514. Q&A With Dr.Martin

Transcript Of Today's Episode

Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by Martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin: Well, good morning, everyone. Welcome to another live. Hope you're doing well, having a good start to your day. Lots and lots of questions. So I've got to [00:00:30] get going. So Shirley is asking about intravenous vitamin C. I like it. Vitamin C, we'll talk about it, because there's a few questions here. Vitamin C on its own, I always tell people that like vitamin C, I said you're only off by one letter in the alphabet. Like vitamin D. So am I against vitamin C? No, but vitamin C [00:01:00] is a structure that looks very much like sugar. It's water-soluble and you don't make it. You have to take it in. And I got no problem.

Where I like vitamin C is in the intravenous. Because I've found, and this is just my take on it, is that vitamin C on its own, it's not very bioavailable. So if you take it orally or whatever, I just find a lot of it just [00:01:30] ends up in your urine. Whereas intravenous vitamin C, high doses, there's some research showing cancer therapy and that. And it hasn't got the ink that it should because there's no money in it. If people can afford it, I tell them, "Hey, vitamin C, intravenously, I got no problem with that." So Shirley, that's your question.

But [00:02:00] Lynn, "How much vitamin C is there in coffee?" The real vitamin C's coffee. And you might think I'm just joking, but I'm not okay. I'm not. My wife says that I only look for positive studies on coffee. Well, every week there's a new study on coffee and it's all good. And like I've said to you many times in the past, I was a guy preaching coffee when coffee, "Oh, it's acidic and not good for you." [00:02:30] This and that. No, no, no. It's the real vitamin C. And I mean that.

I use the example of Jacques Cartier. He had lost 25 men coming across from France into the new world, which was North America. He's going up the Saint Lawrence, already lost 25 men to scurvy. And the natives, the First Nations, befriended him and the rest of the surviving crew. [00:03:00] They were given pine bark extract in a tea, made of pine bark. And Jacques Cartier wrote about it. And he said this was the greatest thing since sliced bread. He said, "We all felt so much better. None of my men died anymore. We felt so much better." Jacques Cartier actually wrote about it. And pine bark extract is now one of our flagship products, because it's so much better, even though we do add some vitamin C.

[00:03:30] See, if you take vitamin C, I like acerola cherry, if you take vitamin C and add it to other polyphenols... You see, coffee has all these polyphenols. That's what makes it so good for you. And unlike vitamin C, it has a combination of lots of things. Just like pine bark. Pine bark is 85% what they call OPCs. Polyphenols. [00:04:00] And the more polyphenols you have, coffee's like that, the better it is for you because the body takes it and keeps it. And it has quercetin. Quercetin made the news, because with COVID they were showing that quercetin actually helps drive zinc into the cells to build up your immune system.

So look, I tease a lot. I hope you're used to me. But it's not the amount of [00:04:30] vitamin C that's in coffee. Because if you were actually to look at it, it's not measured by the vitamin C. It's measured by the polyphenols that are in coffee. And there's lots of them. The more, the merrier. That's what makes it much more bioavailable than just straight vitamin C. And like I said, I put vitamin C in our navitol, pine bark, because then vitamin C, latching on to those other polyphenols, [00:05:00] makes that vitamin C more bioavailable. So I'm not against vitamin C. But the true vitamin C is coffee. And that's brought to you by the Martin Clinic, by the way, because very few people talk about that, how important that is for you. Okay, Shirley. Thank you, Lynn. Good question.

Oh, Kathy was asking about vitamin C. I guess her doctor or whatever, you get kidney stones, there's two things now that they'll tell you. Don't take [00:05:30] vitamin C because that gives you kidney stones. And don't take vitamin D. That gives you kidney stones. No. Kidney stones, generally, are caused by, one, number one cause of kidney stones are dehydration. The second is insulin. It can be a sign of insulin resistance. There's nothing worse for your kidneys, including kidney stones, than when you eat sugar. [00:06:00] Elevates your insulin. That affects the microcirculation to your kidneys. And you can end up with kidney stones or chronic kidney disease. It's sugar, not vitamin C. It's not vitamin D either.

