Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information, as awesome as the info may be it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good afternoon. Hoping, you're having a good start to your day. Let's talk about something I brought up yesterday. [00:00:30] By the way, thank you, thank you, thank you for all those who were able to join us. Last night was the first time, we actually didn't have any more room on Zoom. So I know some of you got turned away from the webinar. We apologize for that. And we've got a huge platform on Zoom, but you know what? It wasn't enough for all the people that signed up. Anyway, we appreciate it and thank you very much. I hope [00:01:00] you enjoyed it. We had a great time doing it. It's always fun when I get to work with my son. See the brains of the operation there? That's my boy, he's a smart kid. And we really enjoyed that. And by the way, it was recorded. And so I'm sure in the next week or so, it'll be available as a teaching. You'll be able to have a look at it. It probably will come in the form of an email. So thanks [00:01:30] a lot.
We looked at, was it seven or eight killers of what cortisol kills? Fascinating, isn't it? And this is why this afternoon I want to talk to you about breast cancer because unbelievably so, yesterday, or probably Tuesday. My wife actually flagged a study that said, and this came out from the World Health Organization. That [00:02:00] breast cancer was now the number one cancer, it's overtaken lung cancer. Now, I don't want to be too controversial here, but I want to state some, I think are obvious facts. We're not winning the war on cancer, if breast cancer is overtaking [00:02:30] lung cancer, it's not a good news story. It's terrible. And I want to pontificate for a few moments on why that is.
We're looking for love in all the wrong places. Ladies, this is woman abuse, this is abuse. This cancer, not [00:03:00] that men can't get breast cancer, it's very rare. But ladies, we are losing the war on cancer and especially breast cancer. And I'm telling you it's because there's never, ever, ever talk of preventing breast cancer. It's always early detection. It's mammograms. It's self-palpation. [00:03:30] Am I against those things? No, I'm not, but that's detection. That's not prevention. And as long as we're into detection and not prevention, we're going to lose the war.
And I've shown you this illustration in the past and for the new folks watching us today. Ladies, see the ballpoint pen, see the tip [00:04:00] of it? For cancer to grow in your breast tissue ladies, to that size, the tip of a ballpoint pen takes five years. Cancer in general is a very slow progressive disease. It's not fast. If you get to fourth stage cancer, for example, in your liver [00:04:30] or whatever, it been there for years, you just didn't know it, you didn't have any symptoms maybe. And then by the time they find it, "Oh, you know what? Last week I didn't have cancer. And this week I do." No, it doesn't work like that, guys. It doesn't work like that.
So as long as we're into detection and not prevention, we're going to lose the war and it bothers [00:05:00] me. You got to understand that in the 1970s, 1 out of 20 North American women would get breast cancer. It's one out of six, today. Getting worse every year it seems. Lung cancer was the number one killer for years and years and years. And I could talk to you about lung cancer because it's not the smoking anymore. People generally [00:05:30] have gotten the memo. It's food. Ladies, two main things with breast cancer. One of them is insulin. Your breast cells, the cells in your breast tissue is hyper sensitive to growth hormones. It's hypersensitive to it.
[00:06:00] So when you use a lot of insulin, your breast cells look for that, they want to store, they want to grow. And cancer cells will feed as you well know on sugar and crappy carbohydrates are sugar, in five seconds. So that [00:06:30] drives growth. Insulin drives growth ladies, in your breast tissue. And then you have a hormone it's known for its function of making things grow and that's called estrogen. It makes you a woman. It makes a man, a woman too, by the way. Estrogen, wonderful ladies. You're a lady. You're a woman. You need estrogen. The problem is, [00:07:00] estrogen makes cancer cells grow, grow, grow. So you have insulin as food, estrogen is any ... Your own body, but your own body won't give you cancer, ladies. It's the extra estrogen that's in all of ... This is why it's so common today because of all these, what we call xenoestrogens, [00:07:30] xenoestrogens.
Anything that you can't pronounce in a cleaner ... This is why I go, Ooh, when I see people at the grocery store, in Costco, I go crazy. Squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt and the go, "Oh doc, I got a mask on." Well those chemicals, forget them going inside of you. Just put [00:08:00] them on your body and see what happens. Your skin is one of the best ways to transport xenoestrogens. Your breast tissue is looking for estrogen. So are your ovaries, by the way. They love estrogen. So anything that even looks like estrogen, like these hand sanitizers and air fresheners and [00:08:30] cleaners in your household. Ladies, so you got a double whammo. You've got insulin and you've got estrogen, but it doesn't end there ladies, it doesn't end there.
You know what one of the biggest factors in breast cancer is, almost all cancers, but in particular breast cancer? Low levels of vitamin D, that's a third factor. [00:09:00] We've been talking about vitamin D so much, especially since last March. Can I say that? I'm saying it, last March. All they had to do with this COVID is give everybody vitamin D, I mean it, but there's no money in it. So guess what? It's going to take probably two years to get all the vaccines out. Vitamin D. When you're low in vitamin D, your immune [00:09:30] system does not work without vitamin D. It will not work without it and cancer remember, your body is made to fight cancer. You have to turn on that immune system. This is prevention. So cut out your stinking sugars, cut out the crappy carbohydrates, ladies. Cut back on the estrogen, get all the [00:10:00] chemicals out of your house. As much as you can, don't use them.
