Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to the Doctor Is In podcast, brought to you by martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctor share a lot of information. As awesome as the info maybe, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. And once again, welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great day. Looking forward [00:00:30] to answering all your questions. Boy, we had a lot of good questions come in, and we're going to take the next little bit to answer them. Okay, let's go after the questions. I always break them down into nutritional questions first and then conditions afterwards. So I try and do that. So let's talk food first, nutrition, supplements, perhaps, dairy. Susanna [00:01:00] heard that eating dairy triggers opioids in the brain. Well, any food triggers opioids in your brain. It's one of the pleasures of our life, is not only food for necessity. Can't live without food, obviously, but food gives you pleasure. It's one of the most pleasurable things that we have in life.
And so do dairy release opioids? [00:01:30] Yeah, but so do other foods. You're hungry. The biggest thing is not the opioids, it's more the hormones like leptin and glucagon. What is leptin? Well, leptin is a hormone that tells you you're full, you don't need to eat anymore. People that have insulin resistance, leptin doesn't work. And when leptin doesn't work, you're in trouble because you're hungry all the time. This is one of the reasons I love the reset. Now, getting back [00:02:00] to dairy, I always divide dairy. So, Susanna, I divide dairy, because I'd rather you eat dairy. And by the way, I just read a study this morning. I'll probably comment on it sometime next week. But one of the fatty acids that you get, CLA comes from dairy. And CLA and weight loss [00:02:30] are famous together. Imagine dairy for weight loss.
Now, I've said this before and I'll say it again. I'm not a big guy on milk, grocery store milk. If you have a cow in the backyard, drink the milk. But I'm not too big on drinking milk. I'd rather use cream because that's more like the cow in the backyard. [00:03:00] Look, unless you're using it for a smoothie, drink water, wean your kids. When kids get off mommy's breasts, wean them on water. They don't need the milk anymore. They really don't. People think, "Oh, they need that milk." No, they need mommy's milk, and then they need water. It's amazing how healthy kids will be if you would get them to be used to drinking water instead of drinking [00:03:30] store-bought milk. But you got to give the food industry big time credit. They're huge in marketing. And hunny, you got to give kids milk and cereal because otherwise they're not going to be healthy. No, that's not true.
So I'm big on eating dairy, like cheese. I'm huge on it because it's one of nature's greatest foods. [00:04:00] It's one of the highest sources of vitamin K2. There's a question down here that I'm going to bring K2 into again. So, fantastic. You need it. CLA is one of the greatest things you can use in weight loss. I talk about this in my new book coming up, CLA, and how important it is. And it's found in dairy, a little bit in meat, but mostly in dairy. [00:04:30] And the CLA in the plant kingdom, there's very little. So this is a fatty acid that you find in dairy, cheese, cream. I'm not big on store-bought milk. What do I call it? White Pepsi. Okay, good question. Lorraine, asking about magnesium. Which one do I like? I mean, she's talking about malic, citrate. There's all sorts of magnesiums around.
I like magnesium. [00:05:00] You know that. I found, in practice, the best is citrate. The best form of citrate is the most bioavailable of all your magnesiums. But all magnesium is good, just some are better. Sherry is asking, "Should you not eat the fat or skin on fish? That's where the chemicals are and the mercury will accumulate." Well, let me give [00:05:30] you an overarching principle and I've talked about this many a time, but I'll repeat it here again. We don't live in a perfect world guys. We live in a very imperfect world. So you have to understand where I come from. I think I talked about this last week. Don't worry about rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
If you are metabolically unwell... And I know a lot of you [00:06:00] are now well metabolically because you've done what you needed to do to fix your metabolism and fix your metabolic syndrome, which is caused primarily by food and insulin and fatty liver and high blood pressure and uric acid and all the things that we talk about all the time. It's food, it's insulin. But now you're fixed. If you're fixed, you're already off the Titanic, [00:06:30] or you've changed course. So now, you can be very specific like no chemicals or as many as you can. You'll never get away from all the chemicals in our society. It's impossible. If your mailing address ends with planet earth, you're going to be exposed to chemicals. You're not going to get away from it completely.