There was one person, this was two or three years ago, the big headline, vitamin D caused kidney stones. Ooh, well, listen. There's somebody else. Let [00:06:30] me just get to it. Because, who was asking, Catherine. I love the way you think, Catherine. You know what? You guys are the smartest people on the planet. I'm going to give you honorary nutrition degrees. You guys are sharp. Catherine, see, she's thinking. Here's what the question is. So Catherine says, "Nine out of 10 deaths in COVID." Some have shown that, by the way. What did we learn about COVID? One, [00:07:00] low levels of vitamin D. Two, if you got metabolic syndrome, if your insulin is out of whack, you are in trouble more than the rest of the population with COVID. That's what we learned. We talked about the elephant in the room with this virus. Metabolically, when you're unwell, that's when you get sick.

Now, Catherine asked the question, "If nine out of 10 deaths of COVID are related to vitamin D," [00:07:30] I think it's more 75%, but there's been a fair amount of studies. It's interesting. And then here's the question, because Catherine is thinking. She said, "Well, you've told us in the past that probably 75% of the people..." I think it's 80... "are deficient in vitamin D." They're deficient. And they said, "Well, why aren't more people dying of COVID if they're deficient in vitamin D?" Well, [00:08:00] good question. But this virus, Catherine, let me just state this. This virus, if you're young, it doesn't affect you. You swat it off like the fly. If you're under 50 years old, come on. The flu's more dangerous for somebody under 50. No matter what. It is. That's just the fact.

Now, I'm not saying that COVID doesn't exist. I'm not saying anything like that. [00:08:30] People over 65 and you got low levels of vitamin D and you got metabolic syndrome, which is insulin resistance characterized by high blood pressure and inflammation and this and that, you're a bad eater, well, this can be deadly. And it's a deadly combination, if you're low in vitamin D and you have metabolic syndrome. So that's what I was saying, Catherine. But I'm glad you asked the question and I'm [00:09:00] glad you're thinking. Don't take everything I say. Think it out. God gave you a brain. Use it. I like that. You want to think this through.

But when you're young and you're under 50, I don't care who you are, even without a good immune system, very few people have gotten sick. And I know there's been a few. I know. But they're exceptions. It bothers me that we're locking down everything again. Young people are not susceptible [00:09:30] to it. I've talked to you about the tsunami of mental health disorders and all the things that are coming to a theater near you, because people need people. And I know, there's a virus and they're worried about the hospitals, and I get it. I get it. But where's the flu this year? I think it's COVID. There's been no flu. Well, of course there's flu. There's flu every year. So anybody who's getting the flu is getting [00:10:00] COVID. They're getting diagnosed as COVID. Anyways. Catherine, good question.

So Kathy asked the question. Wendy's asking the question. What's the difference between milk and cheese. Again, Wendy, good for you. I want you to think like that. Dr. Martin, "You call milk white Pepsi. Why is it that we can eat cheese?" Well, cheese is a lot different. It's dairy, but there's very [00:10:30] few carbs in cheese. Plus, you get vitamin K2 and vitamin K2 takes calcium out of your bloodstream. One of the most important vitamins that doesn't get a lot of ink is vitamin K2. And that's why we put it in with our vitamin D supplement because it takes calcium out of your bloodstream. So when you eat cheese, not milk... Look, you got a cow [00:11:00] in the backyard, drink milk. I got no problem with that, because that's real milk.

By the time milk now gets to the grocery store, it's white Pepsi. Why is that? Because they take the fat out of it. And now it's all sugar. And there's been study after study showing milk and it's linked to diabetes. Even though we drink lots of milk in North America, we got some of the highest rates of osteoporosis, [00:11:30] because sugar leeches out your minerals. So Wendy, thanks for the question.

