Transcript of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to the Doctor Is In Podcast brought to you by During the episode, the doctor share a lot of information. As awesome as the info maybe, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning, everyone. And once again, welcome to question and answer. So let's go over these questions. A lot of them on the reset, [00:00:30] so that's all right. I want to reinforce why I do what I do. You can ask any question you want. Okay? Now, I might not spend a lot of time on some of the questions because that might be specific to you and not to the audience in general. But generally, I try and answer all of them. Cod liver oil, Bonnie is asking. Yes, I like cod liver [00:01:00] oil. Cod liver oil, I used to get as a kid and was really good as a kid. You know why they gave it? For rickets. They wanted to give you a vitamin D and cod liver oil was for softening of the bones. But what they didn't realize back in those days, that cod liver oil was actually very good for your immune system. It gave you a vitamin [00:01:30] D and it gave you a vitamin A, and it also gave you omega 3.
Again, back then they didn't even think about that. They were giving it to kids for their bones for rickets. And unfortunately, I just want to say this, vitamin D in a lot of doctors... It's changing but a lot of doctors, the problem with them is, their training is, they're looking at vitamin D [00:02:00] and bones. And it's all right because vitamin D is essential for bones. But they miss out on the big picture. Especially in this day and age when they've shown the research on vitamin D and COVID. I mean, that is the most incredible thing. Now, coming back to cod liver oil. The problem with cod liver oil doesn't have a lot of vitamin D, okay? It doesn't have a lot of vitamin D. It's a better source [00:02:30] of vitamin A than it is for vitamin D. For bones, yeah. It would give you enough. Immune system, no. That's why I like vitamin D on its own. Now, there's nothing better in vitamin D than the sun.
The sun is the best source of it. But if it's 30 below, you ain't getting vitamin D. [00:03:00] You're getting melatonin. Remember I talked to you about that. You get outside, you look at the sun, you don't look right into the sun but it's a bright day, you're getting melatonin. Your body makes melatonin by the way. But you pump it up in a bright day. So sunny day, melatonin. Dark, dark, dark, pitch black room at night, melatonin. Your body makes it in the sunlight, and in complete darkness. Your body is smart. [00:03:30] Lots of people talk about taking melatonin as a supply. Yeah, some people, they like it and it's good for them. Clinically, I just found after a while melatonin and you're better off to get your vitamin D levels better.
So coming back to cod liver oil. Do I like it? I love it. As a sole source of vitamin D? No, it's not enough. It's not enough in my opinion. You'd have to take too much cod liver oil. But I like it. [00:04:00] I do. I like cod liver oil. I have fish oil every day. Cod liver oil is a little different because it's got good source, like I said, of vitamin A. You know how you get vitamin A in food? Vitamin S, steak. Vitamin S. So again, in my opinion, do not take cod liver oil just for [00:04:30] your immune system. It's not enough. You need to take a separate vitamin D. And I talk about that a lot. I do not apologize for being right on vitamin D for the last 45 years or 40. No, it's essential. Every cell in your body has a receptor for vitamin D. Now they know that. You think it's essential? It's not even a vitamin, it's a hormone. Really is classified [00:05:00] as a hormone. Your body can't live without it. Okay, good question. Thanks, Bonnie.
Linda, "If we only eat protein and it will turn to sugar, do you need fat also?" Absolutely. Now, let me explain that, okay? Just because some people, they listen closely, and I like that, okay? And what they're saying is listen up. Your body [00:05:30] is so smart. "So fearfully and wonderfully made," says the Bible. Absolutely unbelievable. If it needs sugar, your body will turn steak into sugar. Now, let me just rephrase this. Your body tightly regulates sugar. It will not keep it in the bloodstream. You need a lot less sugar [00:06:00] than you think you do. As a matter of fact, you never need any sugar, because like I said, you can live without a carbohydrate. You can't live without protein, and you can't live without fat but you could live without a carbohydrate the rest of your life. And I had patients, and I mean that, that do not eat any carbs. They were diabetic or whatever, they had cancer or whatever and they [00:06:30] just swore off of them and they don't have any. Think of Inuit.
