Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr.Martin: Well, good morning everyone. And welcome again to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great day. Good start to a new week. And we're going to continue [00:00:30] on in our prevention of Alzheimer's. You want to protect your brain, protect your brain. What you do right now will have a major effect down the road on the brain. That's what they're showing, doesn't occur overnight. I've talked about this scourge in society today of dementia and Alzheimer's, number one killer in, not [00:01:00] COVID, in the United Kingdom to Alzheimer's and number three in North America.
It wasn't even on the hit parade 20 years ago. It wasn't. Is this a modern day thing? It is absolutely not. I'm not saying that grandpa didn't lose it eventually when we were kids, but this is a new phenomenon. [00:01:30] And you know how I think. If something is new and it's like in an epidemic proportion today, and I don't want to throw that word around, but it's true, isn't it? Alzheimer's like an epidemic today. And I always ask the question, why? What's changed? So we're going to talk about that.
Now, last week we talked about leaky gut. And leaky gut, leaky [00:02:00] brain. And we talked about candida, how yeast, why it's a major issue in society today. And there's other reasons, but one of the biggest things is the overuse of antibiotics. Antibiotics kill your friendly bacteria. They allowed the third army to grow, grow, grow. And that yeast, which a little bit belongs in your gut, there's nothing wrong with [00:02:30] that. But when it gets overblown and it travels in the bloodstream into the brain. We talked about when they have done autopsies. This is years ago by the way. You looked at MS. You looked at Parkinson's. And they would find yeast in the brain. And now we know too that it is a factor in Alzheimer's. So we covered that last week. If you're not sure, you want to watch it again, go ahead and watch it again [00:03:00] or wait until the podcast come out.
So we're going to talk about that. And let me talk about a couple of other factors when it comes to Alzheimer's, how you can prevent Alzheimer's. Now, one of the things that they've shown is what they call small vessel disease. Meaning, in your brain, the circulation gets affected. And blood pressure, [00:03:30] keeping your blood pressure regulated is very important for the health of your brain. So when people have high blood pressure, it can be a major factor in Alzheimer's, and of course in strokes and whatever.
But again, if you look at blood pressure, what is the major cause of blood pressure? A lot of people would say, well, it's salt. Unfortunately, cardiologists have [00:04:00] gotten almost everything wrong. Anything that they've said. Don't eat fat. Fat Gives you a cholesterol. Not true. Don't have salt because salt elevates your blood pressure. Nah. Look, salt can elevate your blood pressure. So let me put a little disclaimer there. It can elevate your blood pressure in the absence of [00:04:30] water. Water, vitamin W. So many people are dehydrated. So salt in a concentration of your blood without water will elevate your blood pressure, but it's not the major issue. High blood pressure is a symptom. It's a symptom. Oh, I got high blood pressure. [00:05:00] Okay. Why do you have high blood pressure? It ain't salt. Unless you're dehydrated. It's sugar, man. High blood pressure is a symptom of insulin, high insulin circulating. And that's why we see so much problem with blood pressure. And if your blood pressure's high, you're much more likely to have a stroke or a heart attack. [00:05:30] But it's amazing when you cut your carbs down and sugars, how many thousands of people over the years I was able to lower their blood pressure. Because it wasn't the salt. It was the sugar.
Now, the other thing that I did, because I used to actually measure dehydration by thickness of blood. We called it the viscosity of blood. I was a big guy on that. I told thousands and [00:06:00] thousands of people in my office, you got thick blood. That's all right if you get hit by a truck, but it's not good for you when it comes to your blood pressure. You need to start drinking water. And only water is water. And I give them my little lecture. Then I do the finger. No, because they were dehydrated. Oh doc, I don't feel thirsty. That was [00:06:30] men, 99% were men. They're so stubborn. They don't listen. And ladies too.
I used to tell people, look, you got a headache, you're dehydrated. What? Yeah, you got a headache, you're dehydrated. Yeah, but I drank water. Nah, not enough. Men. Oh, I used to get so uptight. Stubborn. [00:07:00] They don't listen. Right ladies? Yeah, most don't. Except the ones that are on the program this morning, you listen. Men, we're from another planet. So okay.
