Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In podcast, brought to you by martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning, everyone. And welcome again to another live this morning, and hope you're having a great start to your day. We [00:00:30] are going to talk about fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, metabolic storm. This morning, Tony Jr. and I were doing a podcast, this is years ago, and we were just having just sort of a brainstorming session. And we were talking about people that had a multitude of symptoms from different categories of their body. And we come up with the name metabolic storm. And [00:01:00] the ones that were real bad are category five. Now I've talked to, I'm going to say over the years, 100s and probably more likely 1000 of people that have, I don't know if they've ever officially got the diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome/fibromyalgia. Now, I put those two together because I believe that both of them are [00:01:30] auto-immune. When you get chronic fatigue syndrome, and I'll go into some detail this morning, this is an auto immune. The body turns on itself. And almost every system of the body doesn't work properly. Thus, giving you a multitude of symptoms.
And I think it's this multitude of symptoms that sort of stumps traditional medicine. Traditional [00:02:00] medicine are looking, first of all, and I think they rely on it too much in my opinion, blood work. They do a workup. Maybe some scans involved, from X-rays to MRIs, and blood work. And a lot of times blood work for these people come back within the normal limits. And I've talked to you many a times, and we're going to touch on this this morning, the thyroid. The thyroid [00:02:30] is probably the organ that is the most misdiagnosed in all your body. First of all, the blood work is very unreliable, very unreliable. I always tell people, "Listen, I'm more interested in your symptoms." A lot of people by the way, and I don't mind looking at your blood work, I really don't. Okay? So if you send me your blood work, [00:03:00] I'm happy to give you my two cents on it. Okay? I'll look at it. Primarily though, you have to understand, I want your symptoms.
Now, I can look at your triglycerides and your HDL, your lipid, and I can look at your sugars, and I will look at B12 and all that, because I got certain ranges that I like. CRP, which is your C-reactive [00:03:30] protein. That's an inflammation marker. I like that. I like that test. But I have my own little interpretations over the years of them. Like what is considered normal is not necessarily normal for me. So I don't mind looking at your blood work, but when you send me your hormones. "On doc, here's my cortisol." It's not like I won't look at it, but it doesn't mean much, because I want to know what your symptoms [00:04:00] are.
So coming back to chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, the problem with these disorders, they're so often misdiagnosed, because there're so many things that are happening. Almost every system in the body is out of whack. And then doctors go, "You know what? You wonder if you're not a little bit ... [00:04:30] up in the brain." And you're under stress. And then they minimize it. But these are auto-immune disorders. One of my former patients the other day was asking me, "Can I read anything on hormones? I want to understand my body." Yeah. And you know what, guys? This is why I do this program. I want to inform you, give you some information, realize that maybe it's not you, [00:05:00] but some loved one or whatever is going through terrible problems with their body, and nobody's coming up with any kind of solutions. So let's talk about that. And how many have been given the diagnosis? And usually the diagnosis of fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue come when they've ruled out everything else. And then they go, "Ah, you've got fibro."
And even rheumatologists or whatever, "What are you going [00:05:30] to do about it? I'm giving you that diagnosis," but we're going to talk about that. Okay? So I'm probably going to hit 20 or 30 different symptoms, and a lot of you who have gone through this, some of these symptoms are a lot of them and it was misdiagnosed, or certainly nobody gave you what to do about it. So let's start off with the brain. Okay? [00:06:00] The brain, because this is one of the things that happens. Chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia is cognitive. Patients used to tell me back in the '80s that they had cotton on their brain. It just they couldn't focus. They had cognitive issues, brain fog. And didn't matter how many times you repeated something to them, they couldn't seem to hold on to it. It was almost like [00:06:30] they had picked up a case of ADD. It really wasn't ADD, it was just that the brain, because of hormones that are out of whack, and serotonin levels and dopamine, chemistry changes in the brain.
So, a lot of people that were in category five had brain issues. They just don't do as well. They couldn't pass a test if their life depended [00:07:00] on it. And it's people that are sharp they generally remember, but they get that. And a lot of times because of the adrenals. Okay? So remember what I've said about this, it's sort of auto immune. And it doesn't start with the adrenal glands. Any auto immune disorder, whether it be MS, or Parkinson's is sort of like an auto immune, they don't really [00:07:30] classify it as such. But ulcerative colitis and Crohn's, and Sjogren's and all these things, they start in the gut. But I'm not going to start today in the gut. I'm going to start, I started with the brain, but brain likes symptoms. Okay? Nervousness, anxiety, hearts fluttering. These can be all symptoms that your cortisol is rising. [00:08:00] And now it's putting you into the fight or flight. You could have a tendency to hold your breath, easily startled, constantly on the edge, moderate to extreme fatigue. These things happen. Nausea. Sometimes a lack of appetite.
