In today’s podcast, Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners.
Today’s session includes questions about:
- Loss of taste/smell
- Cellulite
- Palm Oil
- Coconut Oil
- Dairy Pasteurization
- A2 Milk
- Ulcerative Colitis
...and more!
Tune in to hear the questions and answers!
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In podcast, brought to you by martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Good morning, everyone. And once again, welcome to Question and Answer Friday. Karen is asking about taste and smell. Well, that's one of the ways, invariably, when someone gets COVID, it makes it different really from another virus in the sense that a lot of people do lose their taste and smell. Usually recovers from that. If you do it without a virus, it's usually a lack of zinc. That's where I would actually put a patient on the blood boost and give them zinc. Now, you guys know me, I usually talk about zinc and vitamin F, like eat your zinc. If you're eating eggs, meat, and cheese, you usually don't need any zinc because you've got lots of zinc and it's found in the animal kingdom. There's not enough zinc in plants for mice. So zinc, it's gotten a lot of ink with this virus, right? They realize that it's part of the treatment. One of the things that sends zinc into your cells is carcin. And I like coffee, vitamin C, because it's got carcin. So, good question, Karen.
Dorothy, cellulite, how to get rid of it? Well, I'd be a multi-gazillionaire, Dorothy, if I could get rid of cellulite. Now, cellulitis is different. That's an infection. Cellulitis. But cellulite, in French “cellulit”, men never ask that question, only women. And there is no magic. If any of you out there, if you see this question online or whatever, you answer it, but in all my years, when people said this, "Oh, buy this and buy that for cellulite," hmm, no. There's certain exercise. I mean, vitamin E probably the best, but even then, how to get rid of it? Pray. Okay? It's tough being a woman, isn't it? Tough being a woman. Cellulite.
Palm oil being fed to cows. Now I got asked this about ... and it's funny because I haven't really been asked before this week. Maybe, but I don't remember. Palm oil being fed to cows. Well, look, I never disliked palm oil. If you know what a bulletproof coffee is, the medium chain fatty acid, they usually did a blend between palm oil and coconut oil. And apparently some of the farmers are feeding cows the palm oil. And the story is that it keeps your butter harder and it doesn't melt or soften up. Well, look, I'm not a farmer, so I would like to interview a farmer that actually uses palm oil. I think I understand why they do it.
But first of all, palm oil, it sometimes gets a very bad rap because it's a saturated fat. It's a medium chain, but it's a saturated fat. It's like coconut oil. Like coconut oil, and somebody asked, I'll go through this in a second, coconut oil, for years and years and years and years and even today, you look at it, it's fat. Ugh. You know what I mean? Because you have to go back, because fat makes you fat. Now, I can't understand ... like palm oil is pretty expensive. Go and get a little container of MCT oil and you're going to pay a lot of money for that. So if they're feeding it to cows, it's pretty expensive. I've got to talk to some farmers. And I know why they do it, I just don't know how widespread that is, because like I said, it's expensive. So unless they're getting some form of cheap palm oil ... And I've read them online, palm oil, it's not good for the rainforest, they're ruining the rainforest. I don't know so much about that. That's not my area. My degree is in nutrition, so I just want to talk to you about the oil itself. It's good for you.
Like people that tried the MCT oil, and I know what it's about, that it burns ketones, and those are what they call exogenous ketones. As far as changing butter, I haven't seen it. Now maybe you guys have seen it where the butter is different. All I care about with butter is it better have its level of K2. Vitamin K2 is the key to butter because it takes calcium out of your bloodstream. Now, butter has calcium, but the K2 takes calcium and takes it out of your bloodstream. Okay?