Now, let's talk about sugar. Now, this is repetition. But repetition is the superglue. Repetition is the super glue so that you remember this stuff. [00:07:30] So, I never apologize for repetition. How does sugar damage your brain? Well, one, we know that sugar, high levels of sugar will increase your insulin. Insulin creates inflammation. And inflammation damages your blood vessels. It damages the little teflon like layer of your blood vessels. [00:08:00] You see when people get plaque. When people have damaged arteries, they get, oh doc, my carotid artery is 90% blocked. How did that happen? It wasn't fat that got you there. It was sugar. Sugar equals increased inflammation because of insulin. Remember, insulin's job is to take sugar out of your bloodstream. It can't allow sugar [00:08:30] in the bloodstream. Now, let's talk more specifically about the brain. There was a new study out, [foreign language 00:08:42] of Neurology. I gave it to you in French because it came out of France.
[foreign language 00:08:56] of neurology. Neurology. [00:09:00] And you know what they said? The worst sugar for your brain is fructose. Ah, the antichrist of sugars. You've heard me say that. We live in a different world. We live in a different world. When I was a little boy, there was no high fructose corn syrup. There was sugar. And I tell my grandchildren, [00:09:30] grandpa had cookies and ice cream too, but it wasn't the same. Now they use an artificial sugar, one that's made in the lab and it's high fructose corn syrup. It's the worst kind of sugar for a multitude of reasons. But one of them is what it does in the brain. It saturates the brain. What happens with high fructose corn syrup? When it's [00:10:00] in your brain, the brain loves any kind of sugar because it's headquarters. It needs energy. And even though your grain makes up, what, about 1% of your body weight, it takes 20% of your energy. Headquarters wants energy from food.
When you have high fructose corn syrup, the problem with [00:10:30] that is that it saturates the memory center of your brain, which is called your hippocampus. So high fructose corn syrup targets, especially your hippocampus. It's easy to remember. I always talked about two centers in the brain. One is your hippocampus. And all you're going to think of as a university or college campus. And then you think of your [00:11:00] memory center. And then your hypothalamus. That's where all your hormones are produced. That's what your hormones from your thyroid to your adrenals, to all those things. The chemistry is in the brain, in your hypothalamus. But your hippocampus especially gets affected by high fructose corn syrup. Oh doc, my bread doesn't say high fru... It might not because the food industry lies. They're liar, [00:11:30] liar, pants on fire. They're using high fructose corn syrup in everything. It's cheap. It's addictive. It takes a beeline to your liver. Well, that's another issue. But your brain soaks it up, and especially the memory center.
Here's what happens when you're a carboholic. Remember insulin? Insulin is on your side util it's not. [00:12:00] Because insulin's job is to park that sugar and get it out of your brain. I mean, it allows a little bit to stay in, but insulin job is saying, you come here with me, I'm going to park you. And I don't want you to stay in the brain. The problem is, if you have a condition, 88% of the population have this condition, it's called the metabolic syndrome. Caused by what? [00:12:30] Insulin resistance. It means your cells go, uh-uh (negative), I've seen you too much, insulin. There's a proverb that says, don't go into your neighbor's house too often. They'll get sick of you. That's in the book of Proverbs. I like that. Don't eat too much sugar because you know what? Every time you eat sugar, you need insulin. And you know what? Your body eventually goes, you know what, Insulin? I'm sick and tired of [00:13:00] you coming over here all the time.
We talked about it the other day, your blood brain barrier. You know what happens when you have insulin resistance? It does not allow insulin to go into the brain to take the sugar out. So when you're getting high fructose corn syrup, you develop insulin resistance very quickly. 88% of the population have insulin resistance, 88%. Now you can fix [00:13:30] that, but I'm not talking about fixing it right away. Let me talk about the problem. So remember that high fructose corn syrup is damaging your brain cells because it can't come out. Because insulin can't get in to get it and to get it out of your brain.
