Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease, it's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr.Martin: Well, good morning everyone. Once again, welcome to another live, another week of some interesting things I think you'll find, [00:00:30] so welcome with us this morning. I want to read the headline, actually, it was two headlines, I want to read both of them. So these two studies came in last week and so we'll blend them together this morning. Two studies came in, and listened to the headlines this is the headline of this study. First headline, America's [00:01:00] most widely used cooking oil causes genetic changes in the brain. Let me repeat it, America's most widely used cooking oil causes genetic changes in the brain. So that's the first headline, and let me go to the second one here. There's an association of insulin resistance with depression, [00:01:30] There's an association of insulin resistance with depression.
So let me go back to the first study, I'm going to give you a little bit of detail on that. America's most widely used cooking oil, what do you think that is? What is America's most widely used cooking oil? In Canada, it probably is the same, although one of our [00:02:00] oils that we use for cooking a little bit different in the United States I believe. I got to look that up, but I think I might be right. Two different oils do the same thing by the way. So in the United States, America's most widely used cooking oil is what? Soybean oil, and in Canada, canola. Now, by the way, I don't know if you knew this or not but canola, the reason [00:02:30] that they pronounced it... In Canada, it's one of our big exports, by the way, is canola. Canola oil, can, Canada. Yeah, it was named after Canada, canola oil.
Now, let me just say this about these two oils. These two oils, canola oil and soybean oil, which is the number one oil used in packaged goods and cooking in the United States. So when you go to a fast [00:03:00] food outlet, either at McDonald's or Wendy's or whatever, what are they frying that food in? In the United States it's soybean oil, in Canada it's canola oil. Two peas in the pot, they're both not good for you. We've been saying this a long time because what those two oils do, they increase your silent [00:03:30] inflammation in your body big time. So let me break it down a little bit because I want to tell you what the study said. So soy bean oil affects mostly one area of your brain, this is what the study said, the hypothalamus. Now, you guys know this, so I'm going to repeat. My method of teaching repetition. [00:04:00] It's the glue, repetition is the glue so you don't forget.
Now, the brain is very complicated. There's a lot in there. But for the sake of making it simple, really you've got two major areas in the brain. One is your hypothalamus and the other one is your hippocampus. Now, your hippocampus, you guys know that, that's your memory [00:04:30] center in your brain, campus. Now, the hypothalamus, this is where your metabolism is. This is why when you affect the hypothalamus, you're affecting your thyroid gland because the thyroid's a puppet, the thyroid doesn't work on its own, the thyroid doesn't do anything on its own. The thyroid waits, so does your adrenals. Your thyroid doesn't oh, [00:05:00] let me just produce TSA. No, it doesn't do that, it waits for headquarters and more specifically the hypothalamus because the hypothalamus will send signals down to the pituitary in the brain and say, "Okay, you need to secrete some thyroid hormones."
So when you mess up your hypothalamus, think about it. Ladies, [00:05:30] you should understand this better than anyone else, you're messing up your metabolism. It's one of the reasons that we see so much obesity today, the hypothalamus is messed up. One of the reasons it gets messed up, a big reason is because [00:06:00] of the oils we are using to cook with, and the food industry uses to make package goods. I use this illustration so that you would understand it.
Peanut butter, vitamin P on the hit parade, and the reason it's because I like it. I do, I like peanut butter. Now, [00:06:30] there's two types, there's one that you never have to refrigerate, it'll lasts forever, why is that? Because it's made with, we call them crappy oils, but they are hydrogenated oils. They're made in a factory, they're called seed oil. [00:07:00] One of the biggest things they do according to the study is it affects your metabolism by changing some of the genetics within your brain, more specifically, the hypothalamus. Think how significant that is. I'm going to tie this up in a second, but I just want to bring you some teaching. [00:07:30] Now, the other thing that it does, and this is well established, these oils from crackers to peanut butter, the middle aisles of your grocery store, don't fool yourself, these are poisonous oils. The problem with this poison, it don't kill you right away, it takes time. But now they're showing these oils affect the brain.
[00:08:00] Another thing that's well-established, it elevates your omega-6, your linoleic acid compared to your omega-3. Now, your body is made to be in balance between omega-6 and omega-3, but the vast majority of people in North America have a ratio somewhere between 20 and 30 [00:08:30] to one ratio omega-6 to omega-3. What that does, it creates an enormous amount of inflammation. Now we've talked about this, inflammation is not Houdini, it doesn't just show up, there's a reason for inflammation. One of the biggest reasons in inflammation is this imbalance omega-6 omega-3. That's why you know me, [00:09:00] I'm so big on omega-3, we just never get enough of it. You should take enough omega-3 especially DHA slide out of rooms. Oil, oil, oil, but the right type of oil.
I was in the grocery store the other day and I probably take too much time in the grocery store because I'm always looking at labels and I'm looking at [00:09:30] what they're selling and I don't want to be negative, but it's amazing to me, this is just a by the way, it's amazing to me that people in the grocery stores are wearing their masks, so do I. But then they got a boatload in the grocery cards of these omega-6's from chips [00:10:00] to actually buying the cooking oil so that they can use it to cook.