In the 1950s, and I'm just trying to think of his name. It was a Canadian guy that actually got caught up in the Arctic. He missed hid ride back to come back to... I think he was in Manitoba. And he was in the Arctic. And he lived and he observed and he ate exactly like the Inuit [00:07:00] did. He couldn't get over it. Actually wrote about it. "Here is people that don't have any carbs. They live off fat, and fat, and fat, and protein. Seal, blubber, whale." He couldn't get over it. As a matter of fact, he wrote about it. I'll look up his name again. I have forgotten it. And he wrote a book about it in the [00:07:30] 1950s. He said, "This is the greatest thing since sliced bread." It's not sliced bread, is how healthy those Inuit were, number one. And number two, how healthy he felt. Almost every book I've written. I don't know about a chapter but just about, saying that the Inuit don't get [00:08:00] heart disease. They don't. They die because the polar bears eat them. They don't die of the same diseases that we have, chronic diseases, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, and Alzheimer's, and all those modern chronic diseases. They're not chasing the seal and die of a heart attack. I guess it can happen. Statistically, [00:08:30] they just don't have it until they get our food, chronic diseases.
To my lovely First Nations people. I've done a lot of work with the First Nations in Canada. They love me because I get them laughing. I said, "You better have a sense of humor because I'm going to teach you now." I said, "The white man, we took your land, and now [00:09:00] we're killing you with our food." They find that funny. And I said, "It's true because you guys got all the chronic diseases, especially diabetes." And I said, "Would you get back to eating off the land, please? You introduce sugar into your diets and the crappy carbohydrates, that's white man's food. That's why you're so sick. You got diabetes, about 80% of [00:09:30] the population." Same with the African-Americans. They're terribly unwell. They weren't meant to eat carbs like they eat. Okay. Good questions.
Sylvie asking about sugar and carbs causing inflammation. Yeah. "Why not the anti inflammatory diet?" Well, I don't know, Sylvie, if you're mentioning something specific, the anti inflammatory. I don't know of a better anti [00:10:00] inflammatory diet then the reset diet, eggs, meat and cheese. It lowers your inflammation because it lowers your insulin. You lower insulin resistance and you're fixing inflammation. You see, inflammatory foods are ones that cause your insulin to skyrocket. And insulin skyrockets when you're eating crappy carbohydrates and sugar. [00:10:30] So the anti inflammatory diet, I know what you're saying because they talk about berries and eating just vegetables and all this and that. I disagree with it a little bit. Not that... Okay, because somebody... Let me ask. Joe was asking. Joe says, he understands the purpose of the reset, then says, "Yeah, but what about beets, and blueberries, and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and other cruciferous [00:11:00] vegetable?" Now, listen, Joe, I'm not saying they're no good. Blueberries. They're good for you.
But remember, the reset is a 30 day program. It's not forever. Although some people, like I said, some people never have another carbohydrate. If you can do that, you feel good, do it. But if you go to page 91, Joe, on my book. [00:11:30] I don't know if you've got my book. But if you, I explain it. Why no fruits and vegetables. Why nothing from the plant kingdom. I explain it. And remember, it's temporary. I live in Northern Ontario. Blueberries are famous there. So am I telling you never to have blueberries? No, I'm not telling you that at all. I'm telling you for 30 days do it. Why I don't want any fructose. [00:12:00] None. Not a. One of the reasons is because fructose... When a bear wants to gain weight they eat up to 30,000 berries a day. I mean, that's incredible, okay? Fructose is stored as fat. And I'm not against it. You have a few berries. Come on. It's [00:12:30] part of my Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie. But on page 91, no fructose, no lectins, no cellulose, no oxalates, no insoluble fibers, and, of course, you're not going to have any gluten.
I don't want any of those things for 30 days. Your body will thrive by doing that. Joe, it goes against all teaching, all [00:13:00] teaching. It goes against every guru that is happens to be my colleagues. It goes against them. I get it. But clinically, because I'm a clinical guy, I did it. If you know the history of it, that's very important to understand it. Originally, the reset was [00:13:30] to put diabetes into remission in four weeks. And it did it every time. Remission, not cured because you're never cured. Just like an alcoholic. Are they ever cured? No. They get sober and if they don't touch alcohol, they're in remission. They're in remission. [00:14:00] So it's like cancer. Does cancer ever go away? "Oh Doc, I'm cancer free." You're in remission. Don't go back to your old habits. You go back to your old habits, and you're going to get into trouble again. So the idea with the reset is to completely change.
