Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctor share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning, everyone and welcome again to another live this morning. Start of another week. Started a series of podcasts. [00:00:30] Listen to this study, guys. A recent study on the dietary effect on A1C. Now, do you guys know what A1C is? Actually, many of you have sent to me your blood work, and you know where I come from. I'm always interested in your triglycerides. I'm interested in your HDL. All cholesterol is good, but [00:01:00] HDL in particular, because of its function.
I'm very interested in your A1C. Your blood sugar, but A1C is better because it gives you a range... And let me explain, okay? A1C is what they call glycated hemoglobin. What is that? Okay? Guys, listen, every time [00:01:30] you breathe, your red blood cells go by your lungs. Your red blood cells go by your lungs. Your red blood cells have a very sticky substance called your hemoglobin. And oxygen, when you breathe, oxygen attaches to your hemoglobin. [00:02:00] You got it?
Every time you breathe, your red blood cells have that sticky substance called hemoglobin and oxygen attaches to it. Now, when you do an A1C, glycated hemoglobin... You know medicine, it loves big words. What's that mean? Glycated hemoglobin is when sugar attaches [00:02:30] to hemoglobin. Sugar attaches to hemoglobin inside the red blood cell and it sticks to it for the life of the red blood cell. Red blood cells, you get brand new blood every four months. Three times a year, you get brand new blood.
Your body's always making new blood, but a red blood cell only has a certain lifespan. And what A1C measurement [00:03:00] is, is the measurement of glycated sugar. Ever see the word glycation, think of sugar. Because sugar, we've talked about this in the past, and I don't want to spend too much time there, but just a minute. Sugar, it does a lot of bad things as you and I know. One of the things that does, it glycates your cells. It glycates [00:03:30] your tendons. What's that mean? Glycation is sort of a hardening.
It's loss of elasticity, and glycation is a form of free radical damage. Okay? In free radicals, you have oxygenation and you have glycation. Glycation damages cell walls. It damages tissue. It damages [00:04:00] blood vessels. And we call that A-G-E, aging. Okay? Advance glycated end products. Again, it's always big words. Don't get too hung up. All I'm trying to say is when they measure your A1C, it's a much better [inaudible 00:04:25] than you just taking your blood sugar or even when the [00:04:30] doctor takes your blood sugar. Okay?
It's a period of over two or three months. And they get an average because it's a test where they are able to check the red blood cell and the hemoglobin and the sugar that's attached to it. So having said all that, I want to bring you to the study that just came out. A study showed there's only one diet, [00:05:00] there's only one diet that lowers your A1C. There's only one that lowered your A1C consistently over a period of time. Only one. You're not going to be surprised by this, but I'm going to tell you the results of their study.
Four diets were compared. One, the vegetarian diet. Number two, [00:05:30] the vegan diet. Number three, the American diet for diabetics brought to you by the American Diabetic Association. They threw in their recommended diet guidelines. And then fourthly was the low carb ketogenic diet. Guess which one won? Only one was able to do it. I'll give you the answer. You already know it, but I am going to give you the answer. [00:06:00] The ketogenic diet. The low carb diet.
Now, if you've been following me for years, many of you have, I've been very consistent, very consistent on how to lose weight, how to keep weight off, what's best for your insulin, because insulin is a food hormone. And one of the ways to measure insulin, there's another way [00:06:30] to do it, but generally insulin, A1C is one I like. I really do. It doesn't necessarily tell you about insulin resistance at 100%, but it's probably one of the best test to show you insulin resistance.
And remember, all diseases of insulin start with insulin resistance. Okay? Start [00:07:00] with insulin resistance. Now, when you look at the four diet, isn't this interesting? And it's why I always, always come back to that low carb diet. Why Dr. Martin? Why do you like low carbs so much? Because it works. I'm aiming specifically at your insulin, [00:07:30] your insulin, and what A1C does. It really shows you because that sugar is attached to the hemoglobin in your red blood cell and the life of that red blood cell, and they can get a good look at it, guess what?
It gives you a very good measurement. Now, let me just give you a couple of measurements that I look for in A1C, because you would ask the question. And I will [00:08:00] post this afterwards in the Martin Clinic Facebook group. What do I like for A1C? Well, first of all, it will not get flagged if you're over 5.7, if your A1C is over 5.7 to 6.5, 6.4. In medicine's eyes, that is pre-diabetic. Anything [00:08:30] over 6.5 in A1C is diabetes according to medicine, according to the American and Canadian Diabetic Association.
That's the number they like, but that's not the number I like. Because I'm going to tell you something, if your number is over 5.7 A1C, you are already a diabetic. Even if you're not classified as a diabetic as far as the diabetic [00:09:00] consultation or even your doctor, it doesn't matter. You are a diabetic. I tell people, look, if you got 5.7, you're diabetic. You're on the Titanic already. You better get off of that. You see what I'm saying? So it's very important to keep that number.