Then they got all these things from cookies to crackers to peanut butter that's got these hydrogenated oils and then they got a mask on. I feel like going over to them and saying, "You know what's more dangerous? Not the virus, what's in your cart." Now, I don't do it, but I feel like doing it. I [00:10:30] wouldn't be very popular if I started doing that in the grocery stores, but I feel like screaming. Nobody is talking to us through this pandemic, nobody's talking about food. They're not talking about food, they're talking about wearing your mask and it'll never go back to normal.
[00:11:00] So this particular oil, soybean, number one in the United States, I'm pretty sure canola oil is number one in Canada, now, it may be soybean oil too. Terrible stuff, terrible stuff, it affects the brain, it affects specifically the hypothalamus. Now, let me just read to you, I'm going to read to you one of the things that it does in the hypothalamus. [00:11:30] One gene is your love hormone, and this is where I'm going to connect the stories here. One gene that it affects is your love hormone called oxytocin. That's your feel good hormone, it's one of your feel good hormones in your brain.
So the study is saying that America's most widely used cooking oil causes genetic changes [00:12:00] that what? Leads, according to the study, to depression. Leads to depression because it starts to play with these feel good hormones in the brain. Interesting, isn't it. Never mind that it plays with the hypothalamus and plays with your metabolism [00:12:30] and plays with your thyroid. Your thyroid is off and you can't figure out why you got all the symptoms of your thyroid being off and yet you just can't rely on blood tests for thyroid. Now, I'm not saying don't get blood tests, I'm just telling you, you got to look at symptoms. Symptoms always trump, always trump bloodwork. Medicine has made a huge mistake in my [00:13:00] opinion by relying on the lab. Now, the lab is good, it's a tool, it ought to be a tool in a doctor's toolbox for sure, but it shouldn't be the only tool in the toolbox.
You know I've talked about this in the past, that bugs me. We're never looking at anything holistically anymore, we have specialists in every area. We have psychiatrists, we have a [00:13:30] whole area of medicine, but generally they don't even talk nutrition, they don't talk about food, and food is medicine. It can be bad medicine or good medicine, but food is medicine, guys. It's amazing what happens when you clean up the diet. And this is one of my objectives in the reset. [00:14:00] One of the biggest things of the objectives in the reset, of course, it was to fix your insulin and all that, sure, absolutely. But one of the biggest areas I was aiming at was the brain because when you get off these crappy oils... Look guys, if you're going to cook potatoes in oil, use olive oil don't use crappy [00:14:30] oils at any time, they should be never in your house, and that's the problem. Even peanut oil, oh, we use a real good oil it's peanut oil. No, it's not, it's not a good oil, it's very high in omega-6.
You want to get away from those oils, and this is one of the things that reset does, that's why people feel so much better. So this oil [00:15:00] in the first study, these linoleic acids, fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids, they affect your brain, and that's one of the reasons we see so much depression today. Now the other thing that I'm going to say it, because this is well-established, this study is new, but there's been many, many studies showing that these oils affect your [00:15:30] gut because they affect the microbiome in your gut and they can create leaky gut. Leaky gut, leaky brain, isn't that interesting huh? Now, we know that one of the biggest things that these oils do is how they affect your blood vessels because again, the bad guy has always been made out to be cholesterol, but cholesterol [00:16:00] is not the bad guy in your body. The other day we talked about LDL and people always ask me, "What about my LDL doc, how come you never talk about LDL? Because I don't care?
You know how I just broke the brain down into two parts? Now, your brings more complicated than that, but if you get those two, most things that ever happened in your brain will be in those two areas. Hypothalamus, think of hormones, [00:16:30] think of your thyroid, think of your adrenal, and think of stress, and think of all that. Then think of your hippocampus, think of your memory. This is why in Alzheimer's we talk about the memory center of the brain that gets affected not only by these oils, but by insulin, but we'll talk about that probably not today, tomorrow because there was another study that came out [00:17:00] that I introduced to you, but I'm going to go into a little bit more detail on that I think tomorrow.
Now, what happens inside your blood vessels with omega-6 oils? When your ratio is really high, omega-6 to omega-3, like I said, in average, 20/30:1 in North America, 20 or 30 to one. Remember, this is a new phenomenon, [00:17:30] this is in the last 80 years or so because these seed oils, they're called seed oils, they came originally from the cotton seed and they realized that these things were very inexpensive number one. When man gets a hold of nature, it's not always good. I've talked to you about how man changes flour, [00:18:00] made bread a fast food. Man changes fat, instead of using butter and lard and ghee, they used margarine and these oils.