Anti inflammatory, it lowers your tri... And somebody is asking this question. I'll get to it [00:14:30] in a second. But it lowers your triglycerides. It elevates your good cholesterol. Okay. Because somebody was asking, let me get to it. "How long does it take to get rid of insulin resistant?" Terry, 30 days. But remember what I'm saying. Remember what I'm saying, is that if you go back to eating the way you used to... And by the way, can I just say this? Somebody said they had a meal during the reset [00:15:00] and they cheated. Well, I don't want you to do that. But does that ruin everything? No. Okay, but you're not getting the reward. Not for 30 days. Try and be as faithful as you can to that, okay? So Terry asking, "How long does it take?" It takes 30 days. For some people, it takes less. But if you want your cells, okay? Here, I'm going to make a little drawing. There's a cell. Okay? [00:15:30] I flunked that. Okay? See that? That is a cell. What happens to cells? The more and more you eat sugar, crappy carbs, the more you get... See? Resistance. The cell wall resist it.
I always use the illustration of a bad neighbor. They're always around. Your cells don't like insulin. They like insulin [00:16:00] if they come around every once in a while. You ever had a bad neighbor that, "Ooh, and here they come again." That's what insulin resistance is. Insulin resistance is when your cells go, "Oh, no. They're coming in again." But when you eat carbs, and 88% of the... Not according to Dr. Martin, according to the CDC, 88% of the people in North America... [00:16:30] And I think it's higher than that, but 88% have a bad neighbor. They have insulin resistance. 88%. Insulin resistance affects your liver. It elevates your triglycerides. It lowers your good HDL, your good cholesterol. And by the way, I don't care about LDL. [00:17:00] You can't make me care about it. "Dr. Martin, what about LDL, my total cholesterol?" I don't care. Please, I don't care. You can't make me care because it doesn't matter.
Again, you're going to hear lots of different on that. You're going to hear, your LDL, but it was made up. LDL was made up. Lowering your LDL. Do you know why they'd lower your LDL? Because they got a medication [00:17:30] that can lower your LDL. Your diet is not going to lower your LDL. It doesn't matter. You get your HDL, good cholesterol. You want to die young? Get your cholesterol down. I know, but it's true. It's true. Okay. Oh, yeah. And Jennifer is saying, "Well, Dr. Martin says that triglycerides are three sugars." No, I never said that, okay, Jen? What I said is [00:18:00] triglycerides are three fat balls caused by sugar. Sugar stored as glycogen too much. What does the liver do, I mean, besides making lots of fat cells and whatever? When the suitcase is full, when the minivan is full and you can't store anymore, you know what happens? It sends it into your bloodstream as triglycerides. [00:18:30] So they're three fat balls. And you don't want that. And you want to have very high HDL because HDL are the ones that take the fat balls and take them out of your bloodstream. You got that? You want high cholesterol, HDL, and you want low triglycerides. Like I said, I'll look at those numbers. I can tell you in five seconds [00:19:00] what your liver is doing and what your blood vessels are like, okay? So thanks again for all these questions, okay?
Pauline says, "I heard that the keto diet, over a period of time is not good for you." Well, Pauline, I think I answered that because the Inuit would always be on a keto diet. Here's me, and I've said this to you and I just got to repeat, like me and keto, I get it. I know what the [00:19:30] keto diet is. The reset isn't a keto diet per se. Will you go into ketosis? Yeah, probably. But people they're measuring their ketones and this and that. I'm not big on that. Because I'm in an elimination diet. Eliminate your carbs. Keto, they got all these things. You go to Costco and they got a whole thing on keto foods. And people, okay, it is lower carb, [00:20:00] I get it. But I like the real food.
What's your body was meant to eat was all a lot of animal, protein, and fat, eggs, meat and cheese, and vegetables, and fruit. And very little fruit today because we live in a different world. That's why I'm not a big fruit guy. Like guys, you've heard me say it. Your pancreas doesn't know a banana from M&Ms. Remember that teaching? What is it for a banana? 49 M& [00:20:30] Ms. It doesn't know the difference because it has to secrete the insulin. We live in a different world. That's why I tell people, "Bananas. I like bananas. I love bananas. You could give me peanut butter and banana, and I'm a happy puppy. But that's a treat once in a while for Dr. Martin." [00:21:00] I have to be careful with my insulin. Guys, what I'm preaching to you, I live. If people ask me, "Well, you know what I do? I live on eggs, meat, and cheese. And I married an Italian for heaven's sakes." Like Rosie, you've got a taste of Italian food, it's to die for. But I don't live on it. I don't. I can't. And neither can you.
