In today’s podcast, Dr. Martin discusses two studies about cardiovascular health!
The first study is all about cereal.
He will discuss grains, sugar and triglycerides and the 4 cereals that are considered ‘healthy’ but really are not!
He will also talk about what you should start your day with instead.
The second study is all about the French Diet of saturated fat and how even with this high fat diet levels of heart disease in France are low!
Are you eating cereal? Are you avoiding good fat? Don’t miss this episode!
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In podcast, brought to you by martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning. Hope you're having a great day. Good start to the day. And let's do a couple of studies here. This is an association [00:00:30] of cereal intake with cardiovascular disease, a 21 countries study, 148,858 participants. And the followup was for over a period of nine and a half years, okay? So big participation across 21 countries. And they looked that cereal intake [00:01:00] and cardiovascular disease, okay? Cereal intake and cardiovascular disease. Now you guys know me, you know what I think of cereal. I've said it so many times that, what's the difference? Why don't you get up and just give your kids or grandchildren, why don't you just give them a box of candy? What difference is it?
[00:01:30] And I know the food industry has done a marvelous job on influencing children and parents that cereal is so good for you. What cereal is good for you? None. There's no cereal that's good for you. Dr. Martin, you need fiber. Don't get it from cereal. You don't need cereal. You know how they used to say [00:02:00] all the time that breakfast was the most important meal of the day? Well, I don't necessarily agree with that. It's important, but it's important what you eat. It's not that you just get up and eat. Most people, the vast majority of people, make a huge mistake by starting their day with the wrong food. They have this idea that as long as it's grains, wow, the food industry, what [00:02:30] a job they've done at marketing grains, 12 grains, whole grains, 17 grain, grains. They've got to be good. They're so full of nutrition. No, it's the opposite.
It's the opposite. And this study agrees with it because it showed the association of the amount of cereal intake with heart disease. Wow, [00:03:00] I thought that cereals, most of them have a heart on the box, a check mark. Oh, the American Heart Association approves of this food. The reason that it has a heart on the box is if you eat it, and this study is saying it, if you eat it, you're going to have a heart attack, not because it's good for you. Look, I know most of you know this, [00:03:30] but you just got to shake your head, you shake your head. When I go through the grocery stores and I see cereal lined up in that aisle of cereal, I feel like putting a poison sticker there, "Don't eat, especially bad for children. Don't eat it under any circumstances."
If you go to Costco, [00:04:00] they got the boxes, I think you'd need about two people just to carry them out, that's how big the boxes of cereal are. And I feel like putting, this is poison. For a lot of things, but this study is saying it's poison for your heart. Wow. Well it comes back to what grains do. Grains turn to sugar in a nanosecond. [00:04:30] Grains turn to sugar in a nanosecond. Plus, in order to make grains tastes good in cereal, what do they do with it? Well, listen to this. If you want to be shocked, listen to this. This was a survey given to a nutritionist, ranking cereals. The top four in terms [00:05:00] of how good they were for you. I get a headache even wanting to talk to you about this. My blood pressure goes up. But here's what they said.
Number one cereal, according to nutritionists survey, the healthiest cereal is Honey Nut Cheerios. Guys, Honey Nut Cheerios, full of fiber. It's got grains, honey [00:05:30] must be good. The number one cereal, according to nutritionists. Oh, you want to talk about heart disease in a box, Honey Nut Cheerios. Number two, Honey Bunches of Oats. Honey Bunches of Oats. Dr. Martin, oats. Oats are for your horse, okay? Not [00:06:00] for you. Seriously, Honey Nut Cheerios and Honey Bunches of Oats. Look at the label, guys. The oats are going to be sugar quickly and then read the amount of sugar they put in. And remember, it ain't honey, honey, it's high fructose corn syrup. And even if it was honey, [00:06:30] a little bit of honey, I got it, I understand, okay? I get it. A little bit of maple syrup, I get it, like this much guys, like nothing.
You got to get used to sugarless. Oh, I don't like sugarless. Well, you'll get used to it, you will. Don't eat that crap, okay? Frosted Flakes are number three. [00:07:00] Frosted Flakes is Tony the Tiger Frosted? Yes. They used to call me, as a kid, Tony the Tiger. I took it as a compliment. They're great. No, they're not. They're great at giving you heart disease. It starts. Why? Because that's sugar plus the flakes of grain are all sugar, [00:07:30] rapidly. You need insulin. Insulin, as you well know, has a job to do. It has to take that sugar out and put it somewhere. The traffic cop, you guys know this and it aims especially at the liver. It does it in muscle, the liver, and it packs that liver up like a suitcase or as Tony Jr. Likes, the minivan. Pack it up, pack [00:08:00] it up, till there's no more room.