When you're unwell, a lot of times this happens. And they're all strange type of symptoms, but it's because [00:08:30] the whole endocrine system is getting messed up. Poor sleep. We've talked about this so many times. Poor sleep. What is it now? 70% of the population don't sleep well. If you have chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia, you might hibernate, but you're not sleeping. You're not getting into that recuperative sleep. You're not getting into the REM sleep, that deep sleep, that one is rapid eye movement. [00:09:00] I've talked to you about your night shift coming in and cleaning up the brain and getting rid of the debris, and your body is going into airplane mode and there's no data coming into the body. And that's when you really get a good sleep. But when you have chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, metabolic storm category five, you're not even getting a good sleep even though you're tired. You're wired, but tired. I like that. [00:09:30] You're wired, but you're tired. Your heart can be racing. You're irritable. You're prone to crying very easily. The body is messed up. It's a metabolic disaster.
I always tell people, when it's chronic and it's been going on for a while and it's almost always unexplained, nobody's put [00:10:00] their finger on it to say, "This is what's going on," people I've told over the years, 1000s, "You're messed up. Don't compare yourself to someone else. Your system, it all broke down." And primarily, very important little organs the size of chestnuts are your adrenal glands. And those adrenals are exhausted. So stress has a major effect [00:10:30] on it. What comes first, the chicken or the egg? And let's start in the gut. Okay? Because I'm going to come back to all the system, but I got to talk to you about the digestive tract. I have never seen, and I mean this, not once, have I ever seen an exception to this. When you get chronic fatigue syndrome, if somebody has ever been diagnosed with that, or fibromyalgia or metabolic syndrome, [00:11:00] our category five storm, if you've ever taken a course online, or a category five storm.
When you get a metabolic storm like that, and it seems that everything is weird and they have trouble putting a finger on it, remember, it starts in the gut. The microbiome, that invisible war that's taking place within your gut. The good and bad bacteria. So like I said, I'm a history guy. So [00:11:30] I take a patient's history and I go, "Yeah, lots of antibiotics as a child, perhaps. And you depleted, it could be something else or pain, or even under a lot of stress. And it's usually a combination of these things." And the gut microbiome, bad diet, sugarholic, carboholic, the gut gets, we call it dysbiosis, and the bad bacteria take over. The good guys are not enough there. And guess [00:12:00] what? You start a multitude of symptoms. Now, you can have digestive symptoms, but it isn't always the case. You can have leaky gut without digestive symptoms. Because remember the Martin Clinic motto: leaky gut, leaky brain. Leaky gut, leaky skin. Leaky gut, leaky lungs. Leaky gut, leaky joints. Leaky gut, leaky kidneys. Leaky [00:12:30] gut, leaky heart. Leaky gut, leaky liver.
So almost every aspect of your body. Hippocrates said it 2000 years ago, the father of medicine. You know what he said? "All disease starts in the gut." And you know what? That dude was a smart guy. That's unbelievable. And then medicine sort of forgot about that for 2000 years. And they weren't looking [00:13:00] at the gut. They weren't looking at bacteria. And it's only been in the last 10, 15 years, really, where there's been a big shift, not with all medicine, but in a lot of doctors, they understand the gut. It's got its own DNA. It's its own organ onto itself. And there's got to be a balance in there. Otherwise you can be very, very unwell. And I'll never stop talking about [00:13:30] it. Like I said, antibiotics, the greatest discovery of the 20th century and the curse of the 21st, because the vast majority of people that are sick have leaky gut, and they don't know it. Nobody's told them, "You got to fix the gut. You got to fix the gut."
And here's some of the symptoms. A lot of people, they get unexplained. All of a sudden they got IBS. When a doctor says, "Oh, you have IBS." [00:14:00] Well, hello. You don't have to be a doctor to know that my gut's bugging me. For a lot of people with chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, they get these intolerances they never had before. Lactose, to eggs, to cheese, gluten. Gluten [smuten 00:14:22], I always tell people. Lectins. And they never had these kinds of things. And oftentimes they get a condition called [00:14:30] SIBO. SIBO is a small intestine, and they say, because the B is for bacterial infection. And I always say, "Na, like I was telling you yesterday about UTIs. It really isn't bacteria. Bacteria is there, I agree. But why chronic? It's yeast. It's a fungus." It's a fungus. So this is a big problem in our society [00:15:00] today. All of a sudden they develop girds, or they develop acid reflux. They develop all these digestive issues. And very common. So the gut, some have symptoms, some don't, but they definitely have leaky gut. That is 100% for sure.