[00:21:30] Okay, Joe. So I think I answered your questions. Pauline, you heard wrong, okay? And Carolyn is asking a good question. "Like some people that have done the reset, their triglycerides went up. How come?" Well, you're weird. Look, I'm not laughing at you. Hopefully you can laugh at yourself a little [00:22:00] bit. Because some people ask me these questions and I go, "Yeah, well, you're weird." It's not supposed to happen like that because 99.9% of the people... Triglycerides are made from carbohydrates, guys, from sugars. That's science. If you don't have any sugars and your triglycerides go up, your weird. Lovingly, I say, okay? No, there's other factors. For diabetics, it can happen at [00:22:30] first. For people that have a thyroid problem. And you might not even know it. That can happen. Medications. Some people are on meds and that throws your triglycerides off temporarily. And their triglycerides, instead of going down go up. But it's very rare and it's not supposed to be and there's something usually going on. Could be your kidneys.
A lot of times you have kidney stress. [00:23:00] And ordinarily, in 30 days, you fix your kidneys with the reset. I'm aiming. "Doc, what are you aim at?" I aim at your pancreas, number one. I aim at your liver. I aim at your kidneys. I aim at your gut. All of those things that I aim for to fix. Was it yesterday or whatever we talked about PPIs and proton pump inhibitors? And I'm aiming for that to fix that. Because if you get your [00:23:30] insulin down, it's amazing what happens to your stomach. Even your gut. If you're not feeding the bears, yeast need sugar. Yeast hates steak. It hates... Somebody said, "I eat red meat and I sweat. I wasn't sweating before." You're weird. I say that lovingly, okay? Because my wife is going to give me trouble after for saying... "Quit telling people that they're weird. [00:24:00] Oh, that's you Martin." Okay. But obesity and your triglycerides might go the other way for a bit. Most of the time, folks, they don't, okay? So liver disease, kidney disease, the fact that diabetes sometimes just takes longer to flip that around, okay? But generally you're doing the right thing, okay?
And Dan is asking about hydroquinone cream for age spot. I don't know. I have no experience [00:24:30] with it, Dan. Here's what I like for age spot. I like ReVera. Our gel with pine bark extract and hyaluronic acid. To me, I'm biased. It's the best anti-aging gel in my opinion. And look at our reviews on that product. It's tremendous. Francis is asking about cramps and that's usually with cramps. When you are switching fuels [00:25:00] under reset, sometimes you get... Well, a lot of people do get cramps. Their body's not used to it. There's a big shift that's going on in their kidneys and it's an adjustment period. And a lot of people get cramps and you can take some potassium. You know what I found? Pickle juice. To me, it's the best electrolyte, okay? Seriously. I just found it to be the best. Pickle juice, take a tablespoon or so a couple of times a day, a pickle [00:25:30] juice. And the higher the sodium is in that pickle juice, the better it is for crampy, okay? So that's what I found, clinically. Now, you can take potassium, you can take magnesium for cramps, absolutely. I love magnesium. You guys know that, okay?
Essential tremors, Nancy, that's leaky gut. Fix the gut. Parkinson's, fix the gut. It's a yeast [00:26:00] that gets into the brain. MS, fix the gut. It's leaky gut 100%. Autoimmune is leaky gut. Essential tremors is leaky gut. Jen, cold due to carrier gets hives in the cold. Well, move to Florida. Jan, yeah, it happens. You're different. I won't say the word weird anymore, I promise. Is there anything you can do? [00:26:30] I don't know. Bell's palsy, trigeminal neuralgia. Who was asking that? Oh, I didn't write it down. Good questions. Bell's Palsy usually happens after infection, virus. And trigeminal neuralgia is different because that's pain. If you take your hand and do this, you get your cranial nerves coming out of your spine. So you look at those so try, okay? You have three [00:27:00] cranial nerves, okay? So that's how I memorized it when I was in school, okay? I put my hand like claw, and you get those nerves on your lip and on your cheek. And trigeminal neuralgia, your face gets like this, okay? Oftentimes after a virus, lots of stress. Usually there's a perfect combination of stress and viral that causes. And that can be very painful. Bell's Palsy too, it affects [00:27:30] that same area, okay? Bell's Palsy is usually not painful. It's just that their face... Oops, but you can get facial pain and that's trigeminal neuralgia, okay?
There was somebody asking something else. I talked... Oh, does mullein in help the lungs? I know what you're talking about, excessive mucus. Well, nothing like... I get to want to a dry up. I used to have a [00:28:00] long formula too, that help to dry up the lung, but your lungs, if they're full of phlegm, it's usually yeast. So leaky gut, leaky lungs, fix that gut, okay? Fix the gut. A lot of times you'll get post nasal drip. That'll put a lot of fluid into the lungs, down through the trachea, and you want to dry that up. Leaky gut, [00:28:30] leaky lung.
