In today’s podcast, Dr. Martin explains how sugar is toxic to our bodies and how insulin does everything it can to get rid of those toxins.
When we have too much sugar, our bodies create fat compartments to store the excess insulin – which can be detrimental to our overall health.
Dr. Martin goes on to explain how insulin’s response to sugar can be viewed as that of a traffic cop, a jail guard and a pesky neighbour.
These illustrations will help you to learn the signs that you may be metabolically unwell!
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Good morning. Hope you're having a great day. And we're going to do some more teaching today on insulin, more specifically on insulin resistance. So hopefully everything is good. Now you guys know me, right? If you're new, you're going to learn something. But a lot of you know, I like to use illustration. It's just the way I think. And insulin, I've given some names to the pods. So insulin is a traffic cop. I was explaining yesterday to Dr. McEwan's students at the University of Tennessee. I was explaining to them about sugar left in your bloodstream, not... I just did a review because I actually talked more about other hormones yesterday. But your body... Okay, I'm going to repeat it, repeat it, repeat it. Sugar is so toxic, and your body knows it. It's funny that the world doesn't know it.
The world doesn't know it. Even today, dieticians and nutritionists and whatever, "You need some sugar." No, you don't. As a matter of fact, sugar is so toxic. Your body does everything it can to get it out of your bloodstream. Now I used this illustration yesterday with these students, and I'll say it to you. If you ate 10 donuts, that's rat chow. You know how they feed rats in the laboratory if they want to make them obese? They give them donuts, a terrible combination of sugar and fat. Fat don't make you fat, but if you put it with sugar, it'll make you fat on steroids. So that's rat chow. But if you had 10 donuts, don't do it. But let's say you did, 10 donuts. Half an hour after you've eaten 10 donuts, your blood sugar will be back into its normal range.
Now I've showed you this in previous podcasts, have a bowl of steel-cut oats. Your blood sugar will go up to 21 in a nanosecond. "Dr. Martin, it's oats." "I don't care. Oats are for horses, not for you." Your blood sugar will go up to 21. But your body is so smart. Remember fearfully and wonderfully made, Psalm 139. Your body is so smart. It knows sugar is so toxic that even if you had 10 donuts that within a half an hour or even less, your sugars will come back unless you're a diabetic, of course, because now your insulin doesn't work. But your blood sugars will come back within that range because insulin... Remember one of my illustrations, what is insulin? Insulin is a traffic cop, and it will tell sugar, "You come here. You can not park in blood vessels. Don't park there. It's a no-parking zone. Come here. I'm going to park you."
And what does insulin do with sugar? It parks it in three different places, muscles. That's why the bigger bins that you have, the bigger your bins are. Think about it. Muscles are storage for glycogen, stored sugar. Why do you think at the Martin Clinic we are so much for exercise? Vitamin E, especially resistant exercises. Strengthen your muscles, and you know what? You got bigger bins to store.
The other place is your liver. Muscles about 400 grams of sugar. Your liver only about a hundred grams. It's not a big compartment. But insulin, remember, think of how smart your body is. Now guys, if you think that just happened by chance, I don't know how to talk to you about this. This is incredible. Think about it. Your body is so smart. Not only will insulin take sugar out of your bloodstream. Not only will it store it, preferably in muscles or the liver. But when the liver is stocked with too much sugar, your body makes more bins.
It does. It makes more bins to store. The problem with that is, of course, think about it. When your insulin, the traffic cop says, "Sugar, come here. You're in a no-parking zone. I'm going to park you somewhere else." Muscles, liver. Now there's no more room. You've been eating too much sugar. But insulin's got a job to do. You know what it does? It creates more compartments around your liver. You know what those compartments are? Fat compartments. That's how you get fatty liver. That's how you get a fatty tummy. You get fat around your organs. You don't even know it. You can be skinny as a rake.
If you're a bad eater, you do not undo a bad diet. Do you understand what I just said? "Oh, my uncle lived until 110, and he smoked, and he drank, and he ate donuts all day." Well, your uncle, by the grace of God, lived till 110. That ain't going to be you if you got a bad diet. Don't play Russian roulette with a loaded gun with only one compartment that doesn't have a bullet in it. Because when you play with a bad diet, you are going to pay for that. It's just the way your body works. You see, your insulin, the traffic cop, will make fat out of sugar. It'll make compartments.
