Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In podcast, brought to you by martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning. Welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a good start to the week. We're going to continue with Friday's session, [00:00:30] which was question and answer. So let's get going.
Somebody asked me this about why I allow, and I do allow, a seed, only one, on the reset. I want you to use it like a supplement. It's optional, you don't have to do it. But when you make Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie, [00:01:00] okay, and during the reset, you don't use any berries. You use cream, heavy cream. You can use bone broth as a protein powder. That's what I particularly like because it's very high in ... it's good for everything but collagen. But people have been asking because it seems to send a mixed message about flax seed. [00:01:30] Now I'm very big on flax seed. I've been very consistent about it. Think of it as more of a supplement. Okay? And that's why I allow it. And the reason is, listen. Here's why flax seed, no other seed is flax seed. Do you have to grind them up? Nah. I mean, if you want to grind them up, grind them up. Your gut will grind them up, by the way.
The reason I like it as a supplement, okay, [00:02:00] a couple of tablespoons or whatever, you can put in a Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie, is because it lowers estrogen. Estrogen is a big problem today. It's a big problem in our society. And estrogen is a growth hormone. Any plastic fragrance, almost all of them, any cleaner that you have in your house unless it's a natural cleaner, it [00:02:30] mimics estrogen. Ladies, it's not that you don't have enough estrogen. You got hormonal problems, you have an imbalance. But your body thinks everything chemical is estrogen. We called them xenoestrogens. So in this day and age, I always love flax seed. Think of it as a supplement. If you're on the reset, you're taking your supplements, you're taking your [00:03:00] probiotics, you're taking vitamin D or whatever you're taking. And this is a supplement. That's the way I look at it. Okay? Very, very good for your bowel, too. But it mops up extra estrogen.
In flax seed there's a substance called Lignans. L-I-G-N-A-N-S. Lignans that pickup estrogen. Men, testosterone. [00:03:30] When testosterone goes down, estrogen goes up. And as Arnold Schwarzenegger used to say, you become a girly man. I guess that's not probably appropriate anymore, but I don't care. I'm going to tell it like it is. Men at the age of 50, a lot of men have more estrogen than their wives have. But estrogen is a growth hormone. It's a cancer producing [00:04:00] hormone. "Oh Dr. Martin, my doctor said when I got breast cancer that my cells weren't receptive to estrogen." You want to bet? They might not have been super sensitive to estrogen, but estrogen is a growth hormone. And they make things grow, grow, grow. I'm always trying to lower that. That's why I want to lower your insulin.
By the way, a study came out on the weekends, to just talk [00:04:30] about this for five seconds. Diabetics who take insulin, diabetics who take insulin, because their insulin doesn't work. Diabetes is a disease of insulin resistance. That's what causes it. And then eventually your body has to insulin, insulin, insulin. And then it's almost like I got this pen, and it runs out of ink. That's a diabetic. [00:05:00] Their insulin is not working anymore. So then the doctor gives you insulin. I get it. I understand that. But they don't understand anything about nutrition, so they give insulin rather than saying to the patient, "You know what? You got a disorder of food. You and carbs don't get along anymore. Stop eating them." "What?" "Yeah, just stop eating carbs, and you won't be diabetic anymore, because you and carbs don't get along." That's [00:05:30] diabetes. It's simple. But there's no money in that. The pharmaceutical industry wants you to use Metformin or insulin.
But here's the study. It showed that diabetic patients using insulin, because what happens to most diabetics, as they get older, they start off with medications and then they got to a flip to insulin and have a pump, [00:06:00] they're injecting insulin all the time. They are twice as likely to develop a cancer. Why? Insulin is a growth hormone. Insulin is a growth hormone. So is estrogen. So the question was asked about flax seed. Use it as a supplement. That's the way I look at it. I love flax seed. [00:06:30] Okay? So it is allowed, not any other seeds, not any other nuts. I'm not saying you can never have them. I'm saying for 30 days I don't want you to have them. But flax seed I allow because of estrogen. Men and women, men and women. Okay? So thanks for that question.