And then what happens? Well that stored glycogen, fat, is going to be sent into your bloodstream as triglycerides, right? And what happens then? Your triglycerides go up. Those are dangerous fats within your bloodstream. It all started when you made the wrong choices [00:08:30] to eat. It's not genetics, it's food. So when they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, that was brought to you by the cereal companies. Of course, they said breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You know what guys? You need to start your day with protein and fat. And some are doing intermittent fasting, don't even have to eat. [00:09:00] They'll just have a coffee. So you understand what I'm saying. You're understanding what the study is saying. Over 148,000 participants. They didn't like the results, the results weren't good.
Why didn't they ask me? I would have told them ahead time. I would've told them what they were going to find. I didn't get to the fourth [00:09:30] one in cereal, before I go to the other study, Honey Nut Cheerios, number one, according to nutritionists in terms of health. Honey Bunches of Oats, Frosted Flakes, Tony the Tiger is great, and Cinnamon Toast Crunch. They see cinnamon, mommy or daddy see cinnamon. Oh cinnamon, must be good. Well cinnamon is good, [00:10:00] but not on top of Toast Crunch. No, now it's no good. Cinnamon is good. I put cinnamon in our Insulin Balance Formula. I like cinnamon, it's good for you, alone. That's a good sweetener, cinnamon, not cinnamon buns and not Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
[00:10:30] Wow. But you guys know better. You guys know better. You're not fooled by the advertising. Nutritionists are fooled because their sponsored, I hate to tell you that. I can't see a nutritionist who is educated thinking that Honey Nut Cheerios, Honey Bunches of Oats, Frosted Flakes, or Cinnamon Toast Crunch would actually [00:11:00] be good for anybody. I mean, you wouldn't give it to your dog, would you? Nutrition 101, look at the amount of sugar in it. Nothing else, just look at the amount of sugar they've added. Doesn't that scare the life out of you? You see, but they put a heart on the box. Cheerios, they put a heart on the box, it's sponsored, guys. Don't get fooled by that stuff.
Okay. I'm going to read to you, this has to do with [00:11:30] cardiovascular disease. One was cereal, wasn't good. The results were terrible. Oh, big increase in cardiovascular disease, heart attack, and strokes, high blood pressure, cereal. Yeah, what's the connection? And then I'm going to read you another study. And if you think about it, the training that nutritionists get, they'll reverse this. Let me read [00:12:00] you the second study and put yourself in medical school, put yourself in nutritional program 101. And you're going to hear just the opposite, but put yourself there. Pretend in your mind you're a student on day one in nutrition 101. I know that most doctors don't take nutrition 101. That's a sad, sad state of affairs.
[00:12:30] But if they did, here's what, eat cereal and listen to this study. French diet of cheese reduces risk of heart disease, called the French Paradox. The French Paradox, low levels of heart disease in France in spite of their diet high in saturated fat. This [00:13:00] one's looking at cheese, but the French are famous for their duck, the liver of the duck, fat, 100% fat. Butter, I mean you would insult the Frenchman in France, I've been there. You would insult them if you ever brought margarine out in a French restaurant, that would be insulting to them. They're big on fat [00:13:30] and it's a paradox, it's not a paradox for me by the way, it's a paradox for nutritionists because they can't understand it.
How can you have that slippery, oily, fatty, cheese, and butter, and eggs, and bacon, and that's grease? [00:14:00] Wow. That is just dripping to give you a heart attack. According to nutritionists, true or false? True. They can't get it out of their craw. They can't get it out of their mind because it looks bad. Butter looks bad, butter, it looks terrible, it's fat. If you insist on having butter, why don't you have something like margarine that [00:14:30] looks like butter, but really isn't butter, true or false, guys? It's true. Now Frenchmen, okay, I mean they still die, but they don't have near as much heart disease as North Americans, neither do the Inuit. They don't. Why? They eat fat because fat doesn't make [00:15:00] you fat. And fat doesn't give you heart disease, it lubricates.
Look at it that way. It lubricates your blood vessels. You see, you know this, triglycerides are bad fats floating in your bloodstream, clogging up your arteries. But they come from sugar and grains, [00:15:30] not from cheese, and bacon, and butter, and lard. No, you see cheese, let's just talk about cheese and butter. The French are famous for it, butter and cheese. There's other societies of course, that are too. But they haven't been brainwashed by the cereal industry, [00:16:00] they haven't been brainwashed. One of the best things that you can do for your heart is to eat butter and cheese. Now you guys know the answer to this. I'm testing you because I want you thinking, and I know you do, "Why is cheese and butter so good for your heart?" Besides the fact that it's a healthy oil when it's broken down, [00:16:30] saturated fat lubricates, makes your blood vessels slippery.
