544. Q&A With Dr. Martin


In today’s podcast, Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners!

Today’s session includes questions about:

  • Varicose Veins
  • Seizures
  • Red Blood Cells
  • Blood Pressure
  • Chicken in our Bone Broth

And more!

Tune in to hear the questions and answers!

Transcript Of Today's Episode

Announcer:   You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:   Well, good morning, everyone. And once again, welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great start to your day, and let's get going. [00:00:30] And we got lots of questions this morning. Okay, Dr. Martin, what about varicose veins? Yeah, they're no fun. There's no magic to getting rid of varicose veins. Surgery, stripping them, and this kind of thing. There's no magic supplement. The best I find and people have had good results with varicose veins, and nitric oxide helps for circulation, [00:01:00] and opening up the little valves in the veins that push that blood.

Navitol, pine bark extract. There's nothing better that'll elevate your nitric oxide better than that. B12 too is good for nitric oxide. So if you're low in B12, take some red meat or whatever, okay. So good question. Stephanie's asking about what are my thoughts on seizures in infants? Well, I talked about this [00:01:30] yesterday. We talked about the hundred year anniversary in 1921, okay. This was yesterday's topic. We talked about the hundred year anniversary, and one of them was the discovery of insulin. Not the medication insulin, but they've actually discovered insulin the hormone, and what it does. They didn't know everything about it, but they discovered that. That was in 1921.

The other thing in 1921, [00:02:00] this is how old the ketonic diet is. 1921 is when they discovered the ketonic diet for seizures, epilepsy, seizures. So I highly recommend that. That's why the reset is so good. Look, you can get into ketosis without doing the reset because you can eat about 20 grams or so, maybe up to 50 grams of [00:02:30] carbs. But I know that sick kids, for example, still use the ketonic diet. Sick kids in trauma still use the ketonic diet for seizures.

So what's the connection? Why is ketosis good for the ketonic diet? Well, it's because of the burning of the ketones in the brain. It's a different fuel. Like I said, go back to 1921 [00:03:00] to a hundred year anniversary of the ketonic diet. And they never linked, by the way, insulin and the ketonic diet in 1921. But both were discovered. Now that's incredible, right? When you think about it. So there's ketosis and then there's keto acidosis. They're two different things altogether. And that's where the confusion comes in with doctors [00:03:30] who don't know much about nutrition. Oh don't eat too much, you don't want to go into ketosis because you... They're thinking of keto acidosis, which is deadly. You don't want to go into ketoacidosis. That's when your body literally is starting to consume itself, it's at the end stage of life and for a diabetic that can happen.

And you'll hear it even on the commercials on TV, well be careful for ketoacidosis when you're lowering your [00:04:00] blood sugar too much. But that's not ketosis. Ketosis is when you lower your carbohydrates. If you don't have carbs to burn, your body will take a fuel like fat and protein, and burn that. That's what ketosis is. It's just a changing of fuel. I'll just remind you about the reset. The reset is not a ketonic diet per se. It's not. You're not eating any carbs, [00:04:30] but it's not a ketonic diet per se, okay.

Because ketosis allows you some carbohydrates. Everything's keto today, it's very famous and I'm not against it, but there's a lot of foods there that are not full of nutrition. They're just very low in carbs. I'm a full of nutrition food guy. That's why my choice is eggs, meat, and cheese. There's a reason for it. It's because it's nutrient dense. Your cells are getting [00:05:00] the nutrition that they need. That's why I choose them, okay. So good question, seizures.

Janice asking about high red blood cells. Okay, there's actually three questions I'm going to answer here. Janice is asking about why would I have a high red blood cell count? Pauline is asking, why would I have a low red blood cell count? And Donna is asking about ferrous gluconate that she's been on for 20 something years. And [00:05:30] I'm going to answer all three. So let's do that.