Gale is asking about. "I'm weaning off my proton pumps quite successfully." And Gale is saying if she is drinking water I guess with the diet, she's doing really well. But if she drinks water, she finds that it's bothering her. Well, then cut back, Gale. That's unusual because I was talking to you the other day about acid reflux, and usually it's dehydration or insulin [00:29:00] or both. But for you, if you find water bothers that, then cut back, okay? Like everybody, you got a different fingerprint. There's what? 7.7 billion people on the planet and nobody is just like you. And if that's what it is for you, make an adjustment. I always used to tell even my staff, asked Nicole, ask Linet, that worked for me for years, "Listen to your [00:29:30] patient. Listen, because they got inside information." And if someone says something to me that's different than 99.9% of the other people, that's all right, that's all right. I mean, you're different. Because you are like that, I'm not going to say, "Well, water is no good for you," because you need water. 90% of the population are dehydrated. 90. It's dangerous. You should never be dehydrated.
[00:30:00] But, if you find that water gives you acid reflux, your body is probably going through an adjustment then just wait it out, man. You're going to need some water, but just figure out how much you can do without that. Monik is asking, "Is turkey healthier than chicken?" Probably a little bit more protein. Chicken and salad. Really?. Are you trying to get me, Monik, to say Turkey and salad? [00:30:30] Turkey and salad. Eat red meat for heaven's sakes. I'm just teasing, Monik. Yes, probably a little bit healthier, okay? Good question. I remember answering that a few times but I can't remember how long ago now. Heidi is asking about red yeast rice to lower cholesterol. Why would you want to do that? Why would you want to lower your cholesterol? And I get it because that's a substitute [00:31:00] for a statin drug. But why do you want to lower your cholesterol? I'm sorry. I don't want to lower your cholesterol. I want to elevate your cholesterol by eating eggs, meat, and cheese, okay?
Sue's asking, "Why does Dr. Martin love low cortisol?" Well, because... Well, look, you don't want to be too low in cortisol and you don't want to be high. Most of the people, unless you're completely exhausted, they get low levels of cortisol. [00:31:30] But it was because they were secreting cortisol for so long, they just got exhausted. Yeah, because cortisol is this, okay? So just remember, Sue, I was answering a question today just because somebody sent me their blood work and I was getting back to them and they said, "I'm surprised that I have high cortisol." I said, "What planet are you living on man? In this day and age with COVID? I don't think there's anybody that doesn't have high cortisol." " [00:32:00] Why do I want to lower it?" Well, you got to listen to our teaching. I think we sent it out yesterday. If you weren't on our seminar... Was it last week? You want to get that teaching on eight reasons you want to get your cortisol to go down. Because cortisol is a killer.
Remember the book that I wrote, two hormones that wants you dead, insulin and cortisol. Because you're not meant to be uptight [00:32:30] all the time. Has a major effect on the body. It'll exhaust you, give you brain fog, affect your digestion, affect your heart, affect your immune system. La da da da da da da da. That's what cortisol does. Cortisol isn't meant to be temporary, not to be long term. So that's why I love lowering cortisol, balancing your cortisol, okay? And if there's any formula better than ours, it doesn't exist and [00:33:00] cortisol formed it. I'm telling you. We formulated our own products. Donna, yacon syrup. Can I ask you, Donna? What that age? Double hockey stick is yacon syrup. I can't say that I've ever heard of it. And I thought I heard of everything. See, if you put that on the Martin Clinic private Facebook group, I guarantee [00:33:30] you'll get people in there that knows what that is. I never heard of it. I know what maple syrup is, I know what agave is, I know all these kinds of things. Yacon, I'll look it up. I don't know what it is. I don't want to comment.
Generally, if it's sweet, not too much. Maple syrup, I love maple syrup. Canada's contribution to society. Canadian [00:34:00] maple syrup. It's wonderful. But you got to be careful. Again, we live in a different world incy, incy amount. Not much. Because your pancreas don't know the difference between a chocolate bar and maple syrup. They don't. One has nutrients. I know maple syrup has some nutrients in it, right? It's God's gift to humanity. [00:34:30] But again, we live in a different world where insulin is the big problem so be very, very careful. I promise you I will look up yacon syrup.