And I've never seen a case of chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, or even metabolic storm where they [00:15:30] don't have leaky gut. You have to fix the gut. You have to fix that gut. And part of fixing it is food. If you have chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, I often don't recommend to people, you don't need to get allergy testing done. Be your own doctor. "I eat this, I don't feel so good." Well then don't eat it. [00:16:00] You have an intolerance to it. Like somebody says, "Oh doc, it may be it's lactose." "Okay, well, eliminate all of your dairy for a couple of days, or a week or so. And then re-introduce it. See how you feel." So the brain, all sorts of symptoms, the gut. Maybe symptoms in the gut, or maybe symptoms elsewhere. Musculoskeletal [00:16:30] system, muscle spasms. Don't recover from injuries very well. Pain, unexplained pain. All of these things can be part. And that's more of what they call the fibromyalgia part. I remember when they came up with fibromyalgia, like an arthritis of your muscles and not your joints, but you can have both. You can have both.
Now let's talk about the thyroid, because the thyroid [00:17:00] is sort of your gas pedal. It's your metabolism. Your thyroid's a very, very important organ. But your thyroid, by the way, is a puppet. It comes up from up here first, right? The endocrine system, the hypothalamus. The thyroid is just like a little puppet. It's got strings up into the brain, but it's such a sensitive organ. And if your cortisol is high, it messes up your thyroid, because [00:17:30] your thyroid works on a little teaspoon, produced in the whole year, of what we call T3. T3 is the most important thyroid hormone. You have thyroid stimulating hormone, TSH. That's the problem with the blood test, is that you get your TSH done, and the ranges are from here to eternity. I'm not saying don't [00:18:00] get the test done, I'm just saying it's so unreliable. Let me give you several symptoms that you should look for to see if your thyroid. You got weight gain? Ladies, what's your hair like? Losing hair?
My wife often laughs at me. If I'm sitting in a restaurant or a mall, and I see women go by, I'm always diagnosing their condition. " [00:18:30] Well, that lady has got thyroid problems. That lady has got too much estrogen." Ladies, look at your skin, look at your hair, look at your nails. Those are all generally thyroid things. And you know your body better than anybody else does. Okay? So if you've got that dry skin or you're losing hair, or your nails are brittle [00:19:00] or whatever, that's your thyroid. Now you go to your doctor oftentimes and, "Ah, your thyroid is within normal limits." Well don't accept that. Don't accept that. Remember what I was saying. If you have high levels of cortisol, you're not going to produce enough T3. You can't convert T4 to T3. That is so, so, so important. The other one is when you have leaky gut, you don't convert T4 [00:19:30] to T3 properly. Okay? If you have fatty liver, you don't convert T4 to T3 properly. See how that can mess up your body? Think about it. Think about it. It's crazy.
And this is why it's so hard, because you have multiple systems that have gone down. It's so hard for people to understand all that. Generally [00:20:00] it happens to women. Women are complicated. Men are so simple. Women are complicated. Men come from a different planet. Men are big babies, generally. Okay? Not the guys that are on with me. You guys are smart. But generally this is what happens. And so, guys, listen, this is crazy, [00:20:30] but there's so many symptoms. Okay? So many symptoms that go out of whack. Now, just because of technical difficulties today, I'm not going to go into all the solutions that you need. If you've never taken that course, I think it's available on our website, that you can go to martinclinic.com and take the course. It really is good. We talk about the categories. And oftentimes if you can fix one of [00:21:00] the things that go wrong, the thyroid, the adrenals, the ovaries. I didn't even talk to you about estrogen dominance, and too much estrogen. This can be all part of these symptoms. Adult acne and the skin, and all that.
It's part of leaky gut, it's part of having too much estrogen. PCOS, polycystic ovarian disorder. How many women, endometriosis, can be all part of these symptoms. Okay? [00:21:30] So next time we'll talk about how to fix, and just generally some major things. I don't go into the weeds too much. I just get people to focus in. And you need to start with your diet. This is why I talk about the reset all the time. Okay? The reset is a 30 day program to reset that body. You need to start with that. You need to start with that, because that [00:22:00] eating program is meant to be a big factor in fixing your metabolism, in resetting the thyroid, resetting the pancreas. When you reset the pancreas, you really do have a major effect on all the endocrine system. Because one of the things the reset does, all of these things, by the way, that I talked to you about today, create inflammation. That's what fibromyalgia is. It's inflammation gone amuck.
And so [00:22:30] you really need to start with food. And that's why I love the reset. Okay? So, by the way, we announced it yesterday, you can sign up now. There's been a release of books probably this week we're looking at, and you can sign up to get your copy. Okay? We're going to have more announcements about that. But we're really, really, really thrilled that this new book, [00:23:00] The Metabolic Reset, is coming out. Okay? Everything that I talked to you about.
Okay. I love you guys. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode. And thanks for listening.