It's almost like I got this bag. Well, it's a backpack. I should have brought it as an illustration for me. It's amazing what you can get in there. I bring it when I fly. You don't. All the airlines, they charge a 50 bucks for having a suitcase. You'd be surprised when I can get in my backpack. That's what insulin does. It makes a backpack to store sugar as fat. It'll make fat compartments. But that ain't good for you. It ain't good for you because fat from sugar around your liver is very dangerous.
So again, your body's unbelievable what it is able to do. Let me give you something else about insulin. I'm going to give you two more illustrations that you know me for. One, the traffic cop. "Come here. You can't park there. It's a no-parking zone." Two, insulin is a jail guard. If you got my new book, you see insulin as the jail guard, and you see a prisoner behind the bars looking out, and the insulin is the jail guard.
Listen, you want to lose weight? If in the presence of insulin, fat who is in jail can't get out. Remember, sugar is stored as fat. "Dr. Martin, it's whole grains." I don't care if it's 29 grains. It's going to be sugar in five seconds. And then it's going to get stored as fat. And when you're trying to lose weight, it really, really matters what kind of food you're eating. It's not calories. It's not.
If you don't eat at all, I guess you're going to lose weight. Unless you're a woman who's in a metabolic storm and her hormones... All a woman who is in a metabolic storm has to do to gain weight is look at food. You don't even have to consume it. Any woman out there that knows what I'm saying there? You don't have to put your hand up, but that there is the truth. If you're metabolically unwell, for most women, and this is what we talked about yesterday, it's one of the signs that you have insulin resistance. It's "Hello," your body's telling you that your insulin and other hormones like estrogen, ladies, your thyroid. "My doctor said my thyroid is normal, within..." You know how many thousands of times I heard the word, "My doctor said within normal limits?"
I said, "Quit relying on the lab. It walks like a duck. It talks like a duck. It's a duck. It's your thyroid." But the thyroid, as I was explaining to those beautiful students yesterday, thyroid is a puppet. It's not independent of your other hormones, including insulin. So fat loss, remember in the presence of insulin, it's the jail guard. It's the traffic cop. It's the jail guard.
And remember what I brought up. It's the pesky neighbour. You see, insulin if you use it all the time, and this is why at the Martin Clinic, we don't talk about frequent eating. "Doc, I got to eat. I got to get up in the morning and eat right away." Maybe that's you. But you don't need to eat six times a day. If you do, you are metabolically unwell. The reset will fix it. If you have hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, which is too much sugar, high sugar ranges, that's diabetes. But hypo is part of it. They're sisters. They're in the same family.
If you got hypoglycemia, you and carbs don't get along. If you have hyperglycemia, you and carbs don't get along. The idea is not to eat frequently. The idea is to eat the right food, eat protein, have a steak instead of a slice of bread. Have bacon and eggs in the morning instead of toast. "Oh doc, I got to have my toast with..." No, you don't. You might want them. You might crave them, but you don't need them because they're going to be sugar. So you know the pesky neighbour. You see, the problem is when you eat the wrong way over a period of time, insulin is always around. It becomes the pesky neighbour. And your body again is so intelligent that it, "Oh, no, here comes that neighbour again." And it resists it.
Insulin resistance, coming to a theatre near you if you're a bad eater. Now we talked about this yesterday, a lagging indicator. I love Tony Jr. He's smart. He's like his mother, not like me. He's a smart boy. And he said, "Dad, sugar is a lagging indicator." I'm not a diabetic. How many? And usually, it was with men. They come in. I already got the results. I would come in, and I already knew. I didn't have to look at anything. I already had all the results. I got all the lab work. I got all the testing that I did. And I knew Joe Blow there was on the Titanic.
And some of them were very receptive. And I scared the living life out of them. But some of them weren't. "My doctor didn't say I was a diabetic. What are you saying?" I said, "Well, in words only, you're not a diabetic, but you are a diabetic. You and carbs don't get along." And women usually they take teaching much better. It's where we come from. Not all men, of course, lots. But you see, you got a bad diet, and this is all introduction to what I'm going to continue to do because yesterday I started.