Okay. I'm just going to go through and try and [00:07:00] finish up here. Jan is asking, "Does coffee have to be organic?" No. Now remember, I talked to you about rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Organic is always better, but it doesn't have to be organic. It's better because they don't use any unnatural processes to make the bean and blah, blah, blah. But coffee is good. It's vitamin C.
[00:07:30] Let me put this in with it now, because Adrian asked, "How about quercetin?" Quercetin. Not when a K, with a Q. Well they've shown that quercetin helps to drive zinc inside yourself. So you heard all of this when we were going through COVID. Well, jeepers creepers, we're still going through it. And isn't that funny now that you hear very little, because the vaccine's coming [00:08:00] out, and you're hearing very little now about zinc and vitamin D and quercetin. But your natural shot is quercetin sending that zinc. How do you get zinc? In [state 00:08:17]. In state. How do you get quercetin? In coffee. Coffee and state. Hey. No, but [00:08:30] seriously, guys. That's why I have been so consistent about coffee. My wife said you never looked at a study that would be negative and it was coffee. True. Every week, just about, there's a new study coming out on coffee and how good it is for you. And they always used to say it was acidic. Coffee's acidic. It's not good for you.
When coffee gets into your gut, not only does it deliver [00:09:00] quercetin and vitamin C, it turns alkaline. Because somebody was at ... Let me just get the pH. Ashley was asking about urine pH. I like urine pH much better than saliva pH, unless you do it first thing in the morning before you brush your teeth. But the most important thing in urine is your urine should be very acidic. It's garbage out. You don't want to have alkaline [00:09:30] urine in the morning. Garbage out. You want your urine to be acidic. And then when you start drinking your urine will become more alkaline. And that's just normal. But your first morning urine is when you should be checking. If you want to check the pH, check it first thing in the morning. And you can do your saliva then before water, or whatever. Your saliva should be alkaline, [00:10:00] slightly alkaline, and your urine should be acidic. And foods that are acidic become alkaline. So don't listen to that stuff.
Tomatoes are very acidic, but not when they get into your gut. Your body knows what to do. It releases baking soda. How do you like that? Sodium bicarbonate. Yep. Unbelievable. [00:10:30] Okay.
I think it was Brigetta, was asking about somebody said to her, "B12 dries up blood." Are you kidding me? I don't know if any ... Why would anybody tell you that? Dries up blood? B12 is very important in making blood. B12 is very important in making red blood cells. A lot of people think it's iron that makes red blood cells, right? But without B12, [00:11:00] you're not making red blood cells. Red blood cells, what do they do? They carry your O2, oxygen. "Oh Dr. Martin, I got high B12." Good. I want you to have high B12. That's what I'm aiming for. Yep. Because if you don't have high levels of B12, optimal levels of B12, you're not getting enough oxygen. Plus, we've talked about this, nitric oxide. [00:11:30] B12 is a very important vitamin for nitric oxide, which opens your blood vessels. So it's the opposite of what you heard, Brigetta. It's the opposite.
Can someone have too much B12? Eh, it's a water soluble vitamin. People are not lined up in the waiting rooms of the emergency department. "Oh, I know why you're here. You [00:12:00] have too much B12. We better fix that." It's water soluble. And they're not lined up in the hospitals either for vitamin D. "Well, you got too much vitamin D." Vitamin D is a hormone. Every cell in your body needs vitamin D. So you know what? Look, I don't want to be too controversial, I can't help myself, but you know what I mean? Like vitamin D, why isn't everybody talking about [00:12:30] that? The importance of it? Study after study after study has shown that people who die from the virus have low levels of vitamin D. It's almost invariable. As you get older, you got lower levels of vitamin D. As you have leaky gut, you have lower levels of vitamin D. You got dark skin, you have lower levels of vitamin D. You don't eat animal products, you have lower levels [00:13:00] of vitamin D. You don't get in the sun, you'd have lower levels of vitamin D.