You can have a high red count. What do red blood cells do? Just to remind you, red blood cells are FedEx trucks on the highways of your blood vessel. They're bringing you oxygen, because in the middle of the red blood cell is hemoglobin. What is hemoglobin? It's velcro, hemoglobin like velcro. So every time [00:06:00] you breathe, your red blood cells go through your lungs, and the hemoglobin, the velcro attaches to oxygen. So red blood cells, you can't live without them. When the Bible says the life of the flesh is in the blood, remember go back more than a hundred years ago, but let's go back 150 years ago. They used to take blood out of you when you got sick. [00:06:30] Doctors thought, well your blood is poison, let's take it out of your body and see how you do. They should have read the Bible because the Bible says the life of the flesh is in the blood.

So what do they do now if you get sick? They give you blood, right? You get a transfusion. So if you have a high red blood cell count, why would you have that? Well, it's because you're not creating enough oxygen so your body's smart. [00:07:00] In the bone marrow you'll create even more red blood cells to make up, or try and make up for the lack of oxygen. So there's something possibly with the lungs, if you have a high red count, possibly with the bone marrow. I've seen it even in anemia, where you have a high red blood count. High red blood count or low red blood count, both of them are not normal and sometimes caused by [00:07:30] the same thing.

Now, low count, generally, when you have low RBCs, you're anemic. You're anemic, and women suffer from anemia a lot. They don't even realize it a lot of times. I used to have patients come in and I would just look at them and I say, "You're anemic." They go, "Nah, nobody said that." "I'm telling you, you're borderline anemic. You don't have enough red blood cells."

And Donna's asking about the ferrous gluconate. [00:08:00] Okay so you're taking iron. You're increasing your red count that way. Well, that's all right. I always say blood is more complicated than that. For a lot of people, they're not getting all the nutrient dense. This is why I like state guys, vitamin us. It's got heme iron, H-E-M-E, unlike any other iron. It elevates your ferritin, it elevates [00:08:30] your B12. B12 is a key in the production of red blood cells. It's a key. So I look at more than just ferritin, I look at more of their iron, the B12. I look at all of that because a lot of times they're not getting enough red meat. A lot of people avoid that today.

Who asked the question? Brigetta that asked about red meat, and there's a lot of stuff [00:09:00] on the internet. There's a lot of stuff on the internet, and repeat, repeat, repeat. Look, we don't live in a perfect world so you have to understand I'm going to speak in generalities. Is there better cuts of red meat than organic, and this and that? For sure. For sure. But, Brigetta, you brought me a question like you wanted me to comment on, it's carcinogenic. [00:09:30] Red meat is carcinogenic. Can I give you the answer? Cancer hates steak.

Now that goes against the grain, I understand that. Some people don't like that. Vegetarians, vegans, the other day, we were told by Bill Gates that all of us should be eating synthetic meat, instead of red meat, for the planet. Well, you know what, I don't buy it. I don't buy [00:10:00] it. Poor cows. There's more dogs, there's more cats, there's more horses, than there are cows. Why don't they ever talk about them? Cats and dogs eat a lot of food too. What are you going to do, feed them a vegetarian diet? They can't live on that. They need meat. He didn't talk about dogs and cats. Just cows, poor cow. [00:10:30] I'm here defending the cow, okay. And the cow is the one that needs to be a vegetarian.

Because you see, a cow, they make cellulase. They eat grass. They eat grass. We don't eat grass, they eat grass because they have an enzyme to break that grass down. They have four stomachs. I always tell my patients, "You're not a rabbit [00:11:00] and you're not a cow. You don't have cellulase. You don't make it." Am I telling you never to have salad? No guys, I'm not saying that, but don't think you're made to live on that. You're not. The proteins in there are not sufficient for you, the amino acids in the vegetable kingdom is not sufficient for you. It's sufficient for a cow, but not for you. It's not as sufficient [00:11:30] for your cat, it's not sufficient for your dog. And it's certainly not sufficient for you.

Now that's controversial today. Why is it? I've said it to you before. It's an agenda. It's not science. Like when they say follow the science, they don't mean it. When Bill Gates travels around in his jet and lives in a 66,000 square foot home, well, good for him. When did [00:12:00] he become a guru in nutrition and say, "Nah, we got to eat synthetic meat." Can I tell you something again? Don't touch it with a hundred foot pole. Don't feed it to your dog. Synthetic meat, most of it is crap. It's soy based, and Brigetta's saying, "Well, red meat," No. You want to know what cancer is? Cancer is in Beyond Meat. That's where cancer is.