A very good question was asked to me last week. Is there any test that will tell me that I have insulin resistance? Well, yes and no. I mean, you can get your insulin measured, but it's not the best indicator. The best indicator for insulin resistance are symptoms. Now we talked about yesterday, check the engine light, check the engine light. Fatigue, weight, sort of unexplained weight gain. Really, maybe not have changed your eating that much, and you're gaining weight. Those that are signs. Your body's saying "Hello." Now that can be other hormones too. It's not always just insulin.
Itis, I-T-I-S, whenever you hear -itis, like arthritis. Tinnitus often, it's a hidden sign of insulin resistance. It's your body trying to tell you to wake up, smell the coffee and change your diet. Your body is unreal. It will talk to you. Now, if you don't have this chart, it's in my book. Book is coming. Again, we sold out. The number one health book in Canada. Number one on the [inaudible 00:16:20]. Sold out. Publisher didn't give us enough. And because of COVID and all this and that. Anyway, it's coming again.
But this chart is in the book, and there are 15 signs that it's time to check the engine. That the engine light's coming on. I'll just read a few. And then there's strong indicators. Some of them are so surprising. People go, "What?" Yeah, but your body's trying to get your attention. A lot of times, you got unexplained... Just sore all the time and pain. An itis, even in the ears, the buzzing, tinnitus. Joint itis, a lot of times, it's insulin resistance. Your cells see the pesky neighbour coming, and they create inflammation. It's a response to insulin. You come around here so much. I'm creating inflammation. And, of course, inflammation's not Houdini, but when it comes, it can be very dangerous for your body. It don't happen overnight, though.
Sleep issues, we talked about that. Fatty tongue syndrome, too much insulin. Imagine storing fat in your tongue. I always thought you got a fat tongue when you talk too much. I would have the fattest. But no, it comes from insulin. Insulin is a growth hormone. Guys, listen, any type of cancer. Don't feed it insulin.
Skin tags, "Skin tags?" Yeah. You got skin tags. Your body's talking to you, "hello." Dowager's hump. You know what a Dowager's hump is? Right at T1, which is in your spine. And you develop a fat ball right there. That's insulin resistance. Your body's trying to tell you something. I needed more parking space to put sugar. Interesting, isn't it? Sleep issue, digestive issue. Now, look, I understand. I understand. I understand about the GI. Leaky gut, yeast in the gut, and all this and that. But one of the signs of insulin resistance, you start having unexplained digestive issues, your body's screaming.
Remember what I talked to you about acid reflux? "Hello." The body is screaming, "Stop eating carbs. Crappy carbs are making me." And so your body starts an acid reflux. It's a reaction to the pesky neighbour. Overactive bladder, you're peeing like a racehorse, three or four times. You know how many ladies have told me over the years? "When I go out to shop, I got to find out where all those washrooms are." Now look, that can be a specific bladder issue. And I get all that. I'm just telling you some of the unexplained signs that the parking lot is full, and you need to be careful. It's amazing how many things clear up when you lower your insulin.
Remember, the metabolic reset was not primarily made for weight loss. It wasn't. And I understand when people say, "Well, doc, it can't be working. I'm not losing weight." I wasn't aiming at your weight. It's the best weight loss program around. It is because it's the healthiest weight loss. But I'm fixing horror moments. I'm fixing number one, [Spanish 00:21:09], I'm fixing insulin resistance. It takes 30 days to fix insulin resistance. There's a reason, 30 days, eggs, meat, and cheese, no fruits, no vegetables, no grains, no nothing. "Doc, I haven't lost weight yet." First of all, I emptied your liver in a week. First week, liver's out. The Costco parking lot is empty. You have to just trust the process. But at the cellular level, I'm aiming for your cells, the resistance, the bad neighbour, pesky fixes. If you understand that, and maybe I should teach it more and more and more and more and more. But if you understand why, because insulin resistance is at the root of cancer.
It's at the root of cardiovascular disease. It is at the root of Alzheimer's. It is 100% the root of diabetes. Of course, it is. Diabetes is a food problem. The cure is in food, not in meds. Meds are only meant to manage it. Food fixes it because it's a food problem. It's the biggest problem in healthcare today. This is why I talked to you about the elephant in the room. It drives me mad that here we are fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire. "Close the world, do this, do that." Look, there's a virus. I get it. But the biggest problem is not the virus. What kills 10 times more people is metabolic syndrome because at the root of all of those chronic diseases that I talked to you about yesterday is food. And it's a thing that you... I'm aiming at you. It's what you can do. It's what you are in control of.