This is one of the major reasons. And never mind what this sugar does to your blood vessels. You get a double whammo. You get it damaging your [00:14:00] hippocampus and then you got it damaging your blood vessels. And you've got your microcirculation up into the brain, your little capillaries. They get damaged. They call that small vessel disease. A lot of people with dementia and Alzheimer's have what they call a small vessel disease, damage to that Teflon layer of your little microcirculation up in your brain. [00:14:30] Your carotid artery is macro circulation. It's big. But up here, you got small vessels, and they get damaged. And you don't even know it. Your brain, nah, I'm not as sharp as I used to be. Well, there's a start. But you can reverse this. This is why I'm so excited to tell you this. You can reverse it. Your body is fearfully and wonderfully [00:15:00] made. It will regenerate. This is why I'm so excited about the reset.
I read a little thing online this morning on Martin Clinic Facebook group. If you're not part of that, join please. But this lady put a little testimony. She'd been on the reset two weeks and she's going, Oh, I've only lost, what did she say? Three pounds or something. And she's mad. But the reset [00:15:30] wasn't made for weight loss even though it's the best weight loss program in the world. I don't care. You put it up. Nothing's better for you because it's the healthiest. But it was never created. The first thing that the reset does, it fixes. It fixes insulin resistance. That's what I'm aiming for. It empties your liver. So I can't even remember her first name now. [00:16:00] And I get it. You're mad. But you have no idea what you've done to your body. You have no idea what you've done to your brain, how you've helped your brain in just two weeks. Years of damage can be reversed in a short period of time. But don't wait until you get Alzheimer's because when you get Alzheimer's, you're not going to do the reset. You won't remember. Fix [00:16:30] now. Repeat, repeat, repeat. The superglue for learning, seriously.
So this is why I emphasize it. Sugar is so destructive, but it's not even your glucose, fructose. That's why I even call fruit, bananas and grapes and apples, I call that God's candies. Don't have too [00:17:00] much because we live in a different world with this fructose and what it does. And I know it's hard to understand that, but that's how your body is made, guys. And by the way, there's no sugar in the world that causes leaky gut like high-fructose corn syrup on its way to the liver. Let's say you have a soda. They don't use sugar in soda. They [00:17:30] use high-fructose corn syrup. Every one of them from Pepsi to Coca-Cola to whatever. On its way to the liver, and it goes rapidly to the liver. When it goes through your gut, and is something that I brought to you, I don't know, about a month ago on a podcast, it changes the microbiome in your gut rapidly, creating leaky gut, allowing [00:18:00] garbage to get into your bloodstream like candida albicans, yeast.
Folks, if you do nothing else, get rid of the sugar in your life. You'll be sweet without it, I promise. Get rid of it. Get rid of it. You can have sugar on the mind, but don't have sugar in the brain. Because a lot of people say, doc, I got this sweet tooth. [00:18:30] And oh, I got sugar on my mind. But you don't want to have sugar in your brain. You can think about it, but don't consume it. And by the way, yeast, we talked about this the other day, one of the things that the problem with candida yeast, fungus, you know what it does? It carries heavy metals across the brain. So we talked about that. Because a lot of people think, well it's heavy metals. It's mercury, it's lead. It's cadmium. [00:19:00] Yeah, but they will never get into the brain without yeast.
So if you fix the yeast... And by the way, fat. Not fat that you're eating, but fat that's in your body around your liver will accumulate heavy metals. But to get into your brain, to cross the blood brain barrier, they need to be transported by yeast or candida. You see why [00:19:30] I'm so big on probiotics? You know people tell me, doc, I want to get rid of heavy metal. How do I do that? Well, don't feed the yeast. And two, take probiotics. And the more friendly bacteria you have, the less yeast. Yeast can't live in a healthy microbiome, they can't, can survive. Because good bacteria, especially the ones with L. rhamnosus and L. reuteri. [00:20:00] Those are the ones that keep yeast at Bay. Good to know it. Good to know.