Now, let me get to the other question that was asked. Somebody was asking about Dr. Gutpa. Oh, here it is. Frieda. Dr. Gutpa says take three tablespoons of coconut oil for a month to kill fungus and reduce your risk of cancer. Well, guys, I like coconut oil. I've got no problem. Look, it does have some antifungal effects, but it's not strong enough, in my opinion, to kill fungus. I mean, it's not going to hurt you. It's good for you. But if you've got candida, you've got leaky gut, man, and you've got candida coming out the wazoo, you better get on probiotics. And I've got a lot of patients on candida formula, because I'm going after that yeast, big time. And for some people, that will take you up to a year. So if you want to use coconut oil, I've got no problem with it, I've just never found clinically that just by taking three tablespoons a day it's going to kill all your yeast. Good luck with that. Okay? So I'm not against it though. I like coconut oil. I do. I really like it.
If you insist on drinking milk, by the way, I've got some questions on milk. Who was asking here? Let me just get to this. Okay, a couple of questions here about dairy and that. Well, let's stay on this. So palm oil fed to cows? I don't know. I need more information. But Catherine's asking, do they pasteurize all dairy? Yeah. Unless you've got a cow in the backyard, they pasteurize it. Does that get rid of some nutrients in dairy? Probably. It doesn't get rid of your CLA, which is conjugated linoleic acid, which I did a whole program on and how good dairy is for you. Now, if you buy anything in a store in dairy, it's going to be pasteurized. It's the law in Canada. So again, if you've got a farmer and you can go get your milk, and it's the only time I ever tell you to drink milk, is if you have a cow in the backyard.
Because somebody asked about A1 and A2 milk, or A2 milk, let me just find out where I wrote it. And what do I think of that? Well, there's casein A and casein B. Okay? Casein is a protein in milk. The problem is, whether it's A1, which you get in a grocery store, or A2 milk, which is a specialized milk with that casein out, yeah, but you've still got lactose. And the problem in our society today is lactose. It's the sugar. Some people have trouble with casein, I agree, but it's the sugar. I tell people, why are you drinking milk? When mommy, you fed the baby breast milk, after, ween them on water. They don't need milk anymore. I know, "You've got to drink milk, otherwise you're not going to grow." Not true. Breast milk, 100%, then water. Not juice. Water.
The problem in our society, especially when we're drinking. Now, I talked to you yesterday about drinking fruit. It's terrible. Drinking milk, you might as well have white Pepsi. Isn't that what I call it? And that's why you have 60, 70%. It's not the casein, or casein. It's not that. It's the lactose. It's so sweet, milk. And we've got a big problem with sugar and lactose. I don't see anybody drinking milk. Again, you should be drinking cream, because that's what milk is supposed to be. It's half and half. I know, I've lived through it. Milk in the old days was much better. Much less lactose in it, because there was a lot of fat in it. Today they take the fat out of it. But you don't need milk. If you've got to drink, drink coconut milk. Lay off. But don't lay off dairy. You know me; butter, cheese, cream in your smoothie. Okay?
Margaret asking about room temperature water or cold water. Well, look, the research is cold water is better as far as getting your metabolism going. But both are good. Whatever your preference is. I just want you to drink two liters of water, 64 ounces of water. And I stick to that because I saw it clinically, most people are dehydrated. They don't drink enough water. And only water is water. What's the best water? In my opinion, spring water. Don't touch distilled water. And if you're going to drink from a tap, filter it. Too much garbage in the water coming out of your pipes. You've got a well? Well water? Just make sure there's no bacteria or whatever in it, but that's mineral water, that is spring water. Spring water is what I drink. Okay? It's very alkaline, it's very good for you.
Lexi's asking why would GFR ... GFR is a measurement of kidney function. So again, you can have kidney stress. A lot of people have kidney stress. They don't have kidney disease, they don't have chronic kidney diseases. Always make sure it's not, but a lot of times it's kidney stress and it's the diet. Two things will stress your kidneys; dehydration and sugar. Dehydration and sugar. And we talked about how blood supply, especially to the kidney, gets affected. One of the first things that happens. And the GFR rates can go up.