Vanessa asking about the Reset. Orange urine on Reset. Well, it could be dehydration. Make sure you're drinking enough water. You need at least two liters every day. 64 ounces, for my American friends. Why is it that I come to that conclusion? Well, look, everybody's [00:12:00] a little bit different. But not less, not less. Some need more than 64 ounces, or two liters. It's my clinical experience. And only water's water. So orange urine could be that, or a spillover of vitamin B, because all your B vitamins are in eggs, meat, and cheese. All of them, especially B12. Now, they're water-soluble, B vitamins. [00:12:30] So maybe there's a spillover that occurs when you first start. I'm not worried about orange urine, unless you're dehydrated. So just make sure, Vanessa, that your partner is not dehydrated.

And somebody... who is it here, I wrote the name down and I can't even read my own writing now. Ooh, okay. Asking about her mother who gets nauseated [00:13:00] when drinking water, and that's been going on a long time. Well, you know what? They get over it if they continued on. You know what? To form a new habit takes three weeks. You had no idea how many people I had in my office over the years, I mean thousands, "I don't like water," or, "I get nausea, I drank water." Look, it ain't because you got an allergy to water. Your body is made up of 70... [00:13:30] You're like planet earth. 75% of your body is water. Every cell in your body needs water. You're like the planet earth. 75% of planet earth is water. And so is your body. And you need it. And you lose water. Just breathing, you lose water.

So don't wait for the red light on top of your head that said, "Hey, add water. I'm dehydrated." [00:14:00] A lot of people, they're not thirsty, so they don't even think about it. "I'm not thirsty." I don't care. Two liters. You want to have nice skin? Two liters of water a day, 64 ounces, minimum. What's the best water? Spring water. It's got the highest pH. Or take filtered water and add salt to it.

[00:14:30] Maria. Cast iron. "Is it safe?" Yeah. I like it better than all the Teflon and all that. It doesn't... I used to hear that all the time. Like quit frying your steak in a cast iron. I don't know. If you got too much iron, I guess. Somebody asked me the other day what I think about what should be the ferritin. Well, I don't worry about ferritin unless it's high or [00:15:00] it's low. If it's low, you got anemia. If you got high ferritin, your liver's not filtering properly. Fix that. How do you fix high ferritin? Empty your liver. Do the Reset. In the first week, you'll empty it. Good question, though.

Tefal frying pans. Well, I don't know much about them, but apparently they're pretty good. As you heat them up, they don't give off anything. Now, [00:15:30] I couldn't give any cooking lessons, believe you me. Thank God I married an Italian girl. Now, I'm an expert in food, but not on how to make it. Good question. That was Louise asking about the Tefal pans, and Maria about cast iron.

And Ed, asking about [inaudible 00:15:49] mushrooms. Does it purify your blood? No. Do I like mushrooms? Yeah. Put them on your steak. But [00:16:00] when you read this is the cure-all and reishi and mushrooms. And yeah, I'm not saying they're not good. They're good. But they clean your blood... No, your liver cleans your blood. And as long as your liver is not full of fat, it'll clean your toxins. It'll leach them out. Your liver is made for that. So is your kidneys. Good questions in there.

Kristen, collagen, [00:16:30] what do I think about it? Do you get enough when you're on the Reset? Well, you get a lot of collagen on the Reset. Some people are using bone broth. I love bone broth because it's very high in collagen. Want nice skin, nice hair, nice nails. I love collagen, but you get it all in eggs, meat, and cheese. But you can, if you want to supplement, then the best collagen supplement is bone broth. Good question, Kristen.

Sandra. [00:17:00] Taking supplements with or without food. Good question. Look, Sandra, most people take supplements with food, but you don't have to. Look, I like peanut butter. I have my coffee and vitamin P. Peanut butter. Now, it doesn't belong in the vitamin list, but I like it. And I get to tell you what I like. I just like peanut butter. I love peanut butter all my life. So [00:17:30] I take a little bit of peanut butter with my vitamin C, coffee, and I take my supplements in the morning. So I don't have a lot of... Probiotics is the only one where I tell people, look, probiotics are better without food, but that doesn't mean you can't take a little bit of peanut butter. I just don't want you to take your probiotic after a heavy meal. Because they're going to sit there. Even though ours are enterically-coated and they're meant to pass through the stomach, but it's better if they get [00:18:00] down into the gut real quick. So if it's empty, it's better.