Now, I like the fact that you can change things in your home, get away from chemicals, cleaners, [00:07:00] and air fresheners, and don't use what they're telling you to use for COVID and your hands and hand sanitizers and all those chemicals. Don't put that on your skin. But like I said, you have to understand where I come from. I'm talking in generalities. I want people... Doc, I'm never eating fish. Why? Because there's possible mercury in there. I'm going to tell you something guys. There's more [00:07:30] mercury in high-fructose corn syrup than there is in any fish in the universe. Now, is there better fish? Of course, there is. Is there better meat? Of course, there is. Grass-fed beef, of course, that's better.
But you have to understand that when I start someone off, I don't want them focusing in so much on the quality. I shouldn't even say that word. I just [00:08:00] want them to get off this thinking Titanic. It's sugars, it's carbs, it's killing you. Change course and then tweak even more. And you guys know this because you're studying and you're self-educating. I love that. I love that. Here, we use natural cleaners and things like that. [00:08:30] As much as possible, we do that. I don't use hand sanitizers. I got my own formula for the hand sanitizer. Much better. So, good question. Kathy, "How long to clear up leaky gut?" That's a great question, Kathy. It is. And everyone's different.
Look, here's a rule of thumb. Go back in your own mind and go back into your own history. [00:09:00] Have you had a long history of antibiotic use as a kid perhaps, or recurring urinary tract infections or whatever? It may take you a full year to completely heal leaky gut. And remember, we live in a toxic soup. There's always stuff destroying your friendly bacteria. But leaky gut can be fixed in 30 days for some [00:09:30] people with the reset and using probiotics. Literally, I've seen it happen hundreds and hundreds of times. One way to look at it, like some people that have psoriasis or eczema or whatever, they have an autoimmune disease, takes a long time. It can take a year of no sugar and very low carb and taking probiotics and killing that yeast. We're going to talk about yeast even more this morning. It takes a long time to kill all [00:10:00] that. It's invaded your body and took a long time for it to get there. And now, it's going to take a fair amount of time to get rid of it.
But that's all right. Don't be frustrated by that. You know what? Here's my teaching on probiotics. Take them every day, forever. It's a supplement I tell you to take every day. Take a probiotic every day, every day because of just the world we live in. What are you going to do? Go live on Mars. Oh, I don't need [00:10:30] probiotics. Yes, you do, every child. We live in a chemical soup, guys. You're just never going to get away from it completely. So I'm a big guy on that to always protect your body leaky gut and look up... We talked about leaky gut, leaky brain, we talked about Alzheimer's yesterday. We only really focused in on yeast getting into the brain. And that's what MS is, because yeast carries heavy [00:11:00] metals with them. Don't worry about the skin in the fish. Worry about yeast inside your body, which feeds on sugars and crappy carbohydrates. So it's a very good question. You got to constantly clear it up. And a very good question, Kathy.
Yvette's asking about protein and fat count for weight loss and that... Listen, again, understand I'm not a numbers guy. I'm just not [00:11:30] calories, grams. I'm not big on numbers. If you want to go into ketosis, the reset is really... Look, it's not meant to be a ketonic diet per se. But some people go into ketosis, never lose weight. If your goal is weight loss, the best healthiest diet in the world is the reset, [00:12:00] because I aim, first of all, at your nutritional quality. And when your hormones get balanced out, especially your leptin, insulin resistance equals leptin resistance, meaning your body won't tell you when you're full. That's why you're craving all the time because your nutrition was devoid of the nutrients you need. This is why I'm big on eating eggs, meat, and [00:12:30] cheese and don't count when you are balance hormonally.
I just had bacon and eggs this morning. Somebody said to me, "Don't you get tired of that?" No. Why would I get tired of bacon and eggs? I don't get tired of bacon and eggs and I don't get tired of coffee. When people tell me they're tired of it, why are you tired of it? Since I'm knee-high to a grasshopper, I've [00:13:00] been having peanut butter. I like it. Am I tired of it? No. Then natural being, am I tired of it? No, of course not. I'm not tired of it. I don't understand that people are getting tired of eating. I don't. What are you talking about? Variety and food is overrated. You have no idea how many times over the years I've told people in my office [00:13:30] and even on this Facebook, rope your diet in. You'll get used to it.
You know what? I think I'm just going to make something different. And I got to have the variety. It's overrated, especially if you're all messed up metabolically. Rope your diet in. Once or twice a week, I have to have cereal. No, you don't. [00:14:00] Why do you have to have and you'll get used to not to having. At the end of the day, I don't count. I'm sorry, Yvette, like not answering your question. But I won't answer it. You answer it for yourself. If your goal is weight loss and you're doing really well metabolically and now you're going to start losing weight, well, don't overeat for the sake of eating. Don't eat frequently for the sake of eating. You might want to practice some intermittent fasting, that [00:14:30] helps a lot of people.