Goiter. How does one develop goiter? Well, listen, thyroid is a puppet. Remember, the thyroid, it's usually not just primarily the thyroid. There's a lot of things that make the thyroid go unwell. And the goiter can be formed [00:35:00] of hyperthyroidism. The eyes come out and get a big ball right there, a goiter. I've seen it many, many, many times. Usually I fix their diet. The reset helps goiter big time. It really does. I think it's a combination of insulin and hyperthyroidism, okay? So you want to balance that out and turn that off.
Pauline is asking, "How long does it take [00:35:30] to repair leaky gut?" Some people, it's a year or two. It just depends how many antibiotics they'd taken in their lifetime or whatever. And you should always be repairing leaky gut. Is there a day that your leaky gut is repaired? Yes. But remember, that's why I'm big on taking probiotics all the time because there's so many things that can cause leaky gut, even cortisol does. So we live in a world that is an onslaught [00:36:00] to leaky gut. But like for people that have the serious leaky gut, it can take up to a year. The reset is tremendous because you kill off the yeast. The yeast, it's not being fed, okay?
Mary is asking, "High variations in blood oxygen saturation while sleeping, what causes it?? It can happen, I guess, but nothing to worry about. Everybody is different. [00:36:30] Again, there's so much... Is it safe to take selenium and chromium supplements? Well, I've got it in my insulin formula. I've got selenium, a chromium. I have it in my insulin balance. So is it safe? Absolutely, it's safe, okay? What do I think of calcium channel blockers? Well, look, again, I don't like to specifically go after medications. I mean, I never tell patients to come off their meds. I try [00:37:00] and go the other way and fix. And then let's see if your doctor takes you off your meds if you fix the problem. It's a good question.
Diane, "Can L-glutamine help leaky gut?" Yep. You know what has a lot of L-glutamine? I have it in my IBS formula, by the way. Bone broth. L-glutamine helps to repair the lining of the gut. The little wee small epithelial lining of the gut. [00:37:30] What does Dr. Martin think of adrenal gland extract? Not much? I tried it over the years, I never found it to be that effective on its own. I like the combination that we put together for the adrenals, which is a cortisol balance. But to me, there's nothing healthier for your adrenals than that, in my humble opinion.
How does your appendix work? Who asked that, Jennifer? That's a good question. You know what? Can I just [00:38:00] give you a little bit here? And let me finish with this. It wasn't that long ago, okay? When I was a little boy in the 1950s, do you know that I was the only kid in my grade five or grade six? The teacher says, "If you still have your tonsils, put your hand up." I looked around, I was the only guy in my [00:38:30] class that still had his tonsils. My dad wouldn't let us get our tonsils out. He knew better. Because you know what they said in those days? The true story. Your tonsils were part of the evolutionary part of your development. It was evolution, and you really don't need them anymore. And therefore, let's get rid of them. Seriously, that was the teaching, even in medical school. So guess what? They used to lure [00:39:00] you like they'd go fishing and say, "Let's get your tonsils out," at the first sign of infection. Why would they do that? Well, because you didn't need them. And every doctor in the universe, just about, took your tonsils out at the first sign of infection because you didn't need them. They were going to become extinct. That was the teaching. I'm not kidding you.
You know what they found out? [00:39:30] Your tonsils are essential for your immune system. They're trap doors, bacteria sticks to them, and virus sticks to them. And anything that doesn't want to go down into the lung, the tonsils are there to protect. Now, isn't it interesting? You almost have to have gangrene in your tonsils for a doctor to get rid of them. [00:40:00] That was the teaching. I'm not kidding you. I lived through it as a little boy. I was the only guy, I looked around. Oh, geez. I asked my dad. I said, "How come I can't get my tonsils out? I want ice cream at the hospital too." You got to spend a day in the hospital, I think overnight too. I don't remember. And my friends were getting ice cream at the hospital. I wanted ice cream. My dad says, "You need your tonsils." Okay.
You also need your appendix. Because [00:40:30] that was the teaching too, that you didn't need your appendix because it was part of evolution. Well, I'm not big on evolution because you need your appendix. You know what they're finding now? That the appendix is a huge part of your immune system. It's not just wasted part of your colon, it is part of your immune system and don't take it out unless it's completely [00:41:00] infected. Your appendix is part of your immune system. You need it. Don't take it out unless... Look, I'm not saying there's never an emergency appendectomy. Of course there is. But it's part of your body and there's an important part of your body. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not important. Okay?
Thanks so much. Okay. You guys are great. I thank you for all the questions. We love [00:41:30] you. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast with your hosts Dr. Martin Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.