Joanne is asking about Tourette's syndrome, and that's a tick or whatever in kids. Well look, no magic, I would put them on the cortisol formula because I find that if you can calm them, Tourette's, it's a neurological thing, I like to do a whole workup because sometimes they're low in B12, sometimes they're low in vitamin D. I look at all that kind of thing. And I look for leaky gut, and a lot of times there's a component even to candida albicans. We talked about that, yeast. So it depends, Joanne, there's a lot of things there, but my protocol would be, depending on what I saw when I was in clinic, and I saw a lot of kids are low in B12, a lot of kids are low in vitamin D. A lot of kids, they don't eat enough meat, in my opinion. They've got too many carbs, and that messes them up.
Okay. Judy; lichen sclerosis. Lichen sclerosis is auto-immune. Okay? It's auto-immune. And it's always, I've never seen an exception to it, candida, fungus, leaky gut. It starts in the gut. So probiotics, change your diet. Does it cure it? I've seen some really good results with lichen sclerosis over the years. Okay? Mostly happens to women. It's a fungus. Don't feed the bears.
Marine; supplements get stuck in the throat. Well Marine, that just makes you unique. Unique. So if that's you, you could have a smaller esophagus. Listen, it happens. And what I would suggest is taking your supplements, put them in a Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie and open up the capsules. Okay? Now, the other thing you can do, and I love our blood boosts for this, because everything that I love, just about, I've put it in there. So you might flip to a liquid, powerful, multiple vitamin, multi-mineral, whatever, in a liquid form. That's what blood boost is. Tremendous in liquid. Okay? So if you have trouble swallowing, sometimes that's your body screaming at you that your B12 is low. You've got to figure that out. If you can get me your blood work, I would look at that for you. Okay?
Rosie's asking about ulcerative colitis and proctitis. Well, listen, ulcerative colitis, it really is auto immune. And we see a lot of that. Why is that? Diet. Leaky gut.
Doreen is asking, how does bone broth help leaky gut? Well, what bone broth is famous for, bone broth is eating without eating in a sense, because it's got so many vitamins, so many minerals. The biggest thing, though, one of the best things it has is L glutamine. L glutamine is an amino acid that helps to regenerate specifically the lining of your gut. So it helps to heal leaky gut. Okay? So, very good question, Doreen.
But coming back to ulcerative colitis, I have a whole protocol, and that is you've got to be no, no, no. The reset. You do the reset, probiotics, I'd have you on the IBS formula, I'd have you on bone broth. I'd do it all. Digestive enzymes. Nothing gets down into the gut without being broken down. See, a lot of times leaky gut starts in the stomach. It can start in the stomach because the stomach is not burning down. Your stomach is acidic. Your stomach should be a furnace. And a lot of people, they don't have a good stomach, so what happens is they're not really breaking their food. Their food goes into the bowel, the small intestine, undigested, not completely digested. It's not into a mulch enough. Now your body sees that. Your small intestine sees these things coming in and they're not broken down properly, and then the body reacts to that. That's what auto immune can be.
A lot of people have problems, like I don't got trouble with dairy, but a lot of people have trouble with dairy because what happens is, it can happen in the stomach first, is that the dairy comes in, the lactose and even the casein comes in and your body ... it hasn't been digested properly. Or yeast can come from the top down. And usually your stomach, when it's very acidic, when your stomach has that bright acidity, it's a furnace, man. And a lot of people, one of the signs is that they have acid reflux. And, "Oh doc, it's too acidic." No, it's not acidic enough, and now your proton pumps in the stomach which produce acid, they work triple overtime. The problem with that is that they now send that acid up to your esophagus and you get acid reflux. It's not because you have too much acid, it's because you don't have enough and your body's making more. So ulcerative colitis is autoimmune. In my opinion, you go on the reset, you lay off stuff that irritates it. No nuts, no seeds, very few cruciferous vegetables. Anything that would irritate the gut, get off of that stuff. Good question.
