Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In podcast, brought to you by During the episode the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or predict any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr.Martin: Good morning everyone. Once again welcome to another live this morning here as we get going. Hope you're having a great start to your day. [00:00:30] We're going to continue our little series on the hypothalamus.
So on Monday we talked to you about the hypothalamus. We talked to you about what center of the brain that is. That is your major center for your metabolism, is your hypothalamus, okay? Hippocampus, memory. Hypothalamus, it runs your thyroid, [00:01:00] it runs the adrenal glands, it runs your estrogen, progesterone... All come from headquarters up here in the hypothalamus, and that's where your metabolism is.
Then we talked about a study that showed that when you eat seed oils, vegetable oils... Those are fried foods at fast food restaurants, the french [00:01:30] fries and the chicken fingers, and all these things that are made with that oil affect the brain in this way. They're showing that it has a major effect on your metabolism, from slowing the thyroid down to your body being out of whack metabolically, gaining weight mostly, and all these things occur because of changes [00:02:00] in the brain.
One of the things that we did talk about is that the feel good hormone, oxytocin, is suppressed. So a big factor in depression is what happens in the brain because of food. So that was one food. Now yesterday we talked about the second food. We did more than that, but we talked about the second food, and that [00:02:30] is crappy carbs. Vegetable oils are crappy carbs, but more specifically what insulin, so hypothalamus, and one of the other things hormone has a big effect on that center in your brain is insulin.
Insulin has... And I tried to make the case yesterday about insulin and depression, for example, and how [00:03:00] it affects you and why we see... It's one of the reasons we see so much depression today, okay?
Now let's go over... Because depression is much more complex than that obviously, but I want to reemphasize what I've seen over the years in terms of... Because you remember I had a lot of years in practice. We used to test... I didn't guess, [00:03:30] we tested most of the time.
Now I've always said, and I'll say it again, and I repeat it again, don't rely only on the lab. The lab is limited. You have to look at a person holistically, and that's very important in my opinion when it comes to making a diagnosis.
But I want to show you over the years what I saw with people that I didn't necessarily diagnose them with depression. They were already diagnosed [00:04:00] with depression and they came to see me. I want to tell you clinically what I saw. Almost without exception here's what I saw.
Number one, they suffered... Almost invariably they suffered with high circulating insulin, or medically often use the name insulin resistance. [00:04:30] So that was number one, and you and I know that insulin is food. So you want a bad combination of foods, eat sugars and crappy carbs with those vegetable oils. We talked about soybean oil, number one in the USA, and canola oil, number one in Canada, named after the country, canola, [00:05:00] canola, Canadian oil.
The number one thing that I saw almost without exception... I'm thinking back this morning as I was preparing for this did I ever see someone that was depressed that didn't have trouble with insulin? You know what? I was trying to remember and I couldn't really put my finger on anybody that didn't have trouble with insulin.
This is why, [00:05:30] again, I don't want to be too negative, but most psychiatrists, psychologists... Now we have some... I'm thinking of Dr. Angela. I don't know if she's on watching this morning, but she thinks outside the box. Psychologists are trained, and I understand that they look at biochemistry, they look [00:06:00] at hormones, they look at all these things, but generally they never look at food.
I was telling you yesterday about we were so fortunate in the 1970s to have some great people that were light years ahead of their time, and one of them was Dr. Abraham Hoffer, H-O-F-F-E-R. He was a psychiatrist, the head of the Orthomolecular Society, and his biggest thing was deficiency, and [00:06:30] he talked about the overuse even in the 1970s of sugar and what sugar did to the brain.
He did studies where it shows how fast people got hooked on sugar. It was like cocaine then, because corn syrup especially, manmade sugar, takes a root in your brain. It cares much out, much like cocaine does. I never took any of those drugs, [00:07:00] okay? I'm glad those things weren't around when I was a kid. Really. I'm very sensitive to people, okay, in this sense, but I never experienced like a high from drugs. I was always scared of medication and drugs, I really was. I didn't like it.