Look guys, I realize that people have [00:12:30] their own opinions. And even my colleagues, many, many gurus that teach nutrition, they buy into it. But they weren't taught that in school. Where do you find B12? Day one of clinical nutrition in my PhD, day one. Where do you find B12? Hm, red meat. Okay, where do you find heme iron? The best iron [00:13:00] in the world to absorb. Red meat. Where do you find 22 complete amino acids? Plant kingdom or animal kingdom? Animal kingdom. I'm sorry guys, it's the truth. What can I tell you? It's not carcinogenic.

Now, I know there's chemicals. There's hormones and it's almost completely [00:13:30] unavoidable, but you're better off eating a piece of meat than having flour of any kind. You're better off having bacon in the morning, than having oatmeal in the morning. But Dr. Martin, there's nitrates in the bacon, and blah, blah, blah. Yeah I know, it's not a perfect world maybe, but I'll tell you it's still a lot better. Because the biggest problem today in society is insulin. It's the number one problem. We talked about that yesterday. [00:14:00] It's the numero uno problem. Not the virus, not the climate, not the whatever, it's insulin. It's food and we're carboholics. And I'm sorry, you can eat from the vegetable kingdom as long as you eat from the animal kingdom too.

God gave you two kingdoms, animal to eat, and plants to eat. Fruits and veggies, [00:14:30] yep? But when you have trouble with insulin, which is the number one problem... Look, I'm not saying eliminate for 30 days, I want you, because I want you to fix your insulin resistance. Anyway, look, I know I get blow back. I know every day I get people pushing back on some of my statements. Guys, I'm not apologizing for the truth. [00:15:00] And the proof in the pudding is when people eat properly, and they see what happens to their bodies, the testimonies are unequivocal. They are incredible. And look, it's protein, protein, protein. Complete proteins, surrounded by fat and cholesterol. That's how your body thrives.

[00:15:30] So you go, "Oh Dr. Martin, I like avocado." Good for you, it's good for you. I didn't say... But you take avocado and you take pork, you take bacon, and avocado and what's the difference? Your body doesn't know the difference, except you're going to get more protein. I mean, the fats are the same. Everybody likes avocado. I mean, you talk to my guru friends, [00:16:00] they love avocado. Avocado, it is fantastic. Olive oil, it is so good for you. Olive oil, the Mediterranean diet. And I go, "Okay, okay. What is olive oil? What makes it so good for you? Oh, oleic acid, okay. And what's in bacon? Oleic acid." Yeah. Avocado. It's got six fatty acids, [00:16:30] and bacon's got six fatty... Did I tell you you can't have avocado? No, you can have it, but not on the reset.

Anyway, avocado is good okay. You get what I'm saying, guys? Do you get what I'm saying? Do you think I'm going to move off that? Nope. I'm not moving on that because that's just science. We're learning new stuff in science every day, and that's great. But guys, this is the truth. Man am I ever getting sidetracked here. [00:17:00] Okay, Mara is asking about plantar fibroma and that's just a little scar tissue underneath the... and you get a little bit of scar tissue underneath the tendon. Roll a ball. I like rolling a ball, manual therapy. Make sure you got good arch supports.

Because a lot of times with feet, it's just the arches. You might take some inflammation formula just to help with if you've got real [00:17:30] tendonitis in there too, and just to get that inflammation down. But you got to do some manual therapy okay. Joey's asking about chromium picolinate, I love it. I put it in our insulin formula. Insulin balance has chromium picolinate. And what, about five other of our favorites for balancing your insulin. We don't talk about that enough. That's a great product, by the way.

Barb is asking about platelet rich plasma [00:18:00] for damaged cartilage. Well, I've read about it. I don't know, I've seen STEM cells used for damaged joints and all that. Because I've had patients that had that done, platelet rich formula, like adding blood. It sounds really good, but so far, at least from what I've seen, or at least the feedback I'm getting from patients, it hasn't been dramatic. But I'm not against it. It hasn't been dramatic. [00:18:30] It's not like you get brand new cartilage and everything's good. Nah, if it was working really good, people wouldn't need joint replacements and things like that, which is by the way, an epidemic today. Really good questions.