You know what? I read a study last night and I'll comment on it more. But what they're showing is, and this is very helpful for me personally, don't eat at night. Have an early dinner and don't eat at night. That's one of the best things you can do for weight loss. But at the end of the day, I'm always coming back to animal products. They're the best for you. Am I saying not to eat any vegetables? Well, not on the reset, but afterwards you can. [00:15:00] I don't care about that. Good for you. You want your salad ladies? You can have your salad after the reset. Set your body first, set your metabolism, get it right, empty out your liver first, get your insulin resistance down, send your pancreas to Hawaii for a month, and you will be amazed what happens. Testimony after testimony after testimony. So, Yvette, good [00:15:30] question. I'm glad you asked it because I want you to understand my thinking.
I'm not a calorie guy. Somebody was asking about net carbs, Darlene. Let me answer this one now. That really came mostly out of Atkins. Net carbs, meaning you take your carbs, minus your fibers, and then you have a net carb. I'm not against that. When you're living a lifestyle of low carbohydrate, [00:16:00] yeah, you can have a little bit more carb. If you're metabolically doing well, you have a little bit more carbohydrate than usual, than you would on a reset because on the reset, literally, you're not having any carbs. I'm keeping you away from carbohydrates to reset your body and to fix up metabolism. But afterwards, yeah, you can do net carbs. And we got lots of recipes with lower [00:16:30] net carbs because of fibers. Rosie's bread is a low net carb bread, and you can do that. But at the end of the day, that's afterwards. Make sure you reset, make sure your body is set up properly.
Hilda, she was asking about the reset and the gallbladder, like why are you having gallbladder problems? [00:17:00] Well, I did a teaching on it just a couple of days ago. Hilda, I did answer the question. But let me just give you a short version of what I was saying. You know why we see so many people with gallbladder problems today? It's not because of high-fat diet, it's the opposite. I was telling you on that teaching and go back and the podcast will be out shortly. Listen to the teaching. First of all, you're a carnivore. [00:17:30] Human beings are carnivores. They're not meant to be vegetarians, nor are they meant to be vegans, because you're a carnivore. How can I prove to you that you're a carnivore? You have a gallbladder. A herbivore, a cow does not have a gallbladder. Why? They don't eat fat. They eat grass, salad. Cows eat salad, glorified grass. Salad is glorified [00:18:00] grass.
Now, they have four stomach. You need a lot of stomach to break down vegetables. You need a lot of stomach. But you need a gallbladder because God made your body to eat animal fat, eggs, meat, and cheese. When you don't use it because, of course, the food industry is smarter than God and 50 years ago or [00:18:30] more, they said, "Well, fat makes you fat, and fat gives you cholesterol. And that can't be good for you." Folks, let me tell you something. The higher your cholesterol is, the longer you will live. That's just the fact. On average, the higher your cholesterol, the longer you will live. But although the food industry and the pharmaceutical industry they got together [00:19:00] and they said, "Well, fat is bad for you," and then you know what we've seen? Here's what we've seen. A 90% increase in gallbladder problems and mostly what did I tell you the other day in women? Why? Use it or lose it?
You know how you get stones? You get cholesterol stones in your gallbladder, bile, which is mostly cholesterol. But of cholesterol, you [00:19:30] don't make bile. Bile is made in your liver and stored in your gallbladder. And it's a little pouch that every time you have a steak, your gallbladder empties that bile in order to emulsify the fat than take all the vitamins and all that. Your body needs that. But because we think we're smart and smarter than God, what do we do? Fat-free. "Oh, doc, I'm eating fat-free yogurt." How stupid [00:20:00] is that? And everything I'm eating is fat-free. How stupid is that? Well, you're not using your gallbladder. That's how you get stones. Those cholesterol stones are only formed when you're not using your bile. Use it or lose it. Nobody talks about that.