Look, your doctor ordinarily they will do it, especially if they're doing an annual [00:09:30] test. But if you're not sure, when you get blood work done, just ask your doctor because it won't cost you anything to ask your doctor to make sure they do an A1C test. I like A1C. I like triglycerides and HDL. I really like looking at that number. I like looking at your B12. If you can, get your vitamin D levels done too, your plasma, vitamin [00:10:00] D, which is D-hydroxy-25. You don't even tell the doctor.
Ask the doc. Some of them resist, but they won't resist A1C. I can't see it, because it's a really good test to have done. Now let's go back a little bit to the diets that don't work first, and then I'll tell you why a low carb diet works. [00:10:30] You know how many people have told me in the last month even, how many people have told me that they're vegetarians? Even online here, like I had a lady on the weekend... Not on the website.
They were on our Facebook group and they said, "I used to be a vegetarian. You talked me out of it." Best thing I ever did was talk you out of being a vegetarian. For many reasons. [00:11:00] And then how many of you have even grandchildren or children that are vegetarians, or even worse, vegans? They're vegans, meaning they don't have any dairy either. They won't have dairy. They don't have cheese. They just have fruits and vegetables and grains and rice.
But one of the reasons I'm talking them out of it is [00:11:30] they're missing a lot of nutrients. Okay? They're missing a lot of nutrients, including B12. It's impossible to get B12 from the vegetable kingdom. It's impossible to get cholesterol from the vegetable kingdom. It's not in there. A vegetarian who eats some cheese, at least they're doing that. They can get vitamin K2. They're getting some dairy, but [00:12:00] they're not getting B12, because B12 is only found in red meat.
They're not getting the heme iron, H-E-M-E. There was a truck parked beside me yesterday and it had an Hemi engine, H-E-M-I. Sort of been made famous by Dodge, the Hemi engine. But the iron that you need in your body is H-E- [00:12:30] M-E, heme iron. And heme iron is found in red meat. It's not found in anything else. So that was one reason that I always tried to convince people, even though this is very popular today, very popular is indoctrination. I call it indoctrination. It's like the religion.
They're not supposed to be teaching religion in the schools, the public schools, but they do. [00:13:00] They do teach religion. They teach climate change. I believe that's religion. They teach veganism, vegetarianism. That's indoctrination. That's a religion, folks. And I could tell you the long history of vegetarianism. It came out of the Seventh Day Adventist. You know who was a Seventh Day Adventist? [00:13:30] Dr. Kellogg. Yeah, the cereal people. Now, listen, I'm not knocking the religion.
I'm just telling you a little bit of history. I'm telling you a little bit of history. But one of the reasons I always emphasize that being a vegetarian or vegan is not good for you is what you're missing in those diets. But this morning, I want to emphasize [00:14:00] a second reason, and that reason is insulin. It's insulin, A1C. If you want to lower your A1C, your glycated hemoglobin that's glycated by sugar, a sugar molecule attaches to the red blood cell. And if your A1C is too high, you [00:14:30] are a carboholic.
It's as simple as that. And vegetarians and vegans will not lower your A1C. That is significant, guys. This is a finding that is very significant, because I've always, always talked to you about the number one reason is missing in those diets, [00:15:00] amino acids like L-carnitine and L-arginine and L-taurine. They're not in those diets. They're not there. I've always emphasized that, what's missing. But this morning, I want to emphasize what it does to your A1C, your blood sugar, over a period of time and your insulin.
This study proved it conclusively [00:15:30] that only a low carb diet, only a low carb diet will lower your A1C. A low carb diet. Why have I set up the reset? Now listen guys, way before the reset, I was talking low carb. I wrote a book, The New Thin You, was a low carb diet. Atkins [00:16:00] talked about low carb diets in the 1970s. He was a cardiologist. He wasn't a dummy. And by the way, Dr. Atkins did not die of a heart attack. He died because he slipped on ice coming out of his clinic in New York City.
And he hit his head on the ice and he never woke up. That's how he died. You [00:16:30] got people, "Oh, he died from his diet." Nah, he didn't. Guys, you know where I come from, eggs, meat, and cheese. Why? Point number one, everything is in there. Somebody said to me the other day, "Oh Doc, you don't have any potassium in there." Sure you do. You got potassium in there. There's potassium in me. There's potassium [00:17:00] in eggs. There's potassium in cheese. You got it all, man.
I'm even getting you to add salt, because salt is good for you if you use the right salt. But you want to lower your A1C. See, I'm aiming at lowering your insulin resistance. Why? Because insulin is a growth hormone. Insulin [00:17:30] over a period of time will elevate your inflammation, and inflammation left uncheck will damage your blood vessel, damage yourself. And this is why there is a direct line between your insulin and heart disease, your insulin and cancer, your insulin in Alzheimer's, type [00:18:00] 3 diabetes.
That's what they call it. And four, diabetes, and five autoimmune. Insulin, insulin, there's only one way to lower your insulin. It's not medication. It's not metformin. I mean, you can do it with meds, but eventually you're out of luck, man. [00:18:30] It always amazes me that diabetics that don't change their diet. Well, as a matter of fact, as a matter of fact, it's incredible. The guidelines given to diabetics by the American Diabetic Association and the eating guidelines of the Canadian Diabetic Association will not lower your A1C.