Okay. So we talked about fungus. We talked about circulation. And I think I'll wait until tomorrow to do another one. I think this is interesting. We'll do this one tomorrow because I want to continue the teaching on keeping your brain. So let me just do a little bit of refresher again. Remember [00:20:30] what I said about salt and high blood pressure. You cry salt. Your blood is full of salt. Salt, salt, salt. You see salt has got a bad reputation, but it's really not a bad guy. It only becomes dangerous when you are dehydrated. I must emphasize water. You want to keep a healthy brain, water. Vitamin [00:21:00] W.
Now, I emphasize this a lot. Think not only of your kidneys as Niagara Falls, but your blood... Remember now, you got 60,000 miles of blood vessels. If you strung up all your arteries, your veins and your capillaries, if you strung them out together in one line, they go around the equator one and a half times. [00:21:30] 60,000 miles in your body. But what bugs me is no one talks about the importance of your blood flow, your blood flow. It's a river. The life of the flesh is in the blood. Yeah. And you can't live without blood. [00:22:00] You can't live without it. But your blood needs to move. You don't want it to be stagnant. You don't want to be clotting too much. You only want to want to be clotting when you cut yourself. But your blood needs to flow. And there's nothing that makes your blood flow, even up to headquarters, like water. And most people, like I said, are dehydrated. They don't [00:22:30] drink water. They, Oh doc, I drink juice. That's stupid. Doc, I drink tea. That's stupid. I know, but it's 99% water. I don't care. It doesn't get into your bloodstream like water does.
My wife made that picture. You see the coffee there. Now coffee, you know what it is, it's vitamin C. And I mean it. It's better than vitamin C. There's actually a [00:23:00] thing. I'll talk about this. How good coffee is for your brain. I knew it. I read it over the weekend. Another study on coffee, how good it is for your brain. I knew it. You know why? Very antiinflammatory. It's better than vitamin C. It is. Because it's the real vitamin C on the Martin Clinic. But vitamin W, you need water. [00:23:30] What's the best water. Well, any water is good, but the best is spring water with minerals in it. A lot of people have the mechanism on their fridge and they drink. And that's good. It's filtered water, no problem. What I do recommend though, put a little bit of mineral back in it. Put a little pinch of Himalayan salt or sea salt. A good quality Himalayan and sea salt. Put a little pinch. And now you got [00:24:00] alkaline water. Yeah. And you need to drink two liters every day. My American friends, that's 64 ounces.
And Oh, by the way. A new study came out again. I tell you there was about seven or eight new studies this weekend that I picked up. One of them said the best thing you can do for your body, when you get out of bed in the morning is have 16 ounces [00:24:30] or one half liter of water, cold water. Now all water is good. All water's good. But this is a study that showed this gets your metabolism going like nothing else. You're dehydrated overnight. I don't care who you are. Just sleeping, you lose fluid. Just sleeping. And it's a habit. [00:25:00] Form a habit of drinking water first thing in the morning. Think of brain. Think of your heart. Think of your circulation. Think of that 60,000 miles of blood vessels. You want your blood to flow to put the cold water that gets your thyroid going in the morning. Did you know that? It stimulates your metabolism. Simple things that you can do to protect the brain.
[00:25:30] Your body is 75% water. You're like planet earth. Okay. There's a lot of water on planet earth. So that's what you do guys. That's what you do. Okay. So, tomorrow we'll look at one more thing on the brain. We'll recap maybe a little bit of what you can do. But I want to talk about what [00:26:00] medications you need to avoid long-term if you want to protect your brain.We'll talk about that tomorrow. So if you have any questions for our question and answer Fridays. We covered a lot of territory last Friday, and happy to do that. If you can, please share this with your friends. Because it boost the algorithms of our Facebook. And if [00:26:30] you guys do this, you make it very popular. invite people to be part of our group, to the Martin Clinic Facebook group, that private group. It's great. And the interaction in there is fabulous. I really appreciate it. So love you guys. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next [00:27:00] episode. And thanks for listening.