First of all, 90% of all gallbladder problems are in women, 90%. Why is that? [00:20:30] Well, men have a tendency not to listen, even to their wives because they want to eat meat. You'll see very few men that are vegetarians or vegans. Have you ever noticed that? No, me. Me, man. Me need meat. No, but that's true, isn't it? The women, it's chicken and salad. Salad and chicken. Women live on salad. Well, you're not using your gallbladder. Now, you're going to get stones. [00:21:00] And then some people they start eating eggs, meat, and cheese and they find it very difficult they haven't eaten like that. And their gallbladder, it's finally being used. It's pouring out it's bile and it's squeaky. You didn't use it for so many years and it can start acting up. The smooth muscle, that's what your gallbladder is made up of. You didn't use it. So you might have to take it easy to start on [00:21:30] the reset.
Ladies, you haven't used your gallbladder. How many women after I did that teaching on the gallbladder... I couldn't get over how many women were saying, "Doc, you're absolutely right. I lost my gallbladder already." That must have been 50 women on that teaching day. What do I do without a gallbladder? Well, your liver makes up for it. Your liver is the one that made the bile in the first place. You just don't have a reservoir anymore. Thank God you [00:22:00] got plan B. You can live without a gallbladder. It wasn't meant to be, but you got plan B and now your liver will make up for it. It may not be perfect because now you don't have a gallbladder, but you're better off to eat eggs, meat, and cheese guys like just you might have to cut back. Very good question. I'm glad it was brought up this morning. So I answered Hilda and Darlene.
[00:22:30] Pauline, "How much vitamin A?" Well, look, I got no problem if you want to take vitamin A as a supplement. It's like zinc. Zinc is good for you, but you get vitamin A and zinc in vitamin S, starch. I'd rather you eat your vitamin A, eggs, meat, and cheese, you get your vitamin A. Now, look, if you want to take vitamin A, I like cod liver oil in the winter. It's a good idea. If you think you're low in vitamin A, then [00:23:00] you can get vitamin A specifically. I've put it in my blood boost. For people that don't eat enough meat or eggs, meat, and cheese, then maybe you take vitamin A as a supplement. I wouldn't take more than 10,000 I use a day of vitamin A because people always thought vitamin A is good for your eyes and it is.
And carrots, listen, carrots is not vitamin A. It's [00:23:30] beta-carotene, it's a precursor, it's Pro-Retinol. A isn't eggs, meat, and cheese, fish, vitamin A cod liver oil. Let's just get to a few conditions. Melody, Lydia, both asking about buildup of calcium in bones and artery. So let me differentiate the two. A lot of people have build up of calcium in their bones. You [00:24:00] think, well, no, I need that. No, but I'm talking about if you have what we call osteophytes. Osteophytes are old injuries, usually. That's where they occur. So a lot of people have built-in extra calcium. Your body's trying to stop movement, is what it's trying to do. It lays down some more calcium in your spine, or in your knees, or whatever because it's trying to get you to stop moving them. It hurts too much. That's one [00:24:30] way you build up calcium in your bones.
Well, calcium belongs in your bones. Now, what's dangerous is calcium not in your bones, calcium in your bloodstream. That's extremely dangerous. Calcium doesn't belong in your bloodstream. And when it's in your bloodstream, you're not moving it out of your bloodstream, that's a lack of vitamin K2, because people don't talk about vitamin K2. [00:25:00] They should. Oftentimes you'd talk about K1, "Oh, I'm having my salad." You're getting vitamin K1. That's all right. That's good. But K2 is what takes calcium out of your bloodstream. You know how you get hardening of the arteries, plaque. What's in plaque? Calcium, hardening. That calcium doesn't belong there. It belongs inside your bones and your teeth. That's [00:25:30] where calcium belong.
And then doctors say, "Well, if you have calcium in your blood, well, you better stop eating cheese and quit eating dairy." Oh, I get so angry. It's not what you're eating. You don't have enough K2, by the way, which is in cheese. You see, God gave you food to eat. And it's perfect. [00:26:00] Think about it. In a piece of cheese like cheese curds, you have a high amount of calcium, but it's got K2 to take the calcium and not leave it in your bloodstream. It puts it in the bones, in nature. And the food industry tells us, "Oh, we're smarter than nature." No, you're not. Nature has it right. [00:26:30] You eat eggs, you got vitamin K2 in there. And egg whites, a lot of protein and you get calcium in your eggs too, all your nutrients. It's almost nature's perfect food, but your body has K2. Eat butter. You need butter, not margarine.