When man gets a hold of stuff, sometimes it's not always good. Man's pretty smart, man is smart, but they like to change things that become very, very cheap and it [00:18:30] can make a lot of money. I've talked to you a million times, close to it, about high fructose corn syrup. See, that's a syrup that's made in the lab, it's not in nature. So man changes something and they go, oh, look at how inexpensive there's this and it's very, very sweet, except it ain't sweet for your body, guys. So this oil inside of your blood vessels is damaging [00:19:00] because it creates inflammation at a high ratio to omega-3. That damages the Teflon layer just like sugar does. Usually with these packaged goods, they're full of sugar too. Can you imagine the double whammo you're getting, it affects the blood vessels, that can give you small vessel disease of your brain, [00:19:30] that can be a big factor in Alzheimer's.
But let me just spend a minute or two on depression. Imagine getting at the brain and affecting your mood, you're affecting your mood. See, it affects the hypothalamus. It can affect your mood, not only your metabolism, but your mood because you're not even secreting [00:20:00] this feel good hormone. You feel down. Food is medicine guys, either good or bad. So if I can appeal to you, if I can appeal to you, cut out the crappy carbs, cut them out. Packaged goods, change, change your peanut butter, go to natural. [00:20:30] Not only no sugar added, icing sugar, but no hydrogenated oil that make good last forever. Yeah, this is what happens, guys. This is what happens. So interesting, aint it, interesting studies.
Now, let me just see if there was anything else that they said. Of course, they said these oils promote insulin resistance. [00:21:00] I want to bring that to you tomorrow, we'll talk about insulin and how it has a major effect on the brain and your moods. Remember the second headline is the association of insulin resistance with depression. Here's what I've said, if only we had a drug for depression, if only we had a drug for depression. We do, [00:21:30] it's called food, it's not Prozac. I remember when these antidepressants came out in the '70s and I remember, they're probably still on the label, this is to be used for a short period of time to get you through a dark place in your life. Don't use pass. I know many, many patients over the years, many patients, thousands of patients [00:22:00] over the years, they're on antidepressants for 20, 30 years. It wasn't meant to be, and they get hooked. The biggest solution is to look inside the body and look at our hormones and look.
I was talking yesterday with Rosie and we were just talking about the metabolic mess. Actually it was a lady that was having [00:22:30] all sorts of issues, and I said, "Well, that's a metabolic storm, it's a metabolic storm." It revolutionized my practice, it did. My practice wasn't like that in the '70s and '80s even. I saw chronic fatigue syndrome and this and that, especially in the mid '80s and late '80s, and saw lots it. Well, we didn't know much about the way hormones [00:23:00] today with leaky gut, and we didn't know what we do know today about what insulin does. We understood it, but now today it's like night and day. Then you look at a condition like depression you think well, we would have a handle on depression. No we don't, we don't have a handle on depression, we don't have a handle on anxiety, it's worse than ever.
[00:23:30] The thing that bothers me, probably more than anything else about this whole thing, about COVID, is doctors are not holistic. You have the public health doctors, infectious disease, they're running everything. They're running everything, they're running the government and they keep extending it, extending it, extending it. Guys, do you ever think we're going to get rid of viruses? You never think that you're going to get rid of [00:24:00] Coronavirus, even with a vaccine? You're not going to get rid of it, viruses are part of our life. Oh, Dr. Martin, we got the flu shot, did he get rid of it? Did the flu shot get rid of the flu? No. Well, maybe this year nobody's talking about the flu, but every year you got the flu. Have you ever had a cold? They've never found medication to get rid of the cold.
[00:24:30] It bugs me because you get all these people that are depressed, people committing suicide, overdosing. Medicine's not looking at this holistically, you've got to look at all of society and look at all of it, and the cost of what's going to happen with depression. Kids wearing masks in school and all that, you know what, I don't get it. Nobody's talking about, let's [00:25:00] build our immune system and it sidetracked. No wonder we're so depressed. I don't have a depressed bone in my body, I don't, I'm an optimist, I really am. It's hard to get me down, it is, it's hard to get me down because I'm optimistic. But ooh, my blood pressure goes up and I got to be careful [00:25:30] because I become hypercritical.
So today we looked at seed oils, vegetable oils. They're not vegetables, canola is not a vegetable, soybean oil is not a vegetable oil, it really isn't. They named it a vegetable oil, but they're the farthest thing from vegetables. They're terrible for you. Now, Friday [00:26:00] question and answer, Thursday probably in the afternoon we're just trying once a week to do one at a different time. We'll keep you updated on that. Get your friends and family to join the Martin Clinic Facebook group, our private group. We love having you and we love the communication between all the members, we really like that.
We'll have an announcement [00:26:30] about the book, we sold though, by the way, we sold out our first traunch of the Metabolic Reset book. But we've been promised in the new year that we will have a whole... Because of COVID, it's been a terrible thing in terms of the book industry. So anyway, that's coming again. But we thank you again for the massive sale of books that we had. We thought we had enough, we said, "Oh, that'll last us into the [00:27:00] new year." It didn't, and that's because of you guys. Thank you very much, we appreciate it. So let's talk soon. Love you guys.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode, and thanks for listening.