You're a lady, you're hyper sensitive to xenoestrogens. You can't get away from it completely, that's an impossibility, unless you're planning on leaving this planet. You want to go live up in Mars, there's probably no xenoestrogens up there, but we're not there yet. And then vitamin D, cancer, vitamin D, especially breast cancer. [00:10:30] Women that get breast cancer that extremely low levels of vitamin D. It makes you so much more susceptible to cancer, breast cancer. You want to know what the fourth one is? We talked about it last night, cortisol. Ladies, true or false question, who worries more in your household about almost [00:11:00] everything, you or your husband? You do. Hubby hits the pillow. He falls asleep in five seconds, for several reasons. One of them, he doesn't have horrormones, like you do.
Cortisol diminishes your immune system. Your T-cells, your Navy Seals of your immune system, your NK, [00:11:30] natural killer cells, your white blood cells. They don't work. If you don't have vitamin D and they don't work, if cortisol is present. When I wrote my book in late '80s or whatever, Chronic Fatigue, the first time. We did, it must've been well over 500 questionnaires. What we were seeing is that women that were diagnosed with chronic fatigue [00:12:00] or fibromyalgia were twice as likely, twice as likely as other women to get breast cancer, 50% more. What was the connection? Adrenals, cortisol. Cortisol, because cortisol what it does, it not only suppresses the immune system, because think of it, think of it. You're like this. [00:12:30] A lot of people don't even realize that they really are high in cortisol.
I used to shock some people at the office, when I measured cortisol. I said, "You're high. I'm not stressed." And if anybody was in the office with them, they'd say, "Are you kidding me? You're super stressed." Some people didn't recognize it. And you go to bed at night and in the middle of the [00:13:00] night, your eyes are open and you can't sleep and your stomach is in knots. And a lot of times what we saw in the history of that patient was that they had a traumatic ... Either, their parents were sick or they were looking out for a parent. That's very hard, isn't it? One of your parents is not well. And boy, I don't know how you do it in COVID, you can't visit. You know what I mean? Like, this is crazy. That's [00:13:30] what I was saying about the tsunami coming. We haven't seen nothing yet. You wait til you see the amount of breast cancer. It's already caught up to lung cancer. I never thought I would see the day, never thought I would see today.
You know what needs to happen, really? The Breast Cancer Foundation, they need to be disbanded. Ninety percent of their budget, by the way, never goes to any research. It just pays their salary, so they can raise more money next year. It [00:14:00] bothers me. Where's the money for prevention. Why isn't someone talking about something that we can do? You can't control everything in life. I can't tell you, you're never going to have any trouble in your lifetime that you're not going to be stressed. I can't tell you that, but I can tell you, you can control what you put in your mouth. And do you ever hear the Cancer Society telling you, "You know what? Maybe you just better avoid [00:14:30] sugar." I remember talking to an oncologist one time, she was a smart lady, breast cancer specialist. And she said, "Dr. Martin what's sugar got to do with breast cancer." I said, "Everything. What? I said, "Well, how does the PET scan work? PET scans are not for your pets. They're better than an MRI for cancer. Guess how they work? [00:15:00] They give you a cup of glucose, radioactive glucose. And if you got cancer, you light up like a Christmas tree.
We used to measure estrogen, a lot of women didn't even know they had a lot of estrogen. As far as they were concerned, their periods were good. And if they were menopausal, a lot of them didn't have any real major menopausal symptoms, but their estrogen was through the roof compared to their progesterone. [00:15:30] So you've got insulin, you've got estrogen, you got vitamin D. Ladies, there isn't a lady on the planet that shouldn't take vitamin D. If you have dark skin, you better take even more vitamin D. It should be one of your foundational supplements, Vitamin D, unless you're going to be in the sun. [00:16:00] And if you use any sunscreen, you're not getting vitamin D. There's still benefits, you're going to get some melatonin. It's always good to get in the sun, always.
If it's Northern Ontario, Canada in the winter time. Good luck with getting vitamin D like, "Oh, it's sunny out. Yeah, I know but you're all dressed up." You don't get vitamin D, if your arms are covered up and your legs [00:16:30] are covered up, you need vitamin D to come into your skin. Those are your receptor sites, mostly. And your eyeballs, by the way. Don't put the sunglasses on for 10 or 15 minutes, if you can avoid it. Let the sun come in your eyes. Is that a song? No, but ladies listen, I'm frustrated. I'm frustrated for you because you've been lied to about breast cancer. "Oh doc, I don't have cancer. How [00:17:00] do you know? Well, I had a mammogram." I'll tell you what, a mammogram in dense tissue, A lot of women have very dense breast tissue. You ain't seeing no tip of a ballpoint pen, that's five years of cancer.