But I'm very sensitive to people, that they get hooked, some of them on Oxycontin [00:07:30] for pain, and they had an injury and they got hooked on the medication. Today I sort of mention this, because in our hometown of Sudbury, since COVID... Oh, I get up tight about it, we're averaging in the region of Sudbury one death a day in young people from either suicide or drug overdose. Nobody is talking about it.
[00:08:00] Now that bothers me like you would not believe. We're so focused on shutting everything down and the virus... Scared, scared, scared, scared. Close everything. Don't go out. Don't have anybody into your house at Christmastime. It's only temporary.
You just wait. I'm not convinced. Anyway, I don't want to get too political. But it really upsets me that infectious disease doctors have taken [00:08:30] over all of medicine, all of it. They have power beyond my imagination that I would ever see in my lifetime. I would have never predicted it.
But they're not talking about depression. They're not talking about these suicides. In Sudbury... I'm just talking about my hometown, one a day on average since March, suicide or overdose. [00:09:00] Now, folks, that is a national tragedy. But Dr. Hoffer talked about insulin, and he didn't coin it insulin resistance in the '70s, but he was light years ahead of time, what sugar does in the brain.
If you don't think sugar does anything in your brain, are you a parent? Give your kids sugar at night and see what happens to them. [00:09:30] Why do you think teachers, they're worried about kids that don't eat properly, because they're bouncing off the walls of school. They can't focus. It's not the kids' fault.
So what did I see? Insulin resistance I have to say over 95%. I'd say 100, but I'm sure there's been a few exceptions. They were crappy eaters, [00:10:00] crappy eaters almost invariably.
Number two, again, I used to measure it, so I'm only going to tell you what I saw. When someone was depressed, number two, clinically they had high levels of cortisol, the adrenals... Remember, up here hypothalamus, the stress hormone, drip, drip, drip, drip. [00:10:30] It's not meant to go on for a long period of time. When it does it messes you up. It plays with those hormones. When you're in the fight or flight, you're not thinking about feeling good.
Again, your body is smart. Your body reacts. If someone is scaring you, of course you need that, but high levels of cortisol over a period of time play [00:11:00] with your brain chemistry, play with your gut chemistry.
Let me talk about the third thing, because they're connected, leaky gut. Again, I rarely ever saw an exception to this rule. When I had a depressed patient that suffered with depression... You know, somebody said it's all between your ears. Well, it's not all between your... Although there is likely talk about [00:11:30] the hypothalamus. But you got more feel good hormones in your gut than you have even up here.
You got more serotonin, you got more GABA in your gut than you have up in your brain, and we're finding out... Well, let me read this. This is a study that came out yesterday. Let me see if I got it.
Okay, met me just read it to you, okay? "The gastrointestinal tract of people [00:12:00] with major depressive disorder," listen to the headline, "Harbor a signature of composition of viruses, bacteria, and their metabolic products according to the most comprehensive genomic and metabolic analysis in depression to date."
Okay, big words. What is it saying? When someone is depressed, now they can study the bacteria, [00:12:30] they can study the microbiome, and I've always talked to you about this, about the balance in there, like it's an ecosystem. It's got to be balanced. There's bad bacteria, but there's good bacteria. There's guys that are on our side and there's guys that are your enemy. Your body knows completely what to do, as long as there's a balance.
Then I talked to you about that third army that develops, usually when you take antibiotics, [00:13:00] or people that take non-steroidal anti-inflammatories. They kill your friendly bacteria. I have said this for so many years, one of the greatest discoveries of the 20th century were antibiotics, but it has become the curse of the 21st century. And why is that? Because they kill the good bacteria, and [00:13:30] a lot of times... A lot of times it doesn't happen overnight, but down the road, because when you don't have a balance in the gut and the microbiome has been changed you're not releasing the feel good hormones properly from your gut, and that can be a huge factor in depression.
I'm not against antibiotics. You guys know that. [00:14:00] You got an infection, don't call me. Take an antibiotic if you need it, with one little asterisk. Ladies, do not take an antibiotic for a bladder infection if you're not having pain. You get a little bit of burning, don't take an antibiotic when you're urinating please. I'm suggesting you double up your probiotic. Take oil of oregano.
