Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor is In podcast, brought to you by Martin clinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease, it's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning and welcome to another live this morning and hope you're having a great day. And I'm enjoying [00:00:30] my vitamin C. We're going to talk about vitamin K2 because there was a study that came out at the end of last week on vitamin K2. I'm going to go through this with you because I'm going to get you thinking a little bit this morning, okay? Vitamin K2. Now, what we know. Vitamin K2 is different than vitamin K1, okay. So let's just go over this a little wee bit and then I'll tell you about the new study.
[00:01:00] You got K1 and K2. Vitamin K1 is found in the plant kingdom and you're sometimes told, "Don't take vitamin K1 if you are on a blood thinner or anything like that, okay, because it can clot your blood." And I haven't seen many side effects from it, but remember vitamin K1 is when you eat your salad, ladies, that's when you get vitamin [00:01:30] K1. But don't worry about being short on that. I've never met a woman yet that's low in vitamin K1. They eat too much salad, in my opinion.
Vitamin K2, on the other hand, is found in only the animal kingdom in eggs, meat, and cheese, and in particular in the dairy butter and cheese. Highest amount [00:02:00] is found in cheese curds, highest source of vitamin K2. Now what does vitamin K2 do? Vitamin K2, very important to understand this, these are just basic. Vitamin K2 takes calcium out of your bloodstream. What does insulin do? Takes sugar out of your bloodstream. Vitamin K2 takes calcium out of your bloodstream. You don't want calcium in your bloodstream [00:02:30] because calcium will harden your arteries. So vitamin K2 takes calcium and puts it in your bones and in your teeth. Vitamin K2, okay? So that's one thing it does. Think how important that is for your heart and for heart disease, and from hardening of the arteries, and even Alzheimer's. You don't want any hardening your arteries. [00:03:00] Even up in your brain, your little vascular system in your brain, you don't want that. So vitamin K2.
And again, this is why, because people ask me every day, every day, "Doc, isn't cheese bad for you?" "No, it's not." "I thought butter was bad." "No, it's not." You know the products on the shelves that you see, it looks like butter but it ain't butter, that's [00:03:30] bad for you. Those are made of vegetable oils, rancid. That's crap
Okay. But anyway, when it comes to heart disease, one of the thing that literally takes calcium and puts it where it belongs. The problem with a calcium supplement, still the number one selling supplement in the world today. You would think people get the memo, but they haven't [00:04:00] got the memo yet. They're still taking calcium. You know how many older people take calcium? "My doctor said to take calcium because I got osteoporosis or our osteopenia." That's the worst thing you can do is take calcium, even if you take it with vitamin D, because a lot of times you get calcium and vitamin D. Yeah, but you need K2. K2 is where it will [00:04:30] deliver your calcium to the right places. You do not want calcium stain in your bloodstream, okay? Highest sources, cheese, curds, butter. But it's in dairy. Don't drink milk, you know me and milk. I don't like milk, drink cream. You're going to have something in your coffee, put cream in your coffee, not milk. Anyway.
So [00:05:00] osteoporosis. The highest rates of osteoporosis, by the way, are where? North America, where we drink more milk than anywhere else in the world. Well, if osteoporosis was a lack of calcium, it's not a lack of calcium in the diet. It's a lack of vitamin K2, which takes the calcium and puts it where it belongs, in your bones and in your teeth. Okay, so [00:05:30] we know that. Okay, what vitamin K2 does. But here's a couple of other things that this study was showing, the other benefits of vitamin K2. This is such an important vitamin. Much more important than vitamin K1 is vitamin K2. Vitamin K2 men, and ladies, tell your stinking husband that vitamin K2 will increase his [00:06:00] testosterone. Yeah. In a man vitamin K2 elevates testosterone. Why do you think I talk about eggs, meat, and cheese all the time? You want to be a man, you need to eat that stuff.
And ladies, don't worry about testosterone in you. You know what? The only time a woman gets too much testosterone is when their estrogen is elevated. Yeah. The womanly hormone, [00:06:30] when it's out of balance with progesterone, that's when you get testosterone going up, not any other time. It's not because, "Oh doc, I shouldn't take testosterone." Yeah, you can take testosterone if you need it, ladies. I've got some women on Fortis, our testosterone formula. But women need a little bit of testosterone, men need a lot of testosterone. And the problem is, in our society today when a man hits 50, generally and even [00:07:00] earlier than that now, they got less testosterone than their wives. They have more estrogen than their wives. And that's not good. That's not good for their prostate. It's not good for their strength. It's not good for their sex life. None of that stuff.
Back to vitamin K2. Vitamin K2, new studies out shows that vitamin K2 elevates testosterone in men and [00:07:30] decreases your risk of cancer, prostate cancer. That was the study. Of course, it's elevating your testosterone men. So for the prostate, one of the best things you can do is vitamin K2. Eat your butter.