Kelly is asking about her blood pressure goes up when she takes probiotic. Now I don't want to use the word that I used last Friday. I got into trouble with it. So... you're unique, Kelly. [00:19:00] You're unique. It's not common. So I just wanted to tell you that if it happens to you, and if it only happens temporarily, by the way. Look, probiotics, it is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Probiotics. I mean it, everybody should take probiotics all year round. I do. I want to be healthy. Everybody should take probiotics. If your blood pressure goes up when you take... My blood pressure goes [00:19:30] up when I talk about, Kelly, when I talk about stupidity, that's when my blood pressure goes up. Maybe I should quit talking about it.

Yvonne, propylene glycol. A lot of people have trouble with that. Those are used, some in some medications, but it's used in preserving foods and things like that. Again, guys, we don't live in a perfect world. There's [00:20:00] all sorts of things that I wish, to some extent, but the food industry, they want to preserve food or put it in some meds. And some people have real trouble, like Kelly and whatever, you guys are canaries in the coal mine.

Let me get another one here. So who has asked this one here? Deb, you're easily startled. That's you. I'm not, but that's you, it's your uniqueness. [00:20:30] And you got your unique fingerprint. Some people are hypersensitive to whatever, somebody was asking about eggs. And from the day one, when they have eggs, they're nauseous. I think it was Evelyn asking about that. Well, that's you. Some people can't have eggs. I read an email or whatever yesterday, because the lady, she was on the reset and doing really well. And then every time she had cheese, it was bothering her. I [00:21:00] said, "Stop. Don't stop the reset, but stop eating cheese. It's bothering you. Some people get bothered by that, okay? It's your uniqueness." You can't say, "Well, oh cheese is no good for you," if 99% of the population get the benefits and you don't.

Well, it's just, you might not be able to break it down. There's something in there that, it's the casein or whatever that you don't break down. Hey, don't worry about it. [00:21:30] That's you. Don't force the issue either. If you can't digest eggs, don't eat them. You can't digest cheese, don't eat it. Vitamin K2, which is cheese and butter, we put it in our vitamin D. Look, I'd rather you eat it, but if you can't, hmm... And you need K2.

So I don't even know how to pronounce it, I think it was Mona asking about [inaudible 00:22:01]. [00:22:00] Isn't that the little wee peas? Can you have them? Yeah, but not on the reset. But they probably have more protein than most vegetables, and you like that stuff, eat it. I've got no problem with that, I think it's good for you. Absolutely. No carbs, hardly a carb in there. So it would be good. How do you pronounce it by the way? I don't know, [inaudible 00:22:26].

Kathy's asking about a supplement that [00:22:30] promotes lymphatic drainage. Vitamin E, that's a supplement. Exercise. Nothing better for your lymphatics than exercise. Navitol is good too, by the way, because opens up your blood vessels and you get more circulation. More circulation... Lymphatics are just part of your circulatory system, it's your drainage system. But there's nothing like vitamin E. And you can do massage, they do lymphatic drainage in massage. [00:23:00] But move. Vitamin E, there's nothing better for your lymphatics than vitamin E. That's why you call it a vitamin.

And Karen's asking about self-diagnosis and insulin. Karen, yes. It's better to self-diagnose. Look, if I could see your blood work, I'd tell you in five seconds. See your triglyceride, see your HDL, see your liver enzymes. I can tell you if you've got insulin resistance, but we have a chart. Make sure, [00:23:30] Karen, afterwards that... and we'll put that chart to you, the chart from the Martin clinic. Early warning signs that you're insulin resistant, some of them are surprising. And for sure signs that your insulin resistance. I mean, there's some very surprising ones in there.