You are a human solar panel. Rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat. I'm going to keep saying it. You need it. "No Dr. Martin, my doctor sent a tank on 1000 IUs a day." Yeah, that's for a mouse. He was talking about mice. You go out in the sun for 20 minutes, you get 10, [00:13:30] 000 IUs. There's a lot of nonsense out there. That's why you guys are my audience. We try and clear out the nonsense. I love you, so I got to tell you the truth.
There's a verse in Galatians, in the Bible, four and 16, "Have I become your enemy because I told you the truth?" I'm going to preach [00:14:00] it, guys. Coffee is good. Vitamin D is good. B12 is good. It's essential. These are essential. That's why they're on my hit parade. You want a good pH? Eat the right foods. The only thing that's acidic is sugar. It's very acidic. Okay. I promise not to get too hung up today.
Let's see, Marine. Oh, [00:14:30] talking about cheese and estrogen. Well, cheese doesn't have estrogen. Now maybe, like the cows, there's chemicals. Look, I don't think you can get away completely from chemicals. What are you going to do? What planet are you planning on living on? We live on planet Earth. It's not perfect. There's enough plastic in the air, in the oceans, in the water [00:15:00] systems. Unless you're planning on leaving. "Oh, Dr. Martin, I'm just going to go live on Mars." Okay, well good for you. I told you the story about the lady that came into my office ... This was three or four years ago. "I'm moving to Costa Rica." You mean you got enough money to live there the rest of your life? "Yep." She said, "I'm never coming back." I said, "What about your family?" "Ah, too bad." I said, "Well, it sucks to be the rest of us." [00:15:30] What are we all going to do? And even, do you think in Costa Rica they got no chemicals there? Are you kidding me? What little island are you going to go live on by yourself? Seriously. Well, good for you, but come on.
No, there's no estrogen in cheese. Who told you that? It'll lower your estrogen. Cheese is good for you. And I answered the question: why [00:16:00] not milk? Well, this is because milk is different than it used to be. You got a cow in the backyard, then drink milk. I'm all for it. I'd rather you drink cream. I want you to live on cheese. Why? It's the number one source of vitamin K2. And vitamin K2 takes calcium out of your blood vessels and puts it into your bones where it belongs. So someone that says, "Oh, cheese is going to give you [00:16:30] osteoporosis." Just the opposite. Just the opposite. Eggs, meat, and cheese. EMC. EMC. Nah, now look. If you're a person that can't eat cheese, there's some, but you can't say it's not good. It may not be good for you, right? It may not be good for you because you can't digest it. You got leaky gut, [00:17:00] that's what you have. You can't digest dairy? You've got leaky gut. 100% so don't put everybody else with you.
There's seven point, what, five billion people on the planet? And nobody's got a fingerprint just like you. Nobody. You are unique. And sometimes weird. Don't be offended. If I call you weird I'm just teasing you. But some people ask me questions [00:17:30] like, "Oh doc, I can't eat cheese." You're weird. The rest of us can. And it's good for you. You see, my PhD is in nutrition. I'm a food doctor. There isn't a vegetable on the planet that's got vitamin K2 in it. What can I tell you? I'm not saying vegetables are no good. Did I say that? No, I didn't say that. [00:18:00] But there's a reason for my madness, guys. The reason I put you on the 30 day reset, there's a reason for it. And cheese is a part of it. Now, if you can't digest it, well don't eat it, for sure. Some people can't have eggs. Weird. I still love you, even though you're weird. But I do, I love you. Feel sorry for you. You can't eat eggs. But don't put the [00:18:30] rest of the universe in on that.
And when you read something online on the internet and whatever, take it with a grain of salt, for a lot of these people are gurus, who are bought and paid for by the food industry. And there's a whole religion that started even 100 years ago with Dr. Kellogg's. I've told you the story of him. He was an MD, he wasn't stupid. But he was a vegan. [00:19:00] Kellogg's Corn Flakes. It came out of a religion.