Ladies, vitamin K2 two will help you with diminishing your estrogen, the extra estrogen. I often have [00:08:00] to explain this to women because, "Oh yeah, but doc, I'm in menopause, my estrogen is going down." "No, not really. It's your progesterone going down." We live in an estrogen filled world, every chemical, every spray, just about every one of them. And those hand sanitizers, ooh, the unintended consequences of extra estrogen that will be around. Oh [00:08:30] I tell you guys, the tsunami of breast cancer that's coming for those poor people that are always always using hand sanitizers. And this COVID, the unintended consequences that this is going to be drastic and not good.
Now I want to come back to this calcium thing a bit just for a second here. I want you to think about teeth, cavities, okay? [00:09:00] Think about that. Dentists, they make a lot of money. I remember telling my grandson, this is years ago, we were talking about what are you going to do when you grow up? And I was saying, "Well, be a dentist, they make lots of money." Well, I was trying to get him really to take over my place. But I said, "Be a dentist, they make lots of money." Why? Cavities.
[00:09:30] Now I want you to think about this for a minute. If in North America, we per capita drink more milk than anywhere else in the world, why are our teeth so bad? You know why? It's sugar. Now everybody knows this. Think about this for a minute. Sugar destroys, not only your teeth, [00:10:00] your bones. Osteoporosis does not come from a lack of calcium. Osteoporosis comes from sugar, which destroys your bones and a lack of K2 to take the actual calcium that you're eating and don't leave it in the bloodstream, it delivers it to your bones and your teeth. These things are made to [00:10:30] withstand. When you think of it, how much power there is in a jaw. Your teeth are made for that. They're not going to wear out from using them. Sugar destroys the minerals in your teeth. It sucks the minerals right out of your bones and your teeth. So, vitamin K2.
Now, let me just talk about the other studies that were done on vitamin D, okay? So, [00:11:00] the other thing too that they were saying on this vitamin K2 is it helps too in exercise, effectiveness. So when you work out, vitamin K2 actually helps your performance with athletes. It helps your performance. Well, that could be because it elevates the testosterone. Like I said, ladies, don't worry about testosterone. You have nothing to worry about if you're well balanced, [00:11:30] because it's your estrogen and progesterone, they need to be at an equal level. So don't worry about testosterone. Men, you need to worry about testosterone, because if you don't have enough testosterone your estrogen is going to take over.
So what are the best sources of vitamin K2? We talked about it. Butter, number one on the hit parade. Cheese, well, number one A is cheese, especially [00:12:00] cheese curds. So don't worry about fat, okay. Don't worry about fat in cheese, because fat don't make you fat and fat don't give you heart disease.
Where was I reading this study? Let me see if I can quote it here. Oh yeah. It was a study on Alzheimer's. Or maybe I'll do that this week again, because they're trying to develop a test to see if you're susceptible to Alzheimer's, okay? So [00:12:30] this is a company... Let me just see. I thought I wrote it down. A company that's looking to do a blood test. I think it's in the United Kingdom. But the biggest effect on Alzheimer's, and we've talked about this a thousand times, it's diabetes of the brain. Alzheimer's primarily is diabetes of the brain, and you have a [tria 00:00:12:57].
Guys, listen [00:13:00] to me when it comes to protecting your brain. You don't want any calcium up in those arteries, so eat your butter and cheese. But here's a blood test for Alzheimer's, it's the diabetic blood test. It's whether your insulin is elevated or not. I mean, we already have the tests for that. You don't need a specific test for Alzheimer's, diabetics are already 50% more likely. If [00:13:30] you've been diagnosed with diabetes, you're 50% more likely to get Alzheimer's. Hello, there's your clue. Now there's other factors, but generally that's the one you can control.
You know what the unholy trinity is in foods? The unholy trinity, sugar. Numero uno. Greens are number two. Yeah. [00:14:00] Why? It's not gluten. Gluten [smuten 00:14:04]. I don't care about gluten. Unless you're celiac, I don't care. Greens turn to sugar rapidly. So sugar, sugar, right, read your labels. You want to prevent Alzheimer's, read your labels. Get off sugar and get off grains. "Oh, Doctor Martin, it's [00:14:30] whole wheat." "I don't care." "It's whole wheat noodles." "I don't care, it's going to be sugar."
And the third one, the third part of that trinity, which kills your brain, kills everything else too, but kills your brain is seed oils. And I hate that word vegetable oil because they're not vegetable. You can run your car on canola oil and rapeseed [00:15:00] and grapeseed, and all these seed oils. They're made by man. They're manmade. They're cheap. They last forever. Why do you think they put those oils in... I think I've explained this to you before. What's the difference between natural peanut butter, it's just peanut. Yet, soon as you open it, you better put it in the fridge. The other stuff, you can leave in your cupboard for two years. [00:15:30] Why? It's made of vegetable oils. Man, they put the vegetable oils, it preserves it. In the middle aisles of your grocery stores, the vast majority of foods in there, from your crackers to your cookies, to your baked goods, to ketchup, they got these seed oils that they put.