One of them, we talked about fatty tongue syndrome. What is fatty tongue syndrome? Sleep apnea. [00:24:00] So sleep issues, joint problems, a lot of inflammation. And it's amazing, your insulin affects almost every area of your body, brain fog and this kind of thing. But I'm going to do a teaching on that again. But Karen, thank you for the question. We're going to talk about some weird symptoms of insulin resistance. Okay, weird in that sense. I don't want to use the word, some people don't like weird. [00:24:30] But I'm going to say weird symptoms of insulin that you might not even think is insulin. So good question, but we'll put that chart up for you.

Susanna is asking about doc... And I had a lot of... You weren't the only one, Susanne. Bone broth, why do we use chickens instead of beef bones? And someone was saying online this week that, oh, chicken... Dr. Martin, you're always [00:25:00] laughing about chicken. Well, I'm teasing. Ladies, I'm just teasing you because you like chicken and salad. I'm not saying chicken's no good for you, please. I'm teasing because you live on it. And that's why you always have trouble with your gallbladder, and that's one of the signs, by the way, you have elevated insulin, is gallbladder problems.

But anyway, [00:25:30] Susanna's saying, "Well, why do we use chicken bones?" Well look, we're using the bones, not chicken. It's because when you leech either out a chicken bones or beef bones, because somebody was saying online, "Well, you always say, Dr. Martin, the beef is better because it's got..." Yeah but that's when you're eating its meat, not the bones. The bones of chicken and the bones of a cow. I mean, they've got all of the same nutrients in there, [00:26:00] and all the minerals that when you leach that out... Like is beef broth better than chicken broth? Not nutritional because it's the bones, you're leeching out the bones, not the meat. The meat is different for sure. Cow meat, in my opinion. Well, it's got cholesterol, also chicken a little bit, but the beef has more and it has more B12 and it has more of the iron. But the bones, [00:26:30] there's not much difference.

So it's a good question, Susanna. I appreciate it. Because you're thinking alongside of me. Not Susanna, but Suzanne's asking about exercise induced asthma. Listen, always go back, asthma always starts in the gut. I know it's lungs, but it don't start in the lung. Asthma's an allergy, asthma's leaky gut, there's usually can be [00:27:00] inside the lungs. Leaky gut, leaky lungs. Leaky gut, leaky sinuses. Leaky gut, leaky joints. I mean, leaky gut, leaky skin. Make sure there's no allergens that are bothering. Because usually exercise is not as much food, because sometimes it's dairy, and it's usually milk more than cheese or whatever.

But I mean, look, you've got to figure yourself out. Be doctor mom, mom. Figure [00:27:30] out your child, and exercise, but it still starts in the gut. So get them on probiotics, okay. Ellen's asking about flaxseed golden or brown. I don't care. Flaxseeds are great because they have [inaudible 00:27:46] and [inaudible 00:27:47] blocks your estrogen. You want to lower estrogen. Excess estrogen ain't no good for you because it's a growth hormone. And it really is a factor in cancer, [00:28:00] in men and women. Prostate for men, breast for women, and ovarian for women and all that. Estrogen, get it down, get it down. Flaxseeds are great. I love them. I even allow them on the reset because I want to get that estrogen down, okay.

Pauline asking about some people, and it's true, acid reflux. Now acid reflux, remember that is a sign that your insulin's high. That is [00:28:30] the body going, hello? You got insulin resistance, digestive problems. A lot of digestive problems are because your body's screaming at you that you're a carboholic and lower your insulin. But she did the reset and they're talking about it, and they get a little bit of acid reflux afterwards. Okay, well it's not completely fixed yet. You've fixed insulin resistance, but sometimes, as we get [00:29:00] older especially, we don't make the enzymes we used to. So some people need to continue on with digestive enzyme. I take digestive enzymes every day, by the way, because it helps break your food down. You're going to get more nutrition from the food when you break your food down. And look, I'm a senior citizen, I really try and take care of that. But it's a good question.

Janice peripheral neuropathy, always, always any kind of neuropathy, Janice, [00:29:30] it's circulation. Even for the nerves, it's circulation. That's why diabetics have so much trouble, it's circulation. That's why I love Navitol, it increases your nitric oxide. B12 increases nitric oxide. I use the combination with peripheral neuropathy, B12 and Navitol together, and I get tremendous results, and the reset. Get your insulin [00:30:00] down. It can be a big factor in neuropathy, okay. Good questions.