You see, the whole stupid fat thing has made people very sick. Fat is good. [00:27:00] Animal fat is good. There's only one bad fat. And those are your zinc and vegetable oils that are not vegetables at all. They're seed oil found in the middle aisles of your grocery store. I showed you that the other day in an illustration, what's the difference between natural peanut butter and peanut butter that you don't have to put in the fridge? The hydrogenated oil, vegetable oil. [00:27:30] It makes things last forever, but some good for you. And the doctor wanted to put... I don't know if it was Melody or Lydia. The doctor wanted to put them on statin drugs. Oh, jeepers, creepers, statin drugs are not meant to take plaque out of your arteries. Statin drugs are made to lower your cholesterol. I already told you what I think of that.
Now, don't quote me [00:28:00] and say that I told you to stop drugs. I wouldn't do it. Not as an individual. I'm just giving you my take on these. Judy said she did the reset and she's into two weeks now. I'm going to answer not just question two. Muscles are sore and achy and restless legs. Well, first of all, Judy, if you had CFS and fibromyalgia, you do the full 30 days. And you know what? Your body's making [00:28:30] a huge adjustment. I always tell people, the reset is simple, but it's not easy. And for some people, their body, you're changing fuels. You're using 100% octane now. And yourselves are, "Holy moly, this is rocket fuel." But there's an adjustment to be made. Allow your body, Judy, to make an adjustment. Now, [00:29:00] your legs will settled, and you might need a little bit more magnesium right now, and you might need some potassium.
Now, what about restless legs? Well, restless legs, there's a couple of... Again, I'm a cause and effect doc. A lot of people are you get the EBGBs when you go to bed at night. You go to sleep, but your legs don't. That's called restless leg syndrome. One of the biggest issues I found over the years, one of the biggest issues, there's [00:29:30] a couple of reasons, but let me give you the biggest issue is when you have restless legs, you're borderline anemic. You don't have enough blood, and your blood isn't rich, it's not rich with all the nutrients your blood needs. And then you can have trouble with microcirculation. That's why I always love [inaudible 00:29:56] because it elevates your nitric oxide in your legs. [00:30:00] You need more blood supply, but you also need good blood.
A lot of times when you have restless leg syndrome, it's a sign that you're born... Oh, my doctor never told me I was anemic. I'm telling you're anemic. You need to eat more starch, and you might want to get on our blood boosts. So good questions, all of it. Linda's asking about disc degeneration call. Well, look, a couple of things you can do for disc degeneration. [00:30:30] Can discs rehab themselves a little bit? That's why I love bone broth, as far as collagen. It's the best protein in the world and collagen will help your disc. But here's the big thing. If you've got an acute sciatica and that you got to shut yourself down and whatever, guys, I hate looking at X-rays of two things on my body, my neck [00:31:00] and my low back. You don't want to look at.
Remember I was talking to you about osteophytes. You should see all the osteophytes I have in my neck. I was in a car accident in 1975, I think. And you wouldn't believe the damage done to my discs. Like I said, I don't even like looking at the X-rays. I looked at them, and you should see my low back, old injuries. [00:31:30] But here's what you ought to do. You got to get your muscles strong. That's what will compensate. A lady was asking... I can't remember who asked about somebody bent over. I watched the lady yesterday coming out of Michaels. My wife was in Michaels. I don't go into Michael's. I sat in the car. I watched the lady come out. The poor dear... Probably I'm going to say [00:32:00] 75 or so bent into that poor thing.
Well, she has a complete collapse with osteoporosis and then a complete collapse of her spine pretty well, and she's walking, bent into. Listen, this is why I am so big on muscle strengthening. Ladies, please strengthen your muscles. Muscles will anchor [00:32:30] your bones. Your muscles are anchored to your bones. The more you pull and lift, the more your muscles will anchor into the bones and the bones get stronger by holding on to those muscles. That's how your body works. This is why I'm telling women, "Get off the stinking treadmill." Women love the treadmill because they think it's weight loss. [00:33:00] True or falls? Women love the treadmill because weight loss. Calories, I'm burning them. That's not true. It never was true.
I'm not telling you you can never do the treadmill. But ladies, you need to do weights. You need to take those bands and resist and do intermittent high-intensity training, [00:33:30] muscle, muscle, muscle, muscle, because muscle is the best thing for weight loss. It's better than a treadmill. It's better for everything. Why am I picking on ladies so much? It was Marna that asked that question. Linda and Naja and Judy and Francis is asking about allergic rhinitis. Well, Francis, listen to me. Any time you have allergies, [00:34:00] you have leaky gut. I don't care if it's food allergies or environmental. You have leaky gut, 100%. So you got to fix that.
