Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. And once again, welcome to another live this morning, and hope you're having a great start to your day and to your [00:00:30] week. Guys, I want to start off by thanking you for making The Reset Book a number one bestseller. Okay? And it's coming back at the start of the year, okay, because we sold out, but thank you. I thank you for making that a certainly number one bestseller in Canada, and we really appreciate that. Okay?
And I got to develop this just for a second here, our topic this morning, okay? [00:01:00] Because I was listening to a radio talk show yesterday, and a caller called in and said, "What do I do? My daughter is a vegetarian." And the caller was concerned about that. And the radio host, he wasn't too concerned about it.
Now, [00:01:30] in fairness to him, his expertise wasn't necessarily in nutrition. He was saying to the gentleman that called in, "You've got bigger fish to fry. Don't get too hung up on that." And I agree with that. Hey, come on. I don't like vegetarianism. I don't like veganism. Worse is veganism. It's not science, guys. [00:02:00] You know I've said that many, many a time and I will repeat, repeat, repeat. I'm sorry. There is no science.
Now, there's a lot of stuff on the internet. There's a lot of gurus, even colleagues of mine who I have a deep respect for, but it's not true. I'm sorry, it's not true. And you learn this probably in your first couple [00:02:30] of days in any nutritional course, is that there's just too many things missing. If you are a vegetarian, a lot of vegetarians will eat eggs, and good for them. Vegetarians often will eat cheese. Good for them. I like that.
So they're not as bad as vegans, who will not eat dairy, will not have any dairy, and not have obviously eggs. It's craziness [00:03:00] in terms of what you are missing. So look, this is a nutrition show, very opinionated, but that's all right. I mean, it's my program, and I'm opinionated, and I don't care who I go against. So you've got bigger fish to fry. Eh. This is a very important subject.
I was thinking of two things, [00:03:30] immediately came into my mind as I was listening to the program and felt like screaming. "Hello, get your daughter to listen to our podcast." That's what I felt like screaming into the radio. I remember, I was telling Rosie this yesterday, that a lot of times the patient would come in. A lot of young people usually, usually, okay? There was maybe older women or [00:04:00] whatever, but usually it was young people. Okay?
And they were in the office and well, it's my office. So when they came in and then I found out that they were vegetarian or vegan, I would usually grab their little face, okay? And I'd say, "Can I change your mind?" They'd look at me like I had two heads. "Well, we're told at school, [00:04:30] we're indoctrinated on the internet, that meat is bad for the environment. It's bad for my health, especially red meat. And I decided I will eat nothing that has eyeballs."
I talked to a lady here the other day. "I don't eat anything with eyeballs," she said. "Well," I said, "I feel sorry for you. It's science. You are missing out." [00:05:00] Again, one of the first things that came to my head yesterday was L-carnitine. Now, maybe that means nothing to you, but L-carnitine is only found in the animal kingdom. But even more specifically, L-carnitine is found in red meat, [00:05:30] not even in chicken.
Ladies, you go, "Well, who cares? Who needs L-carnitine?" You need L-carnitine. Everybody needs L-carnitine. See, if you're a vegan or a vegetarian, you're not going to drop dead right away from it. It's a slow death because every cell in your body [00:06:00] needs L-carnitine. What is L-carnitine? It's an amino acid. It's found in red meat. And L-carnitine, one of its most specific functions is to take your vitamins that you're eating, especially your B vitamins.
And I get asked this every day. "Dr. Martin, I take a B-complex." "Well, good [00:06:30] for you." I don't take a B-complex. You know why? Because I eat B-complex. When you eat a piece of steak, vitamin S, you get all the B vitamins, but not only that, you get L-carnitine, L-carnitine. What it does, it takes the B vitamins, the whole complex, B-1, B-2, B-3, all the way up. [00:07:00] And it drives it inside your cells.
And one of the biggest things that I see, one of the biggest things, I estimate that this is around 80% of the population. If you Google B-12, you will get 40%. But listen, because they're looking at blood work. Oh, your blood is above 200, 250, or whatever of [00:07:30] B-12. Well, that's not good. You should be between 800 and 1200 B-12. Optimize B-12, that's what I'm talking about. And B-12 is the most important of all your B vitamins. And hello, where do you find B-12? I mean, other than a supplement? Steak, Vitamin S.
[00:08:00] I am sorry. It's not in chicken. It's not in salad. It's not in vegetables. It's not in spinach. Now, that might upset some people, but I don't care if I upset people. I can't help it. I have to tell you the truth. And it always bugs me. Even my colleagues, who [00:08:30] are well-educated, but they drink the Kool-Aid of environmentalism, that somehow red meat got a bad reputation. It's acidic. You know how many times I've heard that? Well, red meat, Dr. Martin, it causes cancer because it's acidic.