Anyway. Somebody's asking, I think it was Gale, too much nitric oxide? No, you can't get too much of it. No. Nitric oxide, whew. The story behind nitric oxide, by the way, is they couldn't figure out why, when they gave ... Let's say you had angina, [00:19:30] they gave you a pat. In those days it wasn't a pat, they give you a pill. Right? And if you were having an angina attack, they gave me a pill of nitroglycerin. An explosion. They gave you a little bit of nitro. You know what nitroglycerin does. It's an explosion. But what it did is it opened up your blood vessels [00:20:00] and it would fix angina rapidly. That's the story of nitric oxide. And then, eventually in 1980, they discovered the molecule in your body that they thought manmade. Nitroglycerin was manmade, but no. Nitric oxide, God gave you that. And we found it in, I didn't find it, but in 1980 they found it. The guy won a Nobel Prize in medicine. [00:20:30] They realized your body has nitro. It wasn't nitroglycerin. It was nitric oxide.
So think of that explosion. Opens up your blood vessels. Helps your blood supply. Helps your brain. You ever hear of dementia? You know what that is? They call it small vessel disease. You're not getting enough blood up there. You have hardening of the arteries. This is why nitric oxide is so good for you. Where do you get it? B12. [00:21:00] Navitol. That's why I love these things.
Okay. Al's asking what do I think of colonoscopies? Well, that's between you and your doctor, but I'm just going to say one thing, because I mentioned it the other day when we were talking about colonics. You're getting rid of all your good bacteria. You're going to get rid of all your microbiome, you better replace it. So soon as you do a colonoscopy, [00:21:30] then you triple up your probiotics for a good month to get them back in there. And this was when somebody was asking about taking a laxative once a week. Use coffee as a laxative. No, but you see, I'm worried ... Look, first of all, you don't want your body getting used to that. You can't go to the bathroom without a laxative. That's not good for your peristalsis [00:22:00] in your bowel. It's not normal. You're going to get rid of a lot of good friendly bacteria that you shouldn't be getting rid of. So I wouldn't do it every week.
"Dr. Martin, I got to go to the bathroom." Yeah, I get it. You got constipation where you're ... a lot of times that's your thyroid, by the way. And going number two can be overrated. I'm not [00:22:30] saying don't go. I'm just thinking, people think I got to do ... If I don't go every day.
Okay. Let me just see where I'm at here. Okay. Good question here. Wendy's asking about nutritional ketosis and starvation ... Okay, look. If you lower your carbs down to almost nothing, you're going to go into ketosis. You're going to change fuel. [00:23:00] EMC, eggs, meat, and cheese, the reset. It sets you into ketosis, where you're burning ketones instead of carbs. Okay? You're burning fat as fuel. It's a better fuel. Now, is that dangerous? Of course not. Eskimos, Inuit, don't get heart disease. They don't, until they eat McDonald's. Seriously. [00:23:30] Somebody said, "Well, how do they die if they don't die of heart disease and cancer and that?" The polar bears eat them. No but seriously, they live differently than us and they eat nothing but blubber, fat. Well they're burning ketones all the time, because they're using fat as fuel.
Now, ketoacidosis, that's completely different. And a lot of physicians, whenever they see the word [00:24:00] ketosis, it bugs them because they're thinking of ketoacidosis, which is the last stage before you die. Your body is turning on itself. Ketoacidosis, diabetics have to be careful of ketoacidosis. It's the last stage where your body breaks down and starts literally eating itself. Dangerous. [00:24:30] I've seen people, because they can't get control of their diabetes, they go into ketoacidosis. That's different. Okay? So there's a big difference. Ketones, well, they're good for you. They're good for you. Everything today is keto, keto, keto. I like it. I'm different a little bit, but I don't mind ketones.