Some things you can't control, but food, you can. I didn't say it was easy, but you can control it. And this is me. I'm a motivator. I want you to understand. I want you do understand. Let me see if there's any other... carpal tunnel. Now, look at all about carpal tunnel. And they talk about the impingement at the wrist area there. And the carpal tunnel nerve is under that. And you get numbness. And oftentimes, it's somebody at the office or whatever. And working on a... I get it, I get it. I get it. But a lot of times it... You get two people in the room. They're doing the same thing. They're working the same job. One gets carpal tunnel, and the other one doesn't. A lot of times the difference is in insulin.
Some of these things are surprising, acne. Now, oftentimes, with acne, it's leaky gut and hormones, too much estrogen. But there's also a factor there, too much insulin. Now, tomorrow, we're going to go over strong indicators. But I think you guys are getting this. I know you are. You're getting this about what you can control. You have to get your insulin down. Don't push the envelope. Don't push it because this is what makes us unwell. There's other factors. You know I talk about Xenoestrogens and the environment in which we live. And you can do the best you can, and try not to use too much chemicals, and all this and that. Yep. Yep. Yep. I agree 100%. But food, food, food, it's really, really important.
So tomorrow we're going to do another morning session. And I'll probably start next week going on the Thursdays doing afternoon sessions. So we'll do a morning session tomorrow. Let me just make a little bit of a statement. Tony Jr. did it perfectly well yesterday. You know what, guys? When you are on our private Facebook group, remember it's Facebook. And it's free, but it's Facebook. We're not paying for that. It's a private group. And Facebook actually loves private groups. What they don't like is controversy. They don't.
And look, sometimes when you want to post something... For example, don't ask me, and I don't even want it on our private Facebook group. Start pontificating above vaccines. Don't do it. You won't hear me comment on it. I won't because we have a platform. It's Facebook, and they have rules, and it's free. So it's the way it is. And they have their rules, and we have to monitor that. That's why Brandy and Jeanette, Nicole, they're always monitoring. And you know what? Sometimes we got to take something down from that.
Generally, it's very good. You guys are unbelievably good. But just understand that. It's not us. It's Facebook, and they want us to monitor it. Now we don't want to lose the privilege of that group, and we don't want to be censored. So be careful, you might feel very strongly about something. That's all right. That's you. But you might not be able to post it. Just understand that. That's where we're coming from. When someone wants to talk about vaccines, I want to talk about your immune system. I want to build up your immune system. So that's me. I've always been like that. I've been like that with the flu shot. I always talk about Dr. Martin's natural flu shot. Here's what I like. I don't get negative on it. I don't.
I had a radio show for 20 years. I had rules on the radio show too. I had to live with rules. The CRTC, Canadian Broadcasting, would regulate my radio show. And you know me, I guess I'm controversial. And I got all this clinical experience. That's what I tell people. I've talked to researchers and all due respect. I do. I respect them. I mean it, but I don't necessarily agree with them. And they don't agree with me. And I say you know what? I had real patients, thousands and thousands and thousands of diabetics, thousands of them over the years. I was famous for diabetes. People come from all over North America to see me, even from Europe. I'm a food guy, primarily. And I was very consistent. I told people, "Well, my clinical experience is this." So when you asked me about something that, "I know about it, or I've used it, and I didn't find it to be that effective." Well, that's just because clinically, I had to get results. I had a huge practice, and that was because I was getting results. People didn't come just to see this face.
But you see, going back to the radio station, well, I had a radio station. I understood the rules of CRTC in Canada, a syndicated radio show. I just couldn't say some things. And I understood that. I can't tell people I can cure cancer. You're going to be off the radio in five seconds. And by the way, I don't cure nothing, honey.
So anyway, I just wanted to because that became a topic yesterday there, and Tony Jr. put out a perfect thing right on our private Facebook group, and just the way our hands are tied about these things. So just understand that. It's a privilege, really. That's what Facebook is saying, "You're using a venue that's free, and it's a privilege, and we might take it away." So we don't want that.
Share this, by the way, with your friends. Share this with your family. Share the program. It helps to get the message out there. Okay? Okay. Love you guys. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin, Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode. And thanks for listening.