The other supplements you can eat and then take your supplements. I got no problem with that. If you can take supplements without any food in your stomach at all, I got no problem with that either. Usually, with curcumin, trying to think, high DHA, because it's a heavy oil. A lot of people, and even our Inflammation Formula, [00:18:30] I usually tell them to take it with, because there's a lot of curcumin in there. And I usually tell them to take it with food. Just take it with your meal. And that's for most people. Some people, they can do it on an empty stomach. Very, very good question.

Megan asking me about 5-HTP. Look, I like 5-HTP, but clinically, I never found it on its own to be that... Some people [00:19:00] take 5-HTP for sleeping, for stress. Because 5-HTP, now you're going back 20, 25 years, really. I don't know. Sometimes they just come out with marketing and everybody thinks it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. I don't dismiss it. I just like it with other things. Okay, Meg. That's me. Clinically, I never found it to be all that significant [00:19:30] on its own.

Natalie's asking about heart palpitations. Look, that could be a sign that your cortisol is high. Your stress hormone is high. And it can start playing with the heart. Another reason is a lot of people get heart palpitations because their Co-Q10 is low, and their Co-Q10 is low because they're ate chicken and not steak. You need red meat. Co-Q10. [00:20:00] It's good for your heart muscle. And other times, it could be low levels of magnesium can affect the heart rate. But very often, it's stress. One thing that we see a lot of today is the arrhythmias due to diet. Don't eat enough Co-Q10. If you're taking a statin drug, you better get on Co-Q10 too, and eat 10 steaks a day. [00:20:30] That's how much Co-Q10 is good for you.

Insulin levels. What do I look for, for insulin levels? Well, I really don't. So if you send me blood work, I want to know insulin resistance, because that's at the root of almost disease. High circulating insulin. Food. What is that effect that I look at to know whether you have insulin resistance? [00:21:00] I don't need all of them, but it's nice if I do have all of them. I know if a person has insulin resistance, one, they have high triglycerides. Two, they have low HDL. Because they go together. Remember, the teeter-totter. Those two will tell me so much, not only about your liver, but how much insulin resistance you have. Third, look at your belly, your waist. [00:21:30] You got a sugar belly? You got insulin resistance.

The fourth one, in blood work, because there's a lot of other symptoms, I like A1C, which is an average of your blood sugars. See, A1C, I want it to be in a very low fives. Like 5.1, 5, 5.1. When it's above that, you're starting insulin resistance. And if your triglycerides are high and your HDL is low, [00:22:00] you got insulin resistance. So I don't care so much about insulin, its number. Don't tell me what those other tests. Look at your belly. You got sleep apnea? You got insulin resistance. You got heartburn? You got insulin resistance.

Kim, you're asking a very good question. So let me go through this with you. Kim's saying, "If sugar is toxic, how come, [00:22:30] when you have low blood sugar, you need sugar to elevate your sugar, if sugar is toxic?" You know what, Kim, you're a smart puppy, because you asked a good question. So let me give you a little bit of 101 sugar. This is sugar 101. Is sugar toxic? Absolutely. And let me explain that, because if you were to empty out your five liters of blood, approx, [00:23:00] you're going to have less than a teaspoon of sugar. If you have 20 chocolate bars, your sugar is going to go up drastically, but your body will do everything it can. There's a lot of things that go on, but the number one thing is your body will go squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt of insulin to get that blood sugar in a very, [00:23:30] very, very tight range. You see, blood sugar that is high, major problem. Blood sugar that is low, that's hypoglycemia, can be deadly.