[00:14:30] The reason I say that, just as a little side, is because the antibiotics are going to get you started on a recurring path of bladder infections due to yeast, candida, fungus, okay? That's just a little aside.
I had to talk about it. If any of you got my new book, I show you a chart... [00:15:00] Even in autism... And there was a new study out yesterday on autism I'll talk to you about maybe if I can get to it today. But what happens in the gut... What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. You ever heard that? Well, it's not true with your gut. What happens in the gut takes the vegus nerve, which is your 10th cranial nerve, which attaches your brain to your gut, there's a connection.
[00:15:30] Do you ever get butterflies? That's your cranial nerve, your 10th cranial nerve. It's called your vegus nerve... Not Las Vegas. The problem with the gut, it doesn't stay in the gut. What happens in the gut can go everywhere. Leaky gut, leaky brain. Leaky gut, leaky skin. Leaky gut, leaky lungs. Leaky gut, leaky sinuses. Leaky gut, leaky liver now they're showing. Leaky gut, leaky kidney.
Did you see our... I [00:16:00] think it was last week that we did the email... If you're not signed up for our email, make sure you sign up and get our email. There's a lot of teaching in those emails.
But they're showing now that your bacterial, in different areas of the body they communicate with each other, they talk. Hello. Hello. Hello. No, seriously, your lungs talk to your gut. [00:16:30] How you doing down there? They communicate. That's you get leaky gut, leaky lungs. Yeah. It's interesting, isn't it? Fearfully and wonderfully made, guys. It's incredible. The more we study the human body... I tell you, we knew nothing in the '70s about the microbiome.
Although I love probiotics, I didn't fully understand that nothing... Today every day there's a new study [00:17:00] out it seems on bacteria. It's incredible. It affects your immune system, to your feel good hormones, to this depression that we've been talking about. Okay. So what have we talked about? Insulin resistance, the stress hormone, cortisol, leaky gut.
Number four, low [00:17:30] levels of vitamin D. What have learned about the virus? What have we learned? One, people that sick, unless they're really old, I mean really old... If you're 85 you're in trouble if you get COVID. There's no doubt about that. But under that, under the age of 80, the only people that got [00:18:00] sick... Two things that we learned.
The only people that got sick... Come on, don't give me an exception with the kids. Oh yeah, I heard somebody in Texas, a kid died. Come on. Let's be real. More kids die of the flu every year. Can I ask a question, by the way? What happened to the flu this year? I was reading a statistic in Alberta there are four cases of the flu this year. We're in December. These are the dark [00:18:30] months. This is flu season. What happened to it? Nobody has got it.
Low levels of vitamin D. Now you think of vitamin D... Certainly if you've been following me, you are a human solar panel. Every cell in your body needs vitamin D, because vitamin D isn't a vitamin. I know it's classified as a vitamin, but, guys, [00:19:00] vitamin D is a hormone. Vitamin D is a hormone, and every other hormone in your body relies on it. You are a human solar panel, and we know from the virus that people that got the virus and got sick were very low in vitamin D.
I brought you many a study to prove that. [00:19:30] You got any doctor that was keeping up-to-date at all, at all, at all, was administering vitamin D in high doses to COVID patients. Now you didn't hear too much about it in Canada. I've been up tight about the response of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. I'm up tight about it. I've [00:20:00] talked to you about depression and how there's just suicide and overdoses, and nobody is talking about.
But I get mad at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, the Canadian Medical Association. They don't want to talk about it. They're not even talking about vitamin D, for heaven's sake, for the immune system, but we know it's a big factor in depression.
It seems to be a co-factor in your moods. [00:20:30] Well, you know what? Go sit out on the beach. Go out on a sunny day. Come on, guys, it's just common sense. Think about it. When do you feel better, in the dark darkness of winter or in the summer? Now don't tell me about your uncle who feels better in the winter than he does in the summer. I don't want to know about it.