I love peanut butter, you guys know that, right? I love it. But natural [00:16:00] peanut butter with no sugar. They don't add sugar, icing sugar, because that's what they put in there, by the way. They add icing sugar and these seed oils. They last forever, these peanut butter. If you don't have to refrigerate the peanut butter, you got a bad peanut butter. But the triad for Alzheimer's, for heart disease, for cancer, sugar, wheat, grain.
And I've explained [00:16:30] this to you in the past, but I'll say it again. They changed our bread. Men shall not live by bread alone, especially since the 1890s when they used to pound stone ground wheat. And it preserved the wheat germ, which is full of protein, full of B vitamins full of nutrients. But today, bread is devoid of that. Now they add stuff back in. They enrich [00:17:00] the bread, but that's crap, guys. That's not bioavailable. That's why bread today is so much sweeter than it was in the 1800s. They changed the bread.
Bread was the first fast food. Don't blame the hamburger for what the bun does. It's the bun that makes you sick, not the meat. But [00:17:30] poor hamburgers, they got a bad rap. They got a bad rap. Have a hamburger without the bun. I always love when patients tell me, "How can you have a hamburger without a bun?" An, try it. Get used to it. Take a knife and fork to your hamburger. Somebody told me that A and W or whatever, they'll give you a salad over top of them. They'll wrap your hamburger in lettuce [00:18:00] or something. Is that true? I don't know, I have never ordered one. When I get a hamburger, I like to take a knife and fork to it. Cheese on top and bacon on top. Very healthy.
Okay. So, you got the memo today? You need vitamin K2. Not only for your bones, not only for your heart, but for cancer. You need vitamin K2, it helps with your hormones. [00:18:30] Where do you find it? In cheese and butter. People have asked me a lot... I get a lot of questions about the reset. And by the way, coming soon, coming soon, our new book, The Martin Clinic Reset. All the science behind it in a simple reading fashion. The Martin Clinic Reset book is on its way. We should be making an announcement about it, maybe even this week [00:19:00] okay? COVID held it up.
But guys, listen, this is so key. So key because people asked me about the reset and they go, "Well, I thought dairy was bad for you. Dr. Martin, why do you say no milk and then you can have cheese?" Well, there's a big difference between the two. Now again, don't misquote me. If you have a cow in the backyard you can drink milk, because by the time it gets to the grocery store [00:19:30] milk has been completely denatured. It's not really milk, it's what I called, you guys know this, white Pepsi, okay? White Pepsi.
So, you absolutely need vitamin K2, every one of you, anyone that's listening to me. If you're a vegetarian, make sure you're eating cheese and butter. If you're a vegan, [00:20:00] you need to take vitamin K2 as a supplement. Really important that you understand that, okay? It's so important. It's so important.
We got a couple of good studies this week too that we'll talk about. There's a new study on coffee. You guys, this one on coffee will blow you away, blow you away. We're going to touch on that [00:20:30] this week. We're going to talk about a fellow by the name of Stephenson. I don't know if it was pronounced Stefansson or Stephenson. I'm going to bring you a program on that. Interesting. Because somebody was asking me again about ketosis and what that is, and how they even experimented with ketotic patients, even back as early as the 1920s. But in the 1950s [00:21:00] there was something that happened and that research sort of got buried. It bothers me, because when it's not part of a narrative, if it's not part of a narrative often studies get buried. They don't want to hear about it. That's what happens so much and this is why I try and bring to you the news behind the health news.
Okay. You never hear me say, " [00:21:30] Oh, eat your salad ladies." You won't hear me say it. You're a vegetarian, you're eating way too much salad. And I talked to you the other day about, you don't even have an enzyme called cellulase. You're not a herbivore, you're a carnivore. I'm just going to say it again and again and again, you're not a herbivore, you're a carnivore. Human beings are carnivores. You need [00:22:00] animal protein. You need animal fat. You need animal vitamins because there's a lot of things that are in the animal kingdom that are not in the plant kingdom. It's just the way it is guys. I know it goes against the grain, but I will repeat and repeat and repeat. It's just true. And I don't care what gurus tell you, [00:22:30] because that is the narrative. The narrative today is, cut back on meat, don't eat that stuff. Don't eat cheese, it'll make it fat and it's going to give you a hardening of the arteries. It's just the opposite. It's just the opposite.
Okay guys, so if you have any questions, we're here for you. You want to get your friends and family or whatever to join [00:23:00] the Martin Clinic Facebook group, we'd love to have you. It's a great group with a lot of feedback and just a lot of... You guys are great on there. You really are, okay? And your comments are very, very good. I mean it, it's really good okay? I'm often reading that and sometimes I go in and pontificate myself, but our staff is there and they're very, very good. To answer your questions or put studies up [00:23:30] and different podcasts that I've done, okay, so people are asking questions about, okay? And total, between the Facebook and the podcast, we're well over 2 million downloads. So we appreciate that. Okay.
So, Lord willing, we see you tomorrow. Love you guys. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another, Doctor is In, podcast [00:24:00] with your hosts, Dr. Martin Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.