Wendy's asking about resetting emptying the liver, which it does. In the first week you're going to empty your liver of that fat, if you could do the reset. But she said, "Well, what about if you're on drugs?" Well, that's different. Your liver is not gum. Your liver gets gummed up, but it's not full of fat with drugs, Wendy. It can scar your liver. Medications can damage the liver, it can be very hard. One of the hardest [00:30:30] ones is over the counter, it's called Tylenol. There's more people that get hospitalized, about 200,000 a year, from liver damage from Tylenol. You got to take a Tylenol every once in a while, okay, or Advil once in a while. Advil's more kidneys, Tylenol's more liver. A lot of medications damage the liver.

But I'm not going to tell a person not to take their medications, but the reset helps because it does clean away the [00:31:00] fat. See what happens in fat, when you got fat in the liver, fat attracts the toxins. So the reset helps for sure. But sometimes people have to take medication. So I just tell them, "Well you've got to be really careful with that, okay." Good questions. Catherine, vasectomy or tubes tied, do they affect hormones? Well yeah. Men and the vasectomy very little, very little. It's not really so much a [00:31:30] hormone there. Women when you tie the tubes, yeah, for sure. But for some people it's part of life or whatever, your body is unbelievable. It's fearfully, wonderfully made, it can adjust. So yeah, sure it affects hormones.

Lucilla, amoebas, how do I get rid of them? Probiotics and sometimes... I love our candida formula because that's specific for parasites, amoebas, because those are killer. But I like the probiotics [00:32:00] and the parasite cleanse for that. You know, we're going to do a teaching on parasites. I haven't done one in a long, long time on parasites. I talk about yeast all the time, but I don't talk about parasites as much as I should. Because I'm going to do some teaching on that. I'm making a note. Thank you very much, Lucila, for that.

Ralph, coffee production. Chemicals in coffee production. Well... it is chemical production I guess. Look, [00:32:30] I mean, get an organic coffee if you're worried about that, Ralph. Don't stop drinking vitamin C, it's good for you. I can show you over a hundred studies that's showing coffee's good for you. Remember it's got [inaudible 00:32:46] it is a great antioxidant, it's anticancer. Coffee's anti cancer and it's not acidic when it gets into your gut. So Ralph, yeah. And look, again, you have [00:33:00] to understand me, I speak in generalities. If you can afford organic, get organic everything. Okay, I get it. But you have to understand me, I'm not going to tell the whole world that unless it's organic, don't eat it. I won't do that. You're not going to hear me say that.

I mean a bigger picture than that. Like Tony Jr's always said it, when you're on the Titanic, don't worry about the deck chairs. Don't you like that? Don't rearrange [00:33:30] the deck chairs on the Titanic till you change course. I want you to change course and then you can rearrange the deck chairs. Like when you're worried about organic versus non-organic food, then that's rearranging the deck chairs. Like the big picture is get your stinking insulin down because that's what's going to kill you.

Okay, hot sauce, Evelyn, was asking in digestion. Yeah [00:34:00] some people can take it, some people can't. Not going to hurt you. If it doesn't kill you on the way down... And some people love extremely hot. I remember my father-in-law, I just sweat watching him eat some of these jalapenos and all the hot, holy. The hotter it was, the better he liked it. And his stomach, I don't know, he seemed to be able to take it like nobody's business. I had no problem with that.

And what's this last question here, Diane's asking [00:34:30] about twisting of the bowl. Can happen. Vole Voulos, I haven't used that... I just call it twisted bowl and that can happen. People that have chronic digestive issues, especially when they're constipated all the time, the bowel can twist. One of the best things, guys, probiotics. Probiotics help the gut like nobody's [00:35:00] business. And eat real food, quit eating junk food. Your gut likes real food. So good question, Diane. Okay, you guys are great. We love ya. Thank you so much. And we've got some good teaching coming next week. So talk to you soon.

Announcer:   You've reached the end of another, Doctor Is In podcast [00:35:30] with your hosts, Dr. Martin Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.

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