Now, if you have a chronic allergic rhinitis, all we stuffed up, postnasal drip, understand where that comes from. It doesn't come from the sinuses per se. It comes from yeast from your gut. Remember, we talked about yeast, [inaudible 00:34:28] traveling up to the brain [00:34:30] and what it does in Alzheimer's disease and what it does for Parkinson's and MS. But yeast gets in the sinuses, as she was talking about using [inaudible 00:34:42]. Yeah, that's good. But that doesn't fix it. It helps to drain it. I get that. But you need to start with the gut and then don't feed yeast. Don't feed it. Don't feed the beers and don't eat ice cream [00:35:00] full of sugar and the crappy dairy.
If there's anything that bothers you, find that out. Moisturize. Elevate the humidity in your bedroom. That's really important. Very important. So, good question. It's candida, it's autoimmune. It really is autoimmune. You have chronic allergies, that's auto immune. Your body's overreacting. [00:35:30] Risa, protocol for urinary tract... I talked about it yesterday. Really important. If you get recurring urinary tract infections, you have the yeast down there. Ladies, yeast loves you, and you should not love it. So don't feed it. Broad spectrum probiotics and stay out of it. Look, if you absolutely have to take an antibiotic, okay. [00:36:00] But only take that antibiotic till the pain goes away, then stop it. You don't have to finish it. Of course, the pharmaceutical industry is going to tell you that. And I'm not against antibiotic.
Elevated heart rate during sleep. Well, Willy, that's a good question I'm telling you. Now, that's very rare. You're not supposed to have an elevated heart rate when you're sleeping. Everything gets shut off when you're sleeping, but it's not completely shut off. Obviously, your heart is working, but [00:36:30] you go into airplane mode on your phone. No data's coming in. Your body's resting, or at least it should be. If your heart rate goes up, here's the number one reason, your cortisol is high, your stress hormone. Who else was asking about cortisol? Somebody was asking. Vanessa, you were asking, "How long does it take for cortisol levels to go down?" Well, listen, for some people, it depends. It depends again. Some people always have to regulate the cortisol [00:37:00] because they're in a stressful situation, or if you got adrenal gland exhaustion, oftentimes your cortisol it may be even low, but it's not balanced. The idea with cortisol is to balance your cortisol.
But most people are high cortisol, especially in this day and age. It's one of the reasons I tell the world if they would listen, don't go into another lockdown. [00:37:30] I know the virus, I get it, I understand it. But it's a virus. I'm against the lockdowns. Kids, all of us, we need each other, we need people. And they're finding out that depression is through the roof and suicides are through the roof and drug use is through the roof and alcohol use is through the roof. We have no idea what these lockdowns do. I know [00:38:00] it's just temporary. Well, that's what they said the first time. Guys, it's a virus. It's going to be worse in the fall and the winter, always will be. The numbers will go up. You're always going to have a second wave, of course. It's fall.
Isn't it amazing nobody's talking about the flu? What happened to the flu? This is flu season. Wait until next month, December. You're going to lock us down in December again? Lock us down in January again? [00:38:30] Those are your worst months for a virus. Every year we have big trouble. I'm not saying COVID is not special, but I'm just saying there's got to be other ways. I don't want to get into it, I get into trouble. Somebody was asking above... Let me finish with this here. We're way over time... about the use of steroids for the prostate, finasteride and Propecia for hair. They use it. You know what? I don't want to get into a long answer there, but I'd rather you [00:39:00] do it naturally than use steroids to lower benign prostate hyperplasia, they call it.
Okay. So I tried to answer all your questions. Thank you so much and love you guys. So if you have any other questions for next week, don't be shy. If you're not part of the Martin Clinic Facebook group, join. Get your friends to join. We appreciate it. And share this with your friends. [00:39:30] I don't know much about algorithms. But the more we share, the more Facebook shares. And so that's why the show is so popular. It's all because of you guys, and especially when you're inviting your friends and sharing. We love you. God bless you. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In podcast, with your hosts, Dr. Martin, junior and senior. Be sure to catch our next episode. And thanks for listening.