No, but you know what I'm saying. It's just common sense. It's just common [00:21:00] sense. I'm reading a book... What's that guy's name now? Can you remember the explorer... In the 1800s he wanted to go up... And he did. The closest they could get to the North Pole, and it's a fascinating book. But they all prepared for winter, meaning that when they were up in the Arctic they're never going to see the sun. They went 180 days of darkness. [00:21:30] I think it was 180 days. 180 days no sun, not even for a minute. That's how far up north they were.
You know what he was saying about his guys? It was interesting. Man, it was terrible time. After a month or two they were just so depressed, they were down. They wanted to sleep all day. They couldn't motivate themselves to almost do anything. He was a military guy, [00:22:00] and he kept telling them, "Look, we got to keep moving. We got to keep doing stuff, because otherwise we'll never get too far."
Anyway, it's sort of an aside, but that just shows you... You know, that's the sun and depression. It's the sun, and the vitamin D is essential. What I saw in practice is that people had very low levels of vitamin D.
Now let me just say this about vitamin [00:22:30] D. We talked about this, and I'm going to say it again, this is one of the most significant findings, and I actually went online and answered a few of your questions, because people were challenging me a little bit... And, listen, I don't mind being challenged. I mean it. I want you to think. God gave you a brain. Use it. Think and say, "Well, Doc, wait a minute."
One of our dear followers was saying, "Doc," I think it was her sister or whatever, [00:23:00] she came back from Florida, out in the sun, and when she got back to Canada, I don't know if it was last year, her vitamin D levels were low. How can that be, asking me.
I said two reasons. Was she using sunscreen? Yeah. You can be low in vitamin D if you use sunscreen. Two, what was her diet like? Is she a carboholic? [00:23:30] Because especially high fructose corn syrup, you know what it does? You have trouble absorbing vitamin D. Remember what I said? You cannot out-supplement a bad diet. You go out in the sun, good for you, and I'm a big guy on that. But you can't be eating Twinkies and then go out in the sun and expect to get a lot of vitamin D. It doesn't work. [00:24:00] See how important the diet is? You see why I emphasize it so much, even with vitamin D. I'll give you another one. They were low in vitamin D almost invariably, so I would give them higher doses of vitamin D. First I'd change their diet.
But here's another one where the diet has a major effect on depression. You know what they were low in? Invariably, almost [00:24:30] without exception, they were low in magnesium. You know what magnesium means? Relax. Ah. Feel good. But the problem with magnesium is in relationship to the diet, because when you are a carboholic sugar decreases in your [00:25:00] body not only vitamin D. It decreases your absorption. You actually secrete it of magnesium.
You see what a bad diet does? Magnesium, you need that for what? About 300 different processes in your body? Magnesium is significant. I love magnesium, but you can't have a bad diet. You're [00:25:30] going to pee out magnesium. You have to understand where I come from. It's food first, food first. Okay. Are you having fun yet?
I don't want to be depressive. I didn't want to depress you, but I want to bring you information, and thank you for all the feedback too. You guys are so great, you're such [00:26:00] an encouragement. I mean that. I love you guys, you have no idea, okay? Thanks for the encouragement.
Okay. So tomorrow is Thursday afternoon session, planning to be at 4:00 tomorrow afternoon. We got feedback on it. People really seem to like it. The nice thing about this, every session we're doing is turned in to a podcast, and we want [00:26:30] to thank you for making Facebook and our podcast... I'm not going to say number one no the hit parade, but just about in terms of health, right up at the top.
We want to thank you. You're the ones that are doing it through your listening and your sharing and telling other people about it. We thank you for that, okay? So we humbly thank our audience. That's you guys.
[00:27:00] Friday, question and answer. You got questions, I try and answer all of them as much as I can. On Friday I try and take your questions, okay? Sometimes I miss a few, and that's because you might be asking about something that is very rare or whatever, and I can't even do a little bit of a teaching on it. I'm not saying I'm not answering. I'm just saying that sometimes people have asked me why didn't I answer that? Well, because 99.9% of the population [00:27:30] don't even know what that is.
But I don't want to discourage anybody. Ask your questions. We're here for you, okay? So love you guys, and we'll talk soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another The Doctor Is In podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin, Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode, and thanks for listening.