But the problem is not solved by, if you got low blood sugar, by eating sugar. Now, it might be for five seconds. Let's say somebody's going to pass out because their blood sugar has gone low. I've seen that. Well, give them a glass of orange juice just to get that blood sugar back up. [00:24:00] But at the end of the day, sugar is toxic. So you don't want to have sugar to keep your blood sugar up. You want to regulate your insulin by eating high fat, high fat, high protein, and very little carbohydrate, whether it's high or low. Because you'll regulate. You'll get it where it should be by eating protein. Now, like I said, if you're passing out, give them a glass of orange juice. [00:24:30] But you're asking, Kim, a very good question.

Sugar is so disruptive to your blood vessels. Your body has to keep so little inside of it. And remember, if you need this much sugar, you can eat a steak and your body will turn that much of that steak into sugar, if it needs it. That's how smart your body is. But your body will do everything it can to get your sugar out [00:25:00] of your bloodstream and keep it into a less than a teaspoon for five liters of blood. That's how intelligent your body is, Kim. Thanks for the question.

Patricia is asking about Kombu. Well, that's like kelp, isn't it? I like help. Kelp is C, best source is like sea vegetables, right? It's high in iodine. I like iodine. I've had a lot of my patients on iodine. [00:25:30] They're low in iodine. It's not in the soil anymore. So Kombu would be good for you. Have I eaten it? No. I guess I've had a little bit of kelp in my life. I don't like that either.

Jodi's asking about the keto pill. I don't like it. Those are called exogenous ketones. You can do that with a coffee. Put butter and [00:26:00] coconut oil, what they call a MCT oil, which is sort of an extract of coconut oil and palm oil, and you got an exogenous ketone. Well, so what? Ah, you know, it may go right to your liver and burn a little bit of ketone. But food. You got to eat anyways. Keep your carbs down. And I wouldn't spend any money on a keto pill, Jodi. Good question, though.

Darlene. Light therapy. Yeah. I like it. [00:26:30] I love sunlight. You guys know that. But if you're in the dark and you can do light therapy, lamps that'll give you light therapy, it's good for you. Helps secrete serotonin and other good-feeling hormones. And a lot of people get really down. This is the worst time of the year, by the way. Where did the flu go? Ooh. Ask that question to my public health official friends. Where's the flu? They said the flu season, [00:27:00] we're at the height of it. But I like light therapy. I do. I do. I love the sun. There's no therapy like it.

Elizabeth, you're the carrier of hives. Well, look, you always try and find out what's causing them. A lot of times, hives, it's sort of an autoimmune reaction. And it's a sign that your body's reacting to something. One of the things I find a lot of times with hives is the thyroid's not working properly. [00:27:30] And secondly, there's leaky gut involved. That's just been my experience. I like antihistamines. A natural antihistamine is our navitol. Pine bark is famous as an antihistamine. It's very good. So is coffee, because it's got curcin in. Antihistamine.

Adele. Sjogren's. Well, Sjogren's is autoimmune. Here's what I find. Autoimmune, leaky gut. [00:28:00] Autoimmune, leaky gut. Because Al was asking about rheumatoid and fibro. Can they have the same symptoms? Sometimes they do. Although fibro usually will not cripple up the joints. But they can. Fibro, I've seen it happen. Can be very weird. But these are autoimmune. Autoimmune is leaky gut. Number one. Autoimmune gets better when you change your diet, because you're not feeding yeast. And yeast is at the [00:28:30] culprit of Sjogren's. It's a fungus. It's leaky gut. Candida got into the bloodstream and travels. Leaky gut, leaky lungs. Leaky gut, leaky skin. Leaky gut, leaky joints. Leaky gut, leaky brain. Leaky gut, leaky heart. Leaky gut, leaky kidneys. Leaky gut, leaky liver.

It's a battle where your body turns on itself and it's starting to see antigens. [00:29:00] Antigens, it just means anything that comes in from the outside, including food, your body flags it, "Oh, this is good, or this is bad." But a lot of times, what the body does when it gets messed up because of leaky gut, it sees things coming in and you react to it. And it should be good, but your B cells get way out of whack, and this is what can happen. So good questions.

