? Us, old guys. Yeah, alcohol, it destroyed a lot of people's lives. And you know what? I'm not here to give it credibility. But my word, when I think of what is happening in today's youth with the addictions, the amount of addiction in today's youth with drugs... Somebody asked me the other day what I thought of marijuana. I said, "Well, medical marijuana under the supervision of a doctor, me, it's got to be better than being hooked on opioids" But guys, don't come and tell me it's good for you, okay? Maybe you use it for pain. And maybe people that have chronic insomnia, some people have found it to be helpful or whatever. Good for you. But remember, it's a drug.
Getting back to the food industry, they hooked generations of people. And this, guys, if you ever want to know, just open your eyeballs, go to the mall. I say the mall because that's usually where people gather. For a year now, no, but okay. You know what I mean? Observe people. Everybody's bigger. They're bigger. Watch an old movie. Do it for my sake. Just say, "You know what? Dr. Martin was right." In the 1950s, everybody was skinny. What happened? It was the food industry. They hooked, they fished in and hook line and sinker with people with the shocking power of sweetness. They understood the science of sugar that went in a nanosecond to your brain. And for a lot of people, they got hooked. It took the same route in their brain to that reward center that cocaine does and smoking did, and they did it on purpose.
And then in the 1970s, the food industry found something. I call it the antichrist of sugars. They found high-fructose corn syrup. And you know what they found about that? It's even sweeter. It's even sweeter than sugar. It's made in the lab. You can run your car on it. High-fructose corn syrup. They've created an unholy trinity with sugar being number one and the high-fructose corn syrup being their choice. It's in everything, from salad dressing to whatever. And then they hide it.
In my book, I talk about 92 different names that they've given. It's all the same sugar. There ain't a good sugar. They're not putting maple syrup in food. It's too expensive. Anyways, I don't want you even having maple syrup. We live in a different world today. The shocking power of sweetness and how fast it arrives at the brain. The power of addiction to sugar. When you see someone that's big, it's an addiction, man. It's not easy for them. I find for me, okay? This is me. I know myself. Get to know yourself. Don't fool yourself, guys. So many people... You know what's the worst deception in the world? Self deception. A lot of people fooled themselves. "Hi, Dr. Martin. I'm pretty healthy." You know, not when I look at your file and I go, "No, you're not." You're so out of whack, metabolically. Ladies, you got horrormone problems. You're on a whack metabolically, and you had better fix your food.
Now, let me just say this. The unholy trinity. Because some people are going, "Now, I'm confused", okay? Because Dr. Martin said it's a combination of sugar, fat and salt. Don't blame salt for what sugar does, okay? I was telling the students yesterday at the University of Tennessee this, don't blame salt for what sugar does. Salt doesn't elevate your blood pressure. The only way salt will elevate your blood pressure is if you're not drinking enough water. It actually has to do with the viscosity of your blood, the blood volume, okay? If you're drinking water and you're having salt, salt's actually very good for... No, I don't like table salt. I don't like sodium chloride. I don't. I like real salt. So get a good Himalayan salt, a pink salt, or a sea salt, a good sea salt. Get a kosher salt or whatever. Get the good salt. It's good for you.
So when I say the unholy trinity, but you see the food industry, they're not stupid people. Don't ever accuse them of being stupid. They're not stupid. They're into a billions and billions of dollar industry, from Kellogg's to Kraft to whatever. They're smart people. And they learn how fast they could addict people with sugar, “numero uno” . And then of course, fat. When I say fat, I don't mean the fat around your steak, okay? I don't mean that kind of fat. I mean, seed oils.
Can I give you a perfect example of a food that is terribly bad for you? A donut. Why? I don't know if they put salt in a donut. I don't know. But I tell you what they do. They put a lot of sugar and they put hydrogenated oils. That's how you make a donut. I mean, they're not making donuts with butter. They're making donuts with canola oil or rapeseed oil or whatever. That's what is meant by the unholy trinity of fat. And even salt adds tastes, but I'm not too concerned about the salt. I'm concerned about the sugar and the hydrogenated oils that they use to hook you.
It has to do with getting to the reward center in your brain in a rapid fashion, okay? The faster it gets up into the brain, the faster the response of dopamine. It gives you a quick fix. And a lot of people are hooked. It's a scourge in our society today. It really is. And I've been saying this for well over a year. You know me. I won't back off this statement. I won't back off this statement. What is far more dangerous than a virus is sugar. What is far more dangerous and will make you sick is obesity. Far more dangerous. I don't know. Is the virus ever going to leave or whatever? I don't know. I don't know if we're going to have 17 variants that come down the road and every couple of months, we're going to be talking about it again. I don't know if that's the new normal or whatever. But one thing I do know. One thing I do know, that all the Chi in China is not going to be able to pay for our disease care system.
There was an article that came up. We have evidence. Here's the article. We have evidence that over 125 diseases are associated with processed foods. Now, remember processed foods, sugar, hydrogenated oil. And then of course they add salt. They wanted to taste good. They wanted to taste good. It's an unholy Trinity. So guys, that is the shocking power of sweetness, of sweetness. They're good at their craft, guys. And what I'm trying to be to you and to the people that you can influence and you share this with is, hello, individual responsibility. You've got to fix you before you can fix other people. You'll have to fix you.
I always used to laugh, especially in my dad's days, doctors tell you to quit smoking and they were smoking. You shouldn't smoke and then they'd be smoking in their office. I worked with a cancer doctor. Oh, what an oncologist this doctor was. What a good man. He was light years ahead of his time. He should have rode out. And I'm sure he was looking at it. Rosie and I had the privilege of working with him, a cancer doctor. He died at 67 years old. He was at the forefront in alternative medicine. He was an oncologist. He was smart and one of the nicest men you'd ever want to meet. But he couldn't stop smoking. He was a cancer doctor. He was hooked. And of course, the medical profession was after him because he was thinking outside the box. That made him more nervous. And when he was nervous, he'd smoke even more. That's the truth.
He was a dear friend. Smart, smart, smart guy, Dr. Rudy Falk. Oh, what changes could happen possibly in medicine with that man? Anyway, okay. So guys, I want you to be aware that there's just a couple of things happening with me this week. That's why I've been on in the afternoon, but there's a possibility that I might not be on both tomorrow and Friday. Okay. The book, number one selling health book in Canada. Number one seller. I wouldn't be surprised if not the number one seller in the United States, it's going to be very soon. It's back in stock guys. If you've been waiting on that, then make sure you take advantage of that, okay? And we love you dearly. Thanks for all the support. We appreciate you. You have no idea how much I love my crew and love you guys, okay? Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!