You know what I suggest ladies? Assume you have breast cancer and get rid of it, don't feed it. Cut the estrogen down. Why do you think I [00:17:30] like flaxseed so much? No other seed in the world, just flaxseed. Only flaxseed has a 100 times more lignans than any other plant or any other seed. And that's why I love it because it blocks estrogen. I was reading somewhere on the internet the other day, don't take flaxseed to elevate your estrogen. [00:18:00] What? It's the opposite of that. Ladies, and I put a lot of patients on DIM, in a hormonal formula because it blocks estrogen. D-I-M. I can't even pronounce it, it's got such a long name. But guys it's sickening, it's sickening. When I read that Tuesday, I was upset. Are you kidding me?
[00:18:30] I know breast cancer is so common today, but does it have to overtake lung cancer? I feel sorry for women that they have not been taught any of this. They're just, "Oh, I got a mammogram. I got a mammogram." And I'm not telling you not to get a mammogram. Please don't misinterpret what I'm saying but a mammogram is detection of cancer. It's not prevention of cancer. [00:19:00] That's what gets me so uptight. If your mommy had breast cancer, you only got a couple of percent more than the rest of the population. More likelihood to get breast cancer. It's not genetics. I know for years and years ... You know how much money was spent on genetics? Genetic, genetic, genetic, you know [00:19:30] how many women have had their breasts taken off because they have a certain gene? Is that prevention? I don't know.
It drives me crazy. There are things you can do. Get your cortisol down. We talked about the mechanism last night. How cortisol, stress. What does that do? It's all right, if I scare you, [00:20:00] I scare you, it's normal. Of course, you're going to get adrenaline and cortisol. That's normal. Your body's made for that. You know what it's not made for? When it goes on and on and on. Family dynamics, ladies, when families are not getting along, who does it bother more, the male species or the female species? [00:20:30] And I'm sorry, I'm old fashioned, they're only two. You're either a male or a female. I know I'm a dinosaur, but you're not going to change my mind on that.
No, but ladies, it bothers me. For years and years and years and years, I've been screaming about breast cancer, screaming about breast cancer, block it. Don't let it grow. [00:21:00] Cut off the insulin supply, cut off the sugar supply, cut off the extra estrogen supply. Ramp up your immune system with vitamin D, your breast cells ladies, will appreciate it. I don't know if there's a cancer fighter like vitamin D. There shouldn't be anybody in the planet that's not taken vitamin D, it's so inexpensive. Nevermind. Just for the [00:21:30] virus. And people are categorically very low in vitamin D today. They're scared of the sun, the Boogeyman, and things stick in medicine, don't they? Think about it, cholesterol. It sticks. You know what I mean? Like it was never true, but it doesn't matter. Every day, every day, every day, every day I have to undo it in people's minds.
" [00:22:00] Yeah. But my doctor, cholesterol ... I know what your doctor says, in all due respect, they're wrong." The sun, the Boogeyman, it's not the Boogeyman. Every cell in your body is looking for the sun, it has a little antenna. "I want some vitamin D, give me some vitamin D" Your cells don't work without [00:22:30] it. They don't work properly. And we know your immune system doesn't work properly. When do you get sick? You know what they're talking, even for the virus? Well, it'll go down in the spring and the summer. Well, hello. Welcome to some common sense. I've said it for so long. They should have shipped every Canadian, for the amount of money this virus is costing, they should have sent [00:23:00] us all down to Florida in big transport planes and laid us on the beach to get vitamin D. There was no politician ever listened to me.
No, I think it would have been less expensive. It would certainly be less expensive to give everybody vitamin D today, wouldn't it? Vitamin D is so inexpensive. I'm sorry. And then get that cortisol down and don't fool yourself. You've been through [00:23:30] a lot. You're not sleeping properly. You don't sleep properly, your cortisol goes up. Your cortisol goes up, you don't sleep properly. I mean, you can't win. Breathe doc, breathe doc. Okay, I'm breathing. I'm breathing. No, it bothers me. Like I just don't like it. When I hear statistics like that, and then they tell me that breast [00:24:00] cancer is right up there and I've been screaming from the top of my lungs for years. Do something. I'm not talking to you. I'm talking about the powers that be. How can you accept? I'll tell you guys, I'll still say this today, medicine is still a man's world. They've allowed women to be Guinea Pigs. Men would have never put up with it. Ooh. I [00:24:30] promise I won't get too uptight.
Tomorrow, question and answer. So I don't know, Jr. is going to send me some of the questions. We tried to stay on last night and answer as many questions as we could on the webinar, but I'm sure there'll be a few more coming from there and then you guys can send in your questions for Friday question and answer. Tony announced, about two and a half weeks away from the second print of the book. We [00:25:00] sold out so fast, the first print. The printer couldn't get it to us fast enough, but it's coming back. So thank you again for making that such a big hit. We appreciate it. If you're not a member of the Martin Clinic Facebook group, now you got to become a member. So many people and so much good interaction, we really appreciate that. Our staff is so good at answering questions. A lot of times you answer the question, I don't have to [00:25:30] do it. You guys do it. So talk to you soon, we love you.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another The Doctor Is In Podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.