What you want, you don't want nothing sticking, you don't want clots. What is it guys? You know what it is? Vitamin K2. What does vitamin K2 do? It keeps you from hardening of your arteries because it takes calcium, [00:17:00] you get cheese, you need calcium by the way, you don't need it in a supplement. Eat your calcium, cheese and butter, it gives you calcium. What's that give you? It gives you a strong bones. But calcium, you need calcium for almost everything. But it's not the point. You don't want calcium sticking in your blood vessels. So when you eat cheese and you eat [00:17:30] butter, the vitamin K2 in there will take the calcium that you're eating and put it out of your blood vessels, just like insulin takes sugar out of the bloodstream.
Vitamin K2 takes calcium out of the bloodstream. Sugar left in your bloodstream will destroy your blood vessels. Sugar is so toxic, it destroys your blood vessels. So people [00:18:00] would say, "Well, I better have some sugar to give me some energy." Remember, all you're doing is making your insulin work very hard. Insulin's job is saying, "Sugar, come here... I need to talk to you. You can't stay there. Come with me. I'm going to park you." That's what insulin does. You know what vitamin K does? Says, "Hey, calcium, let me hitch my wagon to you. I'm going to take [00:18:30] you out of blood vessels because you don't belong in blood vessels. You know why? Because you know what you do, calcium? You harden blood vessels."
"Oh, Dr. Martin, my doctor told me to take calcium for my bones." Now why don't you just eat calcium when you eat cheese and butter? Because you're going to get vitamin K2. Somebody was asking online yesterday I think, I think I saw it yesterday, "Why cheese curds, Doctor? [00:19:00] What is it about cheese curd?" Because they got the highest source of vitamin K2. It's like taking a vitamin and that vitamin K2 is important. It's important for a lot of things, but that's its number one job. Imagine that, it's right in nature. Do you think God doesn't know what you should be eating? Jeez, but who made it the bad guy? Well, it wasn't the dairy companies. It was the food [00:19:30] industry, the cereal makers.
"Don't eat that, man, oh man. You want to have our cereals. You want to have Honey Nut Cheerios, Frosted Flakes, Honey Bunches of Oats and Cinnamon Toast Crunch. They're great." Not so much. You see, the study in the French Paradox of that, what they're calling [00:20:00] a paradox. How can saturated fat be good for you? It's very good. Remember, fat soluble vitamins, vitamin A, important for your immune system. Vitamin D, important for your immune system and everything else. Vitamin K, these are fat-soluble vitamins. In nature, they're put in fight. [00:20:30] That's why I tell you the eat vitamin S, steak, because in nature, think about it, steak, hamburger's good too, So is roast beef. People want vitamin S.
There's a new study on B12. I'll that tomorrow. How do you get B12, in chicken or in steak? Steak, and that's a water soluble vitamin. But [00:21:00] vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin K, they're fat-soluble. What's that mean? You're supposed to eat them with fat. That's how they're absorbed. But that's what you find in nature, see? When you eat cheese, when you eat butter, cheese has got vitamin A, carrots don't. Carrots don't have vitamin A, [00:21:30] they're beta-carotene. I'm not saying that's not good for you, but they don't have vitamin A, guys. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin, it's full of cholesterol, found in the animal kingdom.
I was reading these studies, 21 countries study on cereals and guys, you want to see me get a workout, is when I read these [00:22:00] things. Man, my heart rate goes right up. I just can't get over it. And you know what? I said this to someone on the weekend. I said, "I would put my audience up against anybody's audience." You guys are thinking, you guys are not drinking the Kool-Aid just because, or the internet says it. You question [00:22:30] it, question it. Is there an agenda behind it? Red meat, bad. Red meat, bad. Go through the internet, red meat, bad. 100 times, 99 out of 100 you'll see it. Doesn't matter who it is almost, red meat, bad. Why? Well it's got saturated fat, it's carcinogenic, it's acidic. It just can't be good for [00:23:00] you. It doesn't look like it's good for you because look at the fat around that steak.
If you're going to eat it, you better eat chicken than eat steak. I answer questions about that seven days a week. No sabbath for me about answering questions. Well, look at Dr. Martin, do you have any studies?" Well maybe 10, [00:23:30] 000, but you see the ones that get all the ink, I mean, did you guys hear about these two studies? Were they on the news, how bad cereal is for heart disease? I mean, you'll never hear it. Why is that? The cereal companies ain't going to let that happen. And they've spent a lot of money on the media and advertising.
You think they're going to let this study hit the main stream media, [00:24:00] or the French diet of cheese reduces the risk of heart attack, cheese and butter, the French Paradox? It's basic nutrition, guys, it really is. But it's been twisted and changed and 50 to 60 years, yeah, at least, of manipulation of the media, manipulation of the masses constantly, constantly, constantly. [00:24:30] I got to give them credit. They've done a good job. They've lied, lied, lied. Liar, liar, pants on fire and the world has gone for it. It's a sad state of affairs, as far as I'm concerned. There we go. Okay. We got some great sessions coming this week, really looking forward to it. Okay. Love you guys. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: [00:25:00] You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.