Louise is asking, "How would I know if I have trouble with muscle enzymes?" Well, you have to get them tested. A lot of times it's biopsy on muscles to find out. I mean, you can do some blood work, but a lot of times you need to actually do a biopsy to see if you have damage to your muscle enzymes. Okay?
Dom; "How do you transition from fat adaptation to ... How do you know you've transitioned?" Well, ketosis. Ketosis, okay? There's two ketosis'. There's ketosis, meaning that your body has switched fuels. Now, when you're doing the reset, remember, I've said this to you many a time, when you talk about keto. And that's huge today. I've been talking about it for 40 something years, keto, okay? And I told you, it's 100 years old this year, keto. Ketosis is a 100 years old. What is that? Ketosis is when your body is burning fat instead of carbs. How does that happen? When you don't eat carbs. So your body flips.
So the only way to know for sure, Dom, would be to take a ketotic strip and put it in your urine, because your ketones are going to go in your urine, then you will know. But I'm not aiming for that, because if you're eating eggs, meat, and cheese and you're not eating carbohydrates, your body is burning fat. You're burning ketones, man. They're good for you. Okay? You're doing it. So keto is lowering your carbohydrates to 20 grams or so. A reset is much different because ... There's a lot of keto foods, by the way, that are not nutritious. Like you go to Costco or whatever, they've got a whole shelf full of keto; keto snacks, keto this, keto that. You know? Like I'm a food guy, man; they're not high in nutrients. They're low in carbohydrates, but they're not high in nutrients.
I'm a nutrient guy. I want you to eat nutrient-dense food. This is why I do what I do. I want your cells, at the cellular level, your battery packs, your mitochondria ... You've got mitochondria; you know what mitochondria are? Batteries. And they love eggs, meat, and cheese because they're full of rocket fuel. I filled up my car yesterday, 87 octane. The car takes it well and I don't need to put ... I used to have a car, I had to put 93. I have a motorcycle, it wants high octane. But eggs, meat and cheese is 99. It's jet fuel. Keto is not jet fuel. It's not. You're changing fuels, you'll burn ketones, but that's not jet fuel. Jet fuel is when your cells, at the cellular level, get the nutrients, protein, protein, protein and fat, healthy fat, all the vitamins, all the minerals, all of it at the cellular level. Then your body burns rocket fuel. Your brain likes it, your heart likes it, every cell in your body, muscle cells, whatever, they love it. Why? Because it's complete nutrition. Complete. So very, very good questions, Dom. Okay?
Deb, this is a unique, Deb. When you take probiotics, your cortisol goes up. Again, Deb, unexplainable. So that makes you unique. Okay? I can't explain that. And you know what? I learned in medicine, every doctor in the universe should learn this first day of medical school; see that there? You've got a fingerprint. Yours is different than the other seven point ... what are we at? 7.3 billion people on the planet on last count? You're unique. And you know what? We're different. Every one of us. You have to understand me, Deb, I have to speak in generalities. I've got to speak in those general terms. Well, I can speak to your specific issue, but don't ask me why. It's your DNA, not mine. Okay? But I don't mind you asking. I don't.
Okay. Sandra is asking about the main artery of her friend or somebody in the family is 90% blocked with calcium. Yeah. Well, look, it's not calcium that blocks. Atherosclerosis. Okay? How do your blood vessels become sclerotic? Atherosclerosis. Blockages. Now, don't take calcium in a supplement. I don't give calcium in a supplement per se. I don't give it alone. It's not you're lacking calcium. But let me just say this; one of the things you want to do if you've got any blockages is take vitamin K2. K2, remember, butter, cheese; it takes calcium in the bloodstream and moves it. But if you've got a blockage, I would definitely put you on vitamin K2. For sure. For sure. I have it in my vitamin D.