No, it's not. [00:09:00] It's not acidic. It's not. Your body turns it alkaline. It's an alkaline food. What's acidic is sugar. That's what's acidic. Your body can't take sugar and make it alkaline, but your body can take steak and make it alkaline [00:09:30] by secreting baking soda. You want to talk about fearfully and wonderfully made? Ooh.
No, but guys, that's nutrition 101. Listen. Linda, listen. You need L-carnitine. Without L-carnitine, you don't get [00:10:00] your B complex. Without L-carnitine, you're not driving the B vitamins into your cells where they belong. Tell me if you've heard that before, other than here, I mean.
So you can imagine I am driving down the highway yesterday, listening to a radio talk show, and [00:10:30] my blood pressure is going up. And the radio host, of course, he wasn't an expert in nutrition. He didn't know, but I felt like screaming. "Invite me on. I will tell you." But guys, that's science. When you learn about amino acids, you learn the function of L-carnitine. And by the way, you're not getting L-arginine. [00:11:00] You know what L-arginine does? Opens up your blood vessels.
So tell me. How can steak be bad for heart disease if, without eating steak, you don't get L- arginine? You don't get L-carnitine. You just don't. Don't fool yourself. [00:11:30] And L-arginine opens up your blood vessels, helps with blood pressure. You know the little blue pill for men? Ladies, you know about that? They advertise it. I've never seen so many advertisements. It started about, what, about 15 years ago, or maybe more than that? For the little blue pill. My word, you should have heard me screaming. " [00:12:00] You want the little blue pill? Eat steak." Men, you're not getting enough L-arginine. L-arginine is the little blue pill.
Now, this is a family-friendly show, so I don't want to get into too much detail. But you know what I'm saying. Ooh, B-12, [00:12:30] B-12. You want to get Alzheimer's? Then don't eat steak. You want to get Alzheimer's? Don't eat steak. Why? Because your brain will shrink without B-12. How do you get B-12 in food? Hmm. Vitamin S, I think. It's in red meat.
You see why I get a workout everyday, guys? Because I hear stupidity [00:13:00] every day. And I feel sorry for the younger generation today. My son said this to me. Well, his daughter's in college now. But when my granddaughter Addy was in high school, he said, "You know what it is, dad? You know what high school is today? It's 24-and-7 indoctrination. It's the environment. It's don't eat red meat. Everything's social. [00:13:30] That's what they're teaching 24-and-7," he said. He said, "I've never seen such an indoctrination." These poor young people, they're being lied to. "Don't eat meat. It's not good for you." Ooh, especially red meat. There's nothing better for you. It's the top of the food chain is steak.
A [00:14:00] little disclaimer, liver is better. But I don't like liver. You're not going to hear me talk about liver too much because I don't like it. If Dr. Martin don't like it, you ain't going to hear it from me too much. Okay? That's just who I am. Liver is better than steak, but steak is the best because it tastes the best.
Listen, I'm going to say something that's probably not [00:14:30] controversial, but some things you get innately, you know what I mean by that innate? I mean, they're just part of you, part of you. Listen to what I'm going to say. When you look at a piece of red meat, you know what a dog knows. That good for me. A dog knows that. "Well, look at that meat. That's red meat. I need that." Instinctively, a dog knows that. [00:15:00] Instinctively, you know it. But what happens? You have to deprogram yourself.
That's what happens to vegetarians and vegans. They deprogram that innate mechanism inside their body that tells them, "You know what? I long for that food." Because your body's smart, guys. Your body is smart. And when you become a carboholic, it's because you're surrounded [00:15:30] by carbs. The food industry made sure of it.
You see, if you were living on a farm 100 years ago without a TV, you weren't a carboholic. You just weren't. Instinctively, you knew, "Oh, jeepers, creepers, I think I'm going to have bacon and eggs this morning." True or false? You weren't going [00:16:00] to get up in the morning on a farm and have a sugary donut, were you? Or go to Tim Horton's and have a ... "Oh, Dr. Martin, it's a carrot muffin. It must be good that it's carrots." It's got eight teaspoons of sugar in it. Since when is eight teaspoons of sugar good for you?
But you know what I'm saying. If you lived 100 years ago, without the propaganda, without the [00:16:30] marketing, without all the nonsense, think about this for a second. All the marketing to kids. "Don't eat red meat. That's going to give you cholesterol. Don't eat too many eggs." Even today, even today, there's a few doctors. Oh, I get a headache. There are doctors still today. "Better not eat too many eggs." [00:17:00] I used to have patients brag because they didn't know me. They just happened to come in. "Oh, now I just have one or two eggs a week, according to my cardiologist."