Now, [00:25:00] exogenous ketones. I'm not that big on them. Where you drink something or take a supplement of ketones. Eh. Well, that's not emptying your liver. I'd rather you eat your way to good health. Eat your way to good health. Eggs, meat, and cheese.
Darlene's asking about adrenaline and insulin, cortisol. Cortisol elevates your insulin. Think of it. [00:25:30] That's cortisol, right? You're into the fight or flight for a period of time. That elevates your insulin. Your insulin is up. It's elevating your blood sugars. And what goes up, must come down. Up and down and up and down. That's what cortisol does. It certainly will elevate your insulin. It does a lot of other things too. Okay.
Let me just see here. Diana was asking about swollen ankles and calves. [00:26:00] And look, that can be low nitric oxide. So check your B12 level. It can be dehydration. "Oh doc, I'm drinking water." Yeah, but you might still be dehydrated. It may be a sign of what they call congestive heart failure, that your heart muscle is just not strong enough to be pumping your blood down and then bringing it back. Could be kidney stress. That's why [00:26:30] the reset. It helps your kidneys. It takes the stress. Sugar stresses your kidney. A lot of times with circulation it can be nitric oxide, but it also can be sugar. And the other thing that happens, when you're eating sugar, you are dehydrating yourself because you're taking out your magnesium out of your body. Your body eliminates your salts. Salt's not the problem. Sugar's the problem. Good question.
[00:27:00] Okay. Cheryl was asking about nutritional yeast as a supplement. Right? Because it's got all the B vitamins. Yeah, but I'm big on you eating your B vitamins. If you eat eggs, meat, and cheese, you get all your B vitamins plus B12, because B12 is only found in red meat. And someone's asking, "Is pork considered red meat?" Yeah, it's not a steak though. There's a little bit of B12 in pork. [00:27:30] Okay? But not as much as steak or hamburger. Okay. Good question, Cheryl.
Beth was asking, "If I eat an avocado before drinking, do I negate the effects of the alcohol?" No. Nope. Alcohol makes a beeline towards your liver, 100% and fast. So no, there's nothing you can do. Just don't drink too much. Okay.
[00:28:00] David was saying, "Should I quit drinking whipping cream?" Well again, if you can get the natural, nothing added, 35% whipping cream, which I love by the way. But for the rest of us, look, like I said at the top of the program, we don't live in a perfect world. It's hard to get perfection in this world. It's just hard to do. To start off I want people to look at the big picture. Get the big picture first. And [00:28:30] someone was asking, "I went to Costco and I looked at the bacon, and it's got a one gram of carbs in it or sugar." I'm not too worried about that. I'm not. Now, if you can get one with zero grams of carbs or whatever. But, at the end of the day, get the big picture. You're going to get the results with the big picture. And then as you become more and more educated and whatever, then you can hone in on reading every [00:29:00] label and all that. I'm encouraging that, by the way. If you can find the perfect alternative to it, then go for it. I'm 100% behind you.
Okay? Just understand. I'm a big picture guy. I want you to understand where I'm coming from, and I want to lower your insulin, empty your liver, get your triglycerides down, get your HDL up, get your waist circumference. I want to fix metabolic syndrome. [00:29:30] That's the big picture. And you will if you eat bacon and eggs. You will if you eat steak. You will if you eat cheese. You will if you have cream. It's for people on the Titanic. Change course, don't worry about the deck chairs right away. We'll fix that after, when you've avoided the iceberg. Get it? [00:30:00] I think you do. You guys are smart. Love you guys. You have no idea. Thanks so much for making the Metabolic Reset the number one book. Incredible. Okay. Incredible. Thank you for that.
If you're not a member of our Martin Clinic Facebook group, please, join. Get your friends, get your family, get them to join our private Facebook group. What a group. You guys are smart, I'm telling you. I'm giving you honorary [00:30:30] doctorate degrees in nutrition, some of you are so smart. Good for you. Okay? Love you. We'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In podcast, with your hosts, Dr. Martin Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode, and thanks for listening.