But what got you there? Well, it wasn't really because you were taking calcium. I mean, it might've been a little factor, but when you get hardening of the artery, you have to understand that that starts with sugar. Remember, sugar should not be in your bloodstream. Sugar damages blood vessels. Your insulin is getting your sugar out of your bloodstream. You guys know that? And it will do it. The problem is, a lot of people, they eat so many carbs and so much sugar that this creates an inflammatory response. Inflammation doesn't come on its own, it comes from high circulating insulin or leaky gut, oxidative damage, some environmental factors. But the biggest thing is the diet. The crappy diet damages blood vessels. It loses what they call the little wee Teflon light layer. It starts to get damaged by inflammation and the body tries to heal that area. And it sends in extra protein and extra enzymes. If that doesn't go away, you start to build up plaque.
And then another way it happens too, and this is like a double whammo, is that you start losing nitric oxide. Your blood vessels don't open up as much. Nitric oxide is a very important thing too. But hardening of the arteries takes time, and it starts with your diet. More than anything else, it's your diet. It's sugar, man. And then when you get triglyceride ... so we talked about this, how you store, right? I showed you my backpack. Your liver stores sugar, glycogen, till it's full. Muscles, liver, fat cells. And then all those compartments around the liver, when those get full, your body knows how to get rid of it. Guess what though? It sends it into your bloodstream as triglycerides. Triglycerides are three fat balls. They can get stuck in the blood vessels, because when your triglycerides are high, it's like a teeter-totter. Guess what is low? Your HDL. It's the diet. You're not eating enough eggs, meat, and cheese. That's the best thing you can do for your blood vessels. Okay? So blockage, K2, reset, your body is able to heal, it's amazing. Okay? Even the carotid arteries here. I've seen people with severe blockages here get a lot better with the diet and vitamin K2.
Mary is asking about constipation on the reset. Well look, first of all, make sure it is constipation. The fact that you're not going the washroom is ... because when you're eating eggs, meat, and cheese, remember how your cells love it, right? Well, there's less waste. "Oh, Dr. Martin, I've got to have such a big stool because I go to the bathroom every day, twice a day, three times a day. Isn't that good for me?" Well, look, we're all a little different, what's good for the goose is not necessarily good for the gander. Look, constipation is only constipation when it bothers you. Like, "Aw man, I am so bloated," and whatever. And sometimes when you're adjusting ... you see, you know what gives you a big bowel movement? Carbs. Because most of it is waste. Your cells go, "Hey, I don't want that. In the toilet." So you're going to have less waste when you're eating eggs, meat and cheese.
Number two. I don't mean number two like poop. No. Point number two is your body is adjusting for people who have been carboholics for a long time. Now your gut is getting a rest. That's one of the reasons for the reset, is the gut is getting a rest. It's not working as hard. And you know what? That can be an adjustment. It's one of the reasons I allow flaxseeds. Now, some people, if you've got diverticulosis or whatever, make sure you grind them up or whatever, but I like it in Dr. Martin's [inaudible 00:28:10] because it lowers estrogen. You know me; I'm a big guy on getting that estrogen down. I like it, it's got 100 times more [inaudible 00:28:18] than any other seed or plant. Why do I pick flaxseed? Because it's the best. And that can help you too sometimes because of the fibers in it to get your bowel moving.
But most people find their body, once they adjust, they're fine. And again, it ain't constipation until you really are in discomfort. Because a lot of people say, "Well, I didn't go to the bathroom yesterday. I must be constipated." No, you're not constipated. You're not constipated. Constipation, you know it. Now, I'm not wanting you to be constipated, I'm just telling you why it's a possibility, and let the body adjust. For some people that's much more. But like I said, the mentality of people, and this came from the cereal companies; "You've got to go to the bathroom every day. If you don't go to the bathroom every day, you're sick." That was brought to you by Kellogg's. I watched them do it. And we buy. It must be true. No, it's not true. Okay?