I would almost grab them by the throat. But I would say, "Listen, that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard." No L-carnitine to drive your nutrients inside the [00:17:30] cell. No L-arginine to open up your blood vessels. And I know I'm going to scroll down afterwards. I'm going to get somebody that tells me they don't like steak. I know that. I feel sorry for you. You better be eating bacon then. I have so much fun.
But when I hear stuff, I just go, "Oh, [00:18:00] oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh." And do you know, without B-12 your brain doesn't develop properly? You need B-12. Without B-12 your nerves. You know how key your nerves are? That myelin sheath. You know how many people suffer from neuralgia? They're deficient in B-12, and B-12 is a large-structure vitamin. [00:18:30] It's huge compared to the other B vitamins. It's a finicky vitamin, I tell people. B-12 is very finicky.
First of all, it's only found in red meat. A mouse, a mouse couldn't survive on the B-12 that there is in the plant kingdom. A mouse would die from that. There's not enough, and you're not a mouse, and your grandchildren are not mice. [00:19:00] Yeah, but that's their choice. Yeah, I know. But it's not right. It's not right. They won't live as long, and they'll age much quicker. It's a fact because you're just missing what your body needs.
I was thinking of B-12, and just to finish up today, and about all the things. I am reading from my book, [00:19:30] page 64, okay? Here are several signs of low B-12. B-12 makes your nerves work properly, and therefore, people that get numbness and tingling are often low in B-12. Here is another sign, tremors. Oh, here's what. Muscle, you need B-12 for your muscles. It's [00:20:00] an essential vitamin. B-12 is essential. Muscle weakness, atrophy, clumsiness, brain fog, confusion, your eyes.
They always talked about vegetables for your eyes, carrots. The most important vitamin for your eyes is vitamin A, by the way. And carrots don't have vitamin A. They have betacarotene. And that's all right. There's nothing wrong with it because that's a precursor to vitamin A, but it's not vitamin A. Pro retinol A [00:20:30] is found in the animal kingdom. I'm sorry. I am sorry. That's [inaudible 00:20:37].
Depression. We talked about this. Very low in B-12, depressive people. Well, here's the reason. I've this to be not necessarily universal, but very ... Look, I saw thousands of depressed people, and I was looking for deficiencies. Guess which one? They were vitamin [00:21:00] D deficient, almost every one of them. You know what the other one was? B-12. They weren't steak eaters. Depressed people generally are carboholics. Well, when you don't feel good, you eat more carbs. It's like cocaine. I got to get a hit. Give me a fix. You get a fix. You feel good for about 10 seconds, and you're right back down again. That's what carbs do, crappy [00:21:30] carbs.
B-12. Okay. We talked about your eyes. Visual disturbances have low levels of B-12. Heart palpitations. You know how many times I hear that? Heart palpitations, often deficient in B-12. CoQ10 too, B-12. Guess where you find CoQ10, by the way? Steak. Shortness of breath. Do you yawn frequently? It's a sign [00:22:00] your B-12 is low.
Anywho, look, I get preachy, I know, but I really get uptight. I just had to tell you that yesterday. Okay. Now, this is Christmas week. And let me wish you a Merry Christmas already. Okay? But we're going to do programs Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday of this week. Okay? We'll take Christmas day off. You don't want to hear from me on Christmas Day. Okay? [00:22:30] But we'll do four podcasts, Lord is willing. And we thank you for watching.
Now, a couple of housekeeping stuff. If you're not a member of our Martin Clinic private Facebook group, I talked to some people yesterday. You got to be part of that group. Don't ask me how to join. I don't know how to do nothing. But if you just say, "Hey, I'd like to join," and you scroll it, the girls will see it. Our staff will see it, and they'll tell you how to do [00:23:00] it. And then you can invite your friends and family and whatever, so that you can tell your vegetarian or vegan relatives that they're wrong. And you don't even have to say it. I'll do it for you. I don't mind. I don't care if they don't invite me back to their Christmas dinner. Can't get together anyways this Christmas. Ooh. You don't even want me to go there.
Remember the book will be back out. We should have a whole slew of [00:23:30] copies coming for right in the first week of January. That's what we've been told. Okay? And then share this Facebook with your family and friends. You can share it. The algorithms on Facebook, they'll share it. The more you like it and the more you share it, the more they share it. That's what I'm told anyway. I know nothing. Okay. Love you guys, and talk to you soon.
Announcer: [00:24:00] You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin, Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode, and thanks for listening.