XOLAIR injections. [00:29:30] Elia's asking me about that. Well, that's for asthma. It's not a steroid. And I think they do it about every four weeks. I've had a lot of patients on that stuff. Well, you've got very bad asthma, but here's what I'm saying, Elia. Asthma is leaky gut. Don't feed the yeast. It's diet. It's usually, asthma. You know why asthma is up about a thousand percent [00:30:00] in the last 20, 30 years? Can I tell you why? Antibiotics. They kill all your friendly bacteria. A kid gets antibiotics, and guess what? Mommy had antibiotics when she was pregnant, the kid is about 300% more likely to have asthma. It disrupts the baby's microbiome. And antibiotics are the greatest discovery of the 20th century, but can be the curse of the 21st, because it creates [00:30:30] leaky gut that kills all the friendly bacteria.

You get a yeast, it grows, grows, grows, and it can get in and it spreads, spreads, spreads. And then the kid is starving for sugar and they love sugar. They crave sugar. And they feed the yeast and it makes it worse. And sometimes it can be dairy for some kids. But that's leaky gut. Why would they have trouble with lactose?

[00:31:00] If you were on with me yesterday afternoon, I sort of said this. And Anne, every day, I get asked about this. Every day, every day, every day. I said that there will be a question this week, tomorrow, about cholesterol. There always is and I guess there always will be. And Anne wants me to talk about LDL. Well, Anne, there's no such thing as bad cholesterol. It's not the boogeyman. What about LDL? Yeah, but they want to go after LDL because they have [00:31:30] a drug for LDL. It's called statin drugs. So it's marketing, not science. And when you get older, especially, you better have high levels of LDL. You'll live longer. Cholesterol, your body needs it for everything. It ain't the bad guy. That's why 75% of people that have a heart attack, they have normal cholesterol levels. [00:32:00] 75%. I'm glad you asked the question, because I get my workout. I start getting uptight and my blood pressure goes up. Anne, no problem, but you can't get me off of my thinking. I'm right and they're wrong when it comes to cholesterol.

Reese is asking about blackheads, teenagers. Well, for sure, leaky [00:32:30] gut, too much estrogen. They're too much of a woman. It's hormonal. And diet. Leaky gut, too much estrogen, and too much sugar. You're feeding it. Feeding the yeast. There's always a yeast component to acne.

Jeanette, Dr. Li has got a new book out, Beat Disease, Starve Cancer. What do I think about it? Do you want to know the truth? [00:33:00] Now, I don't know if this is our Jeanette or somebody else's Jeanette. He's a vegan. Yeah, I rest my case. I disagree. I vehemently disagree. You want to read it? I got no problem with that. I want you to think. But you want to starve cancer? Eat steak. That's how you starve cancer. [00:33:30] And don't eat sugar.

Okay, Joan. She's asking what is your metabolism. Well, Joan, I do not have an hour to explain all of it. It's how your body works. It's how your body breaks down food. It's your hormones. You got to read my book, The Reset. Get the book. I explain that and what we're looking at in the metabolism. What is metabolic syndrome. I explain it all in there.

[00:34:00] So thanks for all the questions. And again, invite your friends and family to join our Martin Clinic private Facebook group. If you don't get our emails, sign up at Martinclinic.com. You will get our emails. You want to get those. Very, very educational. The new book is out, The Metabolic Reset. You've made it number one in Canada. Why don't you make it number one in the USA too? [00:34:30] Go for it. No, thank you very much. We really appreciate it. And the feedback on the book has been tremendous. We appreciate that. All you guys are doing the Reset, good for you. Let us know. I talked about this yesterday, accountability. That's why that group is so good. You know what's a good thing to share? This podcast. Tell people to get on our podcast or share the Facebook. You can just share it amongst Facebook to your friends and [00:35:00] family. Love you, guys. Talk to you soon.

Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Dr. Martin, Junior, and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.

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