Shauna is asking, "How does the body use energy without using the liver?" Well, remember, the liver is a storage area, but your body will use energy ... Look, if you have nothing in your liver to take, you have an empty liver, well, every time you eat, your body is going to take that energy and use it. The question is, if you're not moving, and your body needs some energy no matter what. I mean, your body needs some energy while you sleep. Not much. The [inaudible 00:30:00] factory, because there's things happening while you're sleeping. But the liver, keeping it pretty well day-to-day and empty, when the body needs that glycogen it'll go into the liver or go into your muscles. It's a good question, but I'm not too concerned about it, because when you're eating the right way, your body will take that energy. And it has so much less glycogen to store. It doesn't have to store it. Okay? So I don't know if that's answering your question as much as confusing you.
Kat is asking about black strap molasses. Well, it's like honey, man. It's like maple syrup. I like black strap molasses, but it's very sweet. It is very sweet. So we live in a different world, so you won't hear me talking about it. And you can get iron from black strap molasses and it can cure everything from coughs, colds. That's what they say. No it doesn't. But I'm not too big on it because of the world we live in. Everybody's a sugarholic, a carboholic. I don't want you having black strap molasses. You don't even hear me talking about having too much honey, honey. Lots of farmer's honey, and a beehive is right around my corner there and I go get the honey from ... I'm not saying it's not good for you, guys. I understand all the qualities of honey and black strap molasses, and even maple syrup. Maple syrup, I mean, the problem is you've got about 50 teaspoons of sugar in it and your insulin don't know the difference. Now, your cells might. Your cells like it because it's got nutrients. I get it. But in this day and age where most people have trouble with sugar, you're not going to hear me spouting that too much. Okay? Just understand where I'm coming from. I understand the value of it, but I think there's better ways of getting your iron. Eat steak. Eat steak. Vitamin S, okay? I appreciate the question, Kat.
And Simon is asking about Omega-7. Well, Omega-7, look, that's [inaudible 00:32:17]. Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9 is ones that most people are familiar with. Omega-7 is like a macadamia nut. It's palmitic acid. Do I like it? Yeah, I like it. Don't spend any money on it. If you want some Omega-7, have some macadamia nuts. Okay? But I like Omega-3 with DHA and EPA 10 times better than that. That's what your body really needs. Your brain is made up of Omega-3 DHA. You need that. And I'm not too worried about Omega-6. You get too much of that. That's in all of the carbohydrate foods, crappy carbs. You've got a lot of Omega-6 in there. So I don't worry about Omega-6, I don't worry about Omega-9. You can take hemp seed if you want, oil, and get three, six and nine, but you're better off with the animal part of it, the DHA and the Omega-3, which comes from fish and comes from red meat and comes from eggs and that kind of thing. Okay?
Mellitox, Mary is asking about it. Yeah, I have heard about it, but you know what? Look, that's an insulin balance. I'll put ours up against that one anytime. I don't talk about our insulin balances as much as I should. It is so good. I take it every day. Because we live in an insulin filled world and I'm trying to lower my resistance to it. And I like our insulin balance formula. I think it's the best one on the market. That's me. And that's what I have experience with. So, thanks Mary, for the question.
Sylvia; reading labels. Okay, that's the last question. Sylvia is asking about reading labels. Well, what do I look for? How many carbs, how many grams, sugars? That's what I look for. How much are added sugar. And then read the labels because they'll tell you about all the other crap they add to it. If you can't pronounce it, and that's why I'm saying about keto; a lot of keto foods, if you read the labels, they've got a lot of stuff in there. Yeah, they may not be carbohydrates, but there's a lot of stuff in there that it's not nutrition. And to me, I'm not big on it. Like you want to have a keto snack once in a while, look, come on. I'm not telling you to leave the planet. But when you can't pronounce things on a label, Sylvia, that's what you look for. Okay?
Okay guys, thank you very much. Have a great weekend. We love you. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In podcast, with your hosts, Dr. Martin Jr and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode, and thanks for listening.