[00:19:00] I can't get over it. They're still teaching it. You never want a diabetic to be a vegetarian, ever. You never want a diabetic to be a vegan, even worse. The very foods they need to fix their problem are eggs, meat, and cheese. If a diabetic never ever [00:19:30] had another piece of bread, they would only help themselves. If a diabetic never had another bowl of cereal, any cereal, name the cereal for me, from oatmeal to shredded wheats or whatever, they would only be doing themselves a favor.
I'm telling you, it's amazing to me how there's so much misinformation [00:20:00] out there. It's amazing to me there isn't a diabetic that cannot reverse their diabetes if they eat properly. Somebody said talking about a cure. No, you're only cured as long as you eat proper so it's in remission. You never talk about a cure for cancer either, do you? [00:20:30] Oh, I'm cured. Nah, you're not cured. You're in remission. You fight cancer every day. Every day you fight cancer. Every day you fight diabetes.
Every day. If you give up on the diet... Nah, I'm not saying you can never cheat. I'm not telling you that. What I am saying is you [00:21:00] cannot give up on a low carb diet. That's why, Dr. Martin, see this space? I'm always emphasizing lifestyle changes. The reset is to get you on a new lifestyle, and this is why it's so successful. It's not yo-yo dieting. It's not a trick. " [00:21:30] Oh geez, I lost weight," because all these weight loss programs, all of them, are not talking about what your body needs.
I want to lower your risk of everything. I want to lower your risk of everything by going low carb. And actually for 30 days, you're doing a no-carb diet. "Oh, [00:22:00] Dr. Martin, how am I going to live without my carbs?" Well, you'll find out that your body is thrilled to live without carbs. And there's a lot of reasons for it because we don't live in the same world that we used to live in 50 years ago. High fructose corn syrup is up 300%, the consumption of it.
And you and I have been surrounded by foods that are very, very, very hard on [00:22:30] your insulin. And by the way, I didn't even give you the number I like. I like your A1C to be below 5.4. For me, personally. That tells me pretty well that if you're below 5.4, not 5.6, at 5.4, you're doing really well. And even lower than that, but 5.4. Anything above that, it's too high for me. It's putting you into that diabetic [00:23:00] range. And I'm not necessarily a big guy on the word pre-diabetic because we overuse that.
Pre means, "Oh, I'm not a diabetic yet." Yes you are. You're a diabetic if you're pre in my opinion. Okay? Isn't this study fascinating? That the only one that can lower your A1C and lower your insulin is not a vegetarian diet. It's not a vegan diet. [00:23:30] It's not the guideline of the American Diabetic Association guidelines diet. The problem with diabetic associations, they still believe in carbohydrates. 'Oh, you need to eat a balanced diet.| Well, not if you're a diabetic.
You know, that word balance is overrated. For years, I always told my patients, variety is [00:24:00] overrated. "Oh, I get so tired." I heard that the other day. "I get so tired, Doc, of eggs, meat, and cheese." Well, suck that up, buttercup, first of all. And second of all, Rosie and I were talking the other day, I've been eating bacon and eggs since I was a kid. I'm not tired of bacon and eggs. I'm not tired of sausage and eggs. I'm not tired of coffee. I've had coffee every day of my life [00:24:30] for the last 55 years at least.
I can't think of a day that I didn't have coffee. Somebody said, "Don't you get tired?" I never get tired of coffee. Are you kidding me? Variety, they say it's the spice of life. Nah, not in this day and age. So I tell people, look, there's a lot of ways you can make different eggs, meat, and cheese, but eat eggs, meat, and cheese [00:25:00] if you want to be healthy, if you want to lower your A1C. It's the best way to lose weight too. It really is. That's science, guys. It's science.
And I know there's a lot of controversy to it, but it's only because people have an agenda. And I think they mean well. I do. I'm not saying they don't mean well, but they have an agenda. [00:25:30] So out of the four diets to lower A1C, only one did it. Only one did it, and that's the low carb diet and the best one. I can guarantee you. I highly recommend it as you do the reset. Thousands and thousands and thousands of people have done it. It's amazing. It's amazing. The results are consistently good.
[00:26:00] And so I push, push, push, push, push, because it'll fix your A1C and because it's the best diet for you. Okay. Thanks for watching this morning. If you have any questions, send them in to the Martin Clinic Facebook group or save them for Friday and you can send that in. Just send them to Brandy and just say, "This is for Friday," and Friday is question and answer Friday. [00:26:30] Okay? Once again, we'll have a great week of great topics, and we sure appreciate you folks watching.
We appreciate that you've invited your friends and continue to invite your friends and family into our private Facebook group. Huge crowd in there and very, very good topics. And people bring up some good stuff and lot of good feedback in there. And we just love that. We really do. Okay? Love [00:27:00] you.